The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 3 Mar 1904, p. 2

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- ad "11%" e _ . __ » - 'e" MM.,TP"r" . '"TT T" _ , "mm"? R!lPrT?5C,Ci . - N. l - H l " 'll1T.1'C.'"f..S.1'f-rf-5 ' 1"f'TJiCr, . . _ .7, "', _', r E'lTTc'2We " . r'ivs',a:r, _'-J, .' T . Wanna be to anv sutrirajririiftTlstt _ t "Weaver and the ",e,t,trn8iegietzl, hid become of the ,,iji.t'lt,iii'",sht,et,ir'i'i( 3% ' 'the works of an author should'- be that the Public Accounts ominittee The measure was referred toaépecn l " ' _ common property for was the. proper one to investigate the' committee, andurill probably come , - purposes. In future no text book: matter. Mr. Matheson timrlly lave. - . . .. . ..' "... i , would be published in which the Pt; acquiesced. . "'. . [he 'g'..:,',',','"".,,':?,,',",.; 1'1ti,.)"q, 313:! r catio . . V les . en a seem - l g:---" . i '. "l I 'it,tpipigf,'teigrt'1e'"tdidar't"i'ctd,',o1ixdll't': i. Railwar Employees' Votes.. ' l Cameron. to amend thtrlaw. respecting; l those on which the copyright had ex- . Mr. Powell moved the second read- iioxious y,et.dt: ; Air. :mytli. respect- pired. ing of his hill to enable railway em- Ing. voters lists in unorganized terri- . ' Dr. Nesbitt said that the Govern- ployees to vote on the day before elec- tones : Mr. Auld. to amend the ditch- _ ment should be able to hand out the tion. es and watercourses act. A number 1 gifts; ("thaw 0hf their tf,', 500:5153 .Hon. .M.r. Gibson objected to the of private bills were also fired sec- . beyab: I cf! t; ov. ey 5.0 bill. li it were passed there would on1,rcaditygs. Mr. Pytell's bill to . l The (Elite y 1ffi h be a demand from many other Simi- Vanni-m a by-law of the Village of Ot-, Th gmter~ ea.l',h CITE! larly Situated Voters. The me.asure Pw" East and. an airreeypeut with the] e or er was due arge . would do more towards creating a 101mm: East vacr Company, and For Dominion Subsidy. :fndcillcy hthig,eef,ha/2iei'.' and ballad}: (Mr. I'lelndrice's bintF, WWW" 1-,..-13...' i . . r . _-1an 1ey 1a. een a! e to accomp Js ': .-'t" 0. t c Ity Cr amilton 1rcre pi- foi'dr' Donald Sutheiland gSouth fl't in the opposite direction. If. anything l en third readings, . RI r l moved for a copy of correspon could be don tc k tl e r 1 Ya em- _ . . li ' ., - tee. between the Dominion and On- 1slovees '/('),'1rT' 2333 Sal,?, t?" "'0: 4b i The House at joui'ned ...t [0.03 p.m. talrio .Govtrnmenty regarding the ap- (-'tiiiii'g the "ignite abrgwianm 1,e?.J, (Public Accounts Committee. fidhfiiingfaiii-ngfilbm{iiefci'hitjilfighltegid-i upon "t,1,oft,t) to keep tin-iii away from i The Public Accounts.; Commutec met ' ' tario was entitled to receive as muchi "I' (mm. l.1e "(Will be mad of it. , drum-day Mr- organmatmn purposes. consideration as any other Province: : Mr. N1'hitttes.paid they were all wed '(ln ilic 111011011 . Ht Mr, Ne sec- The Premier replied that there was i aware that. rail.way eiiiplviyccs new ignited by Mr. 1l.athc,srT, Mr: l,i. P. no correspondence. .He had had two; purposely restrained trom voting. [no firaham was again elected Cha..irntatt: or three interviews with the Domin- t Attorntyujt.eral.should try to mr- the. committee then admurned until ion Premier and had discussed the :prove the bill or name one of his own Friday at H when. at the request V - matter with his colleagues. No re- (to overfonle the '.rifityilty:. . "i Mr. 1.litiysnn-, Nidito.r C s. 1 "fusal oi a subsidy had been received. Premier Ross said th.e.objectiot1 uas Sprouh- will he called to give infor~ He proposed very soon to bring up i that the physical 1iffict!l.ties were large. main," iicpc'clvny,'" the. land Improve: .3 rcsolutirm, oi which he had given ( and 11ryr'ra,l.arrd political difficulties "in" fund. "' White. for a memorial to the Dumin- i it! litrezitell'._tlt a and?" 'gi,ng,'.1.Vc,C'pl a-ra-ara-car----".";"'--.:".:".".'::"."""-"" ' ion Government, 5 -ttin forth th . rea- l J 1ley1se1 l woult " genera y ac- " a . "an; whv the 'pt',,,")':',']",::)',',-',,':] 55m} _ce-ptr-d. It the object could be served BEET SUGAR BOUNTY, sirly. . it ought. to be served. - " 'San Jose Scale Sufferers. ' 7 sd,",'." bill was declared It.sst on divi. Government Asked to Csntinue It In moving for a return showing Ps"'.','- Inspection of Thrashers i For Another Three ears. . . i incurs under the San Jose scale act, l " . . . ,' . -, . The Ontario beet sugar bounty Will : Mr. Lee (East Kent) urged that the fl?" A. y. Mackay (North Urey). in, expiri- uith the forthcoming scason.' Government should provide for rea- 37"ng the second reading of.hiis bil1i, Wi ' tl "I-dc.,.. oi "ruin r um" the: sonable compensation for those whose i'u'i.'i"itu1,q the inspection ol steam .11" AC mm" ',", 'T. " [l i - ', orchards had been destroyed under binders and steam thrashing enginc', (imcrnmeiu the ari'visybility oi exteiidg the an. which had since been rt:- "5"" "l" prcs.ent act provided that ing the bounty for another two or healed. The .act was no doubt pass- "Vii-"PW?! CllRItles slvsuld. havc. spisjik-l thrift: vows. a tivputziliim representing l . ied with good intentions. for the pur- arru"rtcrs. 1yst went .no [within ""3 fl ' . it 'tr' . -r itcul ii on thc Premier I Name oi protecting the balance of the danger to turn! buildings might be duel tlltc ll/ll' ry 'y"'",-?, I/o ' 1 lei-mitt} from the scale. The peo- 1W Clem-tut machinery. to working mil fisuri. J. R. SET-"10" ye'ster- _ 'plc of the country should thereioreithem in too close proximity to the day. .f.).so.'h: dcputatio t'c,rf, yr. i .be willing to pay compensation to {buildings' or to careless management. We" 1la.inC,l1o,r,oi11/-'; ML-J' w. bar- l 7 wrote who had suffered by its oper- mic, bill did not deal with the Fast of 1111 and Mr. i'. Bradburn crt a" Pcter- 1 law"! when it was discovered that, ltlicse causes. because he thought it hroro (:'i'mpan-'i JIr. D. A. Gordon ot i latter all, that method of dealing. "lth 'i,' would be a hindrance ii the law rennin: ill? li),';.',.':),):-:?,-:,'-'.. tty'.)",',)? /iy"l,H.r, C. 1 the pest was wrong and u11nt'.cCs.t'ary. vcd that those handling such ciiirinvs' A. Ili-ra-ro rdou 'bl "W limb" concern. _ ll the Govcmmeut. were not prepared should be cortiticated enuinecrs ta "cf They argued 'hat the ilultyitry: was a , to make a grant for this purpose they proposed an annual impaction oi thei 'moyt. {1"7"mhi"i Ctllt' ',Ctl" the tarnicrs, should certainly permit suits for dam- inachiiicrv ,rior to etch lllr'lihlns: "up; and in the end umild he very profit.. . ages to be brought against them when son and "In!" ins )ciztion View 'si',,fi.i'ii, able. Th... companicw had. however. fl, it might be discovered just how much ircii'. several "but?" it 'would "'0" all met with unusual initial "iliicu) '; . 'rt/ete.iwl"Cs, or fruit orchards had t,tlt- quire. many officers; .the issuing Oil J'.':.),,'),,,)"),':, ilii- 1,y.iit/rCf)i:, "if/th..),).)':?'))," l l Hon, Mr. Dryden said that at. "e'irs)i1t.1,tsf,si,' liiui u sr,,",').):",::,':';,?,,,":,:","'; rates t,-or'"iyoth thu raw and tinishe:l I ithc time the infestation tirst appear- englne'.s' on " wor C. d'. "3.1"!" "rorlucts. ll! titre. of these difficulties l t . ' . _ . . . tam distance sa 2' icct trom,' ', . led absolutely nothing was known 'hf'l, Mi " f. y. D , I . tl . tut-v thought they deserved further . {anywhere as to the best method of Sly. IP, Inge. Ac, an "trial".e'oi {if ":otisiclcration at the hand of the Gov- . Edealmg with it. The Government damage. caused bysuch machinctr: tht. ':erruvrsni. {had put a drastic measure into op- London Mutual Fire insurance Loni- ttyi.'eeeetee'ee..'rd'"="$."d'.'."'2t,."-' i l eration, w.hich, on investigation by pany alone m the .last. tittcen yfars had la commission, was found unwork- paid out $roo,ooo in casn for tires due _ table, owing to {he fact that the scale to steam thrashers, HUG It was ('fitl' 'covered such a large area of country. mated that thes, payment-overt-sl a The commission recommended that ' total loss to the farmers tti $3-5FHXM some system. oi. spraying be, tried, The bill was sent to the Agricufturc and thanks to the efforts of Mr. Fish-. Committee. _ p . er, a spraying mixture was discovered Mr. F. G. Macdiarnid (West lilgiu') that proved very satisfactory in keep- moved the second reading of his bill ing the scale, _in check. However, to exclude from office as election oi- - under the, original act they had been ticers men already proved unworthy, cmccessiul 1n stamping out the scale and to provide a more speedy penalty absolutely in one .hundred diifercut I for offences. ' v spots m the Province. Under F1103 Hon. Mr. Gibson thought the tirst ' . present law they were . destroying "clause with some modifications might. l trees y1 the nurserles without.coni: Ibe made law. The other provisions .PC"Sat"""'_ As to .tlle "33'5"?" ot presented greater difficulty. The bill. l ' ' umber compensation, the amount I should go to the. Legal Committee, tin-ll I itte/il'catdth1rtthea1opgif,.g..,/tvo1gtd, on he thought they could evolve sonn-i A .. " iii-iii-flliave been (153015;; the'sgid); thing better than the measures pro- ' which was borne out by the fact that posed. r', orchards whose ow.ners had neglected Stationary Engineers' Certificates. 3 . .to adopt the spraying methods sug~ Mr. Graham, in explaining his hill i gested ll; tte,' ft.e,i1e"i',inget"hti, had since Ito regulate stationary engineers. said 'chi' "112:3? att, essiiol'l,,ttle,d'eik, C it .was pn .old friend in a new garb" 'der 'io,".' '.assroeu1sowil add ted. . Jr P.rimarily " rcwgnizcd the standing; ', On motion of Mr. hfatheson the ot competent engineers qualitied to i lreturn of payments to employee': of run "3'11 satiety 1t"ce,"iy?,'.,.e,f,l1li? f'm: . . mm "Son" works was referred to the boilers of twenty-nu. liontpouer aur- ' 'Public. Accounts Committee, with'ovclz. It provided . fy the .1/1y..l,e ot power to take evidence thereon. The .gertitieates bdyba i,i'cej,ii'isri'rrjiiciiii'i,eriil) reports and accounts of the. Temis- 1'it,,wdat rau. sen e.r1nsrtlcicrl it "min . . :ka-ining Railxray_were also referred to S 1? P,.?rtllf"f', 1? had been Te" , 'the same committee. Mr. Matheson T.oy.ed in the provision that any iii-l V , iwas desirous that the latter should be dividual who could show .that he had; _ i sent to the Railway Committee. The 1tt1agft1At.o.lltr.t and engines for the. t accounts that had been placed before term or tour years should get a cent the House were not.satis!actory, es- titicate without any nirther examin-i . / pecially those exceeding. by a very "mil? . . . _ -. large amount the cstimate of thei , bill.met with general raver in l cost oi rock-cutting and tfmporary the discussion that followed, which led . _ . /is; stlework. It was pointed out by tht Attorney-General to wonder what] ... V 4.4449. " ' Abi/t YE, ' .

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