The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 5 Mar 1904, p. 1

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. __ . "IR', MW'.'.' 'Ti?: .- ir" "re- r f' '. .. . .; "'? V ESEi' - . "I. "'. FN I :3 I; v "A": _ . . _ wflaAa'al, R'D . ---_- ,- l Holland of Je,ro,',e'al"l','ee of '11:: _. t t f . _ - e . . nec _ I need. department instead of in- were men who won . con . fil TRANSFER Mllll8 l to ' . oi: the maps had been contentl _w1th_ a company not doing busmess Wtt'tg of the ordinary maps of the'. legitimately and properly. He had F iiiiaire"i, with the projected lines indi-I not the facts before him to discuss ' l ted it some of the matters the member for ca -' i n It. . Manitoulin kd alluded to, but the 'Count, TWO 8rtsterns. Government . surance report for .this --. W" Mr Tucker's bill to extend to Conn-I 2"'sr $6"ng ntdheexciegl,?eastT, is Jefille. . .... . . tygWtS as 15,21,21 seso - Province Willing to Grant Do.. Ellie?Eggziizgmiit'chfimisiiéhmemafii ment $34,474. As to the ',)1vyg,','s to . . . . I n u l - mimon Application. t.elephone. systems was reads me??? 'lf'ihtit tteythrcrin,tl,p,v'11,trlt If". time and referred to comeytt.tee. ' il stirance companies adopted this policy. ' -.-------.- Attoryer:Generyy expressed himself asI The gentlemen who had purchased the INSURE AGAIN8 HER siting]? favorable to the proposal "II debenture "Elk ha? thalunihtlhe risk TW AT . . , and responsx iity 0 e w ole com- E NT. Lee IE.. Kent) moved t-helfecpnd. pany on their shoulders and. were ah- --- ---... Sigma": t,ovf 1": 12mg? 3'33; tut/ soliitely liable for theldpgiiclies g, the y re ucm . n . , com any, and it con iar y ex- F . to 36. Hon. Mr. Gibson said that theI pcctEd that the stoslc.could ,be sold at armors Mutual Companies to panel would bed too will; as 'i',','.,',','), ai the ordinary commission. fhestand- me was out an some oi" .e remai m'l in and statement oi the company was. Meet Loss by Storms. 1J,egigte,,t,t,e,rf, iheiill ,',t',i,turitar1y".'i:, onge of the 11estthi',aut,igiytyo/r.y a] u . member; o a 3 ",', Province. e t oug It h r. amey, __ _----"'------- Thtirt1le'e't,s 1,1itttrtgrJtin, the public was inspii'eg by a dCSirethOratilaic: the . i' . r! . Provincia ccretary ra e a . to Establishment of Telephone Systems .schools act was given a second read- champion the cause oi the policy- in Counties-Mr. Gamey's Motion IT, and referred to the Legal Com- holders. . .. mi ee. . . . Respecting People's Life Insur- Mr. Tucker's bill to regulate .thc Prosecutors in Murder Trials. ance Company. width between the runners of sleig.hs Dr. Pyne will inquire ohthe Attor- was sent to the Agricultural Commit- .ney-General' whether the Government _______ I tee. The proposal is to have a uniform ihas abandoned the policy. of retaining . width of four feet. The reason given ii" murder trials the services of ment- The Ontario Government is willing . ""35 that ,"f,",if/a'l'/i runners} resultsd "I I hers of the Bar in the front rank at thet to acced t - the horses rcaking IT tie roa am *profession. inio De to he requestpoflthe Pound! sometimes caused accident?. ': In Committee of Supply on Thurs-l, n .'epartment, ot Sal ways an i Second readings were given tf?, the iday Mr. Hoyle was desirous ot par- Canals tor a transfer of the dams own- . following hills :---Respecting the q own Iticulars concerning the grant oi $20q ed by the Province on the head waters I of Ptt.erborp', Mr. Stratton ; respecting Ilast year to the Summer School ot oi the Trent Valley Canal. These. the Clty of Ottawa, 1.Ir. Poyyell; P, lScience. held at Norway Beach Park. dams were built and are being main- I 'frmishlidatfl th§1dtt3t Ot t,.1gpJ,ctt,",1,, C' IThe Minister {if EducaItBion i'ta,st,eadrkveii; . . . ' . ren on, Arr. l orrison; re l ec r 2 !te.rda t at l orwa eac ar " tamed for the purpose of faCilitatingI agreement between the Grand Trunk 'situatyed on the 2h, shore oi the the floating oi logs and timber and for . Railway of Canada ayd the corporation Chats CShaw") Lake expansion, oi the improving local navigation. Many oi l Of the Town. of Barrie, Mr. DaV'KlSOlls: .Uttawa River, within three. miles oi them, owing to their age, require ex- T 1 "small" the Hamilton Grimsby . 'Arnprior. A company was iormed for tensive repairs and artial reconstruc- ' IBcamSVille .Electric Railway Company, the purpose oi conducting summer tion involving an gutlay of; $2051; ,.iMr. Hendrie. ,studies. including science and natured , ' , . ' l . I 1 " . n The necessity for Morin w t i IMr. Gamey's Motion. ,lectures. behool Inspector Cowley a - . g a er or , . ,Rev. J. A. 0t Ottawa were the use of the Trent Canal, making the Mr. R. R. Gamey moved fbr. copies {among the chief promoters of theI works a permanent necessity, will pf all ord.ers Il cetgy1s11ttt,trizoi'prd' summer school. . r . justify an outlay bv the Dominion sur. l.iJ?crey,t "l. t e f.yf..t s oc o - . Mr. Cowley interviewed the Minister fi . _ I I . _ b . . I People 5 Lite Insurance Company dur m support of a grant towards expenses. eient to grat ua ly ie uild them P. a iing the last two years, with thre1 corre5- Botanical work was conducted by Mr. permanent manner, and additional ta- l',r,i,iiiei,.i,i,i,i,ii' g/hh thereto. I? coni- W. T. Macoun oi the Central Experi- cilitics will thereby be afforded the .inissmns "it"? e, bgegc let"?, 'lt mental Farm, Ottawa; Mr. R. B. community served. The transfer will, Ithe s.ale ot t e new e . nture tt oc White, President of the Ottawa Hor- provide that Provincial rights as re-i io.t tins company, of which_tlle Pro- ticultural Society and Rev J. A.l gards water powers shall be in no way '. 1vincial Secretary was Pesid.e.nt, had IMacfarlane director of the. summer l I di th I. ' ibeen, he contended, unusually high; the . , 1 prew iced, and e owners of exist- I . , Istudies at the park. The course of b . annual statements tor 1901 and 190.. ' . . mg DOME". are to e guaranteed by l . . d- (studies was taken up by about thirty the Dominion Government ti ,tshowed extraordinarily large a . . . " . uance of them The 1lj'd,,i'l,d'f,'n vl'ilii vances to agents, compared with the :persons, w.hile large audiences1 were be asked to refiind t th P [y/Ill "h I income, and dividends had been paid Ifrequently in attendance upon the ad- it - o "3 roiince t. c, to the debenture stockholders in 1902 Idresses. Dr. Sincfair Ol Ottawa gave fggk, 1h3,'dh94'hc,'ist/gi 1391"".35 P?it,tti, (contrary to the Federal act providing 'an address on "Animal 1.ntel1iirery:r" .staniial manner? 'lfifl'i,, mitt am l 5'13}: (against impairment . of capital. He 'The nature studies were intended for ent part of the "mug stemp man-l Ialso. referred to criticisms by two fin- [the teachers or eastern Ontario, and y . t Iancial journals that Dr. Hunter, tlieI valuable work appeared to have been Weather Insurance. ' I of insurance, was acting with ; done. The grant. ()i.$2C?) was pagfd in Th " . . -' partiality. . . . ': June, 1903... to asstst in c caring o the trJluece(l"ttrntg,"'Le1eirst1g,"reteartg, T I Hon. Mr. Gibson said no order '.n' expenses incurred for the school of enable farmers to form mutual my"? ICouncil had been issued in reference 1902. ' ance companies for the purpose oi in- toh this congpany, and he did not know =e="te","-"'he=.e'."="L--". suring against loss by tornadoes, hail, 11v": "d (:Iethtfg dTit"lrorlililol,'i" droutli, lightning (not resqlting in bl:0:l;'llt down. Everyone knew that (ig),iptrcyioort,hr, 1t,',yeteertgiagsgir. 'all iiisulil'a-nce confifpaniesiu their early; . C ;stages ad to su er an impairment o ES): undeerrtake ac cgintratc}: of 10suraqtce Icapital in. order to do business. The as; .1: 8/d'/2'%ot stone: an may; gm ag,isi,tt,1erdarrg, com-m act consolidating. and revising the Ili' Q dfldierersct'istsiu.'1r 'll'e"'Uie,Ir,st statutory regulations . regarding the jthink the House dJesired him to dis- Court of Apptal and Divisional C.ourts, i cuss the affairs oi this company, and if showirrst precisely what are their re- there were any charges of favoritism sped"! powers. . Fi neglect of duty against the in- Premier Ross informed Mr. Hoyle Ispectors of Insurance or loan compan- that the Treasury Department had no Iies they should be ventilated in the record concerning the closing up of the , Public Accounts Committee, which b beetrsugay Emory at Wiarton. No gmight call the officers to give evi- portnon of the bounty for the last year's gdcnce under examination. Personally business had been paid. as yet. It Ihe believed there were no more faith- ', wonld be withheld pending the result gin] or trustworthy members oi the pub- i' . of inquiry as to the payment of farm.. he service than the inspectors of in- ers for the beets supplied byVEhem. burance and loan companies. I The Premier, in answer to d r. Cars- Mr. Stratto , . callen's question regarding the num- H ns Reply. . I ber of railways to the Albany River on. Mr. .Strs!tto.n said the Cont-: . which had complied with.the regula- 32111th35 doing busmess entirely tin-I tions of the House regarding the sub. (lg, t e acts of the Legislature. The mission of maps, said ittitm'/r'ee, regula- $.re/it/"i'dr',', adfdlitl/Ogdto htsff, were I . tions has been very i l rently en- . . o 0 stoc , . loep- fer of Guelph, T. P. Coffee and F. M. I

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