NU DOUBT ABOUT . "_' NUMBERED BALLOT. In reply to Mr. Eilber, who asked the question in the absence of Mi. Gamey, Hon. Mr. Matheson stated that in the past the Government had guaranteed the notes of several civil, servants and the notes were being repaid to the banks by deducting certain amounts from the ,tslari" of these oftieiala. There were A strictly business session of the Leg- islature yesterday, in which a number of bills, including the Government railway bill, were advanced a stage, was pre- liaced by the laying on the table of fac simile copies of the ballot papers used in the recent bye-elections in Kingston and North Toronto. There is no doubt about their being numbered. The King- ston (ballot numbers run up above 4,000 and the North Toronto papers above 17,- 000. It is argued that the larger num- bers are harder to remember, but in any one polling booth only the unita and tens, and perhaps the hundreds, need to be remembered. There could be no ob- jection to numbering the stub, but the number is repeated on the back of the ballot itself. The actual difference in the new practice is that the number is not actually entered upon the poll hook. lhat a. memorandum might be made in another fashion goes without saying. As only the suspected voters in a contest need be laid under this illegitimate sur- veillanee the memorizing of six or eight or a dozen numbers would be a matter of no great diitiaalty, especially when the corresponding individuals were well known. The ballot would be easily iden. titied when the count was made. No other reason has been adduced for the presence oi the number. First Readings. Four bills were introduced _ lo amend the municipal tteb-Mr. Reed. County Councils Bill Stands. Over in Prospect of a Division-May Come up Wednesday-question Box Deals _ With Sundry Matters - ofiieials Debs Guaranteed by Government. Fac Similes Laid on Table of Legislature Special committees were appointed to consider Mr. Downey's bill to amend the pharmacy act and Air, Caracallen's (Hamilton) bill respecting stationary en- gineers. Civil Servants Gave Notes. Opposition Leader tsatisfied With General Principles. The bill introduced by the Minister of Works provides for an extension of tune to 1907 for making applwation for the Government good roads grant, tor the payment of portions of the cost in certain cases, and to provide for cases where three counties are represented in one municipal Council to enable each one to enter the good roads improvement scheme. RAILWAY BILL ADVANCED. To amend the rules ot praetiee--Mr. [McDougalL To amend the act for the improvement of public highways-Hon. Mr. Reaume. lo aid the volunteer tiremen's assoc"- tion---Mr. Fraser. l In moving the second reading of his bill respecting steam, electric and street Mr. Crawford's hill rcspccting tho Graduate Nurses' Association was read 'a second time and referred to a. special committee to be appointed on Monday. Mr. Graham approved the principle of the bill, but objected to certain clauses as too drastic. He was followed by Messrs. Lewis, Nixon, Preston (Brant). Hoyle and Smith (Sault), who took simi-. lar ground. Hon. Dr. Pyne thought seriv' ous consideration was needed, and on hisI suggestion the bill was referred to a! special committee to be appointed on? Monday. I . The Railway Measure. -- Respecting the United C Northumberland and Durham, ton (Durham). Empowering the London Trasts Co., Ltd.. to sell c in the county of Lambton, gomery. A A dbzen private bills , ond reading, and reterr of the Whole House on The resolutions on the p issued-by-companies bill and gum license duties and pen referred in committee for ct along with the bills to Whit late. Mr. Lennox withdrew his bill to amend an act respecting the fees of oifieers en- gaged in the administration of justice, its provisions dealing with a question of revenue. - Mr. Carscallen's (Hamilton) hill to amend the municipal act was read a sec- ond time and referred to the Municipal Committee. The following bills were passed through committee t--- ' Respecting the united counties of Lorne-Mr. Macdairmid. Respecting the town of ( Calder. To eonfhen by-Iaw No. tlt of Naputee---Mr. Caracallen In reply to Mr." Morrison, Hon. Dr. Rcaume stated that three licenses for net tishing had been granted for 1906 on inland lakes. By Dominion order the mesh required in sturgeon note or pots must be not less than twelve inches. No net licenses had been granted in the Bay of Quinte. Woh'cr's Bay and the Rivers Trent and Moira and tributary waters for 1906, and the Government intended to protect game fish in these waters. Graduate Nurses. igi.' Mr. thheson, replying to Hon. Mr. Ross, said there were no remissions of Algoma. taxes by the Treasury De. partment during 1905 other than those provided for by statute. Under the act of 1905 the Neptgon Mining Land Com- pany paid $20,429.82, the principal owing. The interest to December 31, 1905, re- mittad under the act, was $16,866.65. Under the act of 1886 50 per cent. of the gross amount of principal and interest would have been accepted in two annual installments of 25 per cent. each. Mr. Graham asked for a return of cor- respondence with reference to the grant- ing of a. license to the Imperial Hotel at Hrockviile. Hon. Mr. Hanna explained that there had been a misunderstanding between the Board of License Commis- sioners and the Ministerial Association, and promised to lay the correspondence on the table. Rev. Mr. Dodds had ex- pressed his satisfaction with the board. Mr, Lueasi was granted an order for a. return of documents in connection with the manufacture of twine and cordage at the Central Prison. Hon. Mr. Ross was granted an order for a return showing the number of li. censes granted for the River Thames east of Chatham during 1004, 1905 and 1906, the revenue received. and whether the fish were sold in Canada. or the States. _ Ir'. . may - 's"'""""'"'. _ i!!l!!!,ll,lllllil/ which was" up." still (mer of the proP.'fPt _ , the amounts being $475, $2,946.69 imiles an hour attained "00, 8900, $1,050. Mr. Game, 'iiiii [ways rendered several I greed that this was not a proper case many. By a tseries of - . . A%_, um.-- "w." h. "a"... Tha [from the United States . ..,L H" "mm F-Mr. Caracallen (Lennox). 7' private bills wgrg given a sec- referrei tol'coririiii'i"ie Un_ite'(} Counties of Lomlon & Western and penaltieg NO. .718 of the town tell certain lands of osumv--ur tr to.mu1ieiatioid which they re- Monday midi." 1e Prospectuses- and pn the li. Mr. Mont. Mr. Pres. , were Hon. Mr. Ross asked that Hon. Mr.| Monteith's bill respecting count; Coun- Icils, which came up for second reading, lbe allowed to stand over, us he expected ito divide the House on the measure. It {may come up on Wednesday. lies wholly in any township or municipal- ity it, shall be the property and be kept in repair by such towushlp. Mr. Pratt will] introduce the measure as a private bil . Mr. Preston':, (Brant). bill to enable cities. towns, townships, villages and police villages to contract for the pur- chase of the appliance. wu laid over. Leave was given to Mr. Bowman to introduce a bill respecting the "tita- tion of certain by-laws of the township of Eastnor, notwithstanding that the time for introducing private bills had expired.- Notices of Motion. The Municipal Committee Considers, a" Proposed Amendment. The Municipal BUl Committee rejccted Mr. Pratt's bill to amend the toil roads expropriation act by providjng that where a road or portion of a. road expropriated lies wholly in anv townnhh-u m- tws.....'-.'--. railwayis! Mr. Atkinson asks: Bow may idenographers, temporary clerks, mes- sengers, and other temporary help have been taken on since the 25th day of January, 1905. in the Parliament build- ings, Normal School or Eduation Ihr. partment, and other public buildings un- der Government control in the city of Toronto; the dates of their trppointmento and rate of wages per week t Mr. May asks: Is it the intention of the Government to give increases to cer- tain teachers in the Provincial Model School, Ottawa. so as to place them in the same position in the matter of sal- aries as the teachers in the Model School, Toronto. Mr. Harcourt asks '. Have the Tamin- kaming Railway bonds been fully under- written by responsible underwriters in England? If not, to what extent hove they been underwritten? Who are the underwriters, and what are the amounts underwritten by each respectively? In it the fact that the public have subscribed for only 13 per cent. of the whole amount offered , ' Mr. Lucas-Bill respecting service of notice of intention to exercise power of sale in mortgage. TOLL ROADS EXPROPRIATION. ft {newbie explained' .Innl k sneed of 70