Correspondence regarding the ap-- pointment of Mr. George Bush to be jailer of the Lincoln county jail. in suc-- cession to the former occupant, who died in December, was laid upon the table by Hon. Mr. Hanna. This appointment, made by the late Administration, is said to have been the cause of bitterness among the Conservatives of Lincoln, |some of whom, it is understood. desire | to see Mr. Bush deposed and a Conserva-- tive appointed. 'lnspection of Legal Offices. Immediately after adjournment the Cabinet met for the consideration of Hon. Mr. Hanna also laid on the table yesterday the report of Mr. J. W. Mal-- lon, inspector of legal offices, for the year ending December 31, 1904. In all there are now. .316 offices, and the in-- spector's report shows that on the whole they are well conducted. The remunera-- tion of the Sheriffs, whose duties are generally well performed, is, Mr. Mallon says, inadequate considering the im-- portance of their offices, the responsibil-- ities they are required to asstgie, and the amount of security they are obliged to furnish. The income'of nine Sheriffs not paid wholly or in part by salary is each less than $1,000. There was no im-- provement in the volume of business in the Local Master's offices during the year. Budget Speech Next Tuesday. to announce its policy as to that part of the Temiskaming Railway now being operated and carrying passengers and freight. Is it the intention to lease the road or any part of it, or will the Gov-- ernment operate it ? Lincoln County's Jailer. _ Premier Whitney, in answoer to Mr. Preston (Durham)}, said the report of the Railway Taxation Committee had not been received by the Governmont, but would be laid on the table immedi-- ately on its receipt. The Temiskaming Railway. Mr. Harcourt will ask on Wednesday Pext if the Government is in a position Pis position for having been an active partisan at election time. The session of the Legislature yester-- day _ afternoon _ lasted less _ than fifteen minutes. Bills by Mr. 'Tor-- rance (North Perth) and Dr. Jes-- sop (Lincoln) _ were read a first time. 'The former, an act to amend the consolidated municipal act of 1903, seeks to equalize assessments in smaller cities and towns in regard to local improve:-- ments affecting front and back streets. The latter deals with minor amendments to the act respecting the conveyance to trustees of burial grounds. He Was an Active Partisan. Premier Whitney, replying to Mr. Munro, said that James Cochrane, late Bailiff of the First Division Court of the: county of Grey, had been dismissed from WBY MR. COCHRANE ~ WAs DisMIssED A Single Tax Deputation Waits on the Premier and Asks That Municipali-- ties be Allowed to Change Their Pregsent Taxation. Premier Whitney Says He Was an Active Partisan. TEMISKAMING RA LW A Y. Mr. Harcourt Wants to Know the Government's Policy. Aubrey White, Deputy Commissioner of Crown Lands. and Dr. Kennedy, Law Clerk in the same department, yester-- day heard some of the arguments in regard to the tolls exacted from lum-- bermen by the Pickerel River Improve-- ment Company. 'This company, having erected dams on the river, is exacting a toll from Jumbermen for the passage of logs by Government sanction. Play-- fair & White and A. Beck, lumber deal-- ers, complain this toll is too exorbitant. and have appealed to the Minister of Crown Lands. The Pickerel River Im-- provement Company was represented by Mr. Lawrence, Playfair & White by Mr. Hodgins, K.C., and A. Beck by W, 1. MceMurrich, K.C, The bhearing was ad-- journed till Wednesday,. A deputation of twenty lsingle- taxers waited upon Premier W hitney yes-- terday morning and urged that the Provincial Government give to munici-- palities the power to change their pres-- ent taxation if they deemed it wise. W. A. Douglass, Ald. Noble and others spoke. They pointed out existing evils, and said that a great number of muni-- cipalities were in favor of local option in taxation. The Premier thought it a little premature to have a bill of this character presented before ithe new as-- sessment law had a trial. He expressed a desire to hear their views again after the present session. j Vegetable Growers Want a Grant. The first local branch of the recently formed Ontario Vegetable Growers' As-- sociation has been started at Sarnia, with a membership of 26 names, which have been forwarded to H. B. Cowan. A strong deputation of the association will wait on Hon. Nelson Monteith next Thursday to ask for a Provincial grant. They will also request that the Provin-- cial Fruit, Flower and Honey Shows be enlarged to include vegetables, and that the Guelph Agricultural College conduct investigations in regard to pests and blights which attack vegetables. Taxing Lumbermen. Premier Whitney said yesterday that the Attorney--General's Department was considering what action, if any, should be taken in regard to the Toronto June-- tion poolroom, which recently reopend. the estimates. It had been ht;ged to get these in such shape that Hon. Col. Matheson would be able to deliver his budget speech on Thursday, but that event will not now take place before Tuesday next. The Junction Pool--room.