e» r _ a fr? _ . _ W _ 'h"", - V menu, APRIL 7,, 190& W FRANUHISES Til ' i" otijiiiis"T2i Preiim'y exphdn- _ ' ed. . _ .._.- "i . The Toronto Life. WAN T AN EXTENDED TEEN, V HAVE l LIMIT. -, Mr. Gamay risked:I l) Is the (logern- """"---- l V ment aware that l r. ose h Phi li s, . I l _, President of the Toronto Lilie, is a 'pil': SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL " r. -----------" '. ion" on the charge of misusing funds t THE PEOPLE. i . . ll (2) That two other directors of the? -"------.-. ' , Government and Opposition "company have discredited themselves inf {Munici al Com itt i , . Are A reed l givmg their ovidence at the trial? (ill A p in! ee 0f.the Legislature I' g . g That clerks have shown an absent-mind- pproves of the Pritteiple at the , l {Mums and forgeifulrteso quite ineompal- Meeting Held Ytsterdar-a . ' .-------------"'" , ible with competrmi, work ? (4) Has the meat of Election Offi PPOlnt-' , : Government thought, of appointing some cers. ' RAILWAY BILL ADVANCES.) reliable and competent person to takel, -"-----.. . I charge of the l-onlpallies' affairs ? l l The. Municipal Committee of the I ks , To the first question Hon. Mr. Foy' .islature yesterday again t . . mg. F , answered. "Yes l heI has. honever. since) {question of extnidinc tl took up tlie . . . . . resigned the Per ouey." and to the! .. _..' , g m orm of _ 1 Premiere View In Respect to l others he said: "The Government is in. ,lllc1pal councillors. Thorn Wppp Sprig-iii Sunday Operation. quiring into the matters referred to." Iills proposing this, one brought irc. I Mahitoulin's Police Magistrate. ier: Peye, the member for Kingston. 2. Hon, Mr. Foy, in reply to Mr. Munro. ingggoit} oTal1"igei),h':,y_v,ty, term for i . I od d t Re eal the stated that Mr. William ll. ill-am was 521 Lea,;, to bf" [O'M'lm'd of the Pr Measure tttr ttce o p Police Magistrate for Manitoulin. with a i l Hamilton men eat-ted each J'ear. C" Mtttihttoi1 Suffrage Registration Act) salary of $1.000. Mr. Pl'iee was the in}. Carscallen of 1"aul":idtry,yr/, by . i editor of The Conservator. Four Provin, ':iiiiiviiii, for 1 tw . Cl J had a clause --A Number of questions by Mem- 5 eial constables are employed theremJohn;r "a lw-lawga If" . (1030" term, .subject to bers Agtttwered in the Legislature--) A. Shields. Monitowaning: John Raines-: 419010,; grew ","2, hi"; PaJority of the. . . . _ bottom. Little Current: Thomas G'riffith. iton's Jin emb d . mm (r.lyry' of Toron. b Proceedings In the House. l Gore Bay. and Thomas Ellis, Providence:' hi0". was "11",?! iiiIigilil 1tli/ar..rrropow _ __..-.._. - ms'- l Bay. : l the other two 1dlutels.consnc1t1c,ei,t). i Cheaper School Books. J For": spoko in support of Elia latti- During the discussion in committee (mi lion. Dr. Prue. in reply to Mr. Inn.. ji"t'",ld,',L'2,odnris,//'ia,) f,'h"1tyr,yj,tj, of T. the. new railway bill in the. Legislature: lyt, tf 2t Government had the IP"' (inclination was in 'Ile',','. JI personal ! ' h Premie I ado! tion o Pf1l?l,rf1'."ll,'ff. and" llnlform (term. Several ru- 1 on'"yoar" , yesterday siternoon t e pr n 1 school text-harms Utttit't' "orr-,irloration. l,eom itt m .tty'rnlrprg ot the _ the following statement in respect to; and hoped in make a statement to the E fic, Tern" P"pgl, the idea of. extending ', operation of electrical railways on Sun-g House before it rises. [to'hmhiplg (ilnd (my): Particularly in' '. days: It is impossible to ioveshadow; Timber Cut on the T. & N. 0. l . Finally a vote we; taken on the (up: _, what the situation may be m five years! Hon. Mr. Coehrane, in reply to Hon. , tllCn,c"/p.,.,,,tuy,"iv,:a/i,.,t,'ire,,, subject it: the p, from to-day. In case the future should) Mr. Ross. stated that no estimate of tho I ll'l I" 0. s"ifiur,ll/.','i,i,s,i,,n,.":', approval by voio. t, prove that electrical railways will bel different varieties and quantities had v'o"cc"d'lf'ffL",m/.o"1?,' of two, the doing the some amount of work andi been "PM" of the timber on the mild 0" ism"! i'iil.'1ii1 SVcrifOrM'; Dinar-'5 mea- r' extending over the same distances asi g',?,,"',','")',.,.')')?;,,'.'.]',',')'",',?,,".,:.',','"');, i"(3\(irth- a later day. C nsuieratinn at f the steam railwavs do now, the people! 2?,,l",l, arm 'a', It Iv,', II m M. ittvPrn- , . A clause in the City of H il "tt Bi . . . a proposer to rut down fol the pro- providing th tC . any.it'P hiii ir of the Province ssill have to decide; teetion of the forest reserve. It was» and ',1','l"d/1,a Ji)')1,',1,s,',il,'"' of munlclpalities. 5 whether they will allow those. railways} thought ih.ore would he about 63.000 l i point 'Gvhina1src1rh11',7, Phileerg ". all "I" i the some privileges on Sundavs as the:;p)e(lps of pine. hesides pulp and other " carried, lelPa Cleotlons was, ', swam railways have to-dav. It'ntil that! eordwood. There hyl.hysn no estimate 'l =._________ i '2 time comes the Governm"ent proposes of the oost. the work oelng done by day ------ 'E that the present law shall remain as it labor. About 142 mo" aw mnployed. of I is. it may be changed next year or who)". J.amty Thompson. flodwator Sta. the year after ; whenever common some tion. m m charge. may dictate. That will be left to -Tem rs Em . . decided. by the force. of public opiniolif p0 T ployees . . There is no immediate hurrv or neces- Mr. Atklnson seeured an order for a. sitv for . change. . return rogarding the number. pas, etc., w . of temporary help engaged at the Parlia- No Perpetual Franchise. ment and other public buildings under Later in discussin h ... f tif . . Government control since January 25. the tends of from-bigot, "td1u(s"git"higlr 19.0:iyrondition.a.1 upon aeeeptingthe Pro» .1 that while electric and other railways "up" .Sllggestlf)" that the return in- deserved every reasonable eneoura,srV elude iyf.ormaiion. regarding such help ment, he would not take the respontsi- engaged. m several previous years. bility, and he did not think anvone else Mr. Graham secured on order for all in the Legislature woul d. of makiné it correspondence and. other documents re- _ possible for municipal Councils elected lative to the granting of h liquor license in one January. and which might be de. at Peta." wa. . . footed next January, granting Perpetual Mr. (ameron scoured. perlnlsslon for 's franchises There might hé instances the introduotion of , bill extending the in which railways should go on high- time for the mmplpt'o" Of the Ontario wayS, but he would not consent to anv & \Vest Shore Electrle Railway. notwith- railway of any description whatever standing that the time for the introduc- getting such a right forever. tion of sueh measures has passed. . . -Progress was made in committee with The Opposition Concurs. a number of private. public and Govern, Mr. Graham heartily concurred in the input bills. among the former that of Mr. i views expressed by the Premier. Tm)" .Kohler. respecting natural gas wells. he-; was no question whatever about the In? Withdrawn. . Premier's opinion being the right, one r he. House adjourned at 6.10. He did not think any member would eon: T"rrr""r'rr"rr-'rr'rrrtet, l sent to give , perpetual franchise of the nature mentioned or allow anrono Jia :0 do 20.1; Sometimes it was necessary o ro cc tunnel aities . .. ' _ "it,',ii, did p against their". pen t progress was ma . bill, which will be 'd'p'ii'nt"dlf'igit1,tae: into consideration again next week m Manhood 8uftrage Registration. The Premier introduced . peel the manhood _t'/.l1lf11peirliist.'ati'i,e,; let. The act, which applies onl I',' cities and county towns, is wiped dirt b the new measure. This in offeet IU','; that the latest municipal lists will b the lists med for Provincial elections e Hon: Dr. Ifyno introduced the bills of whioh notice was given last weel; resrpeeting payments under the pub)" . Librny act..snd to amend the Iact re;e pectlng the institutes for the education of the deaf and dumb and blind, both