The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 23 Mar 1906, p. 1

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Respecting the South Renfrew Trae- tion Company-Mr. McGarry. To amend the assessment act _ Mr. The report of the Librarian of the Legislature was laid on the tahle bv Hon. Mr. Speaker. Shelving 1.130 foot long had been added, but half of this had been occupied by books on hand. about 500 feet of shelving a year being required. The books added during the, year, numbering 2.842, weighed lhroc Lona. but nothing had yet boon done towards strengthening the tloorcc. The library now numbers 77,127 volumes. First Readings. The following bills were int,roduced..-. To confirm bylaw 1,781 of the city of St. Catharines-Dr. Jossop, To amend the toll roads appropria- tion ttet---Mr. Brower. . '1t.permit William Walter Cope to , practlse as a solieitor---Mr. Hoyle, ion; Mr. Lucas. . I , li'I/llllhNllil "0F ', PRUVINGIAL LOAN. Generous Grants Towards the Spread of Scientific Education urged-The Changed Attitude of the quem- ment of the Dar-Mr. McCarty to Continue the Debate. Legislative Library Mr. Harcourt Says it-Was Not Well Managed. AGGRESSIVE C R IT! C I S M. Financial Mr. Harcourt urged generous grants towards the spread of scientific educa- tion, which was essential if Ontario was to advance in manufactures and 'tgri- culture. His comparison of the ehang- ed attitude of the Government comparo ed with their expressed views when in Opposition on several important revenue measures was apt and convincing. Mr. Harcourt was heertity applauded by the Opposition members. Mr. MeGarry will continue the debate, which ma y possibly be resumed to-day but may not go on again before Tuesday, He will be fol- Iowed by Mr. vHislop for the, Opposi- non. The debate on the budget was resumed in the Legislature by M r. Harcourt year terday and adjournment, was moved at 10 o'clock last night by Mr, Mch'ry. Mr. Harcourt, who commenced his nd-' dress in the afternoon, proceeded after recess and concluded at 9.20,' having we" cupied somewhat over three hours. He!, reviewed the fimuwial administration oil the former Government in a clear and, interesting manner, and subjected the, flotation of the Provincial bonds for the Temiskaming, k Northern Ontario Railway loan to aggressive criticism. He argued that the flotation had been unis? managed to the detriment of the inn terests oi the Province. A renewal of the loan on the terms which the Twas-x nrer had said he could have secured for" renewal would have been better pending an improvement. of the market, and the securing of Imperial legislation allowing the securities of the Province to Del placed on the trustees list. i TORONTO, FRIDAY, iiAiiiTii la, 1900 cial Administration of Former Government. ti Respecting the town of Fort William "--Mr. Smellie. . The Railway Measures. The resolutions in "onneetion with tho new railway art and the Railway and Municipal Board were referred to the (hmmittoo oi' the Whole House, to he discussed when dealing with tho hills on next Thursday. and the bills were rmul a second timo and set down for tho mm- mittoo stage on that day. Mr. Harcourt on the Budget. To amend the municipal act-Mr. Ra- cine. '; . - Mr. Harcourt. on resuming the debate nn the budget. took exception to the statement of Hon. Mr. Matheson that. the calloagucs of tho speaker had not entrusted him with putting through tho succession duties and supplomenfary rov- onue acts. He was proceeding to quoto from the records of the House, to show that, tho Provincial Treasurer was mr- takon. when llon. Mr. Mathoson said ho had takc-n his impression from a Globe report. and if he was wrong ho hoggod to withdraw his stutonwut. Mr. Har- rouri; accepted the oxplnnuiion. pointW ing out, howovor. that The (Holy-k to _ ports: as to the introduction of tho aur- vossion duties act worn not opon to the ronstruction plat-ml upon them by the, Treasurer. Ho aim murdusiva)' refut.vd the argument that ho had not introdum-d and guided tho supplementary revenue; not through the House Pror-ooding. Mr. Harcourt turned to the question of odu- ration, pleading first' for the advance.. ment of higher sciontifie oduvntiou. The late. Government had. ho olaimod. her-u true to that, aim. in proof of which he quoted from measures brought in by the former Administration. and tho gen'erous. grants to the branch of edi 1etien with which he was dealing. I the-mutton of training the public seho/ teachers ot the 1'fovinee splendid wor ,i',l,7l,t,i"i,P, le,',:',?,']'),"",':,',: and in this rd i mom. to tin-3'20"." :qu a high compli itieo W Ro - mam," humid h." Ilon: 'carried out a}; mad the advanced Politr, 'g ferred to a]: t 1tperttlernan. He re, 3mm; A "V. -"t.abl.'5hn'ent oi the Or/l, I - , Agrieuli,urdl College " a "moi TO. Fox . Kohler. To consolidate the floating debt, of the town of Fort Frances-Mr. Kennedy. : To amend the assessment act - Mr. RespecTng noe --Nr_eF mu... m an 50110018 m pur at grand aim. Mr. "amour Id allegations to ihe effect tha' rity of the teachers in the pub ols were incompetent. Af when; of tho, Province were: facilities having hom, max-mad "mural College as a resul Government,) desire to brin inciples in education to bea td of agricultural knowledm was the first school to appt agriculture extensively. an. Rita! gas wells - Mr. -- -uv yuan and criticized the attitude the new Government to. cutional policy of tho for- ration. . Mr. Harcourt be- Fort William irgrtmway loan Mr. mucouw {ritvto be a. bad investment. .1 {was not one'in Which comparm be made, because Hon. Mr. I was the first member of any ment of the Province who bad Provincial securities to dispose former Government had no le empowering them to put a dirt cm the market ; they had only bonds guaranteed by the Gov in all who considered the question. It would moan that tho securities would bring a: high a price on the London market as tho bonds of the Canadian Government. The wise course, t,ho cor- rect vourw tho ('nlll'i't! in the best in- Ippe.mts of tho Province. would have been in wait. Nothing had been gain- ed by this ha<toz a large sum had lwmi lost in the Province. ft was most unfortunate that the 3 1-2 por cents. of Hm Provincn should he wold at 96 when thow who took iho loan were making 3.73 per cent. profit. lion. Mr. Mathew)! was, lacking in his u-ual dialect/ital skill. thought the snooker, when he answered himself in' saying that $3.l83.000 of court funds; were invested at a low rate of interest: The thrifty people of Canada had the', ability to absorb millions and millions of _ pounrh: sterling. Tho increaso in deposits ( of $60.000,000 was suftieient to cover the Terttiskaming' bonds ten times over, while the bank reserve: had increased " the' ra te of three millions a Fear for the last F ten year; in a short time tho loan would easily have been subsvribed from wnoh sources. ' The first year of the Provincial Treat; nror's rule had shown a rapid increase? in expenditure, and the public accounts; did not, display careful economy. Unless he made his. btpms better he would bel swallowed up in a. sea, of deficits. Hon.l Mr. Matheson had boasted a surplus of $100,000. The former Government hadl loft two millionc in hard cash in the strong boxes of the Province. it flovornwent. In large type they placed the. Tomiskamimg Railway as a. liability, and in small type as an al-set. Patriot- ism, he thought. would have reversed this. There was nothing more to the credit of the Province than the pluck and wuturosmno spirit with which this umlortaking had been engaged in. The 20:000 acres a mile of land grants to the railway, with its million dollars' worth of white pine. would be sufficient to pay for the railway. The Niagara bonds were a liability', Mr. Harcourt admitted, Mr. Harcourt-I'll come to that later. H e, objected to the bookkeeping of the Hon. Mr. 3latheson---We've Mill got J as; r . Harcourt declared

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