' _ I -r'Tk a ',lgr(r erq r. Je' 'i a , F,g51Trir'r ' / 1'.1. . " m---.. CTI9E> " -- _ , e. i ht , j - " w, = - 'th"; _ C", i,, x Luc. "C $31.13;", _ "ii"iirii sales of chattels. "no I i%ll- , IllM5i' In at? $112 tntt)fdt2I', [iiiiii aiiiaiiiiiii'ii i .'r) _ m i -" 3 ' condition, "stiprthttiort, agreement {A}; f; .. 'l'T" Exits]; well adapted to. their i Mr, it t.r "tl"' "" B', . I ' i F atonement t',ftttle, tll y let, ' 'tFell')',',,',' :36. one they could kale? witih i ' . - 1; .1 . I ire receipt. con ran or we con ' . , . rdeautions. rocee. - i, ""t"""tl ', .' T L", T "t . ', sale of chattels, or in any other con T " "t ii,ifiiiiyct/iec)'lf, {be View that from a. AMO ACRES TaoUGHT FRO" LORD T . which provides that any tsetiosirytu.et' 32""; standpoint it would be better ', . STRATHCONAv . 5 . or other proceedings shall be tried ttt it a mugging for" selling/on Sundays- at 1 - C b " . V any particular. place, shall be of any certain hours to guests at hotels was . .. . . . l T Ai J foree or ofreet," was the clause to Pe put on the statute books, subject, to Will Extend Park, Build Municipal DOCK I Ir' substituted for section la of the act, a.n:l rigid . enforcement. Referring to tho j Gain Waterfront, and Encourage | M, _. Ii] raised l prolong?! disctgsiém $32122: "comet fee? film deputation tilgt'iiiiit 31:91:" I Manufacturing-London After Cheap , _ . . essrs, Jews. ov, ll . 1. . were on no . re eonsun . - , . f l 'd I (Brant). Hoyle. dll','.,., Hislop, MeMil- quor in the Cnited States was four times _,' Gas--rncrttage of, Capital. ' a f Ian and others took part. The Auornt?.r- greater than here. If the consumption l -----r--_ ' It , General thought the bill should not ptvrs was the mine. litvu.se holders hero would i Public ownership rotxoived an oxperi- " . in its present shape. It was . retro-i ttot, oltieet ltr inervasuul fees. lle sug' lmental vindiorion in the Private Bills , r native and interfered with the right oil trusted that, the fees should he at least it'ommitt '0 when the town of Port ' 2, r people to make contracts. i one-third those proposed in iht? lil. If I l _ . _ _ ' , ' Mr. Duft had a similar hill up for, the foo. were increased tho hours of sale Arthur bill came up tut atppirnm. As h' 'ir. second reading. 3 ' uII 1.vyl; nights should the extended to a. preliminary a statement, was submitted _ Mllf They were referred to the Legal Cout-, Je, o'elock. _ . - [. or the nicotine and expenditure of the II. mittee. It, was lll'gt-ti that the elatm- .n "ups-rt llllll'lt'i m" trout-him" showitur profits last 537'; Several private hills were paved to bartendera' lieenees should he atruek . _'. ln' .'l , "1rctri , .. il H. f $10 B,.!)':,, ithrough committee. out. If not Provikion should he made for ..v'yl In "t Il."', l'lC ral "(U 'I ' ' 9' .t,r,', 1 The'dovornmeut bills to amend the wet. omergeueies. sin-h nu the sieknees of " It": cuctV liuht 1y,y1'ti'..1,,r "1,3403 "it: Efor the improvement of puhIie Minna" hartender. or extra aid needed for SPP- 1iyc.1,",hi!,'yn" department, tt2,u'0l, a total I Kiii', .and to amend the tlntnrio mediea? act cial day". The Dominion eensu< should ot §'4"'T'"' ' . I.. . . [ Wt gwere alao advaneed to third reading.. govern in determining: the numher of rhr. bil Wil,% tot tlu. 1-onfirmation of a . I Tho House adjourned at " o'clovlc. h'voirces in municipalities. It 1NIts' who number ot b.s -l:aws l he ont' that /rt/.r/1.e1- iRetail Merchants' Request. desired that closing on polling "nys :2]. y,','). 1tat,1iy,iytpr"c't,t,1,nCt,ic"Liit.?il '78ilt t A doputution from the Retail Mew should not apply to will")! "(Whom "it Milt]; liu'al'it L, e " iitdl if tl , town I rN .t-hanta' Association. headed by Mr, Ii. munitipnl byotltu'tions, and. In any ("//'ii1'"iCl,1krii/,c1,f'/t"/f'".lr'iJ, , IC)'):'; f..' , M. Trowern. the Seeretary. waited upon punt. should not apply unit-w the wholr i'//',1' with sits. for a t'iiu.ir',in dock . _ '5' lion. Mr. Hanna yetprday and a<ked ni, munit-ipality is inrlurlcd in the pollinffz' "mph the "a"... "is".m from /iiidiiii' .1; ix , support for amendments to the municipal 'l'he prohibition of the sale . o1 :,, My." extend the town park hr H3 acres l Ihii, "."I't giving municipalities the J"'""" io liquor within .",0t) _r;irds ol 2Mr; and iurn.si, citr, for mile or least: for; _'tf'é' Impose such fees for pvddhwn' "WW" as grounds WHS 1vwarrlol as', unrpa"'ru-l moinitarturinj: hm'l.o~e~. A Manse pro,- _ f" Whey see tit. . nhle. "him-lion was taken to tho penal» \idml that mp], tri:nuaction, ~hould ho ara 7 -tft'i._'"e"t"rre.I."".ir'TTC rim, which were onu,ilvrrll unnoi-arily tor not My than the full selling or rem- I F,,r, l l severe. 1spmirill.v in ea~e of salt» to pr.» int: urine or the l-tllllt'll m mid or leac, 5%? (M GUMFURII l hihited ppr"oir4. Provision slouhl h.- eri. "tl tn to oiniate the possibility of _.),"'; l mode for the indontii'uuitiou of tleo bombing. _ . ._' 7 M HUTELMEN : poison» It was urged that witnesvw' 1"" .siciy iii,.,, 'nud " hill reported _".iv'i'i t l ll ho violate the low should he puniUH-d eoutirmnn: it "it'll" lin furthoc iiprtv.rl. _ 5"."3' i the mine fls' the lieenw holders :tttrl extend the waterworks. tho electric: 'fé: --------_ llo also asked if provision could turi, 'i",),),,,",",'.],,)),', telephone '? Msmru. , l'-,' . . he mad.- Sn that lieensem might pay to e'iil- id; (,n1"l?,,',iyy, (1 (cy.,,,)..'..,,','-,:';',"',"), cr-i:. . The Government Will Stand by their few in quarterly in=tahnent.<. Sl Jill,")',';",' / , tr 'i/i'",'., tom .1...) . . 0| _r,/iri/, . . m. H. N. Kittum. Hamilton. spntu .-. .'..'. . HI Ilu t.rrtiilutttrto deei1o'l 'i C. License Bill. l hrietlv supportinw the opinions expr-ul ly Emilia" "a" 'llim' enough, [he _ Irs. lir. ii/vi/C,";. lull wxll mine up again next week. c' c. Hon. Mr. Hanna's Reply. *7 ------m----- NO EXTENSION OF HOURS. Hon. Mr, Hanna ~aid the Government mind and hoped to haw the thsiatarzt-e . - --- of the livensed vieiuallorc of the l'ro- . c,,A.i,'r'- '__, liner, in enforcing the law. In rem!" V "i, A Monster Delegation Asks For to the inert-age of fees, he said the F; f . lir-ense laws of Chotario had gone on ir.. Changes m Act. iting the numher of lieensm and my: l practif-nlli' treating a monopoly. Thi; -------- had led to the demand for reutul~ far in PNt't'ytc of what would he ehurged on Witnesses Are to be Protected-Premier) ordinary t-onunereial houses, prov Whitney States That Re Believes) yy,', the c.xictttmys Li". thic, "lotto- . poly and the ability of th, New Measure is Approved of by the lit-ensee to meet tho demand my high Majority of the People of the Pro- "Ht-Ali". " 1V'Rf. "in iorstvlorl,cn " tlmst J . slatrs 4'" litmus "huh had :n-tuated the Vince. _ _ Government. _.___________. i Will Protect Witnesses. t . . Speaking of the ("nuke Hebert: ' Cold Comfort was extended to the; "'3' 3""'_'t""'liml of 1sitnossoc, l-e hotelkeepers of the Province of Ontario) if"! thir, T?" " provision the by Premier Whitney and Hon, Min! 't"oT1n,,')i'i,1,',t,. tritenrled to stand by. As Hanna, Provincial Seeretarv. when thev' O in"? (" "mi thyr Wt'rtt perhaps "'V' , . . . . 1'iVl 'I'NI'UOYH ol regulations whinh replied yesterday morningr to a delega» rhoulrl not contribute to the "anrw!'cr _ 3 tion of the Ontario License-holders' As-s tion of linenses. There was a eertoin sedation, which ttskod for some changes; limit beyond which he thought the any, t V in the proposed new liquor net. The} ily/y'), not. E?: and that elause had been delegation were praetieally told that, 31:, men" the Government did not in- ' L-, . 7. .' nd to upset, the present. swunmg butt l the Government proposed to stand hy it intended to discourage. the tied limit; the act. and a request to extend the system as far as possible. As to in; hours of selling met with an emphatic "yell-non of. 'the hour of sale L"';'..;. 1viusal. .'Cj,',t.','luirt of"i11lui')i,tv'tc,i,ti, against tho - . ' . . . t I . , . f The deputation arrived at the Parlia' mmmout's answer was 2uip'/d"/ie',,t'v1'i,v.- merit buildings at about 11 o'cloek. Premier Whitney deelared the (ton-m: ' There being no room in the building "Wilt, 1tlifIty Il": "PW license measure large enough .to hold them. they were 'pv1'i,i(,T/"if/i, 'i',f,.o'",:Lt,?,.e gamut-V of the 'rttr . .<r " . .. lhisi'collea' ' ..r .'. - . 11t 1ttmporttnee roctuved lo the [rennet ant pimple had strongl} attacked the Clovorm , gue't on the wide steps of the ground ment on the measure. tho liquor men r, floor eorridorso The deputation filled 3"" to-day 1rtfuyyliyr, objectfons. it V ' . "... . .: 1. . d onsider- as the duty of the Government to hold ' the, wanna}... and Ottupie a c xthe balanee overtly between the bw _ able portion of the corridor also. They: did not expat-t to pleaso the Il: Vrisident Hartnett introduced the tint??? pin "the; Sig? :1th that woe iii. I" . r . . 's 4 . _ rs to the members of' . Vittem'P. P ' mtglt . of the wis- i tr,e,ttvigf,ice,elk"' _ " . '_.-------, 'T""'--------------..-, --- , They _stattrrheir Case. d Mr. Jas. Emerson, K.C., .said the 7 _' o,', deputation was as much interested in , 'itil yeping'the lows of the Province as any ..\ t L