The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 2 Apr 1906, p. 1

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" - _ RT."" , , '50.; 4 L y .. _ I ' '1'. 5 r, _ Mr-'" ., Fl . T) a _ " a P a ' it !!,'Ci! ' . , P 'Tr""" _' _, .r -""". -v. it. . : _ V . 't ', one of the iirst acts ot this Government l , should be to appoint a board of estimat. ', AND ITS NE ' f." or. 1lRrfye5.rtrn having a praw- . ,tieal knowledge ot the countrv, "1.0.9 duty it should be to separate the a,'..rrieu) -.r--_..r.e-'-_-t-.-s..r tural country from the timber law-(1: . where farming land was not found m Mr. C. N. Smith, M.P.P., Talks', pointed out that there were 'ulimirod, u; . . tsettlers up there living on "my 12..., . Of New Ontario, i were entirely unsuitable for 1'ul'liitu.,_ V _' pursuits, and as tho {mun-r i." up. _ T lands was not given to tho w'tlorv tum found great dillicultv in nor'tinu out l A PULP WOOD POLICY. .: 7 _ v....'., I lbatre mutt-nee. It was not, tair to the ', .scttler to locate him on such land. but! _ . 'l, ,iiit-e he had been locatedcthe least the; . . €(iovernn1ent should do would be to gl'HEI Some Observations Regarding é him the timber on his lot and everything I t _ ' . . _ I ig t "above and beam the ground. the; the Prophet Whitney. l'llt'tlkel' said he was glad to nnir :tyj '. 't'iunntteial Treasurer say in presenting t\ -r' __ , '.ll~' financial statement : "He' have HIM-i . . . ", Zions in our forests and millions in W,ll , The Two Millions that the Premier :miiws. and we intend spending it in the: Said Might as Well Have Gone Into ' 't'su'lopntent, oi the. country. U incI S , d h Lak S " "iovernrrtettt would keep that pledge Mr. l Toronto Bay ave t e. a e uper- 'sruith and he would be satistied, and in: ior Company, and at Not a Dollar oft; ,l-dm- to {mist tin-m in working out a, . . , siirs xi Ich would be of the ,'r'Pe'itou:'si' Ontario. I Hint. Wlllt ".' Final fost to ;j;:dv;mta,qo to the whole Province. he! -- Wilel'lt'il to pinpound a plan which. if lD-' . _ T - I j teliigentuy worked out, would, he lulu-\- . ' , '.,,-', o? as . " ' liars llr. Smith or the Mm had tlit' lloort "fl. add f" lea t one P/li 'll,. in a - . p l: war to the revenues ot the I lO\:lli'C. tor twcntv minutes (otstisl'ts " "ll "m" _ . I . - ' ' , . I [ , t . ' (lilV al'tetmoott lll tue''gl1u'liit"ult "nl/Stay :he Axe . . ' t 't ' l . . " I... I 'i"(_l' "i went on tor "notho,r hour Ill tin. "vt'lllllg. Irit llon. Mr. t odiiuiie mu. .tu l . /' . ... ,' tut .. Mlle Home it day or two ago that tr. Jlo wah talking on the llllttllllil. , ' t_ 1hougltt it might be weil to prohibit Tn: mot brought ylown ll." th" 1'i""ilt""iricuiri'!Vc or pine under ten iiii~I'.~-:~ m -i.t- Treasurer, hut lu, ihr-nm'wih ohivtly new 'mv'u'r, Mr: Smith's idea was that the Ontario and the scttlcrs, Hp lurnp.rittur, . tw-etrn-tron allullltl "ltulu' up To imiitmn ' l H" I , mmL-'iintnw. out the calmiuition he wolm. to . . t . I l I b i - _ . in"! the Gosttrnrru n ill" n Pl ',, in} tit-tore the Home paced the '.liltll- merit of a rc,itlont oi mu "mull" "Mining. size of the pine tree that may he the Portfolio of handy r'orret, AIME-tit at twelve inches in dvaywtor. lit Mme-s. which ho t'uthltlt'l't'tl tho must, um .'aht-Ji went, on to explain that at tertin '.l l . . tree would in ton years have grown to mortant department ot the A),"..,",',":,',-,?,:'.,) a twelve-inch tree and under 'he . n -.-';- 25:41! . _"."'"' . . tlo.m _rn' thounltt. l"' " 'l' n "t f 'lf'l lht.xle rule which IS in vogue in this Pro- thing for the 1'Tiyit"' that Lupe in. ilmw tho approximate increase in H" been a change ot [i:',',)',:"..',"),,',' "HATS" ('lllllt' content of the wood would he ' ' . ' ' Bm- Ft i i i 5- _ . F that than"; had lrvout.', " ' "m I . ' 'i-Ig'hty per cent. He estimated that lu'-', solution of tlie old "hm" ot l.l",'r1"',1:.'r' ':iniiuul nit ot pine trees averaging' not' which threatened thv'peau-e l tho I "" more than ten inches. would be about two "NT. and it war grlt"tv"lv. "l I"". lo hundred million feet, and his propo~ai obsorve that tle "mm ol 1hy ll""1"1'"l'"}\ils that this timber should he allowr-i of other days-tho hon. i'rovineial lrvus- lo stand for another ten wars. 1;": ttrer---lrad become the .'-w""l""lytiuy."1 results. Mr. Smith contended. would he of 1hom all. He "bstuutul with why "mazur,uly protitalrle to the Pgorinee. llc motion that the I"y"yy"y! were push- 14mm" by n comprehenrive :et ot MIN: Ing the 1'omuskaming Hailwoy CHI lo " 'that the stumpiigt- duos alone on the iii- tuintion with the brand liunk intuit, twposiul quantity m timber would bring but he regretted that it had lit-on iound the Province in on increased tlot rere- nccessar; to drspow oi >l.\' million gulll nun ot t"cr'6tiy) per annum. and the dollars of the 1ueh Prosmro of Ullli""""mnu~ on thi- ton TCapri' growth, which at ninety-Six cents ouch. would mean one hundred and cixtr mil- . . . , _ . . _ . . t . Wealth Untold, Bonds at Discount. lion feet. w".ul..d 1ioprt"'trt at tom "Ulla" With, t .. , . . t l Is.. lt tl "r :m'r thousand loot a turther net profit or "9101 133: pile (s,,'."",),' C' oloal l Summon. making the total annual net ' . . ' . . . " " t _ . _ . . " "ll rte"; [lug :"lz'g- ..] '/Turoiit to the Province through such a 'Ile), _ . e C. Itll Flu-(t sy/lcd,')")"".); i""l"""")f 8960.000. It was true. he said, Slim" ' 'a Was I'dll'wl fl " 'i",". 't . l ': fthat if this plan were employed the Got ti' mitt; ,'j.,'-Cl'jiJjf I)??? 1.v.. rt .'l,C)/. ir-rnnient would find it necesaary to deter a" "15%;"; ' ti :1 t ICH J")',',')),)', ly, ten years ';400.000 per annum of its 'P. 't '. "er. W" .1 ._-- t . Hg: tT,', UNIX") In "P 10")"; 3"" ill-o- .pit~ciit l0\('llllt". but the speaker point- "a". th ' f in. l am .hllnt u. apt 'I l EN] out that if the Province could not get, ("mo (Kaufmc gioupild 1,1:t'"i') cl, 'Ii'lulong' on the reduced revenue during _ ' ""s ' _. ' ' r , {m _ 'fpant 'i1p/'h' ll' {with it ),'. ll'" that period the Government would he Ci," l 3:33 f"'" "0 twent.s pror "/j, litistitied in borrowing at four per vent, . Milt . d tl"" moment. ":tor its immediate requirements, .(lisposed of at trom torty than. r.and to a million dollars. 'l'hntiThe Pulpwood Question. being the case, it seemed vt"tyt1ate'i The member for the tioo then turmU' that the bonds of the Province its1elo a discussion of the pulpwood question, (or the purpose of constructing a line ot'und disagreed from the previous speak- aii'ihiai through one or tho earth) [M's on. the Government side of the' plea est treasure-houses had to hetdil 'llouSe who advocated the policy employ- i, posed of at a discount, [to would or led by the Province of Quebec. In Mr. tor a moment ryl"?"tiott the integrity t.. i>nlit_h's opinion the policy of the late Ad- I the Provmcnrl lreasurer, he believed l_ unmistration was the best poliey for ti? had .done, his best and was honestl3 i Province. inasmuch as it encouraged the ' . " I. II ' ' '- r: I' ' '-. . . _ _ {wrung the limintt, but the Ir"yi,"'"ablishtuent of industries within our; Mt that the lreasurcr had committed (own boundary. created employment {or . . . . q l . eeritons error of tudgnrent in not 1oldir/our own workingmen and provided a on 1'0 these bonds until he could at lea'. thiarket for the settlers in our rural ter- [O, no one hundred cents on the do iritory. The three pulp mills that had ar. ll"? established under this policy at the hi _ . , I A New Timber Policy. 13°03 Espanola and 'Sturgeon Falls had l Mr Fl ith tl . . . ' served all three of these purposes. and tom. lint . ion turned his attentio. they are all on a successful operating, ' tlealml'c} policy ot the present am basis. Such was not the case in the, .ias . ions . r_,-. '-.-.,a', 3: . _ , ',i'1j'etreiiftinihi'it:1t,,igti, and painted 013 lmvme'e of Qubhec, where the spruce; - . in is opinion, some improw food can!) be taken out orthe country;

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