The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 6 Apr 1906, p. 2

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lineant. My hon. friend the Trauma] rrwith I my-.. " °' l',',', . -.. C" iknows that to be an ordinary comrner- d the Province of fitf,tlt,dfl"g'2 icia'l phrase. Such offers are until. conception of such a t "gutted to me, lwhere a broker knows or feels that! one's blood. It never 'dt',ll,Til to Mr. (someone will offer par and he is anxious and I am sure it neveru want to think V ito get the issue. Will anyone here charge Harty- I do yt it: looking for im- ithat Mr. Harty had any sinister motive. I that my t.tu."i"itle' term was "bonus" [that there was a purpose behind his proper mo "if i, friend would not worry (offer , There was some communication ! perhaps my o . :prcsumably between Hon. Mr. Ross and gab??? ifcre.,o,,..-.r would not. F y-ur.., Harty. . , , . . ii H0: in. Roi-Then let him take my The Premier-Yes. There is nothmgl' . A it that it meant bonus and in these communications from Mr. l 3331?: iOHRGh- ' ' Harty. . ii The vote was then taken. and re-l Ilr. narcouri--Nr. Harry says in ct} ited in the defeat of the amendment' feet that he will give $25,000 more than (C,', 64 ave to 24 yeas. With the excep- 93 1-3. No one will attempt to tarnish li', ',ghl'; it was a straight WWW di. Mr. llarty's good name. No one j Film; . Thi' pairs were as follows V-- thought more of his personal honor when _ 'iliC.'l'/s,,lil'; (Son). Nixon Smith (Peel), n member of the House, and no ont', "1,?a',lf,Cil-"ollil'er1 Paul-Cameron. thinks more of it now than that gentle _ Tlic' original. motion was then declared man who is to-day a leading Iigurc .11 I . ie d l one or tnc strongest, and neat Known in- i Carr, . "tht1,ig,ei,e.,",.i'e in the country. k if Estimates Passed. e emier. interjected the rcmur ', . ' sion consideration of that no.o.n.e was accusing Mr. Marty of I m: 1',/t,i,dth,'i.atTei,o,1/d'/i". a large num- lmprqprieties. . . .' her of votes being passed. including a Mr: Harcourt. proceeding, contended itotal of $412 395 for public buildings. .that it was clear that Mr. Barty never 'iii.'-', 260 for ouhlic works. $212,410 for gmcant there was to be a commission. yo coloniration roads $427525 charges on laimply meant he would giro something Crown lands .'iiiiii'./i-:.i' for miseel1nneoir_. ibott" than tho M 1'2-th9 speaker Progress was made in committee with' 3thought that was the digure. In his tho now ruilwar hill. (the speaker) advising the amy'ptal.""? f The House adjourned shortlv after 10 of that offer it must be borne in mind i 'elo k . . .that it was an offer for Temiskarmng ioc c . ,r1trttte'errreerftTr"-1T, iRnilway bonds, which were three pm" -___ 300M. less in value than a direct Pro. j rincial bond. "The offer, moreover. was V fcoming from Canada, free from broker- il N g hire charges, commission, stamps and ST LE KAKABEKA WE ' .Otvhcr charges. which for centuries have -.----------. . iweighted down excry loan brought into the London market, Brussels or clsc- IASSERTS MIR. HELLMUTH BEFORE 'thre. This at O.", 1-2 meant that it, i PRIVATE BILLS COMMITTEE. was equal to M per cent. plus 825,000. lr, .-..-_.------- lot-her words, if that offer had not been; Thunder Bay Power Co. Seeks'to Have (withdrawn and had been taken too, A f 1904 S A id C t :nl'rovince would have got, nearly par) Ft 0 et " e-- 'urren sfor an indirect issue, which would have! River Power-Port Arthur Bill Re- ibcen a better result than the hon. gen-l . ported by the Committee. itleman (the Treasurer) was able to" --- io"iit'i'sadt.',1,'t for a. direct Provincial 155mg: , The claim of the Government as ) owners of the water power sought to , tf, Agreement. I h E be exploited by the Current Hirer Power . "' e agreement he had signm . P, IA?- Co, brou ht the commnv's bill to peated, did ttot, bind the Province to ac. stand beffirc the l'rimlu: hills ('ommita- eept any price for bonds thereafter to be r., . . _ I issued. it could not have meant that. lee. Ihe point "as raised hy the town The value of it security depended upon of Port Arthur. whieh objects to having its form. At tho some time if the fates the company coming into competition had been propitious to the late Govern- with the town plant against the will of ment he would have continued the agency of Coates. Son & Co., as tho the townspeople. Mr. George Thomas- standing of that firm was tsufficient, guar- Marks assured the committee that his antee that it would, as in the past. have com " v V ' . .. . , _ carefully and honestly conducted the {I ill, .ownef it". water power b) business of the Province. "I want to' pa ent "my 186'.5 and by purchases state. again most earnestly," he went on,' made from farmers since that time. The _ "as to the alleged understanding with; committee decided to ost one till 5 yr. Harty. that Mr. Harty existed onlyl, week the task of makiiig t,' their "Sign in a (yo/tl sense scalar tan gives coal; on the evidence. - I corned a no un ers an mg WI _ Kakalreks e, ' . ' . . Mr. Harty at any time, and.Mr.'Harty.i ibloomed 'oKn"eer1d.etQs"ti,t.t",tnill,) [mfg I am tonfide.rt, had none, implied or! Elicllmuth, K. c., presented a bill respect) otherwise, with other members of the me the Kakabeka I? ll La d . r. ! then Ciovernment." In concluding. Mn! i7l, iii.' Limited dat 3. l & if"? Harcourt said he had nothing to regret: 'Thnnde" 1'; P an o incorporate the/ from first to last in the whole trans-i ih . 'fd "l',? Pr11 Company. and to; action; he had done his best for the Pro. l lt. e act oi "Y set aside. , Vince, actuated only by that desire. I l - . Hellmuth said he would not mince', . . , words. and that it was " deliberate! The Opposition Leader. 'steal." a fraud which they had come? Hon. Mr. Ross followed. "In case the "here to get lighted. Either their pro-f impression may prevail that there is perty should be returned or adequate) ( something sinister in my telegram to Mr. '001npensation awarded. i 'tHarcourt," he said. "or in my relation F l'he bill was left over till ind-av, f .to the matter, "I wish to repudiate, for , The town of Port Arthur bill. 'with i myself. the idea that, the transaction the, amendment restricting the power of: had any other element or consiideration sale of the lands lately acquired, Wasi _than one entirely connected with the reported. . ": , sale to the best possible interests of the l fer-TJ-Ter.?---".--...-.-"?'.'-",'.?-.)":.".- i .Province- I understood by 'eommitmion' f V i, a consideration to the Province. tf- lever construction may be Iput on it .by 'hon. gentlemen opposite. . put no un- iproper construction upon It: then or at ' l an other thug. 1"th am quite sure that . ' i. Hart di no. 'ME'he ir,'rL"'liat did plus $25,000 1 . sion mean t . (,?iii' Mr. Itoscq--a.'htf much more for ' getting the issue: inst the same as a 'bonus That is what it meant. That is i what I understood it to mean. It would . fd I nd I would be ashamed l he an evil thing, l . of my existence, if it had ever occurred . . to me as a member 01: rttht,2'J,'ir.,'t - gent. that I Wag to s a . e

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