The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 2 Apr 1906, p. 2

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T in its ran-For umnauutactured state. The l'l'l'he "Mfg-fr '. c" IU',' of pig ircc/ il)rj1i, of the poliey adopted by the sis-l manutuetitreha 15030?) m any has menu-E ttt'r Province had been to encourage Aim. Thglltroma Steel Ofpsteel mils. and) It'l'lt'all monopolies dmng business in Can- ( featured 200.000 tons 300 with order? lada and to tlisvourage the development, sold them for WAD" h ', "t ut, ', 'et' a native industry in the Province of t in advance for ten mont Sf ('//'/rlduaooo :t_luebee. As illustrating hié point. Ml}: The pulp mill has nianu he WW; JG ) "truth dated that, the ,lnteruatiouall tons of pulp, which sold tor "I' .'1ll.\"3' Paper ("WP-""y alone owned 2.000,000, The lumber sales 2e,1l, I"' ("mlh ' I ileum. m- .'l.l?..", 'cfl1rrlrt' milemof the tincM, sawmill aggregutf'd $.19l4lt. . ', "WW" Invring land in the Province. and Coal used, about l20,64l tom. l last, yrs! r 00 P" eent, of the raw spruce" Coke used about H43" tolnx ul We 1etiuiretl to litanutaeture the newsprin' Chareoal manufactured am "Mt. .- _ 1 used by the tie\\.~paper.- of the butt"! 9:" tonte. . . A ' . _ sooo.' Mattw had been eat from the Queht't' Mo euipio.vod m v.Ir"'.11" 1vovlrt Ir.'.,. limit\. The neu~ print n~ed by the IV Average wage; paid sinee 'tyr,'.'),'.'"',;,',; itetl Hates lad year Wil,s yaluedat thirty tion, $150.00" por month. or for - millions. n] 'lolluru. and the ~peaker :tI'- monthi #3000900. . l .. "it gut-t! that tlu- "at" or lli'Wm" print new" Average freight paid pet pinata. >l: n the line .toin he romprtlhul to lutfllt' to 000, m- we.tf1fr.000. repretnntiug "lump"! (anada for their manul'aeturt-d paper i/ to W0 "a" raw material unlw rtitt the l'l'u\l\tt'e or Quebee uouhl elm" ll" dail). tut" "mum" dour "mph i... tutu ""an Ilr. g'mhh ormsluslml hi, atltlieu hi, Dirt-Mitt: hi, remarkx to Hon. Mr.Whir ' inviting the Pit-tiller and hi, "ollt'"vi.t' ' hey tor il moment or tun. Mr. smith to visit new ttntario 4""an the ""mm": urged the Premier tn t'till~ltlt'l' the ui-( Hinnnf'r. _, admit of surt.u'o,uiny,' a "ontlrt'uct' "'4"me ------------' , :hix 'ioirrmiii)tit and that of tlu. l'rttvint"", of Quebec on this very important sitl, I ject. IC The Settlers' Standpoint. l Tho Son repreeeutatiie then put 10' I strong plea tor the aettler' in "hat 9t" called "the great north vountty" 'lll'" ing to the tinaneial statement that hill been laid upon hi< tle~l\. ho ttl>~t't\t'l that ill" PI't'Hlllt't' haul lirrivoil l;t~l .i"ill from wool, and torrmts olonc the I'll": 'ruou: sum of .vie2,0ri4trrr.'s/.H. and ttll thr' opposite ~itle of the Aillllt' page he no tieed that the miserable illlll o: slrs 3l.",.ltL'. hail been expended itll v'w'tt-ttl/J tion Iuvadsv. 'lltey would lll'\t'l' newt-vi in developing'. the onipirv in the north on a paltry =iim of $200000 a year. and. tt'urtliermore. the people up their- would ;never rcrt under curl, inimtit-e. ll"- ieonutry "as being milked at the ta" inf two millions a year, and Ill pet vent. 'ot' that amount wa'. sent, ltilt'lx' to l" \elop thro1fourths of the men on thi, great Province. For the ileveh'mmei" _ of that country "'a,l,iiire.l2i) had been spew 'during the pact t\\el\e yeah. aid M" some people wondered "try it IV,'ls that the people of new Utttalltit \tt'le til-'0'.- i~tied with the treatment they had re- leeived at the hands. oi the Mutant. Cos, ermnent. "Why." said Mr. 'dllllll. .. the Indiana tweeive more in "nuuitits than tho iurluctriou,s. hard-working \rhite set- tlers ret'eive for their coloni/atimt roatl~ and bridges." All they asked tor "Us 1rolllllT0lt justice and the speaker t, that at lea~t 50 per unit. of the I'f'rI'tlllr's derived by the Province from Il0s1 (hr tario should be Rent bat-l; tor the de velopment of that muntry. lu ilt'il of the statement made by the Prmint-tal Trpoxurtyr. he wa" hopeful that (hi, uould be done in the future. A Very Unwise Prophet. The \00 guaratuco.whirh eau~ed slt"ll a hubhuh in the House and throughout the Province two year< ago. Hits' ttien di,,tusil by the member for the Mm. and he t-haraeterized the measure a' one of the mint beneficial apts of legi~latiou that had ever been plated upon tla- statute books of the Provimv. Mr. \mit'n l'Ot'Hllt'tt the predietion of the pie-em Premier that the 92,000,000 might ax will have been thrn'utt into lathe r-uperior or I'oronto Hay. and the >litlt'lllt'lll of the prewut Provincial Eeeretary that the guarantee tueant a tax of one dollar a head on every man. woman and 1lild in the Provirwe. In the light of Rhi- magnitieent rec,ults which t'olloned thi, Itvisiation. he thought that the Premier and hic eolleaguea would now admit that thev Vere guilty of very grave ('l'l'Ul'\ of hulgment two years ago. The spi'uls- er ilwu "em on to explain that through the late Government's guarantee of the, firo million dollar loan tothe Son induc- tries. which comprised eleven cculosiliary mmpumpa, reorganization had been made attainable. and bet-ante operative on June ."ri). 1904. During the twenty month" operations. or to the first of this month illarehl, the Helen )lmedias Pr'", duped 340.5ti9tons of hematite iron ore, 'hieh was realized $851,422. ' upon " J

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