The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 25 Apr 1906, p. 1

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"awe-" ct. , ~'kx:vt _ _ __ 7'4 '"' 3?: " 1ltliRil, . mit*tllirrrATi'i,j.a,iy.iTIL (djllitljealllRL.,. "i" ' - lllllllllllll BILL 1rr1rilM8i:er.',i, 'ttlr on RADIAL BILL -.------ "4 . o-------""""" , MR. MACKAY SEEKS INFORMATION mNDMENTs MADE IN THE RAIL k AS TO REVENUE , WAY COMMITTEE- -.H-.----t--.q-- -------""" Suggests that Rich Mines Should Con- Agreements on Points in Winch thef tribute More Than Those Which Are City is Interested-Chairman tt Not Paying-Bon. Mr. foe."" Committee Recipient of a Hearty Says There Will be No Royalties Vote of Thanks. lilo session of the Legislature yester- The Toronto & York Radial Railway day afternoon was unexpectedly short. bill was passed as amettued hy the 1""/-'i lhe mining: bill ' WEI: reported after a "a y Committee of the Legislature yester; inlet tlisosaiou in committee. and Isl/iii-'. An amended the agreements'f'ntt'l"i r1tird reading H now appreciably nearel'.'cd' into with various municipalities "3'? At the requeal of the Opposition discus-lithe subsidiary companies controlled by" axon on the liquor bill was deferred, and the .cnmpam'. and mm", of which contain- C it, will be taken up to-day or to-morrow. ed "aetieallv "perpetual franchises, are; _ Atljrrurmuent was made at 4.30 and I I I, , ' ~'ovisiona ofI . .. . "tc . made to eontorm to thI pl .' thew Wit.s no night a anon. . _ . ls the 1vsult ori The following bill, were read a third the new railwa) ttrt.. ghhi ' ' : illlll' c-- a conference betwoen legal TCpl't'SClliixl'. Respecting: the town of Port nope-iii/i',,,," of the City and the company 'r', Mr. Preston (Durham). elauae was embodied providing that pow- 3 lo amend the Hntario medical act-ri'.,',. under the old charters which hate! lion. Jlr, .lieek. ('L'iish' shall not be revived by the haw]; lh'sptvtittrp, [Ural municipal telephone lbill. Another clause provides that l '11.: syl'nrs-- Hon. Mr. Beck, eou1pany shall not buy or 1"h'"r..?..y. "li, Hon. Mr, Mathew". on the House 'the city of Toronto for mark". pul'pomtr"s' going into committee on the bill for Swithou-t. the eon<ent of the Railway and: raising: money on theI credit of the. eon-1r i31unieipal Board. _ - _ lidated revenue fund. replied to Mr. Hal'- I The measure incorporating the utu.' court that the present intention was t"iern Central Railway Company. which make the bunch payable only in ('auada. iila\ been svrerol times discussed, wad I'lltlt'l' tht. W'neral net. however. thor" Bhaswd with amendments cutting out all: 1VIts lrou"'t' to pay them in Britain or i'thorits. tty build a large number It el-~e\\'here. lhraueh "mm The road h to run from "hen the mining bill was taken up iguolph to Toronto. . . in committee of the House Mr. lhtcriay '11". bill extending the time for the qulioned whether, even on all the icmhmoncpmont. and completion of. the tern» of the, act being complied with. the i,itj,ij,ij, West Shore Met-trio Railway .l'roviin-e mould grant an indefensible ('ompanv to two and four years. rr-spee- title to mining lands. it was doubtful 'tivelv. p'aysvd. nhether salts-h a ~tep was in the best in- ' Tcis eom-Imled the work of the com- tI-rests of the Provim'e. He thought it llllilU'O for the session. A hearty vote would he better. if the Crown retained a lot thanks was passed to Hon. Mr. Hen. right in those. lands. idrie. the Chairman. before adjournment llon. Ilr. thought it would lfui' the courtesy. ability and litct an. 'be impossible to encourage the mining lplaved through the sittings of the mm. industry or put it on a proper basis (/t'ri'tii,'. .. tlnlvss those who invested their money i C"rr'""rtl"rir1'feTr1T'LTIert in it got something tangible in return. '-llimns,r was largely a gamma. and lots of nioney was expended in it for which . . . no return was ever received. He knew of one gold mine on whieh $500,000 had been expended. and the returns had not yet admitted of a dividend being paid. Would it be fair that the men who had; . spent that, amount. of money should noti even have possession of the land they, were mining? l Mr. .\lael\ay thought the bill in regard! to certain sections could not be clearly. discussed until the provisions of the: measure regarding the revenue to he de-i rived from the mining industry, by landI . taxation, royalties or otherwise wereI known. lie asked if there would be any; . royalties. l Hon. llc. Cochrane replied that there, would not, ', .\ir. MacKay thought Some plan might ', "be devised whereby mines which had paid' returns on the investment,. and were: known to be profitable Should contri~ _ Gute t"'n"'tyiner-ptreentago. royalties or. _ whatever 0]!" it might be oalled----to the Provincial revenues. it was not fair that these rich mines should be asked to contribute no more to the revenues than those which did not pay profits and gave no promise of doing so immediately. That would be discrimination against the poor man. . The Premier suggested that Mr. Mae. key should wait patiently until the measure referred to was brought down. . At present he could not give his hon.' friend more information. The bill was reported. Several other Government, bills were also advanced a stage. Mr. Graham secured an order tor a . return of copies of all correspondence, l petitions or other documents in any way V referring to the dismissal of M. J. Con. F - nolly, Division Court Clerk. and Jonas, Haéerman. bailiff. both of the township . of Yonge Front, in the county of Leeds', .

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