QR a" . , Mlt 2W."" '" .' r'C"te"'P'r'llr""'T"/'T'"'" ttt I " P, we: , lh' . Pl5eNiiii& iF.'t, 'rr ' T - _ - . 1,. ,- . T _ l .W movement. the Commissioner . LIUENSED Hull's adds ..--"The spirit of most.municipal " . . ' f legislation has been permisswe rather . than compulsory. and it is doubtful if Eilfl,lill2f _ SALDUNS, it would yet be in the best interest of . road improvements to make any e5- i . _ _.'.,., t ception as regards statute labor, in , , spite of its many unfair features. In; l . . stead, b carrym on a campaign o I The Allegation of Dr. Barr in the l educatioii, 1re"l1%'e', will' getter an:i 3 . . I derstand the reason for a C ange, an ', " Ontario Legislature. , will undertake it with a greater will- : . ', ingness to make the new methods a sew-er-tmm....' . l success. The best syfitem that can hie l l , devised for making an repairing ma 5 1. lSTATUTE LABOR'S DECLINE, l may be injurious rather than btit.eeficj.al . , . if it is not faithfully and intelligently .l e---..---------- carried into "gh l? insure the SUC' ' cess of new met o s it is necessary I Annual Report on Provincial' that at feast the interest and enthusi- . asm of a certain portion of the people t Good Roads Movement. be first aroused." The Commissioner i, stated that by the end of 1902 statute 3 _. . .. labor was abolished or commuted in 120 townships. " Temperance Measure Before Liberas Huron Registrarship. C.arcus To-day-The Huron Re,. Mr. Stratton laid on the table cor- triatrartship--New Power for To.. i,rcspondence in relatiog to fillet ap- . . pointment of William 'oats as egisa ronto University Senate. [iii.' of the County of Huron. Mr.l l . -.e [ 'l/f/lt,." wrote sod, January] 9, "le liol 'r IOM. A. S. ar y, app ying or t e: The 10 Mature "Mm', . . _,1. c. .2 lpositiou of Registrar: rendered vacant! -. " g. _ . . "er. in session tut. lthrough the death ot A. L. Gibson/ only tiiteeu minutes yesterday after-', (frrr. Robert Holmes, M.P. for West noon. There was barely a quorum U." lHuron, wrote from pttawa, Marcy.27, members present, and none of those It,'???, to-Hon.. A. b. Hardy, stating having private or blic bilis that the. appointment of Mr. Coats I'." IC l 5 were . would give universal satisfaction to the prepared to go on with them. i lWest Riding at any rate, and also inl A Liberal caucus will be held thisl (other portions of the county. He add- morning, when Premier Ross will out-i i ed that Mr. Coats had worked hard 'i:) line his tom er _ , J. lthe party, and that it was due to his _ L p ance measure. The lefforts, m part at least, that the Lib- proposals ot the Government in regard ierals had been able to hold \Vesti P to the Algoma Central Railway guar- lHuron. The appointment would bcl aiitee and certain railway subsidies approved of by Conservatives as well will also be considered. as Liberals. Mr. James Fair ot Clin.. lIon. Mr. Harcourt will this week im ton wrote on January 12, 18993 to Hon. troduce a bill giving the Senate of To.. A. S. Hardy recommending Mr.l Ironto University power to strike from Coats. Mr. Coats wrote on February it"? Tolly any graduates convicted on a 27, 19oa. to Hop. G. IN . Ross to cor- 'icriminal charge. This power has beenl rcct an Impression that he was an ap- possessed by the Universities of Ox-l plicant for the Ptstmyttrthip. Air. ford and Cambridge for a number of Holmes had offered it:Atlt,,t,ht pOSition years. and is being conferred on the would iiOt suit hip: and, sjaid.Air. [oronto University authorities at the fge,s' $1310 ye. itilmk that 5mm}? by re tres " . sm" ' , __ . . s 5 ion is vacan it 't"i1t,1.1 t ot the senate of that 'nstittt- should prejudice my claim on the . - f" t Hotels Merely Salons ? (xii: ilie aUs1art'i,'.'shipHJasa,te1ttte, . Dr. Barr moved for a return show- fore he was an applicant, and, though mg the number of saloon licenses in 1 he was disappointed at not receiving it. the antics and towns of the Province l yet this did not make the slightest dif- during 1902 and 1903, and also the mm. 3 ference in his efforts on behalf of the her of wholesale licenses in rural ':party. In this Mr. Garrow would bear F municipalities. In doing so he said lhini out. Mr. Ross wrote on March that it was a well-known fact thatl i r. 1902, to Mr. Coats i-"I had a con- many licensed hotels were nothingl iversation with Mr. Garrow two or more th.an.sarttons, for they had no ac- 1 three times within the last week or so. commodation for either bed or board. ', Next week, or at least as soon as the He threw out this as a hint to who- {session is over, we intend to take up ever might have in charge the temper- ithe vacancy in Huron, and I hone itl ance bill. He also declared that ini 'imay be filled." _ l Ontario licenses were becoming fran- l teete.ee..e'='e."e='Le.el'."-eP-"-"'-"Se l chises worth fabulous amounts. . t Hon. Mr. Stratton said the depart-i, mentwould readily produce the requir-l . ed official information. He might say) however. that no saloon license hal, been granted since Too. In the act of 1399 abolishing the issue of saloon li.. csnse.s there was a provision. however, allowing tnree existing licenses, that perhaps might be termed saloon li-. censes, to. be continued. These were :at the railway stations at Toronto. "lantil'top and London. He was noi aware that any licenses had been granted to hotels which had not the necessary qualifications, and if Dr Barr or anyone else knew of such cases ' the./.iepartnyent would be glad to Ti notified, and would at once see that 'the law was complied with or the li'.. cense withdrawn. In 1901 there were six wholesale licenses, in 1902 five and in 1903 SIX. Good Roads Report. Mr. Stratton presented the eighth annual report oi the Commissione"r of . Highways for 1903. After reviewing the.history and progress of the good . l .