'V 7 _, 'W"" ' V merit of every dollar of a claim which otherwise would not be worth 25 cents , on the dollar. l Government Not Committed. l The Premier said that the returnl would be brought down at the earliest} possible moment. Some of the ini- , mation had been prepared. Some oi itl was in Philadelphia. All the iniorin'i-i tion would be laid on the table. llcl __ 'did not want to procleetll with another" .-... - . sta e oi the bill tutti tie ions- was. SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1?H: thogoughly informed. as it ought to be. _ _----------.--" lhat was due to the House, and the SEUURITY MUST "internment hoped to satisfy cveryonel athat they had caretuily carried out their l gyromtse. In fact the Govermneut' BE GILT-EDGEDIWLUM have brought down the inform-l la'ion in an; c::'s:. even ii it had tlol, been asked ior. Regarding the stiitc-l .------.. ment he made the other day that l Messrs. Conmce and Bowman were' Or Government Will Not Press amply secured tor their claim, he wall, Inot sure that it had been contrm-ertrrl i, "Soo" Guarantee. thy Mr. llanna. but this was not tht ; itime to argue that. ( ---.----. l Mr. Whitur"y remarked that the least' tst'ititttla oi interest would distinaiiiyi ' these gentlemen as much as if they had _ A LIQUOR LICENSE BlLL no security at alt. ; 'Jln- Premier, in reply tn Mr. Foyj ---u------ said that the Government were not get , . ' committed to the guarantee. The in: t Will Soon be Introduced by the' gotiations at! not yet entirely clusmlt The ground has been cleared in some ' Government. respects, but in: in other. The (ion , eminent would not comm". themselves -..--. :i there was the slightest stzspicion on title or cert'tiratc. or any form tsl Messrs. Conmee and Bowman Attack. phase of the bargain. The motion was . hen carried. ed by Mr. Hanna-Cumulative t Mr. Hanna had a number of duck Voting For Boards of Education tions as to the relation: between Mr. -Bills Advanced a Stage.. i, ("mime-e. M.P,P.. and Mr. Rowan-"m. .M.P.P.. and the Algoma Central Rail-l -------- (way. but the Speaker remarked that "these gentlemen were not in the! "The securities which we wall hold {lilouw' . must be gilt-edged," said the Prem.. d Mr. "will? said that they were in": . . . int the. corridor. and Hon. Mr. Crilrscm 1fr .ycstcrd:/y HI tiw Legislature. W'lisuggested that he might go out there terring to the guarantee oi interest on ll and put the question. Mr. Hanna. $u',ooo,cco which the Government pro- "Wild that .110 wrtul,d let the question. posed to make in aid o; the "Son" in- .i'mnd until the gentlemen c.'lme in. l dustrics. "Thcre must be no itn'aun-I Questions and Returns. brancc or any diliiculty about any i Mr. Hoyle- was informed by the Pre- part m. phrase Hf thc bargain," he inner that it is not the intention of the continued. "it must be its .afe a (i/T/yt)-, to .iniTdvics.t.his. sewn" . . , . legislation grantingr tinancial aid to the transaction Cl,' a ""m l" thu i)uni,: " development of the pat fuel indus- lingland. We propose to take no dry, . risks, and will not ask the Mouse to ' Mr. Powell was informed by the At- take mm The "Hung; is char in torney-Geucral that the fines imposed some respects. buthnot in others. I by the Poh1T.M.arit.rate oi Ottawa _ 1_', 'i-.' . 'rs'db under the criminal code and paid over hyoe.to. be able to. 'iitl.\._\"lllc house to the Provincial Treasurer were $13! .that it :s clear til/tlil-"-" y-,'i,ts"t chkiv..g no in 1901. $056 in 1902 and $912 in] it to proceed who the l)l.i. .- -- . 1903 t It l.s ot,1tndlt'.r,sli,/t)d that a 2'1""? .1" Mr. Tr1wx informed Mr. Dunlop Rm" lr} Wlii DC mtroducwr b) r?),'- that the "Son" comp'mics are not in Si,1vfr..rl,1,1.rcyrt,... "in". week I.) £1" not any way indebted to him. 1.1.191" imnjetli.uicr, li.?'.',,' tau .1": if Mr. Kidd obtained an order for a re- tation. It is behued thet the rial _ . he, . _ : .n W-e" _ will contain nearly all the suggestions turn.shoyhyr, in. Him" _ ill.l pm.""" of those who have given 1h: most care- .c.onvicterl 'o.r "193mm" It, the llqllm'l iul attention to tyn). admiuistraiion oi liccnse act Ill Carieton 1"iuriHf.T 190i. the liquor license .riws. 1902 and 1003. . . - Mr. Jcscop obtained an order tor a Mr. Hanna's Request. return. giving all payments made hy Mr. Hanna brought up the "Soo" the Queen Victoria Niagara Falls Park: matter by moving for a return showing Commissioner: for 1903. l the names of the allied industries, Mr, Mathc'son obtained an order iorl and copies oi the mortgage, promis- _a return of the correspondence in con-l Sory notes, stock ccrtificatcs, trust nection with a mining claim in the! deeds and other documents connected Township of Hutton. l therewith. 11c declared that Messrs. Bills Advanced. l James Lonmec and C. M. Bowman. I -.. ' . . .,. . contractors ior the road, were so much ' Hon. Mr. whim], "mmlhicd l Iirl interested in the matter that they were CC) amend the Ontario game protettton disqualiticd from voting on that bill. act., . l . ct, . The Premier had stated that these gen- . fhe t1yllowitvrr,. 1nills were read a third tiemen's 1lualiticatious as members were time :---liespecring the Bluskoka not affected. if the Premier continu- Lakes Navigation & Hovcl. L"-3' to cd to maintain this position he t.\lr. inrther e1tt?nl,the POW?" O', the Crm- Hanna) would appeal to the Speaker tT.tyerrr' Gas to: to 1ncor'por?te thc ior a decision. He read the statement Viilage oi Chatsworth : rtj?Ct'.11f.',' the of claim which was made by Messrs. Winds,:r, Essex & Lake Shore Rapid'. Conmee and Bowman in their action Railway Co.; reiipectiv.7, the Londonl against the company, which was admit- Ayhner & North Shore Electric Rail-i ted by the company, and upon which way Co.; respecting the Town oil the judgment was based. The answcrlPerth electric. system. i that these gentlemen made was thatt Dr. Nesttiitt's bill to abolish cumu-l they had sub-let to Foley Bros., whosellative voting ior Boards of Education contract relieved them for responsibil-'in cities was referred to the Legal ity to that extent. He contended that Committee. and a number oi bills were there was no sub-letting of contract at advanced a stage. all. but a partnership arrangement with The House adjourned at 4.50. holey Bros., with a share in the pro- sea-v.,...,;,,,",,.;,-,.,",,,,.,,,,,,.',." l tits, and that they could not vote for a' -- bill which would guarantee the pay' .-,