| WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 1905 Mr, Lucas--To amend the consoli. dated municipal act, 1903, by enabling County Councils to incorporate villages with populations of less tham 800. Mr. MacKay--To consolidate the float. ing debt of the town of Meaford, Mr. Sutherland--To amend the -- regulating the speed and operation motor vehicles on highways. The Soo Directorate. Mr. Pense--respectin the ci Kingston. £ ts sf Mr. Sutherland -- Respectin g the Church of England Cemetery i of Ingersoll. yemibne Sewn Mr. Tudhope--Respecting the t Orilita. € own of Mr. Preston (Durham)--To author;z~ the Law Society to admit Jameso rgb McKenzie as a practising barrister. _ ada to admit William Edgar a practising barrister. ing Commission and to cofiⅈia'ttt;u; indebtedness Mr, Torrance-----Enabling the Roya College of Dental Surgeons to admit Otto Charles Kalblusch as a final year student. Dr. Jessop---Respecting the village of Gwimsby, Mr. Macdiarmid--()onfirming by--la w 1,493 of the city of St. Thomas. Mr. Hodgins--Respecting the London Street Railway, This is to confirm agreements on minor matters between the company and the city, Mr. Craig--To incorporate the West-- ern Central Railway Company, Mr. Carscallen (flafixiigx;)zTo au-- thorize the Law Society of Upper Can-- w BC o im in cey -- Nepernuis 5 ¥= % & 1 _ 76 y« y ULeCcLOr of the reorganized Soo companies has been asked by the Government. _ These statements were made in the House yesterday afternoon in answer to a despatch published in a Detroit paper, and which was read by Mr. Graham (Brockville). _ Hon. Col-- onel Matheson said he hoped to bring down the estimates on Friday and to deliver the budget speech on Tuesday. The following bills were read a first time ;:-- Premier Whitney fosr the past ye and a half has placed no reliance wh: ever upon statements published in t newspapers regarding the industrics Sault Ste. Marie, and has been asst 3ed that many of them, relative to (et tracts, etc., have been deliberately ma ufactured and sent out to the new papers. _ He also denies that the resi nation of any director of the reorganiz Soo companies has been asked by t] Government. _ These statements we; made in the House yesterday afternoc in answer to a desnatch nuhlishaq :. Knox Presbyterian Church Hands Over Some Valuable Original Records to the Registrar--General's Department --The County Poor--houses. The Estimates to be B Down on Friday. MANUFACTURED STORIES Premier Whitney Questioned About a Despatch. THE DIRECTORATE OF "300" WORKS por regarding the industriecs at Marie, and has been assur-- y of them, relative to con-- have been deliberately man-- before the orders -- x _ the past year no reliance what-- published in the act of of its Ahe day were proceeded with, said he desired to call the Premier's attention to an item which recently appeared in a Detroit paper, and he read as fol-- lows :-- 8 "vliergue is again on top. "Things coming his way in all mat-- ters. "Warren and his crowd have been turned out by Ontario. Weepe dnb uied Ardeinit s ced o. : 2 i on in 01' ter will be again argued. 'County Poor-hoqses. At the request of several County fCouncils and on the recomendation of the Provincial Secretary, the act assist-- ing to the extent of $4,000 in the cost of building county poor--houses erected prior to 1906 will be amended by ex-- tending the time limit. _ There are only seven or eight counties that have not erected poor--houses, and sevral deputa-- tions representing them have urged the extension of time. tain some minuié;"& the S department greatly apprecig and hopes to obtain further cords from other churches. A Mining Dispute. 1 0 Snss o n ocen C Aeleke : CCere KE would not be ready until Friday. He had hoped to lay them before the Hous' on Thursday, but found himself unatbt to do so. The budget speech he hoped to deliver on Tuesday, » These Records Are Appreciated [ _1 -- 7C14te!ly manufactured and sent to the newspapers. -- 'There are othe portions of the despatch my hon. frien has read that are calculated to arouse amusement rather than any other condi tion of mind." _ . _ . . _ .6 ~~~~monkk O ie information which perhaps _ in more than one condition up ther the House will take considerable est in, but I do not think the tir arrived to discuss them. 1 repea I pay no attention whatever to paper paragraphs from the Soo 1 ing contracts, etc., many of which who have a right to know have a me are without foundation. and, i are deliberately manufactured an to the newsnanore WEVkoiu COsc 4 0 i "~°A as L am to hear that he has dismissed. _ We propose from tin time to watch the interests of the ple of this Province at the Boo. -- 1 add that 1 am possessed of inf, nE mds L8 . OO "Vi4l vecretary, the act assist-- e extent of $4,000 in the cost $ county poor--houses erected 1906 will be amended by ex-- e time limit. _ There are only eight counties that have nnat the lev. Jas. Harris. He the church from Septem-- 0 July 20, 1838. 'These will be placed on file by , and the church will be copies, as the books con-- up bhere t'l; repeat tha into