-Mr. McDougall moved for a return of all timber licenses granted for timber or land covered by timber sold by the present Government without advertise- ment, with locality, amount and other details. Hon. Mr. Cochrane suggested an amendment to cover from the year 1895 the past as well as the present Government. Mr. McDongall accepted the amendment and the motion was car- t;ied. Some Second Readings. Hon. Mr. Foy, replying to Mr. Tor- rance, said no costs have been paid, by the Province in Scully v. Peters, but in Attorney-General v. Peters, which arose in connection with ticully v. Peters, the sum of $213.66. the amount of the taxed costs incurred in the Court of Appeal, was paid to Seully's solicit- ors, under an order in Council dated the 8th of October, 1902; also the sum of $100 costs in the. Supreme Court, on application for leave to appeal, was paid io the said solicitors. The question of making any further payment in con- neetion with the case had not been brought to the attention of the Govern. ment, but would be looked into. Mr. Torrance was granted an order for a return of documents and corres- pondence between the Attorney-General or other Minister and A. M. Panton and others in 1903, in any wav minim: I... w .uvulll u: uncullll'llL-'I and Corres- pondence between the Attorney-General or other Minister and A. M. Pantpn and others in 1903, in any way relating to the action brought by Mr. Scully against yr, Petgrs. Hon. Mr. Cochrane, replying to Mr. Auld, said the pine timber on lots numbers I, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in the town. ship of Chesley additional had been sold to Burton Bros., Barrie, at $4.50 per thousand feet. board measure, for saw- logs, and $150 per thousand feet cubic for timber. It was not styld by public auction or by tender. There had been one other application to purchase the timber, but it was since the sale to the firm named. It was impossible to say how many acres of the land concerned had timber on them, as the timber was very scatteriug. A Pine Lumber Sale. od. but. will likely be introduced next week. a stage, including the Toronto General Hospital act. The license bill will not be brought dosm to-day, as was expect- a. third reading the previous day. A number of private bills were dealt-with, some being read a second time, others withdrawn, and a number held over. Several Government bills were advanced The Royal Assent Given to Bill Respect- ing Unorganized Territories-Pine Timber Sold by Private Sale-Min- isters Reply to a Number of Ques- tions by Members. His Humor the Lieut.iovevuor at: tended the Legislature at 3 o'eloek yel- terday and gave the royal assent to Hon. Mr. Foy's bill to amend the un- organized territories act, which received Introduction of License Act is Postponed. PRIVATE MEM BERS' DAY. THURSDAY. N HOSPITAL BIL Progress Made With Several Government Measures. The following bills were IN (ylliWrlllilllil, .57". -'..' read a, ,on Mr. Graham was of opinion that the best, interests of the hospital would be served if Aldermen were not on the board. The bill was reported with some amendments. The New Hospital Bill. On the Toronto Gennral Hospital hill being taken up, Hon. Mr. Hanna. reply- ing to a question by Mr. Graham, said he had consulted with the Mayor and sev- eral Controllers of the city and some members of the Hospital Committee as to members of the. City Council living: on the Trustee Board of the h0=pital. They felt that the clause respecting rep- resentation, giving the Corporation of Toronto power to appoint five members, should not be changed. Hon. Mr. Ross expressed strongest ap- predation of the splendid work of the present trustees and the General Com- mittee of the new hospital project. He reiterated his opinion that owing to the close relations which would exict he- tweer: the eit: and the hospital it would 'be better ii members of the City Coun, eil could not become hospital trustees. Their duties as Councillors and as trus- tees of an institution which under the act would be compelled to furnish ac- commodation for patients sent there on the order of the corporation, at rates to be agreed upon. would eonflict. The Councillors would he in the awkward po- sition of trying to serve two masterc. Hon. Mr. Hanna said tho city's rop- resentatives were not bound by the act to be members of the Council. The Council could select representatives. Hon. Mr. Hanna. upheld the represen. tation clause as it stood. Hon. Mr. Ross and Mr. Graham again argued for an absolutely independent board. 0n the suggestion of the latter the clause restricting to students of the Univer. sity of Toronto the privilege of visiting the wards was allowed to stand. Mr. Little withdrew his hill (to rogw late the erection of barns) to amend Iho, municipal act. - _ Tn Committee on Government ordera Hon. Mr. Coehrano's hill to amond the act to preserve forests from destruction by fire was reported without amend- mont. . 3raodiarntid. Mr. Craig's bill to amend the muni cipal act in respect to police superamm atinn funds was withdrawn. .'"iii"iiii'ni"iiiJriiinieipsn light and heat not -lfr. Macdiarmid. To amend tho -municipa1 aet--Mr. Mr. annoy withdrew hir, bills to amend tho eleetrie railway tteh and to amend the stroct railway act. which were introduced last year. and the prin- ciples of which have hoen accepted by ihe Government. The Premier did not concur in the views of the hon. gentlemen. The city of Toronto had made a large grant to the new project, and was surely entitled to some authority as to who its repro- sentatives should be. The people of the oity. the City Council and the Hospital Board all favored the proposed compo. sition of the board. Mr. Harcourt briefly supported the at, titude of the Opposition leader. To amend the public parks atet--Mr. Downey. To amend the municipal waterworks aoter. Downey. - r - 'V_'I_ l . To amend tho assessment tui-Dr. Smollio. _ "i%ii,,end the municipal not (respect- ing travelling expenses)---Mr. McDon- gall. - H rTn amend the municipal art (as to polling on Fridays after a Christmas falling on Monday)--ryr. Labrosse. To amend iiirassessmeni, art (res. pecting telephone lines)-Mr. Munro. --- - .. A - I PT-. I'-"""""""," ' Providing for the exemption of wood. lands from taxation (permitting ten acreg in each hundred up to 2,5 acres to be exempted)--Mr. Downey. . mr 'u-quvwly To amend the T/tttl act in respect a): the formation of po lee villages-Mr. idd. "iiii,"" amend the municipal act (in res- pect of nominuions)-Mr. Thompson (Simcoe). _ - on (ma "we o"""'- To amend the municipal au. (permit- ting biennial eleetiomsV--Mr. Thompson (Simcoe). - m . . . I . mine) SMANY DEPUTATIUNS BALL. Engineer Barrow and Alderman Wal.. lace of Hamilton saw several members of the Government in connection with Hamilton's desire to secure several water lots now held by the Government, in connection with the eity's sewage dis. posal plans. They also ask that the Government contribute towards the cost of completing these plans. If this is done the city will, in return, treat the sewage from the asylum, now treated separately, at the civic plant. o' A deputation frdm owenHiound, in- eluding several business men, urged upon Hon. Mr. Hanna that there should be reasonable stability in any new license act, They also opposed any increase in license fees. Mayor Coatsworth and the members of the Board of Control, with Assess- ment Commissioner Forman, Property Commissioner Harris, City Counsel Ful- lerton and Mr. McNaught, M. P. P., held a conference with the Government in regard to Toronto's bills now before the Legislature. The conference "as a pri- vate one, and the aim of the city was to obtain the views of the Government in respect to Toronto's measures, all of which have been explained ttthe press. Hon. Mr. Hanna promised considera- tion of the request of a joint deputa- tion of the Toronto City Mission and the Prisoners' Aid Association, which suggested that steps be taken with a view to the prevention of overcrowding at the Toronto jail and also protests against keeping insane persons in the jail. A joint deputation from Toronto June tion and the County of Welland inter- viewed Hon. Dr. Pym. They entered a protest against a bill introduced by Mr. Crawford. and measures of a simi- lar nature brought in by other mem- bers, proposing to eliminate the clause in the act, giving high school districts the right to collect from surrounding districts contributions towards the cost of maintenance of high school pupils from outside districts. The Minister of Education intimated that these bills might be referred to a special commit. tee and the whole question could be thrashed out there. VARIED Owen Sound People Ask for Stability in the License Law-opposition to Changes in the High Schools Act- Hamilton Wants Water Lots. There were a number of deputations at the Parliament buildings yesterday interviewing members of the Govern- ment in respect to a number of more or has interesting matters. time :-- " ' To amend the assessment "ch-Mr. Bradburn. - . . . To amend the act respecting ssengl runners-Mr. Tucker. To amend the local courte aet--Mr Fox. To amend the act. to prevent the wast- Ing of natural gar---Mr. Fraser. Notices of motion were given by Mr. Thompson (Simene) to amend the Divis. ion Courts act l by Mr. Lucas to amend the not respecting the "devolution of estates act." and by Mr. Pattis amend the municipal act. l REQUESTS PRESENTED FROM MANY PLACES. the assessment "ch-Mr. the act respecting sleigh read a first