aamiAti1ttSiriittotreaiiitiiitiiir - L' f v3.3, - yt ,- _ ' --V- r , I. 'e""'. Cr', from time to time the standard require ' u. c. - tBullll1li8 mfilft . ments of any system. This will secure I C " . qE I uniformity of tttf", and ttet/d,",',',',': ___________ i such as instrumen , wires, insu a ors,. .' - , switch-boards. mode of construction. etc. ' ST. CATHARIHES MUNICIPAL OWN I , "The measure that l have, thus fore: . Brtttmp NEEDS MORE CAPITAL _ shadowed, being (irigiréal tin its plrovg's; ' -------"'- 3 ions, will obvious v a mi o va ua p p . . . i amendments. and ii, its consideration by '., Government Will Consider Extension ofi the House I shall bespeak the co-opera', t Liability-Toronto Free Hospital fori tion of the memlfrs of the However; a . Consumptives Chartered-Belleville', in assured that even as years go y ', prgactical working will suggest to future . Sewer System on the Rocks _ Parliaments further possible improve- ' ------. ..' ments." l l The bill respecting the Toronto Free; May Burden Municipalities. f, Hospital for Consumptives was reported, Mr. Graham was afraid that all the by tho Private Bills Committee and the glories ot the telephone _,r.1e,'.1i1l'i'.,,r,':l if? fees ordinarily returned in such case.: . . .,. . . 'prl'cal't't.i"_ . . _ illg,,2t 'g/fait',?,,) '2",'/d"i2rt)". up so ordered. The directors are: Iresirr,c. thought that the bill should provide for Wm. J. Gage. Wm. A. Charlton, Harvey enough subscribers to warrant the tti- Prentice Dwight. Herbert. Carlyle Ham sta/lei/IC.'.' tc:":?",,.';',',: that the muni- mend. James Loughlin Hughes, Robert cipalities had the right to decide whoth- liolthy Davies. Ambrose Kent and Wm. er enough had petitioned. tl t thou lt Lloyd Wood. , r... ' n , " 1a . ll . . . . . . thi)".",;),')":.,!':,','.',,,, illo'iit' l were liable. the, The city of Belleville bill respectm: municipality was responsible. . . i a sewerage scheme caused a prolongedl The Government hills rtespectllng t"i'il'l] discussion over the distribution of the cu tu . societies. res ec mg: tor c - - . .. . . P 't"t'/rtar11,ei')tit,'.,i, authorizing certain pa)", cost of rock-cutting. Mme petition- ments under the public libraries- act. and] against the system. Mr. Downey suspect- lto amend the act for the education and od, had emanated from citizens not yot instruction of the deaf and. dumbfa'ud past the rail fence period of evolution. the blind. passed the comullttpo rapt. In the rock district of the citv ihorrs An amendment, to the agricultural so- l.750 houses Th 'it W; H noi eieties bill provides that not more than are "" ' ' .'. d e H y.'" u '. li $2,500 should go to Toronto. London or par for sewers un er four feet m tll- Ottawa in one vear from the special, mensions. The proposal is to pay out grant of $5,000." l of the general rates for twelve-Inch to Mr. Kennedy's bill respecting the town; twentrineh "MW" needed. tho PXt'Pe4 of Port Arthur was also reported. it fiost,'d'Js'i,r t,ti, It? .of limit-"Flt i1'rt"i','t, Premier Whitnev did not, think it' J Cause WI M' mscr N cu rim ttP.t would be necessary. but moved that, 'the cost in any street equally over "l" lGovernment business take precedence 'whole frontage. The waterworks rer- Itoe Wednesday next over other busi-/tnue will be considerably increased by ness except private bills. tithe installation of a sewerage system in l The House adjourned at 4.40. l the new district. Tho life of the 'lt",.",,') . . tures was restricted to forts. vears. in tin the Railway Committee. i stead of fifty, as asked for.' . t l The folloftg billn wil) be com'.itierod; Chairman Carscallen was indispmed to hy the Railway ('ommittee on Thurs-3 permit any further increase of the in. ld3}'~ the 19ilt i---R!yoecting ihe South- y, debtedness of St. Catharines, whose'nillE western Traction Company. the Bytetr: was before the committee, The ('itvl lf, & 1r.iVel/wtafiong,ait,1 and'the: Solicitor pointed out that the last city'; oronto m a ttl at na) Com. i debentures had been cold within a rear pany. [at 98 3-5 and the debt was largelv in. l _ -_-----------r-r-_r_.-_r.rH'.--r--- ieurred on rovenuo-pro1lueing pm. oortieg. Mr. Downey thought the city V Ein a sound position on account of it: frevenue from utilities. The debentures grequired are for $61,319. Tho Govern- " i'mertt, will consider the question of M'- itcnding the oity's borrowing powers to :twenty per cent. of the assessment ;va1ue. i The township of Eastnor bill was, re- . iported to confirm bylaws.