P / _ *Pal\ act in railways. ° sys Mr. Lennox (North Yo! the consolidated municipa' act. A Wide Motion. 'Hon. Mr. Matheson the following notice of That this House will | resolve itsellf into a € Whole to consider the tion : ? h ernle "On assuming office 1 was impressed with the idea of dis?ofiins of the present Toronto Asylum. foi' the Ins@ane and lo-- cating it outside the : city,..and héve not lost signt of it,"--Hon. W. J. 'Hanna. Cost of Temiskaming Railway. cesding shall be solidate shall be Hon. Mr. Matheson thought his hon. fviend's criticism .might. be deferred until the resolution proper was under discus-- sion. -- The object was to traise $7,000,-- 000 for the Temiskaming Railway, but he was sorry to say that would not pay for the completion of 'the road., ~'The cost of the first section from North Bay to New Liskeard, 113 miles, would be $1,500,000, _ To reach the Grand Trunk That the aforesaid sum of money may be horrowed for any term or. term® not exceeding forty years, at a, rate not ex-- ceoding four per centum per annum, and shall be raised upon the credit of the con-- solidated revenue fund of Ontario, and shall be chargeable thereupon,. Mr. Harcourt Objects. \UIr. Harcourt ftook --exception to ths moution as being too wide in its lwaring and too obscure for the information of the House. If they were raising money for the Temiskaming Railway only why not say so : Pacific 150 miles more would have io be built beyoud New Liskeard, at an estimated cost of $30,000 a mile, an-- other _ $4,500,000. _ The, commissioners estimated that before next session theyf would have spent in all $7,500,000. _ It was proposed--to take ----$7,000,000-- now, this including the amount already spent, and the other half million would probr ably come from the finances of the Pro-- vince. . He also took advantage of the opportunity to say that he had renewed for six months the loan of £1,200,000 arranged by the late Government. _ 'The rate secured was 3 1--2 per cent., which, with the addition of the Imperial stamp duties, brought the cost «of the renewal for the «ix months up to $105,120, a saving over the amount paid for the pre-- vious loan of $28,400. Moreover, this was for a renewal of six months, where-- as the previous amount had been paid for five and a half months, so that the saving was practically . over $30,000. (Government applause.) Mr. Graham declared that his hon, friendhad--not touched on the matter under dispute. _ It was not a question of how much money was being expended, but for what purpose. m 1 k :' ;\;:Qy.lxnn ox. (North York)--To ame:;d e consolidated municipal act of ].9{).- ; Mr. Clarke--To amend the municipa j/[ i L x: (6 --vig \ 7" *A L7 NA 4 h York)--To amend | Mr. McCoig (West Kent) read from a nicipal act of 1903. -- J newspaper a summary of the reports of mend the municipal ; trouble at _ Chatham in regard to licenses, in which it was alleged that the -- commissioners had shown party 'bias, and that stories were afloat in son brought forward |the town alleging that bribery had been _ of motion :-- resorted to. rill on Thursday next Hon. Mr. Hanna said the matter was ?lmfk;g'l?(\,m;"g ;"gs'}l'l'l'f'ill):irlg fully and thoroughly il}\'estigate(l. s > j he s atement in the report that the nt.Governor in Coun-- Chairman had declared the commission-- raise by wa'y of loaun 'prs were actuated by party bias turned O';"d'le:fli"fil:er'fg"p(".""" gout to be true there would be only one say © For the. public 'course for the CGovernment to pursue, arried on by. commis-- and that would be to ask for the com-- :urf\!".hi{'l,.}:"\il.-'lltlfi*«'l 1|'.';. missioners' resignation,. There -- were reving any debt of the other reports regarding the matter, and mulnt;'fm:.p;j_yil-\'g' any | the investigation would cover these, If | '".: ltlI:'« I"'l:;:l'i'("'"o;'li': f it was found that there was, need for i'glsldlure. 'action Ift would be shown that the Gov-- sum of money may ernment was careful of the intere y-- term or. term® ','"' the people of West "Kent,. .. ... 'j SLs (,Jf to the bonusing that his hon,} ~on the matter not a question being expended, their own with pupils of public schools. He asked that every member of the House, irrespective of. politics, would jJoin to make the entire educational sys-- | tem as complete as possible. School of Practical Science. The Question of Fees. Hon, Mr. Matheson thought it ought to be considered to what extent the Province should be charged with the ex-- pense of training the young men at the technical school. -- The fees, the under-- stood, were $85 a year. A -- similar school in connection with McQill Univer-- sity charged $175 a year, -- Ontario only got back from the school about £30,000, leaving a net cost to the Province of $37,000. _ While he agreed that some measure of aid should be given, and particularly-- to. poor young ~men, the question was worthy of serious eonsid-- eration. tE + dfi _ Mr. Harcourt thought his hon. friend's argument would be stronger six or seven years from now, when the work had passed-- beyoud the initial stage . The School of Science students -- were paying more than they did a few years a 0M Mr.--_ Pense thought Hon. ©Colonel Matheson: was mistaken in saying the Kingston School of Mining was more costly progortionately than "the Toron. to School of Science, He was enthu-- glastic in his reference to the work of the mining school, * > Mr, Gamey thought the fees at the Echool of Practical Science large enough, and he hoped they would not be in-- cregsed. ' 'PThe' Premier said 'there had been no intention O0r suvgastian'¥has 119 The estimates were then taken up in committee, _ Mr. Labrosse of Prescott, as a trustee of the bi--lingual school board of his county, declared that the Government grant of $800 was no longer sufficient in the face of the increasing usefulness <of these schools. _ Teachers competent to speak in both languages were now eligible. _ There was not a single school in this particular system where English was not taught. -- Re-- sults were gratifying when so. many pupils were found going up to model school examinations and able to hold ago. On the item of $67,485 for the School of Practical Science, Mr. Harcourt said the Opposition approved of the increased grant, largely owing to the new school. He spoke of the importance of technical training, and spoke in terms of warm praise of Dr. Galbraith, Principal of the sclhiool. Mr.; Monteith, in moving the second reading of bill No. 129 to amend the ac to provide for the incorporation of Co-- operative _ Cold--storage _ Associations, stated 'its purpose to be the providing of a wider «phere of usefulness for these associations. _ As they .stood at pre-- sent there was an insufficient member-- ship in the average association to enable it to fill orders and to purchase, . It was also dosigned to extend the act five years longer. Prescott's Bi--lingual Schools. Hon. Mr, Monteith's bill to amend the agriculture and arts act in relation to annual meetings of horticultural so-- cjieties was read a second tune. The Trouble at Chatham. suggestion' that {l'x; fees be increased. Messrs. Graham, Reed (South Wel-- lington) and Kobler objected to the dropping of grants to the Cattle, Swine, Kheep and Poultry Breeders' _ Assoeia-- tious, which have removed their head-- quarters to Ottawa. _Hon. Messrs. Monteith and Mathe-- son, the Premier and Mr. Crawford de-- fended the move as an advisable one, as it was desirable that the department should have complete control over all the grants. Mr. Monteith declared that the swine breeders' operations had been largely benefited by the various farmers' asso-- clations, and that they . were. largely the source of the prosperity of the dif-- ferent breeders' associations. It was this consideration that had influenced him in this move. Mr. Anderson want-- ed an explanation of the fact that the grant to the Dairymen's Associations had been cut in half. -- Mr. Monteith explained that one--half of the work had been taken from their hands. They would be relieved of a great deal of in-- spection by the Government. Farmers' Institutes. d Grants to Breeders' Associations. «HMoen.. Mr. Hanna said the-- idea hbhad inipressed him on his assuming office and had not been lost sight of. Estimates for the following institu-- tions were passed :----Asylums, Toronto, &115,408 ; London, $146,.485 ; Kingston, $92,8090 ; Hamilton, #134.875 : Mimico, 883.110 ; Brockville, $92,369 ; Cobourg, 826,022 ; Penetanguishene, $42,984 ; Or-- illia, $78,852 ; Woodstock, $18,080,.Cen-- tral Prison and Mercer Reformatory, To-- ronto, £868,800 and $31,995 --respectively, a. total. of #931,327,. At the evening session again went into Committee Mr. Kennedy, on the iten for institutes, urged that i; farmers' _ institutes the should see that the newor P tario received justice, The meetings were as necessary ; turers as welcome there a:s Ontario . The item of $78.110 for grants under the agriculture act provoked a discurs-- ive and at times humorous discussion on horse racing at fairs. meveral mem-- bers displayed a good deal of expert knowledge as to the difference between speed trials and racing, but the item finally carried. The total agricultural estimates of $338,443, made up as fol-- lows, were afterwards quickly disposed af :--Special . grants for agricultural purposes, $198,660 ; Ontario Agricu)ltur-- al College, $10.978:; MacHonarg J' i ' acing at fairs. Several mem-- iyed a good deal of expert as to the difference between Is and racing, but the item ried. The total agricultural of $338,443, made up as fol-- + 'aft.erwurds quicklr disposed at one--half of the work had from their hands. They lieved of a great deal of in-- the Government. ito Committee of Supply. y, on the item of $21,000 , urged that in regard to titutes _ the departiment se : 4e i _ assoclations. It was on that had influenced e. _ Mr. Anderson want-- on of the fact that the Dairymen's Associations n half. Mr. Monteith s necessary and the Untario Agricu)ltur-- ; «Macdonald Insti-- and the lee-- as in older parts of On-- o institutes' the House