The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 22 Apr 1904, p. 1

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.-."-tff AY "he CN _ _.-.---)---.-------- Te 8003 , " o' 2TI, t",itf'jili"th"i"j' ' "i'iiij"i"-" T _ _ . . 'l" as; , 'rr? pe: IN LAST g I were, ma. r,'" 'f , 'd8rir,8!r"'r"' » ' l otlo . I - , P?"? "A . .A STAG " we"??? 2h,,at' tuiieri slT" ',X8Fr 't:TP"t,N"e m-r---.-.-----".. ent fo tpporte men "lg Gat W [ T ' r lead rt, wr, tha e Legi ' pain' rviii ""hiyuregudodd'm Gave t M isla , 'de ' .loughby " c PW.- ttpeeifi _ P, e M Jected tsnptt '.L'We, t of tl . this W 'M . Mr. G 3111'. onths' " th Gum. for the hal, tr up count Wery. Hgmnaze'td Jet',',',': Hoi e f "WW I" Phs' .'" Gov ry W " 1.i' ad h ment letsa1 said ist." rorf m "t was itiora .. 'Jr',',',,',:,?',":',,,'," , 093051er . ot a e do that ( _________ n .. ""1130 a . It I b t iti few the nun the ', THF .015" " t etim "dd "My rar w on F, Boo chm " REE VOT tint aaliy in'teO. the .5 and", . The il two n1'11 r1c,iii,'ii,r,iil'eii),ei, cghjusi"! 01911139; E 'v. iigiii: _ ttttM ' Prentrt , il gom embe trenct more tici rles "PI SC W? F d i . 'Whr' nre,' th a Ce T." o 'Al to car Isms ' hut HAL rere Di '11 tn . W , l e Go mm, t the the c an T I LE , - id "be c. 'tre, Penn Vern tha Ho " cor d in hei NG Mr It C ie I l ' , '. Y a mc n th "Fr. )npo . dua - - ED . tttn . .g'son. I "a ttac tttt's ey . wl " tio - A__ U. C. y P. Pr , w, tTVN kcd . Dr did th n o F Other Me --.- "all; ayss"'r¢i3)[' howm om "h ? 'iii'il',',',t"ii,l, 'EEErYtlxggméJg':Hlsin Rustin: "15 _.. "3. J ' ' I _ we. f o O . '. I" Fsi mbe io 7'1. had thai, , 12, , l He t IT! 11.t""cst£' "gai "lem"'.e' JFK The rs Adm fa "than"; fore yd Mr Gefm'riI-q l ii!i,tljs,ll1firoi1tati1t, overtOne nil', tin brts -'t6)- . . . 'c'.", . rur e " I'. it. Y Are C it T I r as I this 1 . the "ttttf:?. ' bo I s'iiii?itiii11,, of tl he" ()he'u'd , the" .Thpd' redi ha "hf sli _ 'ant eaisl Clos. mm oi 4'3. tetrr: pposi .In t uc "be itors ' t. 9115,; ir,htest frzoncourn anon "Mtg-"ml"? iiiiiiiii,eiisii stiii'll,fi"dii? It 1:)ittli ----------. ' .rrfr ._,' I ' sa; 'f-i, - ' l 'dl l ' I . Sl . He I ' "hi" D. _' and _ ounda .red, eh ki: ", L he. wh mono Wore de v,1tli's,s?ois,i".s1,f,',),'('/ iir, he Arg ri in u...N '. I belie! Mon io ere, a As gnu {00100331on [I'?))',',):,?,')':),:: v", "M". Gm "415; . l' if Vt. T' _ not 1 r0 r t my. te Wed 'ttt w..' P ent on 3 It. _ state such my IN.' any ' . Th Ce.stit* he dew SH "h .r..'ief'; t.l."'y l, "H" ostpoaed Their Ri "d Mb it rantmi, " that viii/tiii'":?.,',',':),, S',',', commit"? NVQIODKHOF '3: '/i'/',)f:/,s',",d, , - . ieh " ' r.') . CTN tcu u. ytt . I nt r - iss-i ace. ent ' tl -.",. J, 'Ct' Start to Mornirg si,' t to em l "iii:,),".:.:,,.:)',':;:.:,:',; mm mmber' 'ii'1rld :y rCr'ii','ti?i,'r,'iifiiCti',t'rt Jolt', "d, en's: df).').' . Hasten ession e; ",,"/i'ai.,"i r.ctwmt r an on), i will ii, I mucking ',irr1'fiU'f,'r",.l F', Dom: '-'1hrir,°'r"tic' Fromm Wm] 'ii',') sive,', my?" aim mere-'oé'yremm': be": iii 'ie',' Cit'r"ilst'tii';i.2i'ii,i 'l".'.? 1'j'e'J,r1 Inn. fy' the l in q m ' tr. of . C sp ems, ", _ hue" i'iid /rr),f',,1lii",'?, _--------- (l, b. m." , pres Wax] . " tl only. rked world Cer 3 "any" c, WI ------ . ' "'2'3'" 2S8 U . " cttp, ttot '1." SI th fr who I " of vat is - l that alum, us " th 110 l to t rho at t "' its " .e ""3Lr' a _ "e '..- e . Pt h Ta. 119 " a "u T IO Pnlctimn . known M b by M?" sixth 31k Itom ttM'tbfHtre r rheufwehaemfipmrclily devo'ml; .E'DL'LHL' Ito islatur J carried 1- tho "S'oo" , ed b'f.w ",li,,ir,'i',i,ci)'rrr,js:ii'it,'ii"r1'i;,', . ii'i,i'rtfe,i.i'r,?llqe,," iii-iii/iii',-,):,':':',')',,":'.:)),),; t"li,'i,rr'..i:'iit',1i,),s','ri. a e. ' , . '. ,"2," 'r' C . e C. I,': z. i:,.,? tr, 45 by .1 strai dist night . bill Wag, in" 'ir,1,7,',',l, F':ll'.':lad ovepdlf' tb'uzmat'ii ' 'dest,.,',"'),.',?., :1?3dufidh0':€n"m'ed tf 'ti',':'.';",):',?,'-.'.. '- ' TttlL' In F t Mater a " y T n Fh, r pm}? it» l m Ja iliti 'n . r. ,'.' Ts," - "mum's. PIC "01:" party V the L03" I? fi ent h?' and ifroa' 8:3" oxeéiiid dull?"- ER; _'t,l)'t.sfi'illjili)i,i2,i (y"; 13,7151": .. g . _ . . . '(r . . b _. i r T '. ., ' i." . no. ' J) " -1". ' -. Y? . negatiretl Hunt, "PM "as on te ot 18 had 'ii, 39:"? C.?.:,',, a t2'g."f, (320111?" a}; u: if will}: TglllquN'iafm"awhile? 1uotion by three ndtneni II ihree 'jill,!,',')";,"', 'ii'r'm' sserhitur fer fro _ hi; '.Gyt 1,tf.1 nigmhi' u/l',?: ",i'v1l"it/r,'ii)'i":ii,i,'i' Libby; the . wiusprtt \f but, het , which l) ', n, 10 PM] wiih (5mm agvtha'. 11;" Mr _ Lenka. {met the 72:" 'fd ahilrju 1.4% right JIr w 'UI'v t "as and. ftt' "Wt "th . iii F, iiiii '21.»... "(We . Wm 'st 1,. 30"} "we" li- Um to re . "lit ho mai tf 5 that '.1" . 0r be and ork lm ich" the In (much t}e""'b'lhu "r-di, "my 't tneml eeord nov el 'till 'u'ultrt' " "it, , tMIS" l" lh trode i _ WI) f""" ""C'IS "57'? . cc, (,-fic/",C,ii Jr' ' a . . IIa . 'P, 'ood . ol . 'WI T "*1" "(I m Dau' ' Hi -\'a. '~"r. Ad "Pan, and rs, 31(35er vote bv ' llengoil ii,.?,:,',',.,;":). ,is',1',1ai'io1,r',itr' 1;?! 1,917.28" on t "'('féh the": _,','..).',',.,";';' "'03:; tll",'; (Cf/iii"),; ground Hoa J 1' (blinks; tlnve of 'li':',:-':.":)'.';',:':".,',,)".:-,,.",',,')',," to ') Drip: . don?" ntag,e ( if?" bum" :l'l'lfI3LLj3; 01" I hr"); ' ":1": th; . . l g and ow WV wi ft H 1'tti, an - on , an}. tN /1 ltr,', iii, tl "dft' . v/i,'" I- credit at th . titr: t lh it "'9? ' "tho "9' ' 'l a re- emf Rep ti M C t lat. tl $4.". toti- ors - ey W atton m" ne les' "31' ul f . Wm " r . 'Ilgn "In - "m,- hot 'cl/ _'/"yrrf' ' .'. a e . ' . ood A. yl . oa re . re- , U. TEF., f. . ed . pa . lgh 5-,; . en amounte tMr. Mend ." Intel. on tho "or... 1',e,5r of "it'd 'iiira.c'i'i'ii:?f,'.a',', 1W." ! ','a't,'"'t", J,'ia2e é'urmi and Ir, ti',',',';"',').!,,?,',",' cl" . d 4, [lo _ ("Ate eo _."",'" r .',hr: _ . IR I. 1(1 - and l dc" ow the tr I , 4'sz od th: al d . Hr', l D OM M pp . h r (I 'm. y tt l h itors " "131""; .7 ' intc, '". doelt omi . 1713 " r. . tl ositi Cttauy; C" the rgion I,'.-,?,."":':,")', r l'ost , -. and fl they t'. Beatt "nd wo c, his h 1tmont J'IHUU ti lik-o" y),'.' 'i"l1,',',') trttl 2; Ada; they" ri/it Cj/r . "I to , .101 WPI' l _ T tit,; uid . and: . ' rl' t Sn t . C -. m, . ha; I . . . tsri ll' . "ir. _ tt t _ (ttit tTo . he it1 tit! on t "(I , who tIwi the bi h t t ' ' f ot v T "I had .81.; In, obi It. t Ho tt tito n r ri ill he t "ISO 11". mm tutu a re: ( , L . "I jectit " i by)", roi" late. :4 ght to (ii', twliod a r) .""""' op 'll:,.),',,,',':!,),',,"?.',:, "'llorprc in (3.211511. Jc', ost in w kg to tii,',i.iiij,iri:i,/i.,."'.j,'i.'_ ' "We ' . e. As ulingr,: /?i?i'1"l,?1f','l 1 tent i 119"" "lb y.1 Mr ondete vj,)r,"ur',.1i,1', nt 7 V doeid h a ' as t , .555 vad n i f?f tt.,id J, whs.r . Wt nent wk." fttt thes ed to lf? hour 0 rhrwrn ot the that"! '"trmlupgt it 51"". 1rco "bu"? . "e e endeavo an poinis defer tlu was the "an cr, 1ii','iiTi'i'idcer, the 0,6": thibz ', iitlricr,':'tii,i..,t','),.i: Whiz"; lost s 5 t.cli r 'F ttt . ' " "I: tr; . . k . I . ' e Um), 'tfl..','.,),',",""",",, , S l " I h A " UNM pto finish A?! to-day rgu. 3?)" ""11?an Emmi tho [I,,,,,",:)? in- j ")?:).'ii':i'i.':-ri,il'ii.i'i,r. "(ti-leuriltfifl ",'ilfl'f'j'wn I "150 b reri r C ' . I y . I! i . r,ti, , e O an 'tiii'.,','-),)':",)',;')":,",)) a" WIT, .1; h: l ,4 l. rr,' "t sho . iousl sessi n. tl n it _ Loy-S "mp . "nth; ' nd "'11.. "my. . It rum" ad h m..." .,',' . So ttld I . y an. "on tl . I . tai. h "r in . and otiti "t . '$rr"c'. "It ..'.\ 3:31 n," litt' ' Ir',"" T" 0 Bi ncet greed Irs, in " h, n his (he on -m 'r'Jit'2':,t'. 0 itill T'L'b'l'r iHY - I. l . ' T l ill Debat to-day a that the: s}. rrrsearsi y] "NV , 1d//o1,r,',' Was rvith T orf'n'fd f, ff!" ,2;ij at," (if; "new" I'. t Mr. 1h e. t 11 an , ( mm" . iiO "'Hid; 1siro t as \xeitrnth- "In???" if" ' "if," ham". t ""32"";- he "'11- -. l A . . h o n ',tt . al - Cu 'al' l , C', C <1 ttn. l'. 1-". seeo cy t"C . ' Tr '8 fnlc ttonecal it, 2"" m (In. . Ho gdbic suid LI tun.W ,- the " ndre . sumed I ade in B, C the cal n Suovr'ho FI "Fit did t rim l'A: ~-.. _".". .. I" mo . adine . l the f '1 Doc Snph H" the atr: ' tilpp' ed s,?f't- kr '.V.ts _ 'rr- -hoi tion gofth deb , -. _ r. Ib, "men. . ".D test ' t h" h: airs "lard. '4".th . In", ii, Ltk," ls to . C' .. :, ' at I "1"» cu ' ts. L 0 1"."ld . bu tti h , PL, n tie t. 11 give . Soo" . e on , bisract l," sai . c?..'."..", al.HC J,')', "we: hr' 3.1 'i't-ub."*"! .' Cr',- l , e _ It . bill «In or id a oer v, e k TU Let I . 'c'At' off clai a tl ' ml b to it, Ini 01- Te, "I. . "d . J, C' . h: i'trcct proee fered w med that Wee Int and Prrsos, aeeme tale Bwom'] t EDP?" mm"? "in", ii1i:.),tilci.l?"iieclii',/, " wde 'Crc t mth , 'd ". Mr "P one ye w" 0n I" Tn: "r-kf 1L- ',', he". l Ive-J tra ed to not he 5 aml p, c. dai "min arc" if in '1 ould 4.11 " "(in orai he". cr-V, rct,t ' " . _ ' I e - " pr .. as . . . A. ... lo,.- at 'i.'i'ry e. li' _"' B et bet read wl gilt-ed securi, _:',(ii)i':i':s.'i'i'a'ti'" a}! the "hi , in" t: of the a? (i,'sf"/,'isi,c,rst:'i",' ""11 .V:ts tji:..t 1' Own Ween vatl ged "on WClY ' w". leit . 31w "Pm, tin, . -. :2... " tlt . 'o if I~ "0 ' pan . hit, N: cal , and . Mr l . L, tup lk tor r Foie-v' Baum"! ".el)l'e_r.t-l"li'r'/r,'i't'. tty. ii, '.', si', fr." strueti and Fl- SSrSI C 'tleda 7 ii, in . Conrne: "(yd "h . Cons '3 g "(M , "38"": Luci: "urn": "kin-bf WU"! hr,- way 1011 oi t oley J',r _0nrnee C011. Intvtt my kgrd~3__1 h,. vor Mr "34'? the} ".1;erka 9.; of Ce"','.),' belt"??? Um, Jiifrii Mr ho. Algor os. for th and ti,'.,',,,'.:'.]:.:,' I: I('/,'if'; got Hg- , {EDZY iri- "TIL, thEIUIH: ¥"'Ul'gjn,' 31(- (jun. hi "I tl . Co V na C' c co g a" p his I. ich. " P, . ',' at l 9 the . 311.35 y"): _,'io,lie'inj,'i,'C".. 3 we..-' m tat pme em. 11. Mr an Ct", is' " _"'"" h . "'er ly teh; 4 cri . M of do . f1". "mm- and. but MI. this "f ""119 ral Rall thv, Ii Hahn?" 1i:'c"r',e'rir,'.it Vn. 'ii,'.-',',,,,,':'.. 1tp,,,1.y, "TQM-1 "'Jt'tichlt'r'e tls it" lib-1W"- the J,rd i1i Dme as 110ta""P1'e-y . T SPnfeiOu'mur-'t :h'kod Dim." " "it? 'lil,,'; i tkf,1r'u',','r'.r' l 'i' lusthqt'b'dfuuee.(Sqri'eifu'l'P-'fi , . t .- ' ' e -u . . .. V "I. .. q _ tr 7 , cy ' b " l " ". , _ clai ppltur e doc y ref , tugrte to I the .( on . I . "(u p I,:',',';'.,,,,,),..)).',"? Vat Soo" ryg hit . "I, / 'iU"lfi' (ii':'.,';'.,?,,','?,':')".-.,-:.,,) t I imed " of ument used t by I _ bmy eomli . My "mm. ""ez) deg-13x luau-" for "Ms; {"1 h he". .' "tr Prom. tha . th t 0 lie, .l "I {Emu tion ' C." ' we Cen hit. .cei We ts' ' Ure- ',ii,"s1ii,(,)ris,,:rri)'-i,'",ar,i)l"',,'rs-.- pend dent t the 1.8 Oppo uough Men. 1 Dr will t ront read that I "mm, "4': do iivst tent 't "-'x~= {nth-{J 3'1," y _ tten , a , nu at , I . Wi md - - b " e.. '7') iuiiiti 8m." in. ""51 tr ." ci',.','," Ir//, ts" ', t, Ct 1m WI a Ion to n 1 _ I v." . v W. -u- ac "my, cl A e *' 'cr, .P W m 'r. ' wtii,'.1t,' the J, t,ii,1ri'iiiie,iiir'"'t a may, me? 11tll i)illtr,5lf,'J, PM 'ic)"; 0113110"... "My di) :t:iit'(:1i'i,'c:',-'(:-ii-,,i'i'ti',.i,i,(; "we: ' . F l . . " Ji' . ., 'rSIs jlf'fr 5t-r', t 'hf " -rt' J,'.':',,'? .i 1.01:.411 il,ottp,,i':t.t'siri(i,i:,ti,?ees,i l theoeil'ous. Mrnna- I';)"":?':',',':::,"-,.;].,",):'",; eros "annumxv- (ii)',.)';',.:)):':";]..""",:':,")),'; "e; if"th iris.'-).',::-;")'))':,":)"; il,',' : 111.. )e . ' n , . b n . ' ' riser: ttr, t a -'<: . .c , .'r' we. "ma "and ", eir ex on r I531] were If deel do" 31.901111], q exe! . andea ". the, od 5'11""? LG atgU Vih l/tie',' 'ir',. und ytiN' l, lit future this bugs and Irreparcgmdl in h." (Mi-es 'd,'r'1udfif, {'0 him In iloor m'tin"; gm'Put t.r,.fi,t,,if.i)'t,n 8(th 'r,i,iti,i:s'rii'/,i,ii' . '. ou . al Cro te I IS 17 ttttet T9t't r it y M 13%; SW". " e: ".1er "m ' th 'l rtcl, elo Putt, . it on a t V of tand ' trl: w. h r. " '1 T C. New: "B. tam, 10', ' thue. yp1e o e, a] o th , ext " ii, "W I anvi e " tsir." fur... .Lustt' irtty W' '01 tl yrnctrt. h- I cant 111 of LN' af td 5 el M racist." stv'al.. "'81:; " got tiiG g" _- up": nd 0 nigh '10 I": . th low tak t _ r. f ." . Thi al 'cl r" Js',lie'i;'tiot"/ f em rem C1Crtpl .' l td .tnillio e "tlo od , " t Ttettf. lan Is he ." lo a "32:9,. 95' 1-5161: & " th lt'. Uni . cic' i" c P rh',iii1i:iii'iiii',sii, to 'itj" i"J:;t the d , 3t]: e'),?,?,??'),),;)'),,,':,),-'.",,',',,), wt just, pygm- SP'W j'nSir ("3:3 {mama'sfinal-11'?sryke' _! me. ' st "st' of P stri e. I a _ . 7 ' y , 2%: . -m, ynt1 . ' Jst.e . 'rlu _ . Mu... "Pull p. or {'1' s',t',.ti',itlsre, 2:33an j"j',j'rrj'iiiiiiiii., had it,, all. O'I'I'P'Pe'uqm'f'tezi' from thi ". rllg,i,.c, 'i)i.,i',it.ii'i-,'r; :'.rj'ils'i.'cliii_li,'t)-,./ ;'1.ff"c\.hff 'nas tl to . n Ure , 7. " . u r.'s '.,'.," ' S tt . Tf-" ' In; tro . n -, '3')", . lit pr ccm .95 le "c, m tan J's m g"n sd, by e0". Fetyir" -. R tp.,", y'l . tut", put . its nt, of So a rm l ent ' "v 0w. . not He o lc, ca " h. t .1 _ thc:" . tirc.: tl y l far o." "Gunny m Ct W . mo." " t: a "he I' be glad "a: ""~'ll-..' It ." :0 a Raft if (:'L"/:ac'iit,? 'po/Isle/rig.,', 'lt.?,",', 2 "if? hick umy()ll:p()si?; csc,:,::,-:,:),)';),'), Ji" "We" nl/lf) s'ng'hwb'Y'1351'sW'fil' 'r, i e . w -e n . c e l. . . ." . , Ag .., Win, _ixitiv" iercd L' 'ttr 't;."Y . 3rt ""'v t as be a . al b" ea . cr at , _ l l l" .0 tt co ' t g"" ' Wtear tillrta'm(;£;£lafeg'tlnduilze' "Ham!" 'JJ, gm"! li'nt'f'as cons 1 vs a stifle "Mr-1 Publ'rnu0d 2:313t223;Ln3§""~ng";fe2l P' _ . T A rie adi est. il y sid MI _' " "l iC N k, . "'s _ "71"? "WT "." rctiri: e th Count . of fa 0 pu S eo . "w l Intr Mr k orab , daeu-l ' Send v, Ste: Cl.". S .7 "No _ in-l l 'il2, 1113"le . "gm ppretheti',e Stunned! ', 'iii"?),':',';'::,':)";, ir,c'i'ens'irii'ii,1"iit:iCi. further l .1 v.,,:.-',?.'"'",'.:.";-',':' Juleut Favkl i.-.,,')':',),.':)',':,.?.:'.";)")"":-, . P 1' f w uet 1e 5 mm . int . "43-3. n" ft. an "' s. _l'd hi a) , .0!» as . S . (b I o . dub ttrf cros , "y, he" J35: . H11]! 3 _ FO - IV ast m TV rthl Cr " s- b G x- tl , '~-u , ' , JC. con . rked Cf; C' onis isod . ! 633 B Lrty ed ""1; "it b tttcc 'n a, 3Ir. zeltnents again-Si Lamblihed th 1": d Mr. F Bonds D t J',fiift" f"? 1r?r.t),tv,et.t,",i'rifii, s,-i:'.'iyir/n','jr',_"t'_",_'iii' r, Imp'ldibe .J. tdr, 'i' the any)" my" mff'areyy was . " er 321': _,'i'/',,'(','il:i,C.).,cvs'-ri"ji,' d astillrr "1 the'ijLiii,ii'lii,' "may; All thee the ttd,", 'i's,f,',8e,?nsfif, ', "may" :7. 14,7? 2,1"; .,ii":)j:,':.'fj.'(,.: We; T iGiiTi as t ""55 ' 1n . th " of ah hill tuni 'ver to "'50-": o Vir- . sc', yt'. Fl, ldn,lt/1 Stat:1 e revnmtio: brief e bill 11.1110 .iiis.'i,'x.letil:,t', J',P2gr,",e, 2&0 bill ' "P'HDD'NEH te by "',',u ""3"" t pr . . ju' ki ur- . t . n :" , clue sb7t 1...""'~'~' Vativet? tho. ars'teelefintatige)" 13m": "iii'i'iii',t."i,iii,i',ia)iii1ii, 1)'i,ril'.f,ili'r,).,1en1r),', (:33 J,T he in y):.;.p;'-'I:r_- 9"} .. _ . . ei wat . -. ,, e. _1 si - fif'.C 'Ct' 'dt' arg'adcrshi'terencosu't' and of a, (sway; "filfirg'I'e'ériUu'ésS'stgnge i'lh'i'fi'; 'fl "WW ! as; may: 'itlt,v1i",', s'itit'.. the Wye 'dy, meme (iii,iii,'i'iii,tiiit; fay fry. bu',',?,',',': , ' . ' - n . .. not " our th and If" a ii, 'We o, "Sort was: (35 '1tisise,i?i1l,'s",.'i,t, ot/yd,': 3; "up. 11" mm"P3ts gags G der 'dll'; 't'fiifil, iiiiiiii'iii'iiiiiiii. 933010 Q r $6 $13" Jim.-- I " :'tin'g "$11k; {bimbo} nrrd 02032931 the}? "i'triiitelii.,t £111: ':i,ej,i.i,ii,ii,'i( .5)? Wm", . a y rd; we _ e i ma ha :ai ou er at mi __ f: 19369;. ears." A', hit will 0: Plea) ("'5ch tld to "I? b03231." {Each (1:313. of er ve b Inst tt ot t ot an i apyt orth e iio; (1: whom we een "damn! the the .ry?id actu . letrs. nda; ..',, . -- thav re fol- no 'e',"',,',', of£1g0£XI|, fgt wglg in'dhel . We b0 one kseOOn d w a Ce d no the Gr.) N " new Lt 'fd 4it-,')tgitl, t Rt ggt i . w an ' . m ,m-' , gr i"telt",','i,llff,'i'; Sail/great! te th can) es , trd ' and t migh I V ti i " , V . _ l A

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