The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 6 Apr 1906, p. 1

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V Ps" " waVVW. "'1' 'wtvr We. _'lI _ f! "MI . / L H 'V V V "r ' " --, l - V _"',]"." V '3': 'r, W - I m " ' A» i . ' ik/i.'. I . BIL B, 1m I ' 7 I it!!!" 1.r "-'. '. . ' 'tettritiiriccF5raiiiu-it',')l Mh' 'Trai' . 2at I EN/c"-' in. ' v J. " . , ' i thority to make the lsrovmeial loan. Mr, lon t My often " b8 us e ' u. ti t: M." _. I Pye,?, declared that neither he nor a tnon of $25M. Will a": ",'d'f'1'l2it Ri l _ ,any member of his firm had made such . tt-gtTH. (Signed) Ross." g I"r,,?r, a statement to anyone. lhe only eoin- ' . I wonder who the $25,000 was for " , "'L' fl, m,unieai,ion made by his iirm concerning said Premier Whitney. "I have heard :iI , I I the terms of the agreement with the. of a person named The Boy.' Perhaps it Government was sent to the manager of We tbt'e 89th"! to an understanding of ll --.-.--.---r- (ilw Bank of (Montreal in London after the question I tllce.d, the other Gy, j l _ {the last salo of tho treasury bills made "71319 was the tonrideration I' Consid- iM." . . i. " ., l . ' - . . , l .. era ion or commissmn. either willd . Government Ma orit Fort on HI hrovvyrst. I'lllo. lion. Mr. Matlirs HI " I o as t.' l J . y. Y y wroto in reply that he had no desire 101835 you it),,tt 82,5,000." There was Division. ito dvag the mum of any firm into poli- 0:37 $0050") anatlop, he continued, and . itieal tli,wusisious, . and recognized t e t y was lptended to convey, ', -----.----- lot-, Son & Ctr. as of the highest tinan, something of a 'll/rl?,'"?,'! urPtuamiin,z".( l l li-iaI Handing. llo added : "l saw you ie'ptelt'i'f'f1r,irtdovph"rl ldhe ft',f,t,r tfo be tie-E I" l ' . . l t in who 1lt'litt f: "' " GP ' o Hg eman 0 ahun.l _ (iBUDGET DEBATE CLOSED. il'.,,,':,':"',",, L1"t"2'i""y"di"rdil,1 '3"; dred cents on the dollar. Ho said hei i l r- ' _ - " ' . . N . . . . , i I "done entitled to lloat tho loan. and (his iold Mr. (Joptos, $-If.I.I~IS word would, l' l - I inns :erei'al duys Iii-loi'i- the treasury a e away rom Is written bond, and I l0 iti R t P . . (biu, won. renewed and lusforo I had over tt.e1gr,p"irf,'i'i'c, read th f ll . _ OS! ion esen s remiers ' ' "br, ' . . 'gt .. " . . , Ul 7 P o own: l pp . ctmtvturrlittvd Hill It neual. cable from Mr. Harcourt to Mr. Ander. _ lmputations. Partisan Officials. son. Assistant Treasurer. Toronto 3.. o d I -r__-ee , t, . r . . i ' The Prvtuicr. in roriiniing tho debate London,Aug. 31. Existing conditions ' I - f _ . . . . . future outlook Lombard street, Vi all [ 'rl ion the Uppmition _ into oi t-('ll-illll'. mov- . . . . _ l ' Iod iii i-o'iiiootioii siith tho motion to on street justify accepting offcr. Expenses 3' . ' i. "r"'.,' . ',ntos.brolcera, idor. ', pr. Rathbun Gives a Irote to the Gov- into o.vpl.r. (iisl "valt, ltr " prtuvrul lir't,i' a? t i' T ernment-Mr. Hanson Denies Asser- uiih. tht' I,",',",",)'.', l the tittitwnmruut, "I'm" loan feasible: hut precarious. Sale here _ tion Th t H Att . d t Hi tie 1"".lyllr'd .""" tr .II' . impossible. Cable me immediatelv de- ': i. a e eiupte 0 In PI litming to llll' rote ol,ct'tV-Hrrs, Pin. cision." - ", Issue of the Provincial Bonds-Pro- 'i',i,l2, IN IIfIliIl'II' c,',',',',),'.,,.,,',':""),",'].,.": tn the. On the same day, August 3lst, the for. .'i . . ni lll't' ft io _ Mimi mii o one notion lowintr tele ram was received ..---"Kin - . ', gre" With Estimates. j of it, inir-iitiou to tho Cio1uwnnumt. Only iston in" f/tled,') Geo W Ross Pa? . . ' . iro, "rar ..' . i, ,- but. l. C,""'"" . n, - l once had ~ii<h il thin... tittlllltd iii hi, liament buildings, Toronto: Hope to ".": -------.---. on n who. on ll 1l).1"'ll"1,"' "hen he had Isubmit offer within day or two for Tom- TI . i been 1.alled nun) tit-iii tlio House lho iskaming bonds. Negotiations with New t "I down" on tin, bul..yn t'l".'t"i iii the i anttmtltuent lll(i\("l to tho Vote iii supply York proeeeding. (Signed) Wm. Hartr" .uvisiyur" at .; " .iusrssrslit,s "my l :thod that. IIIIII hottd, Moi-(x t Th] .11 SH}. On the same day Mr. Ross cabled lir. 'lng. with tho don-at in " ml.- cf iii to l IlII-(I 2';I'II_1"V'"V]\ s",','.'",,,,',",'",.,), '." II.h.III'II. /11 Harcourt: "Harty Vwants three days it of the window": in. t .tt', . , ="f 'y.""! Wil. ." pu HIL' " "1".'P.'" io louver before making final offer for . . l . f) """"' 'ieulil hi; lion. fin-ml. It "ax "istinl'il.v Liifiii." l . llt (:Ulilieotion with Il!" llototisu, of the :and ouiirvl.x utttrui'. liot'oi'o lu- Wits done There was a difference of $160000 he. Provincial bond ln~ilP. Mr. llathbiiii. '," ty' blight 1"yultl" to \hou who lrrsi, """.C" tween what was thus fired propoéed and' Vthe member for lino Humor. ulu, ".ii, "'V"'t9"'l'"".'-'I (o "W" v,ith such " siiit.. what the present Government. got, pro- :with the Opposition. nlthmmi I... ll; " atmu. . ceeded the S eaker, Mr. Harcourt. had' ' ltl. r' I i \i-iimr " -iltl'- '.nlcoy p ...- . velar-ted a. an indruumautt " " ttuttr -l Ion. . l". "H ylll .. sult y """"" declared that time»? would be satleac- I t ls I . . "I m Vt'l " . burl IHlll2' tho;:o~ on huvinv, had no torv terms'. by which the Province would (but: tho Huntixlllnll t'Hllt-ll-f'x', \lllt'vl Provincial lmniIV 1Nhy bud llt' not I' The iosi, $270,000, while bv the Coates with the Govrxrnuwnt. Afttu. lilt' min (jovoriiiiiont Vgol mm» at tho earliest um- terms the Province would' have got $42().- 'had been Silt" "W1 ill~t as it Uits' about moyi. i" ll" "MIMI 11y.l. 1soutirwbd 000 below par. If the oommissiou of 31.0 be announced. Mr'. Rathbiin Mllil .. id'y,.tri1i"1i1v1yc"ic1,,1ljjtii)', tl,:"),';','.', $25,?Iimhwas ttnt $15?"th '."ovipJ1oe,ifi,i,,t, i" . t'rso.ob,o. -. 'gFt'Tah . """ H. "cl.' fl" ' '. . won ave ota .03ir.(l. tieoer i .1le bptalui, I i""1""u11'yl.1 did Ittrl 1Vli" lo had mid. llo ioui'otl"'l was an honest and legitimate one whv. (nse when the \Hit' Mitu being talka'll. t Itliat Ilv. Wilkil li:tl|ii' wax brought in. asked the speaker was it not put in :'vote against tho amendment." The Hm. hm he (the <iii-=:l{t-I'Ii dianot Isrin,u .i.i iy writing and left on record? Was the ernmont benchv, groetod ilio riiiltuuettt, He (i') "M PIII'!""" 1j.iyr; Mr ll In". Government to get a' oommiVssion out of I ttith prolonged "ppiatirt, i to ia-lc. biitVlupiiiltl hold liio hov. L'ottl'lo- its own money, payable to itself? b . . . . . lt ti 1slltit'. "Nv o inion is that the commission ' Premier l ' ' ~-.. .. . "' " m n PM . . ... - l . p I'I ( \llllll<_\.V on» it him I .ini ' dinth tho built-1 til it... (immutiliiii and was out of its own money, but not PM" .COSHI the "Chute toy tho limerniiiont hi: t'Hllt'H'Jllt' amid :lio liniiiV \hoiild have lable to iiseli," he added. Side, after a rgt'twpal 4.4.1., F ' I, boon limited in C'atmdiii. Thoy had had iev of the \tliiiini tt Iti (III l tln III II tho i'tllllltll'llt't" of tho iu-oplo and tho EMr. Harcourt's Reply. "d _ 3 'a in, ' '? e; " . . . ' h. ' , F.. . . . ment eonvevi tr ti ' . i . "latlt l III.I Legislature and did not tl'."" m. Ibo" Mr. Harcourt, m his Opening remarks if yln,q " Httttrcncv, that We had never dreamed that it would he referring to the Premier's complaint i cunei- hovernment new DIV'i'ill'P'l lo {Shown that the had. so far as thev that tho Government had not been noti- . . C ., ., . . y o . I , . . o . . éaccept .i.. 1-.) n..- lmnn...i;.| 1mm}- itt. icould. prevented the loan being tHated 'ltiod of the Opposition's intention to {the time when Mr. Hati'roiirL (Is he had jin Canada. Mr. Harcourt had declared more an amendment. freely admitted faasured the Hows" uould L,., . V lit was the duty of the Provincial Treats. that it was reasonable that one side :' 1...... tln . '. .' ... 'L "U"? lurer to renew again and again. i should so inform the other. After an i "a tan par. '.l'ln, oil1u. had rrrirt A Mi . (allusion to the Opposition) attitude in :cabled by llon. Mr. "ms to Mr, Hor- 18tnng Cable. lrespeet to the growing expenditures of .court are conting from Mr. llaii'h of Mr. Harcourt had desired acablegram étlio Province, Mr. Harcourt continued: I9;; 1-2,- plus commi-ion of .y.:.'.h.imtt. "ni {to be produced on this point. Search i"Let mo say very earnestly that I had ( Premier Whitnov 4.1.1 . l " .' .had been made for it, and the message ino understanding with Mr. Hart): one V . t. . . _ " t't .liir Jt let tlrot; I received was that no such cable could be , time a member of this House, nor do I thw commission "its not intondoildo he liound, nor did the Deputy Attorney- 'know nor can I believe that any mem- parable to tho Province. General remember it. isw of tho former Government had.yy Mr. Harcourt and llon m. P" g Mr. Harcourt-There is no question iunderstanding, direct. indirect. written wag" made brief but V. . _ , . l" about it. lor verbal. with Mr. Barty or anyone I lit'lllic' . Both in): ti/il,.',,."',)'),:,"",, III'IIINI'IE. Several things had been found, con- lolse. in respect to the matter mentioned emphatic manner I' ...' 'i',',',?"') In 9"" tinned Premier Whitney. There had lby the hon. gentleman who has just ro- tion that their L. J .' " iIlI- ll', _'yrytu- been discovered one bundle of papers, 'sumed his seat. Let that be frankly had been 'lctuatIeIl bI-II- l J,',"",'),??,',? One of the foot-prints of the war-horse land perfectly understood. Ily. hon. a..." M}... to ld? {ff-'1 Il,'- It 'PY' whieh he failed to cover up. Mr. Har- friend, the Treasurer. would. if he "THIN ii/ the ACvin Cl" :1" _l'"tryt court had been sent to London, and the were asked the question. say that from thatIthere had In" if V 1,fic,"i'..11'i.1. Commissioner of Works had resented 'the moment the question of a, direct ine direct ill..." at 'ui/ill,,, '"/f.T',e/,it this, and to smooth him down he was Provincial issue of bonds came up. dit- " . I. _ , , u . '0 . _ , . . . . ' ' ' . with Mr. Hartr. to whose iiitcnrih. "I?" promised the position of Attorney", ferent people would at once say to him. honor thev lurid a hiuh Iril in; I I ilr General. and got, it. Mr. Harcourt q can dispose of those bonds: and can Harcourt li,o "sou, "l,'C'i',? if, -' -~~Il Spent some time in New York with MR get enticing figures foy them. . I the 2'e'lctui1"ii','n,,' 'i-Io- N't'lllIlu-Itl .I 1"i'i,01. Wilkie,and wrote that. havinir acquaint- understand the Treasurer being '"I loan <3 far who Iliad biz." C, Ii'.I."'.II1II ed themselves with conditions in New eredulous. as Iwas. aa to the offers that and Jtic'iu"hi, had from l'ritIIi(I 'll',',) York, a sale in England "as greatly to Iwere made. If Mr. Hart.y made-Van of, Iiothin to i'egi'otI I |"\i-olleIni o',,'.,,,,',".',,'?,' be preferred. There was no Suggestion fer I first became acquainted with it 1m- mide with ii,,, 053mm" It: 'Al ir, of a sale in Canada. when in England. One thing must he indium session. oulv two or lltlI(:II' \oItIvI-i; Mr}; Harty, continued Premier Whit- kept in mi"? Ir:"', aretigg 133:; 're) . "II: . ' so' . ' .. ney, ad been ne otiatin in New York discussion 0 tits ques . . . _ remaining b) torrent to he (limits id. and at the timegwhen, fd',',.;?),?,)' to his, afraid my hon. friend. the. Premier, has Mr. Hansons Position. Speeeh last week. he was telling the isomewhat overlooked l but (e- Hon. Mr. Maths-son prt':s'tltotl some worn London bankers the sale must be tuft", '.':, if"? is that he. do has a "91211";va t.reii)r,rtrtyt, respuvtinxr the 'l'einiskamin: and every dollar be sold for a hun red fusing .the Tientiiit11,eli'i,, I" "r 'i'ibond issue which had passed between Mr. I cents. he was willing to recommend an ;bonds with PIIO'iInCIiIId I'1"inol what l. Hanson, a partner of t'oatos. Sou & '..'o.. ' acceptance of 931-3. , Harty 13" 10 ll de his offer and himself. Mr. Hanson on March .;1 A Commission Offered. 'was 1n his mind. 1e ma wrote taking exception to the Matt-mom, . Eplus a "bone----: -.-- t, the word by the Provincial 'l'rea,.urer in the "MN, , T0011 251131183. 30 Mr. Harcourt cabled to i The Premier-Commission I: . V 6"": Mr. Villains?" ('.i",',Y,t,"t,' to leading b01232: 'ia(i,P,',e, t'gutlt ',tirer for iused. l ibnn-ers or "om on am informed thoin I t I I e . ' N t A used- I - . - . On the I Mr. Barty tt cc ' Unit the Bank of Iiontreal had tio elli- I same day, August so, Mr. 1tosm l Mr 1ureourt--So doubt ban"? waiSi

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