"CA9 _ 7 g P m jor un m _,-W q e Enennt c w P '\: :"v} C M > E ol t C P o '!'fi~4 00, "mthfl Mt *lim- y l | --recent' collapse. s c n "Central | 'Betfeve tlie steel trust ever opposed any fléd: was in sight for the W% '(';3: r Ane »Pdao o n? t oi aa Asd. +. was worth not more. than $ y }s .___ _ was an integral part of the allied in-- industry in CanAGd on. SenticmaH | Tno "rai uld have to be graded . _ dustries, and dissociated from them was> -- Premier Ross--Did the hon. gentlieman | The railway wo uld uire $5,; . 'of little or no value as a security. HC not hear the statement on the floor of | all over again and wo te4 A C ' ~8C oo is i it. Why prophesied that the members of the the House this afternoon, th_e st:atemenb 090,000 or $6,000,000 to fi'g: the Ameri-- Government, who personally stood high that the steel trust had paid $15,000 a .did the promoters n(')t C Tie--game Amen|. ! in his regard, would, if the bill became . yoar to prevent the development of thq can money market ? dred thousand law, regret the day they got into the "Atikokan mine on the north shore 08 who got a couple of huukl'f couplel hands of sharp American financiers. | Lake Superior 4 " J ic last pgtober C k. n((l)w 9:":;'9 (:31? for tell| Commissioner of Crown Lands. | 'tl\'{r. Matheson----That is in the United :;,filln;:}x'xuzn. Y(thzak(;nit twg million and Hon. Mr. Davis, who, when the H"'"""'" o iltI:qu 'Conmee, who had made the state you get nothing for it. -- But a GQVlel':' ; assembled in the evening, resumed tht@} --mant regarding the Atikokan mine, in-- ment with a majority of th:ee wl ':, P debate, said there were several principles! jormed Mr. Matheson'that the mine was anything. . It is not the (xovernme:ln n underlying the bill which sbhould be tC' jny 'Ontario. -- He said it was well known that is doing this, but thke 'i"}'lme (";:)v- % f asserted and emphasized. _ He lxi;:}fl.\'i (ancient history) that the steel trust behind it. (Laughter.) a ef them complimented the member for the Soo ; "had for years pznid several thousand dol-- ernment ought to be ashamed o hamt': $ upon his speech of the previous day, @Pd| lars a year to prevent the development (Laughter.) But there is no ® He . said that in his opinion the members nfl | of the mine If he had said $15,000 'about it. ('Re-ne\ve(l laughtc:zamshi # <the Opposition who had spoken had care-- ithut W as th;' sum he had in mind, butb | knew something -- about t'he s IP fully avoided the underlying principles of | |he was "not certain as to the exact , Pasitess, but the Algoma (,Ae'rvttral vessels f the bill. 'The member for West Lamb | | omount | placed in the schedule at n is o w:;e' ton (Mr. Hauna) bad stated two inter-- ' 1\11'.' \.latvluwnn@-\\"h:nt do you: know |not worth twenty--fivée cents on e esting principles: first, that the Legisla-- iubout the United States Steel Corpora-- dollar. ."u"" had no pul')hc duty, to assisl t1¢' | tion and this company ? Benefit of Expcerimental Work. railway at the Soo; second, that if the| | _ yy, Conmee--I know enough to satisfy eneft of LPSP C y . . guarantee were made all of the two mil-- 'me 'that the 'statentent made by Hon. ' Mr. Russell said that the prmctple of p ons would be lost to the Province, Hon.'~ ; ])'.l'\'i": 18 mlxt,in.-l y correct o l a guarantee was not new, because the . Mr. Pavis would not say that any mem--| * .. 'I[(-'ml'x'x(;~~--~'l'l;':)11 the 'JJ)o.mininn (Gov. | Government of Britain had aided the ber of the House would so far forget his cr; i .mt should ',("t 1;) work" and Tead. i sugar industry ir the West lndies, the duty to the public as to use his posi--, ; :t lt'-l- t"' fl on ste 1 s Idishing industry in parts of Ireland and tiomn for the herefit of an American cor--! -'"'l,.""' t '_";" _'f)" Il l'"fi (hat the steel |J')nf'lzmd and 'spent millions in the re-- h poration, but if the Standardé Oil Com-- 6 N °C' _.'""' iss "\"0 c it~ 4 i t:" t.in, f agriculture in South Africa. & lnt r § s trust interfered at the sale of the Helen | StOTatIONn 0i 146 rppisy pany or the Urited States Steel Cor:-- ; Ihe ra Tew Neats 40 He regarded the Hudson's Bay district jl)«)rntit).ll had had a representative on the ; mime:a J¢CW 'years A£0, as Oll(':: of the richest in the Dominion, ttoor of the House he could not have| Fundamental Basis of the Bill. | and the Algoma Central & Hudson's Bay o o t ench s Wes Thseizen | . Hton: Ii: Darie -- oontiming, sele ho (inaitrey wilt before Tone h barntn pvet , ',-",(, liatter bhad no faith in the "1'4-:».t.' svcmql to have d.lsturb(:d the gentlemen | utmost to wl'l'yl} 'Ltet.ll-ib'tl,gtei l'{e had| ' (north 'country ; "'he had"' miste 0"" ted opposite. _ He said .Lhc 'Uovurnmcnt was r('glonr and the Um white Prperis: li | 4 | mt en Fhay §E e not proposing to aid directly or accept |always been an advocate of lateral lines i.m;'l ;:()\'lslblht,l('-sl of its p.-u(lllcu\"on:-ss, 'H S(l~cu:l'ity Tn«lus'.,riul enterprises. if | to meet the great trunk lines, and had g'lt{laf"".::(\. :::) .I:L;:: \lv:i'frt,_;\;lg:::::,,:&,:'f('('l.f.l. ithut had been the prn.[msiti:)'n he would 'inotcd t}lcir lmponafxceom tl;-ic::;zei(:"iy \'t'.lflpin;: the fesources. of new! Ontaftio. | not have supported it. Fhe -- funda-- | ment of the cot}utr)_. nt: fo. of t,hs There was no force, continued the Com-- | mental basis of the bill was that the }'he bad noted t"e. ',"T'"'f tlm, Lake St Intussioner, in Mr. Hannua's argument | | Uovernment was aiding railway develop-- |.|.euusc?uut~u .R","l"")l(i',"fv e ho (.0";"'_ \ that the money to be quzxr;mtec\'i by the 'm'cnt i HeSY _()ntu'rm. 'l.h"t. was in line 'John 1uul\\u)V o e cCn o thL Kin = I Province would not be repaid. He Had i with the policy of Ontario since confed-- | try Lhcy,sm"ved.. In Ulli:.al")t) ( :3) t,a,rfi) isserted alko that the. creditors.of the; [ Pravtion. The Government did not pro-- '!*Um & Pembroke, the (-"'ft}l'a n ¢fA ' s 'allied companies would not be paid. One --P°"© the payment of a single doliat. Tho a'ud faread of.Qum%e hs '::ys 3;;3 | \ of the basic principles of the bill was bill provided for--a guarantec. tt ~at {{ did --good. wonk u,x'df,'-\clopln;,:l 'tc s ' 1 |that all the creditors should be repaid. | WC'¢ & guarantee of bouds it would be |!ern part of the Province, id 1 wa'%h'.w';; |'The payment of wages at the Soo by the only at the rate of $10,000 a mile. Heo| l ticeable that the countics through Wiito . | Government last fall had nothing what-- showed the sufliciency of the security to|| they run had increased in 'POP"l?hOfl,: lever to ao with the bill. Evm'y'ccm of_ be held by the Government. It had been 'wluch is more than could be : said Ofl | the sum so disbursed would be paid back. _ 488°T! ed 'that the resuscitation of the | many, other tondbics tie hoped ShC} 1f the bill before the House should not 8t¢¢! works would of itself justify the | members for Toronto would suplzort t'vhel pass, the Government still hyd as seeur-- 19@n. . The completion of the Algoma | bill, especially the member for East To--| |ity for the amount paid in wages all the Central Railway to be secured by the lmnto,. w.h(".' like himself, was somewhat' | |land grant already earned by the Al-- proposed guarantee would effect the re-- | of a1 botcm.hzt, :ln'd a Iflewhyears :;go vl:']aisl |goma Central Railway, not an acre ef -- YiY@! of not only the steel works, but of. |reAdy 10 & vouirle all phasos i PMAE | iwhich bad yet been h{mdcd over to ti':c all the allied industries at the Soo. He | ownership. He remmded_ the membgrs' company . believed that any member from northern |for Ottawa that the railways running , Hon. Mr. Davisa reviewed at some -- Ontario who opposed the bill would have into that city aided greatly in its de-f length the industrial and railway devel--, to settle with his constituents and would | velopment, and appealed to them to sup-- epment at the Soo, and stated that the'! . have difficulty in secutring his re--clection,. !port the bill in order to assist in the de-- ; ~A question that confronted the House was Public opinion was increasing in favor of velopment of Sault Ste. Marie. '1'h'e un-- | ~I whether that industrial development in | . the bill. _ He quoted from &n interview : dertaking at the "Soo" is .Of Provmcx.al! new Ontario was to be suspended, and with Mr. Thos. Long, a well--known Con. importance, and all are interested in | s whether the railway development upon: servative business man, who had ex. |showing to thc.out-,Slde world the rg-l which depended the opening up of that| pressed the view that the question ought | sources of the district and their capabil-- isoction of the Province was to cease, °|' not to be g--political one, and that the {!tles. Onihre:f;","" 'for theflla:ge oxlpen;! a '¢ ¥ 1 revival of the Soo industries was depend-- |diture at the "Soo" was that much o | 'Infiuence of U. S. Steel Trust. | 'ent upon the completion of. the Aliguma. it was on experimental work, and now | _ 1 \ 'The present situation was an extra--< Central Railway. The people of North !"'0 industries are ready to reap the | ' |ordinary one. Opposition @peakers had Ontario, regardless of politics, were in | benefit. As an exampice of profitable ex-- | asked wl?.'.' private capital had not come |!favor of the bill. _ The Commissioner of @pm'iments, he instanceed the work '_)f thef to the aid of the Algorma Central Rail-- ; Crown Lands believed it was in the in-- late Mr. Rathbun at Deseronto in ce-- | way and the Soo industries if the secur-- | terest of the entire Province. ment, chemicals ard charcoal, and the | \ ities were as good as had hbeen repre-- j { Mr. Dull's Remed ;!in(iu,\trios which he bad ultimately estab-- | _ A isented. 'The speaker pointed: out the | | e + S oS '_;l'.fhe(_i o ie es m actladiand No ing ' difticulty often of getting money for any i ! _ Mr. Dufl gsk(*d how Mr. Bowman could || Province, He had no hesitation in sup--| _ i kind 'of security during a period of fin-- | vote $2,000,000, or :fi! per head for every | |porting the bill, because it W?Uld * }. ' zncial depression. The United States ! man, woman and c"!.n!.u in tl.xe Province, f'""lrt the works at t!\e Soo, which would l Stee! Corporation had persistently hin-- | t""""""}*. tlhe ;b""" "?d"'itl"cf {'tlld not 391?]""-: thosxs:;r;lds ";: lme]';l'] and prove of aered abnd Bompered the 'Anancial ar.| MoYe>Pig 'band to assist the bect sugar, |advanlage to Lhe wioie L IOVINCEL l rangements of lthe Consolidated Lake! industry at Wiarton in lis own county. | Mr. Morrison (West Hastings) as--| l Superior Company, with a view to (-ru,}h-! How §" the members of the House de--. | gerted that Mr. Russell had gone farther A ing the new industry aund preventing the | fend the yote when 'r:llley know that --than he had been authorized by his con-- growth of a rival steél industry. | haif : million of it will go into the |stituents. He was surprised that the ' T Mr. Willoughby--Have you any au-- ; pockets of two of the members ? He --Government would permit itself to be ' > thority for that statement ? | 'went on to argue that the'true remedy 'taken by the throat by two of its ' Hon. Mr. Davis--What would you cal} i for the trouble at the "S0o0" was an |followers and compelied to bring in such } o authority ? It has bm.-n asserted by thel 12;}"'%11'&31 prln'teFuve (d'.']'fl'. and . he |a Bill. men who have been financing the Con:| | )(_';l';";',i t}"l('])"'of C.rflln(ttln')i'()r Mok eom: Mr. Lueas moved the adjournment of solidated Lake Superior Cmppany that in | |54 f 'n: ;:3'"' ".m}?;.'m"f_ \'.""_' "l']'_"o"t to ,"}" the aevate, and tlie House adjourned at the money markets both of London and | ig;;f",'oa)l,f-':i o. t""é; CC that the Pro-- 1190 o'clock. -- America they were met at every turn | | 100 pPolQ ildeL VC 4 EVCHUC of the whole , by the emissaries of the United States | Dominion. _ eading the list of the Re--| ; Nursery For Reforesting. Stedi Corporation . {| ~organization Committee, with their fin-- | ; Mr. St. John--If the steel trust of the,| ancial standing, he blamed the Govern--| | As 2 forerunner | to the forestry de-- : United States have been trying to erush| ment for aiding a lot of richemen who partment in the Guelph Agricultural ; out any industry in Ontario we want to | ,themselv%; 5"0%1'303"19 to Plllt ap the re-- 100"9%9 a_hnursfery has bfee?h Stii)l'ted to ' uow it. -- We will all denounce it, but| Maining $2,000,000. All classes of the j | provide the farmors o e Province i k';ozv.ant proof. _ f ut;% community were raising an outery | | with trees for ~reforesting . purposes. " - * Mr. Matheson--The Commissioner for! agamst' any further bonuses of any kind, |Hon. Mr. Dryden, whose proposal it is, i Crown Lands has no right to make that | and yet the Government .was continuing | | has selected the site for the nursery in i § statement and aceuse a gentleman on | the system, and in addition guarantee-- | | the rear of the new Macdonald Domestic i this side of the House of acting for the| |!N8 & loan to the Algoma Central, | Science Institute. _ The seeds have been -- TR > SR ols We en proot" Tuowt, The Majority of 'Three | e ie oi vafa : f 4 * | uate MceMaster University and : > } M ; Mr. Murphy held that the security of ' dergraduate of Yale Fores'tr';' College, l f |has been placed in charge. hoi