. ,A Pr" i . v v gs 1mm BUSINESS assess. tllllllllUM IN ix; E LOT 'e'txa12,t of I 3-4,acres of land, andi #, OF " O X t e company S assessme l iil MINT so. "we... $12,000 for ten years. Hon Vi. 3: at: F"Cl , mm.--..-------- 'tson, President of th l 't . . rat-,', F"', . O ' - co 0' I ' Itttmrattee Men F." to Get . Red" CANADIAN ELECTRIC CO. , an acre in the heart of tap"), occupied: F, tlots-At-om to be Sworn to I ----------. they would be content e town, which; Secrecy Regarding Private Busl- l sessed by the town Tilt) have asu ' . new". "Wanted to Purchase the Perth Elec- spend $2sooo in buildinJFy would t -.--------. I tric company-Postponed Till crease the. number of t'ii't)"/"e,pap'l//,/1/e1; t . . - - Peterboro's Bill from 150 to 200. This _ f . _ e." The Municipal Taxation Committee fti,e,"rJ' was not printed. a'tiT'tl)l"tcl,',.ilt I.;,? yesterday dealt with a number oi, . _ be taken. "il this. morning, "5119}, '51" . ragged ends in various parts of the: "i"'""",;""':'-']"']-,':",""'- f P h idiilsh'l'inii pe panned f lie j' _ , - , The bill o the town 0 ert was I xmg 1e assessm 177:4?ch mn, assessment act. _ taken u by the Private Bills Commit- J. Graham of Belleville at i;',"ot 22:) {R ayor Morden of Hamilton appear- l p ,4 d . .l ten years from June 27, 1803 "I" If)" ed before the committee to object to :tee yesterday and evoke l Vigorous .up. Mr. Graham and that")? 5'?)an the exemption of plant and machinery liiiihi. lt asked the Legislature to itor of Belleville, W. C. Mikel, were: from school rates The assessment oir,lconfirm the purchase of the plant of preslenk The.rommittce adjourned ill . . .. ' ' the Perth Electric Light Company for ttttti t IS morning. " machinery in ms city at the present M D'A Sc tt iOtt -er="-er-re"-ee=er-ereerxeee, L time amounted to three quarters of a [$2000 A r. rcy F co , l awa, b million dollars. An injustice would be iwas present to oppose the bill on be- ! ' ldone ii manufacturers were exempted ihalf of the Canadian Electric' Com-' from school rates. . - " pany, which operated in Perth and had , . Ald. Maine and Aid. ten Eyek con- done some street lighting. They had , tended that the manufacturers were t . li htsi tl to 'll -hicl 'gt , l" I , the most flourishing class of the com- wo .l g I ln m w i1" 1 .1 "I": Cll.ii- , munity and could well afford to con- contmtter, lt1 1000' an C alntet New" dl tribute to the support of the schools. fore that the purchase would be con- I The Chairman, Hon. J. M. Gibson, trary to the terms of the Conmee act,' , sti,l1 asked.whether it would not be better inasmuch as the town was endeavoring , 'id to raise the school taxes in some to do a commercml business in com- sf other way than by a special levy. petition with the. Canadian Company. l till Aid. Stewart, a Hamilton manufac- There was a motion coming up at Os- (, . " .turer, said many of the manufacturing goode Hall on Wednesday next Ito; til industries in Hamilton were to-day quash the by-law. When the Canadian) , veritable gold mines, and he saw no Company learned of the lay-lay' they' , reason why they should be relieved at'. offered to sell out their electric light i it? the expense of others. i and waterworks pl.ants at $113000, and I I; It was decided to deal with the mat-l nothing came ot Ity. . i la ter some time when more members oi) The Town Solicitor., Mr. Allan, I " the committee were present. Iclahtyrd. that the Canadian Company) . . . 'based its argument only on the two! t A Minimum Assessment. discontinued lights. They had no, . Mr. Preston said all classes of office _clooice. to.byy the Canadian Company's 5 Pen. should be under the same crassi-l electric. 'ight plant aloye, as the com-i neation, and the minimum assessmenti pany would sell only tne electrict light' of these, in cities at least, should be and waterworks plants together. They . . placed at $250, instead oi $roo. The could not buy .the electric' 'ight plant " suhtenants or desk tenants of offices alone because Its power was obtained u, isllould be made to pay. Everyone en- from the waterworks. The company jgaged in business should come under was trying to hold up the town to pur- the business tax without exception. chase at Its fy.in price. They should all pay at least $5. JIon. Mr. Gibson suggested that the Assessor Hutton argued that crowd bill have a clause to the effect that the j body in business should pay a business; ttyyn would not Jr? m for the supply q tax on a basis oi 25 per cent. on thel O! incandescent lights. . Er), value of the premises occupied, and in? Mr. Allan though? th.e.town should 'ilk, addition a tax on income in excess of3 not he. held down. in this way, as 't i _ 'ri: the business assessment and the statii-i' pould llljlll'e its ability to float dehen- t, - tory exemption. tlres. . . _,",," The Chairman-Yo . , _ Mr. Scott said .hjs'comre.npr. would ti restoring that complelic 1,v,,t1,lfsil't 3]": '3 not be content with. a prohibition of ' was so much objected to b a: the. town from_ doing incandescent, T lawyers. y e 1lliglljiting. 'lI'lt ollgiecltedC to commercial li' l Th u ' IR ting. 1e erth ompany obtain-: , lton'se 53:22:22? taglop,,t,e/,i,,. Mr. Pres- yl tsoo a year from commercial light- 4 lines ' , . minimum 1?y.si- mg. The Bank of Ottawa, which 3 assessment in all mun l ' ' being placed at $2 lClpa ities held most oi the bonds, was opposed M So. to the tyeasure.because it would reduce ' I Insurance Men Must Pay mil ovtht, OfGitg securities, :. Mr. Lei , on. i r. 1 son said the question, , of l . " Hilton McCarthy, on behalf was whether the measure meant ruina- ll the Insurance men, objected to their tiou to th th business assessment being 75 per cent it did le fl er company or not. if I of their real estate as it . . . l an t ey were going to permit. 5; crease of I ' l meant an m- It. they should do so with their eyes' 315 iMr bittsoeostaoid2oohytrhggtitinthtyiens: open. '3' "l, . . e oug the in- Mr. 5 1uptgi,d,hiij" wf-erc well abide to pay. schtiian1i,r,,ekeip2etthoer:hie 05:2? q i) . lereiore was ma e. $10000 Mr Prin le rt" . at . . , . . " , e resentin rr . The clause relating to employers giv- some oi the botliiii,eiii'e'rs did h b g - Egythe namesl andd salaries C? all em-, lie-red that the company hard offerid ter; erswasalter "9 . . . refer to emulate; til) as to.make rc: sell out at less than the Cost. rather $r,ooo. Some diseu .10 receive overi than have any trouble over the mat- ' the wisdom of re ssion arose as to; ter. The bill was allowed to stand ' . Clumng people to ', over until to-da fo f _ [make written oaths oi the correctness /, tween the partigs r a con erence be-:, ol the returns . gi b-r. i ' , "This . _ made. . . Fl Peterbor , Bil l id I' 1502: .crucial pomt of the bill," il " ill. l 1 sal le airman. "It is where we" Peterboro's bil ' _l; . l are f,rft'itJif,t)o make taxes for the muni- , provided for trjlrijlct7;gt'tt/nprt1otert)i, (, v' l "h, ies. itt di :o'f the town oi Ashburnhim. now a part- j ed'.ledo1ll'/,l'e' etc] :)id notd seem,dhow- oi Peterboro', to Peterboro' The town', _ ' "l. eir mins maeu 'asowa . 7 i upon the question, and the bi .p l., . uted to spend $rsooo for an, su Ject was isolation ho I . I passed over for a time. . al of th spita without the '.'pprov-: l The income exem tion ' e ratepayers, to alter the sys- , V p was made tem of election and to re o ', 1t,tgi,ie'iht1o; to personal earnings, on Court of Revision c nstruct the w ici t e exemption is $1,000. The Mr. Cra " . . 1exemption of $400 on other earnings ronto's 'jr/r/eel/tcel/tttsl that To-I was struck out. A new clause was in- money upon public b .Idowe to spend] ltroduced to swear assessors to secrecy refused and that 11ml ings had beeni l regarding the private business of in- given the sa d places should bel, I ldividuals. The Chair me cass of treatment. l, I . , Hon. Mr. Gibson referred to what hospital "13$,th pointed out that the; ' :he termed the Foy-Pyne-Gibson icy case and thai It,),' was an emergcn-i amendment to cure the scra iron as- lowed {-0 build it pronto had be.e/ all isessment, saying that the biii was do- l the same wa S ISO ation hospital m .1ng n.othing to injure the effectiveness , The bill alsyo sou l 7 F.t this measure, which had been recog- grant to the Pet 8i): for power to nized as a complete cure. er ro Ldck Com- $rMl=P2P=%"yagt,,"geggueeg,"=e.