To amend tho general- road I acb--Mr. Racine. The New General Hospital. Respecting Toronto General ---Hon. Mr. Hanna. _ meat measures should be brought down. The estimates were of secondary import- anee, and did not require the some oom sxderation as the Government measures. He. did not expect the House to sit on Friday nights for the present. Pre- mier Whitney stated that after Mon- day the order paper would be taken up and all business dealt with as- it was reached. The estimates do not appear on the order paper on Mondays. Mr. Harcourt suggested that, the County Councils hill might be brought in. and the Premier assured the House there uould be plenty of business next week. In this oonneet.ion, The Globe under- stands. the budget Speech may be PA. peeted from the Provincial Secretary next, Thursday. First Readings. To amend the "Mario eleotions act hy prohibiting Sheriffs and other paid Government oftieials acting as returning officers-Mr. Duff. To amend the Ontario game protection not --Mr. Pratt. To euthorire town of Trenton hois- sue debentures to retire previous de. bent,ures---Mr. Morrison. The Provincial Sen-rotary the second and third read; bill would be taknn M. the portunity when printed. V This measure. which has prmiousiy been fully outlined hy the press, is identiml. with few exceptions. to the amended draft measure adopted at a eonference between the general commit. fee having tho new hospital project in r-harge and Hon. Mr. Hanna, held at the Parliament buildings in January last. A new section attached to the Manse giving' the board of trustees powers of expropriation is, in effect " follows t-Should the trustees under the powers of this act exprnnriate the block of land lying south of College, west of Elizabeth. north of Haytor and Chris. tAspher streets. and exist of University} street, or any Portion thereof, them The following bills were time t--- . At the close of a session lasting three-quarters of an hour yesterday in the Legislature Premier Whitney and Hon. Mr. Ross had a. little passage at arms arising out of a remark of the latter that the Legislature would sit for six weeks or longer. Air. Ross had no complaint about the progress made with the estimates, but thought Govern- Several Bills Read a Second Time and a Number of New Measures Intro- duced-Members Seeking Informa- "tion on a Variety of Subjects-No- - tices of Motion. Hon. Mr. Hanna Introduces the ' New Hospital Bill. BU DGETSPEECH THURSDAY 1; Premier Promises That Next Week Will be Busy, M LEGISLATURE. third reading; '5? M. the earliest op- lied. lich has previously by the press, is exceptions. to the axcepnons. to the} me adopted at tt' he general commif'j hospital project in Ir. Hanna, held atf diners, G.. L" __ read a first, Matod that, companies Hospital this l Mr. McDougall asks for a return show.. :ing all timber fieensos granted on tim- .tyor of land covered by timber sold by ithe present Government without adver- gtiscment. giving situation, amount, price. names of purchasers or licensees. He "also asks if. the Government has up to "he present date granted any timber =licenses or sold timhrr or land coverod 'with f,imbor without advertisement. other than that situated in the township of Ralph. If so. he wants details; I Mr. Auld will ask: If the timber on lots l, 2. 3. t and .5 in Chesloy additional have boon sold. " so. ho wants full particulars as to method of sale and (priees. He also asks if there have boon hwy other applications to pun-haw this :timher. and how many acres of land it , covers. Mr. Boyle's bill to amend the trsiie.5i- ment, act received its second reading. It; eliminates the word "trade" from sub-l section eight. section ten. L Hon. Mr. Ross, also moved for a return of all persons who have retired from the service of the Province, voluntarily, on dismissal. alter having their resig- nations called for. or in regard to whom investigation had been made, with the reasons in each ease. Bills Advanced a Stage. Mr. Pratt's bill to amend the tong roads expropriation act provides that. where a toll road in an ad.ioinn, In: county 1% taknn ("or union aim-$9, t,he cost of the pnrtmn wholly! Within a township shall be borne by the. township. It, was read a second time. " he following notices of motion were given c--- Mv. Fratrer-rt'o amend the act tapro- vent the wasting of natural gas. and to provide for the plugging of all abanl- unod wells. Mr. Ehbery hill providing for tho 'ol- lectlon of maintenance in Houses of He- fuge of persons with private nu-ans was endorsed hy Hon. Mr. Hanna and Mr. Harcourt, and rccch ed it, aecond road- ing. Notices of Motion. . On tho. motion of Hon. Mr. Ross, which was agreed to, for a return of cor- rospondenee anent the settlement of the Indian claim of northern Ontario known as treaty no. tf, non, dur. .natncson Stated that we treaty known as we James Bay troaty differed from treaty No. 3 in the fact that the Indians were only paid their allowance by the Pro- vince, and the Dominion paid the cost of negotiation. surveys, supplies. ctr. Mr. MeDougro's motions for a return of the accounts for supplies made by the license inspector at Mattawa to ttw Govemmnnf. and for the particulars of appointments in East and West Nipis- sing, were carried. The measure provides among other things for the appointment of a board of twettty-ftve trustees. eight by the t"rovornrnettf., five by the university. ftvq by the city. and seven by the'subscrib- org.' All the usual powers of hospital trustees are conferred upon them. The hnspitnl. the net says. shall be the Pro- vincial Hospital. A Number of Returns. ' Hon. Mr. Resume. at. the request of Mr. MeCvarry, submitted a return of the game. wardens, deputy game wardens and iUher.v nverseers in the county of Renfrew during 1902-1905. with partie- ulars oi their remuneration and ex- pauses. those portions of Avenue'ih'oet, Avenue Une, Centre avenue, and Christopher street, lying within said limits. shall be oloed, and the fee thereirrurha11 be waited in the trustees. . \JU\€l'nment has up to . granted any timber inhpr or land covered 'ithout advvrtisomnnt. itnated in tho township . he wants details. He ' Uk, Among Other Things, for Govern- ment Aid to Their Fund. Po'pres-oniatives of the Toronto fire igade waited on Hon. Mr. Matheson vestovda.v and asked for Government aid toward the firemen', benefit fund. They based their claims on the fire pro- ;et-tion afforded Government buildings and property, for which the Government lid not pay anything. They also urg- -d that favorable consideration be given bv the Government, to two clauses in I the city of Toronto's bill. in which the tin-men are' particularly interested, One provides for the giving by the city of a unhatantial amount. to a. permanent hum-tit fund. the other for the impoui. tion of a tax on premises used for the storing of gunpowder. bonzine and other explosives. At present permits are granted for the use of premises fox such purposes. irfcliili) (tttif ill1hiiii' .01: thl Provincial! _ Secretary. T _ I An influential deputation. representing! the various hospitals and other mining institutions and interests of the Prote- ince, waited on the Provincial Secretarv yesterday, the Won. the Speaker in... troducing the party. Their objeet was to support thé" hill recently introdueeg' to incorporate the graduate nurses oi, the Province. , TORONTO FHtEMEN'S REQUESTS. Hon. Mr. Speaker said that it was: not a close corporation that was intends pd, but one similar to that; of the arehie' tects, shorthand writers and stationary; engineers. The diploma of the "Social tion would bo a guarantee of good work. Miss Eastwood, Superintendent of the Viotorian Order of Nurses. thought it was necessary to distinguish between specially-trained nurses and the product of eorrepondenee schools. I In reply to Hon. Mr. Hanna. Hon. Mr) 51, John Mated that asylum nurses} would be provided with specialist certid mates. Hom Dr. Willoughby approved: ot' the bill. . ' NURSES SUPPORT 'rmint BILL.