The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 20 Apr 1904, p. 1

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i es esnt " e i " " * -g'v? e eie. i e ce lh ce s n 1C '_~ es o , l & z* r*rwm" e WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1904 | "Hhe unlrersi c P C9) stadents| . Gopdakks > * es ul yus 'antfversity" Act, 1 ~ Stabed bhat E08 BROOO : 01. 0 orsity, | ras "The bill to amend the university glc],' as "Ihereasing; Trinity bmveraity,' : PRESIDENT quoted: figures to show the g'""'(t \ _' after vears of consideration, had affil | F vance in higher education in the State i Einted withs shne Provincial University. F v '!'.'f Td of New York and the large :';mn: slf'nt, HA {Vohld uat fave been Aone had the lat-! 'l' & 5 .. +/3 '.' a Il , l(]. + £ k a L H j.'.l a on it.:>.; If Unt._mo'dxd nn't 'slx 11\ tlsz it| . ter been a decadent institution * : it would soon fall so far )10 mi; "'1'~i-|'/'.' i _1f Mr. Whituey thoughe there .wast 5 could never recover, and t LCs rmll'("w', harmful political interference in univer--| * & ux University would be of no value. .5 |sitv affairs, let him name one such in=! Pr(.rni(;l-' in ]'p'l)l'\' to #% (l{'p"tflt]')n f'w!s'ki }Slt)f 2.' "-"'.Hs "l'lich th"']'e had hp('ll leSi- * * % + » raabe FeailAt 5 mressed in W ere f Interesting Discussion on Bill ing fm}z; phg Yhka l,'m!;lmg. 'llsdtlc:p;;(::w f;::}::l 1({; Harcourt denied most em-- 4 sympathy, but asked wol T ies c ns MicC hss been' any in-- to Define His Powers. provide -- it just now. -- Mr. Whitney i phatically that there han'tc-mber Ofy the suggested to try the House. He also }torference,. . Not one $ he state-- oifi tal jier. i efus--' ' Government, he would venture the s wl lnz _ _2ie l2 2_zk ies ]pmnto«l out that the Premier, in rOtUs * itical opinions of one § tation |ment, knew the political opimons * 'lng the request, told the deputation ; ment, & bably not one in ten, of the NO L'QUOR LEGISLATION, |that the normal revenue of the Province _ in four, pronaDiy 1}1 ..-sit:v faculty." In fell one million short of the normal ex--| | members of the uniyC" t 1 cen made an & 2 penditure. _ This endorsed what the (25 years there had m'} irect reconty s Opposition aiways maintained, but he 'uppmn{mcnt wltlmut, t, ie uire ]I' did m . . |a,si\'(w,l which was correct, that statement :mend:'.tion of the j I rf-sulont. it Gl Id . The Government's Intentions aSs' |or the statement in the Premier's budt 'not remember a dismissal, but i tmr? to Rail Taxati | get speech that the revennue was $5 ) had been any they were not because (: | o0 maiiway taxation. |466,653, the expenditure $4,888,982,. 200C i political opinions. They were constant-- ltlu: surplus _ $577,000. tie might be }jy hearing of dismissals from American wmzmmae cce s a~~ wrong in saying H'hlt t_'.l(! Premi@t WAS funjyversities because of cconomiIic . OT nclg's inimical to the university, but lle.""'d-b quasi--economic _ views. Such _ things, Continuation of the Debate on the Bill |not the only one '.\'ht) Lnl«')ught,1 S(t)]' fol:w thank God, had not happened in Ofl-! . i e * | of the Premier's acets showed thas 88 |;,,, to Aid Algoma Central Railway and | was not despcrately in love with the in-- s § E the " Soo " Industrics. |stit,ution or those in control olf 1l'ti; Llo | General Education. . 'ove thi se acts yere --deliberate. ro% c x% wC !P".'"'\.tl"f;'t"fl"j";l Lt(']tft ","":\ (GHobe lnul | _ The Minister of Education :1lludeq to . t t e 'L\:]«'.°\k '1"]\11( * ]mm] nm J]';l. "{ at. He |the demand by all the wealthy. univer-- | attacked Mr. noudon a&s estqaenil. _ it iAs > United States for money. 'It was a f burd agreed with The Globe that there were sities '.).f the Unite I ) aAragprc~n flg' lt was thought yesterday that a divis-- "Eeadwood" and "misfits" there, but Regarding the interview between e 5 Eit 1 s & 4 « ) Ci & d $ P o " -- pomai » + x 'Yl" ¢ o+ £ 1 i0n might be reached in the Legislature | n point was that the President had no i Premier and a university (L,)uti\h{)[u.; . +4 + 3 C k f rp> + " Ar » + 'g'l'! R ins /E aAsKCU, . # on the bill to aid the Algoma Central !power to remove them. The (Globe's "'!""" a physics building "".slfw: '1"mi". } ® + + ¢ moal % horeof % ney f £ ; ABUBE i £ * Railway and the "Soo" industries, but |&rraignment of the President, therefore, | Whitney had made * ¥8: l,l,l y 4 ; t % e [ i s .0( was unfair and based on an untrue leading statement. _ The Premier, while j an unexpected discussion on university !s.tu(.ement. He declared that this |not promising a new ph_\'sl('i building, | matters delayed the start of the debate, |utt}u('.k was inspired. had told the deputation that -- there ' and the great fire downtown prevented i The Premier--Inspired l)thhmn? t 'lwunld be room for th(l'll'h)'"" '("'l]'i""t' R bul sls s Mr Zhitney-- rHovernment _| me; in new rilding on College the finisn. It will be resumed to--day. Ml Whitney--By some '""_"t . t.h(', new b '.m*" p i uya xt * h ¥ official. _ __|street, and that ample room for classes wo remperance Legislation. The Premier--Not by a Cabinet Min-- in that department could be made in Mr. Whitney,. when the. orders of A] ister. | the existing class rooms. _ In the esti-- « * + _b WY dX 0 rcders lC 1 f + Hhar | " 3 + day were ealled. a6hkod If 1t & o ue Mr. Whitney said that he could NO% | mates already submitted to the House t o P apnamni nc fln es {Am,- .. | give details, and went on to say that /$945,000 was asked for education, and ention t.)f the Covernment to bring in t two or three years ago, when the unt |%p, supplementary estimates would in-- this session legislation of any kind re-- | versity bill was up, he had been 1"""5 crease that sum to over a million dollars. & * T » j» £ ¥ J s % '\ 3 ' " i [ | rpY * # * garding the liquor traffic. _ They were | ed by a memiue} . of the 1"""('{"'3'1'? \t\"l \Then it was to be borne in mind that entitled in 'rinws at. thim Cnuanm. view of the (10\Q1fl111€nt: an 1¢ Y"° {four times as much of the Province of titled to the views of the CGovern j <ful -- > hat infor-- | 5 ; f thaukful for it, for without that MIOY | ()ntfario was undeveloped as had been _ _ ment, especially since the maiter was | mation he could not have discussed developed, and there were crying needs alluded to in the speech from the | the question intelligently, but that same | to assist development in a hundred dif throne. wilan was rapped over the fingers. 19" ) | foront directions As l;e had show The Premier replied that it was need-- siving information .to the Opposition. 31),.0\';"".'1 aid to th'eh unive "t- ldl:i & w1# & 6 ¢ © f§ x¥ : less to say at this stage of the session | This showed the jealousy and envy of| !'(lm!hlml -m(i trebled year by -,:" "] ! that it was not at all probable that . | the Government towards any memberI [the fast '(1(*("1(10 4 ti'l "(' '-'_ year during there would be any logislation. of the Opposition daring to touch the| j""t ll)('1 ¥ * rige ut the Government had r 9.3 F M P +3 + -- « »(a & npy t Mr. Whitney asked whether the re--| | question. Mr. -- Whitney cumplamed} g"f ol 'flt.o generous 'to other branches port of the committee on Mr. Potty--| | that though it was at his suggestion ; |, . ,'t'"" ']""' The Government would plece's railway taxation bill, which waw' | that the Minister of Education increas| | MU]" ie "f( hugm- appropriations for the adopted by the House, would be incor--| l ed from two to four the number ofi jlt'u_ ':"""_"'0'5.- which _ served .dll"?('t'." porated in the Government's railway | | townships set. aside as endow ment for| 'l';\ enty times as many as the university. taxation l,-,!l.l. . | a woman's residence, yet the Attorney--| | provision could x_mt'be made for the Fhe Premier replied that it was need-- General at a banquet took all the cre-- dopartmgnt of physics in the class rooms t + » T ay » rici there would not Ix}' any amendment with| | dit for the Covernment. and never| NOW available provision would have to regard to the taxing of the cars of car--| l mentioned kim (Mr. Whitney). | be made.' ]U"-!;"."g Y;q_,n:p;uuorf. I I flon.> Alr. Gibson-----']']}",t shows. 'the} is Mr. \_\ hitney, th.o Minister of Educa-- _ Mr. \'\".mnnly said what he wanted to !'| suggestion was Afor political capitai. l'f",' said, had discussed The Globe ].'I,!f.,\'f- was as to the correctness of a ! l Mr. Whitney weqt on ('f'. say th%-l't articles more than the university. Over mornimg paper report that the Govern-- | | the Premier could give subsidies to rail tlw. head of the univorsity he had been j nm,n"-.'.nul-.} take ;a}'.:lmnt.;,' to. appoint | | ways, and guarantee $6,000.000 of rail i whipping the editor of The Globe He | Mf:, Li'L)t.\"l)l"-'L'(' to the commission, ! way stock, and endorse a note for $2, | an.d.'l'hp (ilobe could fight it out. Thc' Fhe 1|'mnu-|: said thai qhy hbad not! 000,000, and yet could not give $10,000 | -- Minister _ disclaimed any -- connecti i3 been ub!c;f to l'r;u::c !vgxfilntmu to mcur-! a vear to aid the University of To l however remote, with any of the ; l-t'l(lm'i l\""'"t"; Lie snustanice ol the report on | -- ronto to take the position regarding| in question. He did not ex ,'rd"lclt.'s! Mr. Pettypiece's -- bill. A commission | higher education which its best inter |-- views in that w M s ould o i i c ol g R 8 C * & lat way. _ He stated his opi would be appointed to gather informa--| aests require He said he desired no| ions blicly on * pin-- tion as to the logislation in the States es mpeopans w vis t¥ l s publicly on the platforms of the on _ i iegisiation in the istates | "yarty advantage, and that the Opposi | Province. Hon. Mr. Har 5A e on the subject. -- He had been looking| p;joy' would kelp in doing what ought| had not i AMr. fiarcourt said he Int he leaislati o Aichinas | ns uld help in doing . n ght| had not made any attack on t Presi into the legislation -- of Michigan and| to be done for the university. | 'dent of the. «infvark C re Presi-- Indiana, and the more it was studied a o | his views e unversity. . He bad stated | the wider the question appeared.. The| The Trail of Party. ' t';- fl.f"':, fravnkly'mul had nothing but Government had not discussed the ap-- Hon. Mr. Harcourt said all the ques-- t;ic 1;111?1 ']"?:t feeling for any member of pointinent of a ._(,.mminun. but as far l tions relating io the university were intontiu: lsfl :;l staff. o He explained the as he knew t..hor;' would be no lvqm?a-l inviting, but the House would agree | eq {], (;io the bill that had occasion-- aqn 6 ¥ i » ¢ » * sc S8 " « § o tl' perinit: the 't'll'l'f""t""'nt of MtYr.! that he ought not long to detain the provided i;us ton. _ The act as it stool i'( t.t_'.fu,(.Ttlu' L:nll)'on l-t,l. |:l'\~m')el ;)t the | members on this occasion. He doubt-- sident §h0\1l(¥e-nemi terms that the Pro-- t'",lh'.',\, e :( ',i'l;"':,\';;".:l,l;;t",? ,"'l'lmi omen|ed Mr. Whitney's party disinterested" . rooudingy {] report to the Government o a, (tl i/ ';ll)"cf'lfll i. o nate °@!S12 | _ noss in relation to the university. The Anfeldime; t""," work of the staff. _ The tion on ine suvject Lili _ S0§8!I0M: .. \ trail of party was through his every cment simply made more clear and Mr. Whitney » remarked that | the} _ yaa? P i aks t definite the President's duties i es atitha 0J ifion and the Tenetl roference to it. en years ago the ||__ uties in that re-- course of the Opposition Afiid She T898t!: _ | (tovernment supplemented the revenue gard. of the session dependecd on that. o c s C o o iranal j A o The Premier said that that was all he :*;'glxl!: %fggl,dtlgz 'gfi';fp 1?;:@., tl:\ltll" e;::)tny; iPrrenuer Ross' Appeal. 1 iad in his mind at present, and thought ' Aigo 11. 5 | _ Premi j ues' s I ltlr(.ltmthu session wloul(l e!'!d this week,. the Provincial treasury by $61,807. That '\\'hitl;l(]*lf'r Rqss l onl biefly « Mss Cdge P y en t ind this we meant, capitalized at 4 per cent., a mil-- §¥ y s attitude in relation to.educa---- Mr.. Whitney ie newspaper report, o * U e¥ zs y tion, set forth t t arggs » -- 4 then, was not correct ? z lion and a half. _ Neither New York, :tiun and plead llfe Wibdbiabmain s Wual . .. . . | o ' ; leade 8 f The Preinier Jaughingly remarked that |-- NOT Massachusetts, all thx'?gs consid-- | fsi(lm'-ati) If lu or a non pa.rtxsa.m con-- / they all sometimes suffered from the ered, had done more,. . The total of ; ?sajd t (2 Eic on imnprsity questions He-', allegations of rewspapers. the grants by which the . finivele i9 *e !Wlutn ut' o socech. ay fl'l is Ond OME i \fi Coumee, in order to prevent any| V¥enues were increased since 1894 was t eys speech and its effect upon | ~ 4 # . & * Tha y i n * » 1 ]ni:-j"l',l(l('rb't'il"d"ng sa]d tllfltr thQ. amend-- 8]90.?00 Then tllel'e was .the new | w;e !cgl:j]t'ry' n.o fl'!enf.l Of the unl\'e!'stty ments he proposed to the Jennison bill building on College street, which was, U 1auk him for it. Its evident pur-- were not 2t the instance of one party to, really a university building, and would' pose was to array the Liberal party and the disadvantage of any other, but to [ cost a third of a million dollars, _ The the university against each other. If the protect the interests of Port Arthur, || Provincial grants to the university had | | l@ader of the Opposition had told what j 4 increased as the needs increased, and| | the Government had done and some-- e University's Friends. had increased satisfactorily to all the| | thing of what it might do for the uni l \ _¥ Whitney, on the third reading of {1. iends of t£h9 ;ime\;ersxty when poli-- | versity, the speech might not have had ; igh > les were not involved. . As proof that| (that--effect. It was a partisan speech, a /

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