The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 20 Apr 1906, p. 1

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ii r» - Y "i'i7ttrt'c""i"il"rs'r"'mt'""'r"'" C . IDA ' L, ' . . . te the u C 1'CiCU------trrC" mly It"! further to tt,','prlt'ltp An. I relation of free and prPm ii, n- ' other objection was that the over . ment was extending the contract a)" q tom. . t BEEN HELD OVER" Hon. Mr. Hanna said that the mania: pr faeture of woodenware had been_carrie _-..------.'------ on for years. and with expensive inc-i F ehinery installedwby tthe, 1,it)"dl"'thti" I . to be Em- The Provincial bet-re ary Y, 1 Some Suggestions direet manufacture by the Government ' bodied as Amendments. had been unprofitable, and the Burchase, l of natural had been attended with 1038.; ,. .....-*._--_r_. No muted had rem-lied the Government" from labor eircleri. ' I FRANCHISE FOR WOMEN Mr. Preston (Brant) thought the: l . (internment should have. taken a bloati- l er view. Hrganizatinn did not must in , these departments of labmi, "f,, lg. i were not likely in he hoard. e o - 3 dtr. UOhn Smith of Peel Stands jut-t. of imprisonment; was to reform the l . . .-on\'iet, and the work they did should l by His Bill. lu- honed. Mr. Preston quoted Unit- ed States oifieial reports showtng eviU l . -, . . .. wt in thi, reap" . . . l _ Mv. tirohutu believed the prime object i Supported by Only Eight Other Mem- of sending men to prison was to pro- l d- feet society and not to make money. l bers of House-Important Amen They were there to be reformed. and meat to Hon. Mr. Beck's Telephone not to be punished, and it was repur i . . mint and abhorrent to him to farm out l Bill-A Government Measure With- the labor of men like so many eattle. l drawn-Regret at San Francisco The system should not prevail in I 1 l . f hristian rnuntry. lie would have ear- Disaster. l'lt'll out his ideas had he been allowed time. . v ""Wt--.-.-W----V Hon. Mr. Hanna deelared that the 't' men 'lid not feel any such distinction. Ile galleries of the Legislative chain Hs Mr. Graham had referred in, and her were crowded yesterday afternoon many of them got good employment and "BMW; by nurses and their lady "in" It':,,.';",," free. . l l . V . . " "' ' l i 3 earner. friends who are interested Jil the tate lt "it! "Ill lil of the bill respecting the Unturio Grad- Widows and Spinsters. l l uated Nurtures' Association, of which Mr. Mr. "y/e,tyifh, was greeted with pro" 'lhos. Crawford is the sponsor. 1'he longed appuiuso and laughter rom all . . . . . Hu'rirtr'rs' Hf the House when he moved hulies followed with visible eagerness the, the wound reading of his hill which di,,cussion on the measure, which will giim in "Moth and .'I'llll'lc'rs' the right come up again next week. litere is no l, '3'"? ai Provincial elections. In a . doubt, that the act will be subject. to torvtt' *lf'W'll ho rpoallod that}: former ' considerable amendment before it is al- ','I',',m,,b,': .Of {licflhgllg'}- had introduced} I lowed to pass. As now drawn there is 1;: "waddle "' 'uhmolt'hm 'thlrl? 393ml ( nothing to prevent every one of the " 'l, _ Ci (mg as P l p spea er) had 1 teen members of the. council being no a seat. in the House he would continue. l men, a grave objection in the sight of to support the measure. t those who are opposed to an oi'guiiizu- , Premier Whitney tuought the, bill tion ot such a public- nature being t'Oil- (should be considered seriously, and the trolled absolutely by women. it In fur- Emmet it was defeated the better. He ther urged that,. subject to fitness and incensed the hon. gentleman of bringing moral character, all Women who have ttorward the measure only because he i been engaged in nursing for three years, ; had been charged in his last campaign ' Whether trained in a hospital or not, and , with. having failed to keep bis promise illiose now training, should, on coniplv- Eto divide the House on it. The hon. l tion of their course, be eligible for ttttttit- gentleman who had introduced the': lbership. The Government as the. largest i,,n"'a,'i1lre. hoped and believed it would} I employer. of nurses in the Province, and l he deteated, and he had brought it for-s ""51"" ttlso should, it is recommended; twat", again Sillipl): to make the stuttisl xhave representation on the council C iof widows and spinsters a football her) "uh" objections advanced are that the1 l two?" the .two parties. .The manner; 'eouneil has the Power to specify where: inf introducmg the bill with the hope" nurses shall be trained and what "mind l that it would not get far was l burn. [ tion fee they shall pity. The annual: lesque and a tart-e: it 'v'." an insult the is fixed at $3, and it is thought that l, to the women of the Province. :tiilitiutuilttion flee lof about $5 would be Premier Perhaps a Victim. 1ugn . is a so icld that the provision ll . . i...' . . . ', on. Mr. ti ' ' _ guing the council authority to "med a; the '/ll'gi1l1tn1/tignrti,l.iegi, "it: frilmclre l? tturse's, certificate ttt any bitne should be '" , l n " It I le at . i ' . . I, v I u ot the Government had treated the. amended so that this cannot he done; bill. PUl'lluis he had b a th ... ti without caiuse._ It seems to be assuredi f _ F ll . . een e He [in ithut most of these stir "sti _ l.' L l 0 Wm" Woittitiis ssiles, and was now 'embodicd as 1diiiriid gig" tons wyl 1"ll gt'ttillgnt't'en by denouncing the meat l Durinu the" utteriiihu a :ild't'ill'l'lcd. ' 3' um 1'he Prentier's arguments were ,pirrdi"hCiis,io'i" n t'lll "Te has a, somewhat strange. He had criticized .d/djir/riii'i.l," of ti sle'Hiuiimi for It; the 's,'ent:hyn'ali who introduced the mess- giyinu "hm": uni P. "in" 11,uleel) "l" S ure for his withdrawal of it last session, l'roriiiciul 1"d'i'J/,, Spilliiteis votes iiil hut the Premier himself, with a major- scored on th- I")? . on:. Mr. Ross ly of forty at his back, had withdrawn in!" meted!" 12'3"", \iliodisplayed an his_bill to repeal the manhood suffrage to "I" 'ill,.').,, pi, u ant spirit in regard registration act, and this very afternoon im on; a" 'YI',":?,. d An amendment of the Minister of Public Works had with- nuihici ','l/lel2,s, fll",1 'f to lion. Mr. Beck',, drawn his act respecting colonization llon Din R e epione system .bill, and roads. That argued a lack of courage i t" ":. Iridium-s net r/'speeting colon- at any rate. Proceeding, he said the .'.'fl Ion roat ? "as Withdrawn. It Will Women of this country were not pur- likely be reintroduced next, session. stung the Premier. , Colonization Roads Bill Withdra The Premier-rm bound to say that . wm thev never have ursued lion. Dr. Reaume wrthdr- ' " . _ p ' me. "ftse . . 7 I. . cw the bill Hon. Mr. Rosa-One ' fessi . icsitcti u . l . I n ton canon 15 ex , . 1:? UO 1e,'i,1lfo", roads. preyiously good for the soul . I do not think the P. al ' F . . . . o . p tte at ength, with the llltlllla- Premier will have to climb . t - tion that it would probably be I, cludin M R . a ree. Con troduced next session. em- Sur "g'd. r. oss said he would not be On the motion to ratif th . Prise to see the bill become law , y e agreement eventually. In the m ti tor the manufacture of woodefiware t do as h had ean line he would 3"?) Central Prison a somewhat lengthy against the bill done before and vote c ate occurred Mr Prest _ . . . o . . A on (Brant Mr. Smit . . ?.ointed.out that no provision for label)- earnest in h trie.fl.y declared he Was m ling prison-made goods had been "bi ha d 'il'i1l'ldefititrg1y,ii,y, the bill. He .serted. The eontraet, he thought, was! n t last session at the re-

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