THURSDAY, .MARCH' 31,, 1904. _ _-,..----------"...:"'-"-"""-" 'Mr. Whitney insisted that a GAMEY ATTAGKED Gamer in using the words "your pr ' clivities," referred to the Premier. Mr. Gamer repeated that he was per THE fl EA ' fectly satisfied with the Speaker's rul- ing yesterday, but said that he was not satisfied with the proclivities of the Premier towaiilds himself and others on . . that side of t e House. Conservative Members Tried to Hon. Mr. Gibson replied that if he Help Him Out. was wrong in the construction put on Mr. Gamey's words the Speaker was ------_ also, for the latter had put himself on the protection of the House. There was no necessity for an innuendo TAXATION OF RNLWAYS. about the Premier. who could defend himself. Mr. Whitney said that Fit would make' . . . no difference if the o ensive words The Premier's Views on Mr. had been addressed to the Speaker ly, ' . , . the first place, because Mr. Gamey Pettyplece S Bill. had stated that they were intended fori -__..__-_._____ the Premier. , Hon. Mr. Harcourt protested that,I . . however much the members might dii- . Finally Referred to a Select Commit- fer politically, they had a common in- tee--An Interesting Point in Pro. terest in protecting the Speaker from cedure ,_ Discussion on County insult. He suggested that they might . . ask the Speaker himself what he Councils-Recess Until Tuesday. thought as to the application of the words. _"" Mr. For interposing before the " . - Speaker. rose and remarked that the I accept your ruling. Mr. Speaker, solution of the whole misunderstanding! knowing your proclivities to my libcr- was easy. Mr. Gamey. in using the! tics in this House" word "your." had .broken the Parlia-l In these words Mr. Carney yestcr- mentary rules, which reqmre that al . . member must be addressed imperson-. day in the Legislature created a scene ally as "the hon. gentleman." li' fortunately very rare not only in the it were interpreted literally it might Legislature of Ontario, hut in any mean the Speaker, but Mr. Gamey had ' - . . I already said that he meant the Prem- other legislative body. i, ier I 191.", When the orders of the day were; Mr. Carney then rose and said 2:"I called he rose on n. question of privil-: have already said that I did not mean ege to call the attention of the Prem-) any disrespect to the Spe.aker. I am . / Al.. - ' I . ft . sorry. Mr. Speaker, if you interpret the ier to an apparent discrepancy bT'iefu' word 'you' to apply to yourself." his reply on March lo.tllflt no (.ehnite! The Speaker's Remarks. .' application had ever been made for a: The Speaker pointed out tl t th ', . ..'. ', . . - 1a e' grantbythe Grand Drunk Pacino-and: rules which permitted a question at' the letter of Mr. William Wainwright,: such a time did not contempla " " which appeared among the applications mission, and t.hat wh.en Mr. for aid presented to the House, and had .lie.iehf.f! 1i,s,1t.tettio1..le . the rules by continuing with a which bore the date of March 9, 1904, That was why he called his , and the previous request oi Mr. Hays, to it, As to the expression is bearing date oi February, 1903. He certainly understood Mr. Gamer . . " . n say that he accepted the ruling, "k said that this was not the first tmatt ing your proclivities," and some 0 an unsatisfactory reply had been made words which he did not recollect p by the Government, and was proceed-! Eisely" li he had 'd"c1gtiristg",i, thld .. ' , , he reierence was o rinse: 1e wou mg to make l speech, when _1h_9r not have appealed to the House for Speaker called him to order, as It ", protection. On another occasion he clearly against the rules of the House, had called Mr. Gamey's attention twi to make a speech on a question oil to a similar breach of the rules, privilege. . let ogfelltlgman Iiifent on, though he w . "f r li Mr Speaker, ii , or}; e was then obliged tr accept your rtl mg, . . F., . I Iva) that if the member persisted lr: knowing your proclivities to my liber- would have to declare him out of or- ties in this House," said Mr. Gamey. if; T": next day ahpaper come out The Speaker appealed to the House, Game: ,5. Ga tit,t1,i,'s,. Attberupt to gag but it was overlooked for the moment. to himself T1113: aftbeimv-(iixig app le as Mr. Gamey's words had not bc,eto ibers of the Hoiise spehl'cin; XOalnéunli: heard everywhere. and the Premier llrc meeting in Htimilton, had [listed already risen to reply to the Jpes- similar expressions. One was report- tion about the _Grand Trunk _Paci". ed to have said that he "choked off Hon. Mr. Gibson rose a few min-r Gamey unfairly," and another that ho rites later and asked the member for? had "books ready lo rule Off Gnmer." Manitoulin to withdraw his statement,' H.e. 'thought that the latter reference which reflected on the impartiality cu might be complimentary, for it showed _ the Speaker, and was probably dropped. that he had taken pains to study the l in an unguarded moment. 1luestlons involved. However. on this Mr. Carney, after a moment. rose y,ccaslor? he did understand that Mr. l and said :--"I am perfectly satisfied Gamer had referred to him personally. i with the Speaker's ruling to-day. My He. accepted that gentleman's state- ' reference was intended for the Gow ment to the contrary. and hoped that l emment side of the House." HWY would sttirt afresh and get along The Government side of the House Silt'SfaCtmll)' tor the rest oi the ses- refused to accept this statement as a :llfy) H? assured.the House that he retraction of the offensive words to the 1'lf al1f,l?.,u_s to gnre MR Gamer the Speaker, and loudly cried "Withdraw!' 1"" WWW" As the "PM" or any- Withdraw !" one else. He did not think any mont- , ber of the House coufd consider that Mr. Whitney Helps Mr. Gamey. M; g -lon any occasion he had ruled unfairly. Mr. Whitney tried to palliate Mr. yr. yam.ta rose to make an e'-rplan- Gamey's offence by exclaiming "He, atimi,_bnt 1.11 the general bu.zz or con- has withdrawn." I versatton his remarks were inaudible. hHon. Mr. Gibson declined to accept) The Temperance Bill. ti e statement as a withdrawal, and; . l., . 7 gointed out Slat Mil. Gamey had with-l an,e'/fa.sJkoelpwii,rtesttligr tleliiip2i1ziiié: rawn some ing e se altogether. The} bill wouldibc brought in f'/?,1g'r'"Tci"tf,d,etj/1,tnht, Y,eey again! The .1..1e.ntier---1 am unable to say, c le I WI ithdraw! l _ Mr. Whitney asked when the "