fore the House, Dr. Nesbitt was n order. The difficulty was overcome by Mr. St. John moving the # ment. <|_ Mr. Pettypiece, armed with Crown lands literature, continued the debate until "time" was called by Dr. Nesbitt. He asserted that Dr. Nesbitt did not: care whether the islands were SO!'dv leased or given away. Dr. Nesbitt ris~ ing to a point of order, Mr. Pettypielc'f corrected himself. _ '"The hon. gent!© man does care; perhaps he ,W°"]d like to have the Crown lands disposed of. as they were by the Dominion Govern-- ment some years ago. at $3 per acre. Messrs. S. Clal"(kc, Rickard and 'hompson also spoke. us 1ljl?hct Speaker put the question : "Moved that the House do now ad-- journ," at 3.50, there being no dissent. en mm en en LEADS TO A DISPUTHE IN sSTURGEON FALLS. 1 Private Bills Committee Passed the Separate School Trustees' Bill to Enforce an Agreement--Dental Students. | Scant attention was paid by the Pn-' vate Bills Committee to the opponcutsl of the bill of the separate school trus-- tees oi Sturgeon Falls with regard :o | the division of taxes received from the pulp company there. The town gave a bonus of $7,000 to the company aird it was agreed in 1898 that the Public School Board should pay the Scparate School Board one--hall of the school taxes on the premises of the company up to an assessed value of $40,000 dur-- ing the currency of the debentures is-- sued for the bonus. At that time the assessment ijor the two schools was about equal and the agreement was ; | considered equitable, but now the Pro-- 'testan: assessment is about five--sixths of the whole. The Public School Board never carried out the agreement and :| the separate school trustees asked | for an act to confirm and carry out the intent of the agreement. Mr. H. H.! l Dewart, K.C.. appeared for the separ-- | ate and Mr, J. S. Corley for the public' | schools. | _ "The opposition to this bill is an act of bad_faith," said Hon. Mr Gibson. Mr. Corley read a very strongly-- worded petition {rom the _ Public ISchool Board. The petition charged '1hat_ the separate school trustees had | threatened to block the bonus to the . Ipulp company unless they received half the taxes, and said that the public lschoo! trustees, knowing that the |agreement would be ultra vires, rati-- lficd it, "being disposed to fight diploa-- macy with diplomacy." The committee became impatient, eond Hon. Mr. Harcourt pointed out that the town council, which represent-- ed all the ratepayers, was not repre-- sented before the committee. The bill then went through without opposition. The bill to direct the Royal College of Dentai Surgeons to admit John !Henry Gorman of Ottawa as a student in his final year. was adopted, despite a protest from Dr. Willmott, Dean of the college.