ea.s.g*;:&' would be fully rea..lir:ed'.'v. The | mblest members of the Ministerialist | arty would never forget the assist--|~ ance the honest Liberals of the coun--| $ry had given in turning out of office |~ men who had failed to live up to the high principles of the Liberal party. 'The people could now confidently look forward to a better state of affairs in Ontario, politically, than they had en-- joyed in the past. | _A vote of credit aggregating $600,000, required to carry on the business of | the Province, was carried. | -- Premier Whitney, replying to Mr,l .| Harcourt, said he would name the | standing committees on Monday or Tues-- | | day. ' Hon. Mr. Matheson, replying to Mr. Harcourt, said the public accounts were almost ready, the printers having prom-- ised to furnish them at the end of next | week. _ The House adjourned at 5.30. Government Whips. A Government caucus was held yes-- terday morning, with Mr. Hugh Clark, | Centre Bruce, presiding. Dr. R. F. Pres-- '| ton, North Lanark, was elected Chief Whip, and Mr. A. A. Mahaffy of Mus-- koka assistant Whip. -- The Premier and | several members of the Cabinet, as well as some private members, delivered ad--| dresses, and questions of general polhcy were informally discussed. The Treasurer is asking for an in-- terim appropriation of $600,000, with which to carry on the business of the Province. This is larger than the amount usually asked, owing to the lateness in the commencement of the session. Mr. T. H. Preston, South Brant, will give notice of a bill requiring all con-- vict--made goods to be stamped as such. He will also give notice of an amend-- ment to the municipal act, reducing the . | property qualifications of Mayors in cit-- ies and towns from $1,000 to $500 for freehold, and from $2,000 to $1,000 for leasehold. A deputation from Haileybury and other New Ontario points will wait upon the Government to--morrow after-- noon and ask for some »changes in the mining laws, particularly in regard to the location of claims. \|