o Ts v¥ MAY o 908 ie es ce +(ffon. Mr. Ross suggested that the resi-- Wt . R}Mfl--"'/fight or some time on Tuesday, so * dence should be reserved for students of 5 y oA T it may adjourn over the 24th, and pro-- the university. -- {defingthe & AU]]ITUR ' rogue on Thursday. _~ _ _ |_ The Premier felt that, cons withy. / b . s large amount of money privately sub-- * The supplementary estimates laid on fine the residentes to the students of 4 he table by Hon. Colonel Matheson one college. _ . s $ the t we $y141 wrigh T/ Include Hon. Mr. Matheson protested against ; aggrega u0S( 67. 8 MC j l,mv attempt to tie the hands of the men Provincial Secretary's Action $4,000 for the salary of an additional | _ | i ;j high standing who would be trustees, k s member of the Executive Council, ow-- l and whose business and common sense Vigorously Assailed. ing to the Premier's assumption («of the could best administer every clause of Presidency of the Council; $1,000 for _ |the bill. . va £4 S ominlndnec ol oonteastmrnice o o i o , i s r * an assistant solicitor to the succession f"""-_M" R'_':," aid rl')':ltt, 1;:;0';::"2[{! ;: & duties branch of the Treasury Depart-- _ | of captious criticism, f -- *n A CONTRACT CANCELLED. ment; $3,000 for changes in the system strongly . convinced of Ithe n\c{cessit}regi of bookkeeping and special industrial residences as some peopie. . Many i woreemerenmrnittine ie mermcimcmmiee under(,akinh(rg of the different institu-- lll'li\'('l'filtll'»s had none, 'and he m('.(Yll l:l:'- tions. This is the work for which an _ |ed the Scotch and German an les. § s rious Irregularity Alieged American accountant bas been engaged _ | United States universities nsf examé)hes. o ys to investigate and report upon. For | _ Hon. Mr. Whitney--Therefore ey Regarding Signature. legislation, $2,500; administration _ of \ never should have. sLsis * o justice, $3,006; education, $3,846; col-- | ~Hon. Mrt. R_osm, continuing, said tl}e} -------- onization and immigration, $5,000, in-- 'were committing themselves to. a line 4 luding $1,000 for a women's walcoms !in which there were as '"""Y,except"'"s Withdrawal of Timber Bérths for BeAE postel at Toronto; agriculture, $6,100. one way as the other. .He ;]hd not sntl,ll)- ; A vote of $300 is made to the Scciet Iseribe to the statement in the.preamble h seronto Industry Ques-- --< P e * Y . s E _t of a Deseronto * for the Reclamation of Inebriates. Un-- ltb»rt residences were essential.:It would tioned in the House--Supplemental q.; the head of public buildings $353,811 | take away: the inducement to' the feder-- Estimates -- Passed--Legislature to '3. Asked, including $13,000 _ balance | ated colleges to provide residences for due for the Trebilcock farm, added to | their students. ' Sit Next Week, the London Asylum grounds; $2,000 for | f T arcae rg * | f Law. land for the London normal school, and ;A Departinent 0 ; »0,000 for connecting fume cabinets at| | The Premier quite--admitted that the he School of Practical Stience. The | | question was arguable, and he now lean!- The employment of an American ac sum of $6,811 is asked for public works,| led that Mr. Ross was opposed to resi-- countant by the Provincial Secretary to %8.80 for colonizstion noads, $38,750 as | dences. _ He expected the Sc;)ootl of S;:)l- YA o ol § s Aaay: Charges Crown lands, including $10,--| | ence and Dental College students to be investigate ar report upon the booy. "CINKE* on 613 > OM #1U+t-- pence * ces 't 8 t'w" "]- "' port up ? EheC . ".U 200 for. additional township arveys ; 'able to take advantage of them, and be-- eeping systems in tho' public -- instit@ g1g 900 for additional fire ranging; and fore many years he hoped to «ee a De-- mnons was the subject of a smart debate $1,050 for nine months' salary of the partment of Law established in the uni-- in the Legislature yesterday _ evening r'ec.el.n,l;r appointed inspector fort the | versity. during the passing of the supplemental T¢Wiskaming mining division. who will | _ Mr. Graham wanted to say that there estimates. The question was raised for |receive $1,400 per year. _A numper of ol mmfonk )mpolrtimf hqlé%t;'m;?l "'bo".t > 4s increases of v are gi the university than that o e resai-- the O a 6 by Mr. Auld. who spoke increases of sa,lm} are givyen to clerks l o y ( Vppo' U ane # t es ""I')'I\ and employees in several departments. dences. _ All through the Province t}-le l)-llofl'\ but to the point. The contribu ;V i § Tnt !pptty squabbles they saw reported in on of Mr. Graham, who spoke at great | Orcs 'of In{erest. \the papers had not brought it credit, er length than his colleague, was wel} | The migcellaneous items total $17,400. _ |and had done more injury than the lack delivered, vigorous and effective. In his |They are :--Pedestal for statue of the of residences or the lack of anything » » * 5 o % S" : i in $ # 500 : iant 4 i % ies 7 § # explanation Hon. Mr. Hanna said he was 'l'xto A" Olives M""'lh \'2')"",' f 1)11'"'f 'f']"m' .H' (Was ;zlqd t'). see the '!'*'""'" h s y Ancl ng statutes, etc., on account of fire, 'taken in the university, but it was c-.\mnccwd with the company by which !.\pril, 1904, $6,000; Army and Navy ?n'-(t(xg:"a]'}r to find out the cause of the the accountant was employed. As one |Veterans' monument $800; the follow-- |\ troubles. result of the accountant's work the con: |ing gratuities : Mrs. \Wm. Edwards, _ _| The Premier stated that the residences tract for making binder twine at the [Widow of the late Wm. Edwards, $1,000; |were to accommodate forty--five each. ; Plaw f [ W. P. Band, 'ex--Bursar, Boy#® Reforma | Hon, Mr Harcourt feared there was| intral Prison, renewe re years | e ' e * s k * aF L trek ' 4 Lim"l Irxsm'v f('m"_"'l 10f f;"e fls tory, $500; R. H. Stedman, ex--Assistant |\ danger if one hundred of the boys got | by the late Gor {'lllln.{'rll. had een c.:n- | Wardenr, Boys' Reformatory, $500; Mrs. the impression they were excluded in' C('"('(], devclopmcnts in connection with :I'i(\.r(;e, ex--Matron Kingston /Xsylunl' favor of others. F it having made that step necessary in |8250; Henry Wade, $750; F. C. Law, | 'The Premier "leliberately said that a.l the public interests. 'The Premier clos-- l$1,20{); balance of gratuity Dr. T. 1. boy would get in Anitely more benefit in | ed the discussion. Mr. Smyth secured i(yhamb"]ami $1,500; gratuity to widows residence than otherwise. The trouble' °C Vie GISciussiof!. .Mir. pmyth see "°C lof Messrs. Leclair and LaCelle, whose with many people in the Province of an order for a return of documents \v.nt}? i}ll.l.")zfl.ndq were drowned while on 'pm- Ontario was that they thought educe-- regard to the withdrawal of timber lin | vincial surveys, 3'320')"03011, $1400 ; '10"1@' tion was a process of cramming, forget-- its for the benefit of the Rathbun indus |§2M1 G{"W_ and -- Fish Warden f'"'l ting the influences which were of such lri('S at I)eS('l'Ofl(O. l)"ring the flfter' luunCh, &],.JJOO: visit ]nt('r!'libtlonul (1('0' '}frnport'qn(.e. to thOS(_' in the absqrbti\ve noon there was a brief discussi0n AS8 to | ~~ enz I:olleg'e _))(3'.'101. He (.uute agreed with | | Mr. CGraham, and during the recess the e miae e on nc en en cecmemeninnn | | /83 &g\ \(iovernment would search out and pro-- s | Hé \ | vide a totally different machinery of ';;\.',\,Q.\ ; I A 7# F 7 | some descrivz'tion with which the univer-- (l' & | §'\\s/ » |eity mightig> forth on its grand mis *~ J + I sion. CX V a id &. 4 Umversity AGrant Aopfored c h B d q niversity Grant Approved. » * wz ow flr, Yas$ l e m 4 P N r s * « /r"'f"\ 39 ?5{4 i #.8 : Qfig e# 't', f The })1-on11e}' will move his resomution | "7 XY "/" : Cl Al /' n /' n egecs to--day. granting the trustees of To-| 1 ty\ / M : s# 22e / y EsSm, = ronto for building purposes $30,000 a | PEA VX\ _ BP APS NS | on io mirty Soubs the Province to i\ f ,,':'," .-'ff;- ©;": _ hm "';,'f', 2 % irp<BQ \ri issue the certificates, and_SlSD,OOO from * y\ > MAE "vu. ;' \ _ t EL ) :s!" Woiciftlanr * 1 :A Jt?ze sale 'of the-- old Parliament House % "K . [ .g: o M | U 74 Fe, T '},)' y | site promised by the late Government. 7 \./4) [( --: ,:",??;-*,". '~ * | \w ?-?; § 'l'v" r-)p'f'j\:."_,,l\,, | Hon. Mr. Matheson moved that an ~ w [ x A A | I #\ ¥ j JY f"':/ §,' ,c'\ s# | | annual payment of $2,500 for his services § ) ")\'\ 2% .i | l" '/,/'.,;t; . m ,'fr,;, * .e'f !ari; consulting engineer be made to one \ . vo «:""",--. VA fi 1 -- * .* / 0k : 2".p" *' 4 !f" the commissioners of the Temiskam-- ",'." s * m it lni-"_...:{',. mt /msllity ing Railway, in addition to the honor-- m resecs--pagp . 2y rener| arium of $1,000. _ The motion carried. j + sgih 4M3 '-:._'f;?;.'.i;..-::-'""" x4\ a } $ ;'.:-",-f-'jf: is UV «P 4 , /c/- l eS 3/'?&, | ;fififi/': 7 ;; ,a,-;%»w:;! lThe Succession Dues Amsrndments. a9" + e eb cce Sijang p ¥ ,,¥ ', {; se sA t , ':',,,' 4 C Atfrare :*'"M"' ;| * y ky // [ ie s: Hon. Col. Matheson, on the House e e aneitooee mt --( | t f, n t eredQ --~ Igomg into committee on his bill to : :'*:,_""':_"'_"::" .A /f;/:,;',é'j K4 * ,mlm;nd the succession -- duties act, ex-- | e yvesterd; obe in detai 1 MR. H. CARSCALLEN, ¢ MR. I. B. LUCAS, 'cluborat.e grading in the (ll)'i'ltlul,;f 'f;m ( Chairman of the Private Bills Committee.'| Who has been acting as.Chairman of the lbasis of taxation had been made < e | :. ------oor--~--amaatoenanntentaomesaatinamit «* 14 Committee of the Whole House., _ 'sary, he said, by the com',""t C nedieks -- . the necessity of men's residences at the, rfil'\'_--w [ bling as to the percentag;a ':;:e Whga e l niversity., t lc?(%x:;xses?oc;?g% dfilegates (preliminary act demanded on certain ambunlg;res::;. '. --The House will not be able to con--|| AsSociatic f$ Eo astern Good Roads |to prevent the vexatious delays arisi ; . $ chad 'beenl! n, $200. AJ, therefrom. # 1e --elude its business to--day, as had been Wh tK + j sel es devery 0 Shall Live in Residence ? Volunteerg' | 'hoped. It will sit on Monday, and every 3 j eers' Land Grants Act [f fflp rt will 'be. made ito conclude ,thgt . in committee on the. bill to incorpor-i on. Mr, Foy explai 4 s S e +> es m« Plained his messure Tc i .: C