'e"""'""""""'""""'-"..-"""""'"'"""""'?'!','.,,!!" lie lots minted ara' rate of one dollar rt ('t),1i's1 acre or thereobotttg. Dr. Urittitt actor ed as Spokesman, and was accompanied; ( iby Major Fred. Ross, Rev. Mr. Dame-t ' ' Mr. W. A. Wood. and the Messrs. Monv l teith of Rosseau. Hon. Mr. Fay under-- _ took to look into the matter, and met." tain what objections there may be. if any, and. after hearing the lieenseehl come to a. decision. ', To Make Free Grants. I Widditield Township desires that its land. which has been sold at, GO cents an acre. should. like the land in the sur- rounding townships. be put on the free grant. basis. with the expectation of Inw- ing it more quiekly settled. A deputa- tion to place this view before the (four Inis'uioner ot Crown Lands was intro- duced thi, morning by Mr. Charles; Le- marc'ne. M.P.P.. East Nipissing. Messrs'.. John titockdale and L. W. Itr-iietv' headed the deputation. whioh also pre' ferred some minor requests. The lists of standing cmnmittee: are . "pected for Friday, the Striking Lom- mitttee hare arranged in meet on Thursday morning. There nu} he a tew private bills ready for iuonsidvration by the comruitlovc, when they have. been organiiwi ":trl.t in the week. Pir, tate hill legidatiun has inctmrcoil try half in the hut two sur-ima., Sixty hili~ n ~e~aion Win at farmer; aVeruge. but with the expansion of the Prmim-e. and tho inereaw oi lillvin0>§ inrvrosts.. legiahtiinn has kept pave. and! iow'r n hundred were brought. in her Nevin". So the EL". hills hate been in 'u-, ,duu'd thi; wwinn. t a Opposition Caucus. l The trpposiliott rum-us will meet ihis afternoon for the iirst time, and the gmr "ml inhinms of tho siveioti ssill he mn- sidered . With tiw u-M-eption of lose, than a 'half " down hm:rd<. inrlmiin: Toronto. 'the lit-011w t'mnwiwinner" throughout the Province hot" been :Imwilltv'-:l. Tht. "nines not alrt',oly :nmumn-ml uill be contained in the next. (low-Hr. --.--------------t I ' 'am (iii' r IA [o,] 'h _ V 4 "i fr, 'M sh" " r} "'. ' EN , p, _ t, t. ., iN LN. , , .- J ', . I J cl ' x, , t, l L it. , ' q. if 'lti" hl l - i , l \ v .,' V." q. .. h" l a - lllillll, l, 2 ' Illl 3.3% i r 3"}: "t . la Ill? i'i'illll,tr" (rl" . ' if» " . i "I .". . F. -' heir a! , i'- q 3" , "r'Pi.f'/":',' A}, , 'l' mir/' fit ":3 .,';:'E " 't u .'l izf-»;!'I alid I ' b, ' i ' a " . Fl :'r l.sr. ' " i " I ' i 3 S '. I A} (v R, "" I J . " ;'1'.*. ""lNIWr. ' _ "l,'it _ ,'5 i E 5 tire-15:31:13} client; 1,ho111, in: Show." that} in] dili,irl-ii/ T H 13.1w?" Violatem iBranU . . . t'eston (South. i------------------------------- _..; t