THURSDAY, _APRIL-- 6, 1908 _ _ _ ; the"Attormey-- "be to ascertain whether On : LL DE AL WITH (ieneral was aware of this condition. learning this, a motion could be made in the regular order. _ He merely drew j THE PUUL RUUM attention to this in order that the rules - , " should be observed. w______ _ The Premier is Dealing With It. t PA The Premier said the custom from : ASlgmficant Remark Made bY time immemorial had been :lotall:l:v § x x e or less latitude in regard to the E Premier Whitney. :r?n(]':s in order to bring suchgmatters to ; the notice of the Ministers. _ He had E two observations to make--first, that C the matter had already been brought _-- TEMISKAMING RAILW AY. to his attention, and, secondly, it was obvious that if he said anything more i wizzzlzlla wlz the object of the people interested in t the matter would be defeated. . | F The Government Policy is NOot Rajiway Committee's Report. ' g' Yet Decided. The Premier, in reply to Mr. li,ar-% ff court's query, said that the report otf| ' n inticeresneenennmaine the Railway Taxation Committee would be laid on the table to--day. The Report of the Parliamentary Librat The Librarian's Report. i ian Deals With the Necessity for _ 'The Speaker laid on the table the .-m-! o««--P9f . nual report of Mr. Avern Pardoe, the| Some Amprovements--Railway 'Ta Parliamlent.ary Librarian. Mr. Pardos ation Committee's Report Expected says the deficiency in shelf room, men-- To--day. tioned in former reports, is greater than| it has ever been. An item of $500 in r the estimates of 1904, under the head l of "library fittings," which he under-- ' fucias ¥es n of iI C lstood was to have been expended to| i Pending the bringing down of the es make this deficiency good, was expend-- _ timates and the deliverance of the | e by the Public Works Department for _ budget speech, the Sessions of the Leg-- the removal of the newspaper cases out islature continue to be somewhat brief. | Of the fyle room into t_he main library. a 6 o R There being no new shelving, it be-- That of yesterday was as short as It§ | cqme no ressary to pile several thous-- predecessors of the week. Immediately | and books in places not readily acces-- after adjournment the Cabinet again . sible, celnusing great ltmublc :u;(l uunlo_w inal) annat -- a og. -- aAnce when any of these are demanded. n'\et fef: A n,"dl (onsm(:ratlon C (1XCs | Mr. Pardoe tfiinks it will not be safe timates, which Hon. Colonel Matheson ' to put much more weight in the library _ has promised to bring down to--morrow. | annex. 'The flocring forming the ceiling The Premicer's reply to a question of | of the main library appears to be very privilege by Dr. Lewis indicated that | WCAK. It is merely suspended by sien-- * & . der iron rods from the roof of the build-- the Government intends to deal with the | ing. It has become somewhat uneven, . Junetion pool--room. and a crack has appeared in the ceiling Dr. Smellie's bi'l to compel those in | Of the 1_nair'1, library.. *"I have taken the _ _charge of stationary engines to be in prccautlpn. h.o adds, "of moving LWY 5 OSsessic f ceftificat chOW! th some of the 'heavy oak tables which g possession of certificates showing them | formerly occupied the centré of the an-- .__to be competent was read a first time. nex, and putting as little weight in the _ No Reply to Subsidy Request. centre as possible." 'There is an annual & . ons j | ncrease of five or six tons in the weight - .Premler Whitney, answering Mr. Mac-- I of the books accumulated in that room. diarmid, said no reply had been received | Kxcept as regards these matters, the _ by the Government, or, as far as they : libratr,y' is in go(;)d °°"dih"°"- There was R o * f + s | a net increase during the year of 2.391 $ ";):;:1t;:;gg;:;ix:iol;v(}z:exr pr:dt':(,e-SSO;'s | yolumes, making a grand total of 74,200 i uy ¢ zrm:}::n I,{m reply : volumes, --_to a memorial passed by the House in | _ March, 1904, relating to a subsidy to-- | Farmers Protest. wards the construction of the Temis-- h:élf;} 015. tb('iatns "(l'f (('Jardwell Township C xeant i nE : R 4 ested to the Government against kaming & Northern Ontario Railway. the proposition of a number of s%;m't.s- _ _ The Temiskaming Railway. men to acquire a large area of land in Hon. Dr. Reaume, replying to Mr. Har-- ' ;gf'.gdus%gfaf::;g ;cst 0':_"& :h('i'i':t'r':'.'-'t I'Txi'e' court, said the Government were not Yet | say would 1: nax ns P j 4 $ C says, would like to have a chance to | tT(l) at }E)::ltl;)& tgfa?]?é)u;::] itS}ll(elr pOhOY_ ?? ! purchase the land, most of which is suit-- px aming Rail | able for agricultural $ s __ way now in running order, nor as to eHCE.SuUTA| --pUNPOSOS: «_ leasing or operating the road on its 'Mf- Smith is the Man. completion. | _ Hon. W,. J. Hanna stated yesterday Pool--room at the Junction. ( :hathMr. James A. Smith, public school Dr. Lewis, on a question of privile €, l eney i qf Issex, ha('l been 'appointed asked if the G-overm?wnt were a\\I')are flfilrt h.c ol lnsPector for South Meses. it a pool--room was in operation at To. | J o. , [ RW(ed that there was some Einu : ie trouble in Conservative ks in Essex ronto Junction in the guise of an ath-- R 4 s tan n Mssex letic club. It was simply a place for over this appointment. the. making of bets. _ He admitted that smmmneimnmmeeecoaicenmaine racing promoted the breeding of horses, and it was in the interests of farmers { and others. _ Racing could not be car-- i ried on without betting, but there was a great difference between betting on races, which lasted only a few days, and where the men who paid their dollar to get into 'the track could generally af. ford to lose something, and the betting at pool--rooms, which remained open the year round, and which were patronized + largely by young men who could not af. ford to lose. _ Many young men had graduated as criminals owing to the ex. istence of pool--rooms. Should Follow the Rules. Mr. Harcourt, while concurring with the former speaker's sentiments, took exception to the form of Mr. Lewig' . mode of dealing with the question. He considered the correct procedure would