The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 23 Apr 1904, p. 1

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eCE 0+ C + 3 A P o \\'. mt TURDAY, APRIL 23, 1904 _ _ _ j CGu@#dtian Imy im o SR en coomeneonem enc oes coenacen srerses eerteeisuet en ¢t.'anldian TImprovement Comna s SUU JJ Fight to vote was disputed were, no one he Trust Company of New n'v with disputed, Jomt judgment creditors of the a third party. _ There is no ork as Algoma Central Railway Compan i with the Aigoma Cent _agreement the amount 3 I paty / l0 pany; 1 ral Railway C THE e unt of $400,810 and interest, pany ; he agreement is that th onr s which brought the total up to ADOUL Ihas, shall gmarantee a loa: is Prov-- $425,000. In addition, Mr. Conmee \\'::s" bonds of tne ~\'P,'t)m.a 0(':1 unon the :L crfigltorf of$thc Algoma Central for "l"l way to the extent of $2 n?"",";:(: Ra\il. var o 3,000, _ The guar | immediate pnav £ 1009080 . _ No . 'Yet.»0 antee -- of nayment is provid + $2,000,000 was bei o all nrobability provided for; in 6 + # * ® 8 eimg r bilitv > s In Effect of Term "Pecuniarily r'rovince for the ng given by Ciicl made y no payment will b> ever 33 among other he .. express purpose of, § Interested. (.hto;;" 0';, t'i']' "'\'I"g-*, paying off the cre-- Relationship is Remote r e Algoma Central Railway HITH '1s at f Lon'm'l}v' C y }\}lll"fl) | lt .|s S"nl)l}' a (.Ontr""t a O¥jrs o_ mmz i in R X \thnt is being entered int , a marantee, esult of Guarantee. it-his Provinice ma into, under which * or a v TO PROROGUE T O-- DA Y As the direct result, there would c i(]';n.llod upon to pmyv, a (.('l':l!l,' l:fl\t (-Iu-r bo y 7 h Y 'Oome »y Awiek 6 ns Applause,) into the hands of the reorganizatic | ;'}'md all question, if the hillll' ts ' émaicmskcs L;O"'P"".':' $2,000,000 on the C\ln'og; c m L "";'.\ hon. gentlemen in comino: '?";8"'\" dition, among others, th Xpress con-- j creditors will g 5 imon with all En ngs a 'ts, that these debts | of get their claims disposed ObJechons to the James' Bay tg .\lca_h;.'a. fiouuxcc and Bowman 'ih()l:lll:l';"'.(\ '?'Ontl}s, years 1 may .-a\"]'?hffm-,! . paic These debts had q | rovince can be « Y¥ say, before ap . alle ho Raiilway Guarantee. overdue, the machinery of lth:w];" l;)"g |a single cent. _ Any ":.:,i, ,':}"'" to pay | b(,c" in ()pcrut]on f .. , . W l:).d ft'\v"('" th'\ }l() 86--T a C .-' l'ln'.hlp i"'- or month: s a use, represe j cessn not succeed in forei s, and had | vince _ nting the Pro-- e uie t succeeded in forcing the collection | , and other parties to this $ f Oi'l'tm'e dollar of this amount. f | :m is very far removed from .t\h;m;]'"» upplementary Estimates Include Boaus m'm;:;lml](t:orgzln:gu'uun company, on 'his Tq( l\:;t:{l'"(t';l l(n question. Our ,',,m'r;'n'. ildi j o nt, continued Mr A Ts o i the Canadi: M cge o ah in van onl et to the Buildings' Night Watchmen simply the trustee t 'l;'c :L')'\l::-l was pany. The ;13;):-'(',"](";:)";\ ement Com-- r a § $ he Governme s 4 o yement Company's and City Firemen--A Record Ses-- for the payment of these sums to t\?:') <'?ntr.l'ct is With. the Run,-(..:;m-l'd"-" & sion. members of the House, and the giving Committee. _ The latter under l on of the guarantee as "C ns bring into exis in aaaRt dertakes to ed these two h completely preclud--| this matt istence another factor in se O r(» > | NE28 a tC s eamonasmme cepnrnrsemrenn ie ied o sassfitho & on. ,,'tn'tlem(:n from vot-- ' pany. er, the Reorganization Com-- g as if the amount of their claims was pany, a new body, a corporati ? 4 ; % being voted directly out of the T 'is now in existence. _ It w'll o throuh & 'TJ."--'.!'Sht'lre will probably pro-- NY of the Province to their pO(_';.\'e"ts- the Canadian ln'nprm'('nwnltl(;m l ono ied rf'guc this afternoon, baving put in These gopth:mcn had a direct ])ccum;,-s: Reorganization Committee mi.'-;]]rlan":'"w" SIXty.nim- working _ days, the Jonnest inttfl:em in the vote, and, therefore thei':' l.\'..(-roat,ed company that m ie new--| Seesion on record «& gest "(:ie; tit":m(lld ll)c disallowed. In taking '\'" j,'""i* before they reach -u)x\'ln:;'m;.i" ns ces 3 2 & s attitudac, ne "'ished to dj s S m»O0 com anie.'l, . & '. * 1@ & The "Soo" bill passed the third read-- 19°2% of discourtesy towards act,ll?::mhmw that the cl;sh \\'hict}ni: "tw. bl<t feronson ing yesterday by the usual Govermment members. ons i will come to the n(*\'o'i"\'-OI(")«r-ln'inr:'ilk.agm1 majority , "p . p $ pany, an lasmes *nf T1 ed coim-- \chs;r" _(' of -- three. The votes of Quotes Rules of Parliaments. | paid off d the claims of the creditors ; ssrs. Conmee and Bowman were chal-- Mr. Hanna quoted the rule of | N | enged, but the House decided that they Mouse: "No member is entitled :;)o '":e | No Trace of Directness. | rere s & k m s ® u x T ty ati;at . A ® rote srxt s s \ entitled to vote. _ In this connee-- d,;,-o? any qq(.tm..n in which he has ; ' Now, I would like to ask h ' | tion the Speaker gave an i 9 s _e«,t pecunisry interest, and C bets whether they see anvy on. meim-- sg» bd\(, aln ]n]i)()[ tant de-- ot any n,('»d,"b('r §0 irL » nu thc vole "('Ctnps'- btt (.' see cl") ll'zi(-(. (.f 'li' mig uns V 3 m e f SS » > c.;]alon, establishing a precedent that fhsa:.lm_vo:f'." This m]:. (\1:3:&_(]1 hhfl" l.'e 'tion of this 'ilff(::ethedcox'wnlplated 26 challenged votes must be decided separ-- its application with the ;"1':¢'illt::?ltlln whose votes art'IQu?'gtiotlh(:;p Venss ately, and not coupled together a#. Dominion and English Ho 's-- t .m solutely indirec yroaP .l.'" is ab-- f I Tess P © er. Dui Hanna PrO('C('(lc'd :i * uUuses, ¢lnd Mr. ! "Ww" * ect, extremely indirect y tue debate on the "Soo" bill on Purliaments o mich.* cite cases in these | tlhhes cre the benefits concentrated u; ursday night Mr. Whi ' arliams nts which, he argued, support | these _ gentlemen * K1 rated upon s ght Mr. Whitney read from lis contention. _ In 1892 the PDPO'@ {were a very { .. upposing' there Halifax paper to the effcet that Mr Parlisment had by a xx;ii:)y'4](. British / than there "\\ woghs lgr""ttl'r directness & at MT. C disatiow _ * ajority of six : was, could i sai aields, the General Manager of the | dh?"m""i] the votes of two 'dq.l,),l(.t"lrt there was in any qnn-(zlp l; o on orabnan *Boo" companies, | | and one sharebolder of the East * iof the I 7 tinis concentration r s, had no confide tu| C & lder of the East Afric: ie benefits of 4 e fubure of tie o confidence in | Company on an item in the es ;.\fr:"" gentlemen as t this bill upon the hon s iem, and was negotiating | to provile for 1 In, the estima teos . ien as there would be in the case With another [3 ing R P for the cost cf certain rail |of a private bill ? -- The credi ca j er company. Mr. C. N. way surveys | betweon \;,,,,,L:L. 23-- | companies were 'nam e creditors of the ;:n: ltuf Bault Ste., Marie wired the re-g 'AI:'lyam.u orderel by the (}ow:r'l;lm:x':tl |been established _ in (trt?e"&d?;ul 4 lmhi rt to Mr. Shields s | e grant itself was pass f o 'jlapart f x 'bate that. s n s and received the , jority o 2. ipu. _ passed by a ma-- I roimn creditors, the w following answer yesterday L---- hLv %2?\?) Of. 98. _ The Provincial Secre-- :]\'m(m was deeply intercste:i i':x'"t':: DuC fuont sttributed to : y 2 --Bhalte: 4| (rter d as a -- sbharebolder of -- an [ {2Z'" of this discussion. _ Th $ cas c f o me that "l't"l'Pl'ises <:r. sted bank, came, hbe decl | not a single-- inst ity i nere Wwas onsolidated Lake Superior und 1 s1 rictly within the rulings of 'h( (h",r%'d- !ilw.r's T ote ids '(-1_ ilt;('e in which a mem-- of «rren would prove d cful a der | House, and, that bein the s e British || that he 1 on a96 lowed on the ground WA 3 unsuccessful is ab there be any g the case, could | e was a creditor. utely without foundati ¢ any doubt as to the illegality || "In this case," said t | soltn i s on. _ My posi.| Of the votes of Mess e Miega®ty i| orgj, © ," said the Attorney--Gen-- ® 1 in connection with reorganizati Bowman * "'hat) "' (.Sslis. Conmee and ;th:n}.. the creditor receivingz the amount tioithat I am t eymmagatn anits' I rey had heard | of 1O 28 claim is only getting yersya l s o have absolute mechanies' liens went for i hi entitled y getting what he is 18 all operati e charge ' cause, when t mt for nothing, be. [ SUULINT 49 ; there is no grafting in | ailons, C. Shi s _ . when they gave the s matter p'. ""'b 1 '.-h" s s . Shields.' of everythi Y & m the beretit | ot. (Applause. The a pi "'(;len site "Soo" bill was CSposed of That ':fc;":rlll(t?{"io;hzxtt,hcoul(l be urged in :!)cnefit such as there miol]ltl"l):"in la~ 1(,'?1" pid progress was §AAA 4 f . there would still |ing legislation »4Kitn l ces & made wit . money voted i & stt be || ;. © Cl or mak"'g money ori 3 r abe;y * ~ ith the or-- g « oted in the neich! to people or i y grants :. paper, and finally the supplementary $10,000. ghhorhood . of | tor; :;lr'll(i (\)slh to conl\pam(-s whose direc _ timates were Cihe o C as Je hose -- shareholders may be sfanteein« [tusuxted. The bill British Precedents. | yery 111uf3h benefited by the le viu{-'utin)fi ig the bonds of the James Hon. J. M. Gib i in question. _ The two thi s care Bay Railway was put through ( ame* i Arst of ull. t'o :lh sou, in reply, referred | tirely different." ings are en-- tee of the WI ough Commit-- i the report of a com-- | y } i aole. us +s mittes : P s img to--day Mr Hovl:)"'.t'l"' third read-- 5(-.v§:';l appointed by the British Housel osition of Conservative Members. fause "be Inserted wiil move that a | questi years ago to go into the Mr. Gibson, in referenc * Lic-ut.-(,;«m.,.,,o;. in L('J. empowering the cuni't:"i)lnv of the votes of members pe-- tion taken by Messrs. Il?:f:l to Abre PC s > P ® a s + : 1.~ oo C h ® h % toat. o Hime hx the »: ounell to from time | House y interested in bills hefore the ty of the Opposition, said ;u and Beat rates, whi ; passenges and freig ise.. _ This committce e ti y . said that the ques-- *L», while Mr. w hitrey will reight the evidence" of" 6¥--S U.l\ after taking | OHh of whether they thought they o have the guar 'y will endeavor | the 3 ex--Speaker Peel and QUSht to vote ikin did n f A ) arantce limite : present Speak «i P s Me n mss Pha ' a or abstain did not af-- ortion u. £ imited to that Gillly peaker, Sir Willian Cour feet the r , m g township Ot'lugkex"iud' north of Mara 'g;ltli";XIr';(l'ann:entlctl against -- the 4::',:.( }Par]iamemlg':lliwti'go;Ott.v' The rule of ho 3 C4® y Ao ¥ C > C % > to Toronto from Ll,l:filf_'ia the extension | should bem: a _ standing _ committee vote who had a "'lir::tt o oi mb ".O'Tld Patere Chan ovincial assistance, | Of dealing wr;g'hm:'tl'-'d} !t')r the purpose terest," but those «vent}('n'l)(%""m'r'} lm' enged. the a chalionged votes on | WYere goin i genticmen sald tIey Daxresahst ilv' ;gmund of members being pocunia'r- point c;vaqg lt]o 'Ot? aga.mst Ee bill. Thf proceeded o g, the House immediately of OT;u;restcd. The committee was |and who e oo e o t es miin neyv to a discussion of M Ass pinton that specific ca S could say whether their con-- Y's motion t r. Whit. | dealt P ses should be | science w : Messrs, C 0 disallow the Yotes of re wtcn? ?,g th('y croppo.d a A']_'htl 9a) b 3 ould h('. relieved by voting i . Conmee and Bowin: 's 0o port contained a collecti P -- is | against it ?¢ He quoted fror i <:SDeak ground that they had ..a"'&'."' on the | cases that bhad aris ec.t"'"h('f all the|er Peel that those who wer ":i'u .upm. 4 pecuniary inter 4 irect joi of Co en in the House ) terest e directly in-- s est in t] T U WA L Athaizg .ommons, and they use | terested could not v i 7 | AMr. ie said » m hey found | 4 s vote either for or : W. J. Hanna said, bef o. '.,:nt that never had a the state-- |against a bill. _ He believed that Mes } ::;tho discuss the queqt'iun O;Q lPl'oceelL | ].,en disallowed in the cmemb(,}.s vrote|Conmee and Bowman had ig h (*s-sTs';l 3 S of t T ic bi ; ase 0 as much righ he wgl:?:& (/t':)mnce and Bowman 1?; ?fthgt '1'2::l hon (Aubleone) t onl Ot.} :l(:te I"'ls he himself had. | The m:me! § remark th; * hon. mem p e inci Coenrp M ks io be'v'"llz.'mtulartl\ d"h'"' the }l(nlse, row disputed dti'c.'l:rg \;'h()se vores were| added bul;,ovm: m'l Secretary had been | Air. Speaker had gonz on the fact that '.'"'to.r""'.'"(;eneral cn: , continued the) not in ssm.' yet argued, and he was | so very thoroughly andm'L o the matter ;"L" in the MOml'ma:; ie within the rul--| was a"g"'?di'fi:on of all the facts. It | complied with :he l'ni«rho that his "rulings been quoted by Mr ;?ge' which _ had | barred 152 at Mr. Stratton was de-- | the subject. The t"? »st authorities on 'I:' no money fant--pro 'fmna.. "There'a bank °j"}80 he was a sharsholder in | o gentlemen whose | MW, !t. sim' M,pf;m_' ided for by thi* a positi which was a ereditor. _ Such | ment made s 'this P,-';b,"f an """"'ithg h'°'! entertained. He y vince and the'; Te imorism or a joke, ¢ case at all paral--

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