The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 26 Apr 1906, p. 1

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M RM RSDA I'WAY .. ' AP "'__ iii,,',],.,',",],)"."'].';,').".;'.".?,']'-' un ---------" trt h' . icipa . E Il 'Jlif,t;hi th Will ' "1": was he 'll ofasued f W A eve t Sh It p607 , " wo 'di n , wil the ' ' ' SY a yr ple Aim rki ot ls "as 7 L e r pr . l ' n a . o U . e trt . Ma ply yr " ml kil l n Ms of 55551 '5 af int for tt 'tlt 51,555 A - ' b PFah of y w ended Ire turvo b. 'ro orce 1ll% an "--3 '55 t, an ('gg,.ti,,',' Ing ot di prote P 'M" ',',,'it, $1 k"i'JE,' 5 g NE ','i,t,,',',"iit,',' lo l' y a itrit e p pute p08 Ros for perm bi . =it", enci Fl Pr df . T011" m or, Ai th W ed s th tittet ll ll C",',;,',"'),","" I T t remi or h PT an m M'. e a n e ' h e on 1! es Wi . "0 F tict' "5511-" 'ill'"'; mi ight A ' " o "d "an? Jr, 'Idtzt " Pa ill mitt orio 55th" ill. rwghn ma.k' 'How din u ru'mg, x q.'" '"T O y a T All H In"? inllf] "JEN." i,i,ni'i'i.,i.rii1:f,.(, OSP. #6 '1 Tax On'll'g tit e v,'Sh"g -.----------- 01"" " .,t,"?ir,i,iiii"is' vi-ill,!.):,',;.?,", . id T ppositi ax. ave in1 by t If :0 "1:0.d0ah("lg-'1:I]'lq:r:' iot he Percale " Will E on the o 2,2,l' in 10tt Sc to "3'55?" (,l:i:,i,?i'ii,',i':i, 55 (s:),.'?,,";'),';,?"',; n its Tite 9"" of tre Di tSt" 'l',',: o ag T . I _ e . b-' e vi In. Bi Attit resGov 55515-1555 t,iiiii1il,,i"ij,",1 ":5: of by 2'55, 5 , Gi' ave"with" t ded t tan. ill-C ude o emu: we" . "P51" il ,ah nt. otttll the , lc" a opos Jde,'lir, f." JI',' W. C on n en he Itt t PS! " whi no. y Ji Le . " fe ed posi .iro etw on " " Rai tf a ho t Po No k n RI v rt t it, m e Id gca11 yanci ailw orCh " th"5ra _;1i1i),i':,.i:',i',i1'iui, h t 55,2155: 5- 5 'nce .ain o m ton Queens; he en . Citi ay an F.r' 9 p ge 551' isi .h "M of Pr- "rat 1n "X"ake of 131-180 an: K g ,tp r l In t'lt.¢'. .13 s _j:i',i"iijliij"si('i',as'.: llled Mea Tax ge "I70 m, hrnrq' otlll n ohe _ it igti no !the nts -llppont. the he lwg T J',') Th '_11"i'L_. sure ation I"? d ',i',i'i'i,r','ii,ii(i,i'i, c/ cto'm'e'vaé 1er the G050!" agrtingartnmumtaxig, nd mil e p of A hiu t h S h nit y"r HIV? at " leo tot' Iggl" -t th erg Jiir I As es res M i Mr ht y' . f' Ol w 4, 'p- _ ti al e ms e wi liti W )ielda Ion ent t r. ho 'i,.iic',ii.i,:iit'iii",i, (ii::':'?,',' .:j'i'iiiiiiiii,,ii,i". moogg a to nt W" lunfort'h {lies 'l: new ed 55%.," Ill) on . :5!" :1" 51:02]"? al-gplxold'fhe 'iii'i?) C/YI.'. thend diver": tall; "1.31""? 'ir/f 20 2'l1 535555255- 25555. lie. "55255535 V)')" l . 5551135125511 53.535525552125535"l1: 'ii-iii'.,.):'),-.',;'.",)":';, 50.: er .nd k 5555 'he . oast, ys o (Jr-'5" pri 115;" In d od "053 m 'ns .wi 5510' or 55' 55;: 0 y""' yielnghre$19()90(;lnat0"hero year ver 15 o,.,',',," c' than": C/ 03:5" to it, lvrd _,i,',?,,i.iil,r,1 ben' the :0 tam" "fir"'n d 83 'th o. 55 at av the 50 5'm' 31." re Jiii Ii P posi " 'ti,1iii',.,iiiiiiiiiiii; c'5'41-11'11t"r"l)V "n pol higRuralSlv'Jgg rail'fakinnh'thhdfi5 tax or:,',','," It} 1511211°5fnr- n iii'iii'iii,i,i'iiii'i.i. {rt-Sis l' Prog'ingnd $.t,','id, "for" f,, to hw ele ye vayt e.'t it, an iit he nk 1e (15" of ved Ji Ji lD'Or P '0', ter ga n h titil ' ' . ' . ' . _'. _ , t a, rt 1.. n p 1,, fiave li) tlt, arly. " What 't',ji,1'lat d In {Agenv0"0111'tl.fh';'}lp Af CTC') m?n'inir:) Con]; IC"', t2t015'3zod ttlle ('it're' al Monty-111 b tailw iher lat, "Win he C 1es T '"n 0'"? i.orn Is. cp'hici n cpcti" "Om-p05) of town. ips Al "0111b" C tax a.Vf eaf P." rrstl ours ax fe hr; ")1. nts Pali "5 gth ini ttla . ho It"); Pay 1 cit ue. ted n xed r, "'1 I' ter 11.50 "woman " of ed. stat h-r'f'n ple 'U,',')',' ty ans the 'th'?." Chan (l') Fatima; tgxor tos Dali"; Hitllxl:ni"g {mayI'lnitloqle:(lmplm r Cs as]: to. /i(iiii'i1iii: "53d credil: w: 22511:? 2,, Af it , i ":1. e, to rt 'on u. e h " nt "m . y, I , uld tt ak. 5555(155 the 5 they Js.'...,',.),' 'ls l 5555 tho .1 it 'iiiij,1iiii,i'ii,,1 l"', sit' tc'.,', M5135 s'f,'l? _ 'iiiiiiiii:i' Coillcti);glerfj 01:?)Ofba r0vin. :iatilos'o'd: haliltprvrst,(1:1)Vi2lgppllein'ro '31):J'2ts ii',', 1:1:kfr01'l1" C'ngfl'. ot -:)l:)0n0r;:'_'h ro ized ton thi'. iii'd . on nks C "hi ii/i L' t Ii, "20,; uso ial 1'19"," " m H. pa'r (1 ed at". It ot (All gn! 2",'dl 1". t1], and On a'll'go 0 a will d. o nici v In nde sul/ O' . of tlrpa .- (r uniei tien ay J, (1. on a n I "(PC-5L ".. Ric. all\~e r on nd 5 f gene N alv lhllit'anV r th pa 1n . he S. ', if a ipali ts _ 0".)ntrl tpr 1llt _ H. ill Ta .'l".'.v est, e-l of or y o T . on Io . a (n y t oiti tlt' ES'7 ueh itv 5pn Er], Iltt . '0 he] L. a 9 h lit" t; of 1alf tl th a P a S q {10 pr'" 11;. "('5 't 't 'A? I P .. 0 t .. '.- ttio "h. pai- Po ow 19s ax tl oi IF? R e p xo $10 oft nci _ sc, t or l he " ati rtr.' tro thr Itt P. l of Hi CV . of ati " tl ai OX ro n no he Pg 1 mt Rx 3 ."a ha ent Mr.5 m n be Tnda 'a-"vf it J"(fr, Pl" 31530.51" mime mung, l ng8 the" lt, h"0 we". tn Ir.',',"':,',", nijo ""IrmF-'ttamrt'r1 of turre 1:195: lum tU"'n'"<1r0"it?) Loelved rhif'llfd byway): rt'f. tax entioad g'ta dean gttV one fol'nteq' (3°'Pa15fnrlm'mr :'ar'vsrofogzgoiu Patightt J' "at t,tlt lief)?" "a; pill" :xat:(:"9¢l t . n. Eth: Crgzziaflm-Vearhe s'iiiii:i',i,1i,i,,,ti'i,iii',,',,.ii'i t'i . . . 5-0 .'i1at.ii'j,i:'"e',.si'1en)' n .., ."arid . Southeo'len11:('tgt(are . F, flrgaihabutt- , taxitible5110119ien£:310r in"): It Hgomrlnd ofd 'dl'] th ['hatoulé'ntq nlfng ;: . i,t',',i'iiiiiiiii',.i.i,'t a") 31:19]" b . m gunk" (earns' Armor: ma 151% vii':,.::),':):).?',',.,?),'; A 5 artan rece the the u: 1'h-0an10l hus tonr plentc Gerdait'Wé whit-11:1 tlrlcf. hPif' 'iii?,'?!', 1:169 "'9an 'c-,s.iis,iii,i:iii,"ii,'t,.i'a.'s11 (a t "the ent IT; f)"ar "nicportilnt "gin. tng OI pposi ' br t tll'," S the l . his had Ull)' ed spec on. tio p- I P Do . Che rom thlpal 0n o ould h th t tl siti ' H vag P? fo I th m gi e Ce th ts '5") I: mi . ek t e itv f ti avi ep teiv on on In ple at at att ve Pr nt at W 1'l . he ttt fr he ,m "a no a In It . . . t m , a q e n ovi . as lat th tttt 'r . ' uni nd do 1: ettr ll att M ro en- l ta ot r. Co vm 0 rai l' e h Do C th " iei " {reptin"°te;'1pie:5""1.ia"kod r. 31(1'10911 .5 the I Gamay a1nd nsid Ce, n. thllwayery woul asis mini engus e ",1-,i'i1',:ti,i,,rii,ii)'i,"eii,.,ii1_', I s-entg in ii 'C Ji iste il "h" 1% rai uld nut theierab " ctr s be eipa d iii,' .of on the 3:10.35" I)" rr,'I'."t'sr,'s, bin")?! 5055" re/C,'," le Go c. 50:55 5w5yb° suh°ri§ le," 'df 'lui',",.",',") ttll 5 55535515.?" 55°55" Basi "5253' T rty S Pr: it I in '5"itt°mi." sin ver ( Pos'55th5'"dirs' cwas tes n o ft.tti "ml "m'miu 555m a°tic"'ribs wa tt. ' I, emi , of taggicip'l'a'" It "no it: \\.]:'_p0r';" He ed ling: hect to" :fullevasltniolim co 'iiiiinsi,,iti'_ij'it":i,1tt'i,. rim? {Minna tak 5 t tiiie,tetris,t s,e,f, (triji'ii',iiij'.i"i's, C',i,1t")evttit, 't"/,'i, :,t,iiiii,i,eiiiii'i 5 Pi, . g C "l1 ii' ad y. . 6f I 0 is 3e ro , th o sis Ge,' teh ain" ni P 'oul e iiil he 9-65 "name Mr om mil' 11opt, Th n. l co ver vin at n t tr dh mi "1-7551 rett d a aB.8e t w ml It T tar-"(11' R mi eag C ed (5 Pr Mr nte a,1 ce ooul he le t y ("mo anv ter ttm Iso 550 Cll1"'rll," - e . 10 h Ct ssi T Li th " . H nti BU 11nd d , p ax AT tt . O Irt 'i. 'l' m rs d b 1e misk 'ur, "Inn on . "391.9 ',',',',rt, ard Ion tho I"."' Pot eo _ flund c.en the Orig he eau lo e tease b:;nil:;\vfl{:ohli:1 ihtI-Power al Cdlhe GRailw y. , it'lr,idiits, i)s 'pt," 'ie'. 116'; Cidits :2: r,F'aystco'leop'llip'a)?'ad oth mi neh" Nag-Wt ami odt s. *Pr' an ove ay in In s web. to ont t th pow he 5'3 no "on!" t er les 0 il . In Iced t ovi d trn I g Up a _ ry . o P pr Li ll t, b 1. he rii,iiiii 'Onl' Sp'vav It cg & N a lBhollded the men " D the Port; Is i, Is 'ut: 'P0p1'9d bFu' 2;',' tl e 0": Mr ight $19818. a:1;'lino(:0ll:hn'\v0l.thLDiH (iii, tl iii, thug"! Ehad oubled late 'ShalllSO pdpd :'lfgtagatIO-L th'p (ii::??,, l); F . M f _ wi t S mi ty" rt sito o t e , t . In by rovi te ce. is . e or _ as? . H y's and min-'01] xce k i'lnt t"ernbe d sa xati int ore a a di th a fla "iii L',,11',' n 1es ,.'0 of .5 W ovl Am on g ii, (iii':?))', '1: der axe men 0%an lon Iodu' tleei tnd a igtri e amt rat th Dav" {"550 "'h'th" as he} hendm I/u.',?',')', SP 'e'. be t'hothes to t Prled I'rinc_0f 135%! id- _ti,iiiiiiiii.ti.1irtii, cunt-t9. l? ("mantel-r]. "wish it Whgel'rp'll l" ent. $193101!" g Pay'f'ghtmunicV'hjgpo'se \Vlme gnu-3"" ran tn cent? ("en on Tecp'lhuitrlbn't IL iiirii TM"In ;1 J/ir/ . 'rq g /'fl'lltl pg t the ipal h led: alth Us "0'35 tk te no: bu . pe nts o the ived .'q "1pm" . . . g _ . a . . . . ' S 5 f . ' F 'iiiiiii:'vi'caili' 'iiliiiitif,l 'i'iiiiii','eiijii,'ti'ii, '35.: th 'iisF",i?:f'si, 1'ii,' ijiiiii,i.iii,tiiriii,' to 3552255 5 "Eons-v 51gP ill'rili,' cmt d 1-(,]"nt"'it,t " I iii; in e ta was the re o'ud yttt {(5905 te, e fai said In Sa\_cpnt:ldbpln'ri\ li h . ent and ay W ad ' 1 pp PR fo le x n 5r f t pro cts iw her" t th CO e /' T m. - it ASL-r6130 cs,' mat! tJeqsi-S th" tlhp-On 'Lhzltl _':':,'),.?,.'),',,,!:? on li', pormiesaxatjgably icou'd Evedotalliforxluluditl'nw his tte. . f0 " ii ri at " S di .De , w .ai O 4 a ttj I , h fer 1g .tr L: 'li').' tints of t ng "2""51111": a tIll'.,',','. ttatecienglttyzona tractk'lllwayzosednd Ill,? l omplet accepe m: lntihnen't id,',".'".,')'.,' . :fbifl'tc'ur was 2° Co j)',ci,itii'.ij,,i,ji,'-j, $;Britér"0ub'h5 'ttiiji,iiiii, no "Met" i; oil? Ge Com, _ii,i,,?ti'itrii.:1iist?iii" '13" .r' r'n e' . . ' ' .-\ r - 'a' . U,"')' i" lectSDCoEiObta. "main" 'i,1i.sed,'vf. 356%",15'5555 3," i.'iiiii,'siiiiiii'ii,i, 150 3555555525553505 o "La" 0111552555511 59008 u l rm bInPd by on ' s te ,Of ile Perakin Id ball" 1ile If)" i y deal b""\-ejxpr9 bin; di nd my V. le M P1 te rr ' fo . lg . e y o p ei usi 1m SS . si I, - _ . I ,'s 'A S ittee ton e. ity ar' 544 o int at. th tUs $20340 d 'at adtor out: "at iPlon' Pthe edeCe: pri .liiy",i, C . w h ft of to Wat o ' a an di .an ni: d et r co Sr, ttCd l In.» . on o Cl , 1 th d . a tl pr n d ,an iti gl zed e ovi ny' Org ple ado at " .5 uld ng M6 e he .ays tc, ovi d $1 d . on P ' laud ,bt Inc. ersi . it npt 1Ctll I 3ritnci b Ittt , w toy e mn 0v i'fivii'il,,'i': 0,1131"I al t and (T. n tth 1311:10" He slei ed bi n m clng P der as "n 'wog 0 er shk' thus n spe tnor rack Pt dPt P had PR of had id do a ill ovi Bi tat. St r I ul n 150 al e 'I' OI' eti ga T, Ct ts .sto t 5-51. hi n wn ca re In ill ke ood end in d th la 1 y IV 111 Pali tri od " re 5 f . ot 11en Bpe g t Ki n . a i es Cov eir mil ppl rea' Ter 7.. wo itie buti shi ett rt0 rien "x. mi LIC.'. . o 'c L,','",.', . Jl',lirt,.'i', e n': 5 . '(' .' 1,.sil',ti,'iir'rii,'a1,.1,ri,, m. at triti m r la" case Tighlengtlectrfatew ',','ll,',1e)l',1 Kai a, n "101? on rle thn" n) ey r u; ed ail gth of t h IC d ti ge liti med Ter PA' the Ing _i?,i,it,riitiiil',, ! 'it 5y Wort' a't':itiiioisf,, 'wt',',') ',i,ili,ii.. :iiiiiii1iiiitji'isi- the (,1"'i, 'ifspt2 the (,",.'i1,',t',' iiiiii" lg, of hi 'ed ithe eetric "551.35 tl", fi Thx}- r593 t. (T1906! for {Idea Ogdinga" 091mm: Gi' Ca " 515315118130 Lin migh of ectr}s as p0"5ib-°' G affee hem hat" up t fire rs- w Ta; il Ho e. t exi " a ili iOV t t . Th mo 0 th that 2,t,s, auwa ad ll; "I Iaxed Intel-[Shh iii,liiiiiiiiii, Gimme he m P "ilrev ll e t ' ' e t a T . . "Psi. 'Jlmgtengroziss'rufizl} £0513." . e Gotvincecam; andcarily; "his?or '11:"0'5'1'. se nt'Gbn YN tax 1930 de 'emm mu fron no; for ' APCP the ali ov 1n on o tt vot e St 1 o a tl pt t . n p thi n t " 19 tl m em th hig 1' roe hi e t ak ne t te "Pa or e o hw ura Bed g p wh tsho e yttltt .the peopl , ttti . 1d a; I .. payi ll at uld "a; niei as. ple 10 In a, is ' el win rpo w h e T . yl ax oun tha her. 'lg ththe ' wit nee e th thon y th of ',"gi,1 t th ain en mon hout esqar e cot I. The ll Penligl e 110;, taki ey t F 'iraakriv, di trage e mil d M it, he ga l e be th r. H aw nu .Sho' io 1hll"', vi a "V tniei w of railw f tew nna . fro n'paliti p . a ton th sai m les ositi y l m " id h th 10 ta on th e h em n am xatio ey te asry1 ad a _ ong n. J,', be "1115 Iway ml P! ised "1d? ',tl,Cu'ivll', afrom Rep

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