i * s t C s v"-;-s + wvin hok r.q"«- '__1 igsiee ~ k PERPETUAL Francmer hm ash TRADING STAMPS. C Pinag < 9 w i P e (oa d L 17 .0 ) 0| e & i 'D.,,'"_ in Toronto and York Radiai|~ ': iscussion Before the Municip-- Railway Bill. /s aoe Ts .00 -- 3 'q?mmittee. ; _ Mr. Lennox's bill respecting ti;é Tosf : fl as a long and at tnnrs h\;e- ronto & York Radial Company was de--| [By digenssion in the Municipal Commit-- bated at length in the Railway Commit--| | tee 'of the Legislature yesterday FOret tee of the Legislature yesterday and. ' Sm Mt. Downey's . bill to i comes up again to--day, the preamble \ mwdel acet by absolutely } and several clauses having been held| [ prohibiting the use of frading stamps [ over, Mr. Walter BRarwick. K.C.. t'or.' and premiu'ms}'pgxany- kind instead of | the company, explained that three char--| |leaving the question to be dealt with; 't»ers---the Scearboro', Metropolitan and; |by the Municipal Councils, Mr. E. M. '..\limico Rail\_vay.s----had been acquired by : | Trowern, Secretary of the Retail Mer-- | ihc Toronto & York Radial, The POW°!*; |chants' Association. spoke strongly in - vere separated, bitt the bill gives the| || ror 'ot the 'cl U inted out : powers held by the Metropolitan, and'! |layor of the clause. ~Me pointed out confirms the agreement between Scas-- |some methods by which the act was !l)Q]'Q' and the rfli]"-ay. ,n()\'i("ng for re-- now C\'ilded, 3n-d 'dcnOl"l(',Cd the scheme }ll#\\';ll of the contract at the end of 25 a}% nt fak('i ('l&""""fg tthat ma'ny mer-- vears, subject to arbitcation. The ra---- |chants and manufacturets who were I!dial railwray is @lso empowered by the: | opposed to it were practically forced in-- [bill to extend it« lines to RBowmanville |to the idea. j _ [and Cobourg, via Whitby. Mr. E. E. A. Du Vernet, representing Mr. Grant. on behalf of East Toron-- |a number of merchants, opposed the tto. maiutained _ that this bill 'plrnpnsal ;m mnattitutiunal grounds, would confer on all dhe radial lines, in--} |claiming that, as it was a question af-- 'cluding the Metropolitan and Mimico| |fecting trade, the Legislature had no "mads.a perpetual franchise. He }lmug.l)"' right to deal with it. Mr. E. F. B. | this was dangerous. Mr. Barwick ch-";' Johnston, KLS, speaking for some of | | puted his interpretation of the law. 3ynd|}the trading companies, took much the | :;\h'. Hendrie thought the point of sut 1 same yview, and also argued the right of | 'ficiorgt nmportance to be looked Ul°}/[persons to conduct their businesses in """"'"".'_'- . {| their own way so Jong as they oheyed | _The bill was then taken np clause 4Y fithe Jaw. | | clause by the committee, Clause three I| 4A nummber of merchants and several | io,"'a""o"e'.' the most discussion, l\hl members of the committee took part in ,("'fmf' reiterating. his -- contention "'I" "tho discussion.. . Finally, on suggestion | this szave a perpetual franchise to '"®;lof Messrs. Pattinson and Pense, it was '.\Im}lco line as well as the Nearhoro . 'd('('id('d that the law clerk of the Legis-- Wm. Moore. manager of ,.'"" \,""' !{ lature, the solicitors for both sides and ' f.:m.l".'l lm'o. said _ Mayor ""'1""",["".5 |Hon. Mr. Hanna should confer, with a Rollcitor Gtant and othars called at .lf"' [ view to drawing up an amendment to office the other day and asked the To |meet the exigencies of the case, and to ronto & '0'.1" Company to pay part [ report to the committee this -- moxn-- of the cost of a bridge which was noed-- l ing. | ed. He explained that the franchise l' f es asiara averanacentae incvetan nc e |\ expired in 1912. and he could not make! es ns 'any arrangements on so short a fran-- chise. If they would give a franchise like Searboro' the company would build > ) the bridge. _ Although at first willing. AVENUE ROAD ANNEXATION. / the Mayor anud the others were injured ---- | at something said and refused. Clause Rejected in City's Bill to be Re-- | "They are hbere to injure us through considered This Morning. | spite," opined Mr. Moore. m re s . y oo 1 ; _ "Y repudiate that as strong as words The clause in a city of Toronto bill can do so," replied Mayor Richardson. validating the annexation of the Ave--| He said they lf.l«l submitted terms. but nue road district was thrown out by the | | Mr. 'i\Ioorv rom.:c;.l ."f m.le'!.:Hn them Private Bills Committee. of the Legis-- | unless accompanied by exclusive rights | | ¢ . § ! 'and a perpetual franchise. _ lature after two hours' discussion yes-- | | _ Dr. Nesbitt and Mr. Downes approved | (terday morning. The clause was strong-- | | the arbit'rm_ion provision. They thought | Jy opposed, on the ground . of legal | tit was unfair that one township should | | :.a"' by Mr.. W taidiaw, CC ',t.i \ be able to hold up several other town--| S ts M¥ ols _ * SAIQLIANs drils; 4CL-- | tships if one was opposed io ferms to| ;ing for Mr. Wm,. Mackenzie, and was | iwhich others agreed. | .flupport:l_-d bt_\]' (.'orporati(;g ('(;unsel'b'*uller- [ \ Clause three was finally passed. being| (ton and other city officials. "inally }nnderstood that an ,»-..Jditi(l.n would be | _ Chairman Carscallen said he understood | inserted protecting East Toronto, the Government's view was that the |--" Another elause --gives the compary | +proclamation could not be-- confirmed lpower to acqunire lands for parks and | ; while legal rights under it were in dis-- markets. -- They propose to erect may.| . pute. Then the committee acted as kets.at East Toronto and the Wonqg.| ;stated, but shortly after the adjourn-- 'bine if they cannot secure accoess to To. (ment of the committee it was found * ronto market. : that the intention of the Government {| T}'].n "railways mentioned in the sajq| , had not been accomplished by the ac-- {acts" are to be put in operation within| ; tion faken. _ Nor could the definite ef-- ) five years. | _ fect of the striking out of the clause 3' o--mnmmmemmemmmzmenes be ascertained. _ In consequence _ the '_{clause will be reconsidered in the com-- mittee this morning, and the whole question thus remains open. %