The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 1 May 1906, p. 1

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'tllltllllllllerlP""'" - --' "' """re-P'""""""q,lmlRrrlr'""""" .. " 'Y TUESDAY. MAY 1, 1906. ,.. ' bu. a ' kw M - " . . "I iiiiigii' 'm': a ttiii'fic Mk MIG . .. .. . " Rea {cf mtg" whom trut(tiitt.1j'5 or have built for him I ERSITY BILL TU_DAY. T 0 , ' , " before or within one you of his being omp'rW' " " placed upon the said land a, house fit for _.---------- e habitation, at least sixteen feet, by , o----..------. twenty feet with other necessarv build- SES WILL NOT . ' . ". e . ENDOWMENT CLAO ED rugs. and who (in the case of agricul- BE CONSIDER . (Carried on for_Some Time by Minister tural séttlcrsi chall also perform within _.,...-.-----------" i I Lands and Mine Company the time specified hythcircc grants act . l D s-. 18. . . . . "' Short Session of Legislature-Power _ . . ' . the nettlemcnt dutiew ps to "Elderly; . . . . ' . s n Relieved of the Clause Requiring the clearing and "ultittdion by tho stt1'". Legislation Waiting Decision -.... a . . act, required in' order to entitle a free Francisco Acknowledgments-Insist-i Placing of a Certain Number of giant seit.lor' to a him-"1|" of mm hun- ance Investigation-Sundry Matters. Settlers Each Year. -. drcd and out)" I'di'l't's of .laml. fyy, lployees engaged in conduit-1mg the wid "a . mr.-----.-.'.-'-'-.'-. iline of railway, and artisans. operatiu--: An exouulingly hricf st'sslott of tlwi, land ot.1tetsmr'lorfrs and settler; now Legislature "ttb' lwhi oregtw'rday after: liver hull it million 'de'rt"t of land, part ll'esidinlgainl til/o/Ci) "PM?" shall] not _ . . . . . . . ' . . _ -. ' i. ' e iii u- i0'l;£n HOt1 'sly', err' noon, Premier Whitney mung the abiot the grant ot the Province oi Ontario ll)? inc u ", . 'rr .. l'fll ' , it Par T _ ll Ily Mt tl . t" . yooi,' . - _ lblt gate in altil'~.ll(l ltnllltll PlilplQHi A 5011(1) ot (ill. J l. r a "sill m ..t i". the tiratrd lllllllx Paulie llailuar, illf the-said couqrillo and other artisare . . - . . . ' ,. . . . Br't r .. I T . . . . 1ork "3 " ',t'uaitli tot "M p/""it.-uliys, are to lw returvei't lo the Province in land operatives iii tho cnaplo:mt'nt oi our with llll'aplll't's in him-h the Provincial l the railuac "WWI," and in ",th "a. liiiining. iii'luitriul m' snatutfatturitip, m. , .._ .r." Hi .- 'or' ' u . _. ". ' . ' _te,, , " 'nunutiiou r mvmiciitit"- Ircasurct Bit UllltLlllC'tl. It tumult; Um c1rni'tiiloll the G'oiorrtatcttt "ill '/',tli,"iT 31m in:rm in 31.311143} '2!" l. .. -.- ', "iiatelvoftt ' ' . 'i _ Itlf'.m HO' 7 ' Lounul "at, right i""T"1"Y, otter 3:: relic-w the roilway "1 Its. obligation In 124"" be iiicliiilml in up. doaignaiiort allimirninciii. ilu. llllIH'l-'lly act. LN. ','phiia' a "Nam number ol svttlcrs on running: Plrit'llit'll that vim-y set- "lll bu Utki'll up in coiuruittot Urdu)" , . . .'.. ' 'lr I ol it" 'iuv of epic", "... . . .tnt- land ouch war. Af er , .0 ',tltrt 3 mm ITllrt l l , . XI. I It. is unilmzinm. that the 'p"'st,y.'it at', trr' i. . . li . _171 'ttttl'? montns 3'11"; up m-nr and who reside- with hia eudoavutcnts .u""d 't' laid "Wt till mr-,'") 'YW.""""'" "H "gmHmm has "mu "farther shzill mini! 3'- d .ettlor within St'f'b'iUll- ' Arltw tho :uijullrlllm'llt Ptis:iu'achi'rl. imp mmminu of this paragraph. and the i unit-r 1id1T, Null?!" In imply to an itll, Premier lihnuos handed mu to in. iiorevoinar 1vutiiremorr1s ac to the build. "ll ry in H' "or" tt' very sorry It" _ 4 . _ ' . . . t _ 3- , ut" . -."a1';.1- bun-" 1nd sthvrluid, ticed to it!) that tlu. tiorernnwttt woul'l I""""'.""?,'" l flu in"? 'W'tm'hi villi: I'.'.,;'),')',', Mimi"? in iii" 33'? n?" stir not intrmliici- any electric pom-r ltsrir"',c'"mt1ll tlie lollrming "MVW'm i--- ilk-h _:.Hl..,»'; d...' roui 1pm. "Mr M; anion thi, sv-sion, but he "as no "Utow the minimum. of ilir. out -f.,,hN-" . quite prt'ptirc'l In .-:iv that [how uoiih . _ _s" p. ,. t ' V . 't' F . ... ' . tVt v; 'iti h P'. .ct".t..000 _etn_tivt't , the bill dealing urtlr the math-r is lll planting ' l h """. ol . ,Ul pm ttllrt'. iSome Clauses That Stand. u'er consideration. and 1,c'.00,(hNacres ot land to the "mull . TI it t l a h l l r not f . . , . . . z , "anvil t w" my l'l f, ii '.. r - A telegram trom the Mayor at no. land; Pat-inc lliiilua) (.lllllpall_\ iur 'i,, ',"l',,,."iii"'/,'/ n. Hm hill other thin thrst l. o'... -. ' Vt I , V , H . 'd u _ ' . . I ' " .2"'1c,i,tl"v'ot),vaiii I":'::,.:,:'.,", li),,' "01"" the tort William brunch. thc woman} Immitiom'il " TC) 0 t GS . "l , . l "' . . ', I 'luf,T,, J/,'d'll,',. .I"-Ull ion " opted :15. agreetl. "limit: "lliot' things, lit "(up i Ill? Fatviu. it l, [HHYNNL m,"- be rat "Charles Clarke, f'lcrk of Legi~liitiu 400 .settlvrs PM ."""' bw Itstt .)1'itl'r ""1 [Thrift m ",".C/,','i2' "hill" "it""C 'a'i','i,1,ll"C') _ . _ _ not I """H irc'. All'of' ""Ii" ll l "i, ierc,'ur,'.r: Please accept, our gratirud1 the Lilith granted. Alli-i con,idrrir '3': ,,,"i'/a,i',Uii1'. WM! .,1d,'tiill"/l'/( " 11',dl.',ly tsympathy. E. E. tichrnitz, l tion nii it:,'.ri'1utwrit hos bisrlt "rrivorl at. 'iioiniucr. the railway. ii'iiii' of th,,':,,,,,," A b. . i _ . . fn reply to Mr Clark (Broom whoi'w "hit-h tho company go"" "Wk lo H" h" ot 'o,ptuuirsrdistarir'o than 'lxlil'"! asked if the attention of the Gidvern. the 1iorcrttutt'ttl a,.'plo Ht'1Cs "f the lam" from the line For a ei'ixiw' merit had been directed to the announce- land, and i.. roir-rcstvii,' from the wuvir. one year from the date of thep 'll,.' r oil ment that the Insummre Commission ti .- t 'ttlrrt, the Crown Land: "whim ' mg tl will not sit. in Ottawa to complete the' "tuft U l l", 'l' l ' I" _ . _. or plan sliowjn. (eil, q out or V1lll investigation of the Insurance Depart- .lllt' ;i¢l\.llllci;;(- In P'. ioxiim. ot line no I d g re location or the ment and that counsel a oi t d i,"vititi,s,' arraugr'ult"" uro- w'th' Ill S ahall be leased or Jril, l A . , k pp n e J' i Earlier in tiw day Mr. 1Nilliam 1rntn- '.".' ttl a distance of ei ht . , l the Province had not been afforded an ', . _ T a . ... _ either aid of . g een miles, on t . . F . t . 'i wriuht oi lllf' lvl'illl'l trunk l'aciliu Rm.- " P " the railwav until thel d I opportunity to examine the s'uperintod- t, F l7 . ' I _r h ',, selected hr the r il C an i.. ent of Insurance and his assistants and a") Wil:, lt) connotation with t n "W a art . Al we) have been tet', if it was the intention of the Go'vern- Hm" and hir: ctrllcaynts lr to ll". Fond pTho Cr ',1 ment to make such representations as i (o he selccietl we the 1vilway tr"nt. the was who" hands Department-as it 5' "cum secure for counsil for the poliey- hum .ei'1 apart ltll- lh's'. prrcr""". Int: lands [.1 C,' to survey the unrcurveyed' holders an opportunity to carry out VsiilL-L'llOll hf" In be mum: yoertord3y in Grant. ("f i grantod a. the "imprint: the work for which he retained, Premier cents 'ss tn'the towns of the act iiiulcr u on thi and may be made pm ram ' .Whitney said the Government had been '\\lll('ll illt' aid in the union): \iua v".'-- I'Eadv le,, construction and COIiip'aeiion' notified, and that counsel had been in}; tttl. 1'lic ur-veit""-", whit'.it harp It'- tho . m up")? ot any section not 199i shocked to take any necessary steps to), "'""d ar' nhwe hare been m 9mg?" Ill uin miles m length. , - carry out, the work for whith he W318i; [up mimic tinte. and, it! "MUG-[5 rennet, to be ands, according to the an. arp' appointed. [in land» L'Olllt' naturally uithin l" i l g granted in fee simple. and mi Hon. Mr. Hanna, moved the first; ,,ilrrparrtti'mt, have 1mm largely Cari-ind ti); "I: the minerals, Right is Wien' reading of an act to amend the con- '4'" lo,t Hon. Mr. fatwllranr'. the Mini-st"? Le', t pine timber. for "otrs_tt'uctiott: solidated munici al c ' ' - of Lands and Nfitris. lt " said that p P Sis under certain conditio s . , , . p a t. IS embod ' on or . n and: ms the amendments co i . l.. .iho coinmn' mu: nut at hm. prepared . p .,ment of certain dues. A ' . . mug up IR pr1 i l ) . . . ' timber . d . _ tprute rate legislation during the session. _to u-oiisirlcr the surccnrlcr ot its. Hunt not an minerals on the lands are The House in committee reported Mr. tin PU min-h land as it now giro? up. t 'dto bCe.xported In an uttrmoufae-) Fraser's bill to amend the act to pre- shin Hon, Mr. (m-hmne upheld hie ile ure bcolldition trom this country. but! vent the wastinrr of iiatiira 7 'l, of the t'tteitt with conuidprabu? tact. and Pul e made into pill . a r or ttthor:, 3. gam, and ', _ finished . . p pe t l Mr. Tudhope's bill respecting the town 'I tho statettttmt handed out by the Pin- . or partially finished articles of; of Midland. l i miter rothit.s, the plcasurc of the amnion commerce, i c It was resolved that the House in "mm at the outcome of tht, m.'.gf'.t1"" (Some of the Restrictions l Committee of the Whole to-morrow tionc. Before he left the buildings i Th . . l, would consider certain proposed resolu. yesterday Mr. Wainwright loft ll plan it e not gives the Rant") (Kiwi tions of Hon. Mr. Matheison's relating of tho land, selected by the company 'll,', tft. ot ..the .Executiie L'ouiicil of to the revenue of the Province; of with tho (lmornuu'ut. thingy" which will cease to exist when Hon. Mr. Hanna's respecting the sal. . ensure creatin the roposed Rail- arias of drainage referees? of Hon. The Aid Defined. li Way and Municipal gourd is passed, "on. Mr. 11ont,eith'n relating to the sup- l'nilcr "An act roapoctin; aid to cer- "1.0.! :3 to rates. for passenger: and invasion of foul brood among bees, and itainrailua.vs." paasml during the sch i Ihl'ght. This is ytbjeet to rtgulatiorv":l relating to the prevention of fraud in laiou of 1mm and assented to on April ily. tu' may from "m? W ttme be issued' the manufacture of cheese and butter, iltith of that Near, the grant to the imam?" by the Dominion RaiNa.v Com. and the appointment ot dairy inspec- itlrand Trunk Pacific has thus detined ". 'i,i'tt'l"uet'i1 or any otlyy competent author- tors. . _ . . i"'l'o the Gimp-l Trunk Pacific. Railuur 'ld u.ntlet the Pronswns actoithe Premier Whitney. said that in the o. lfrom a point on Thunder Bay, on the T mung" Parliament applicable 10 the some of the Provi.neitltasyrer in lulu-ti] shore of Lake Superior. to the in- "Owlianl- A the act requires the ti,v,ei Nt?? York It was masivlsable ta go on torcection of the said railway with the liegughpps to bt. complied with, the '0"! with any further business that after. main line of the eastern division of the ling stock. sypples: etc., wherever FIN" 110011, The bills io be consrdered were lCr'rand Trunk Pavitie Railway as it, may gum be purchased m Canada y-' cheaply of a nature to make the Treaaurer'spres we finallv 'lowrtcd in the district of its elsewhere, tn be of Canadian manu- ence necessary, and he would return to. _Thunder-Ba, a distance noi exceeding glacture and purchased in this court- . . . ' I . , . a f . F-t r ' , . .. . . marrow morning. "'00 il .oc" . , o ",. ltr:'. Rails. it suitable and obtainable The Hous th di d . """. Innes, it cash subsidy of $2,000 not," th . .- r tie en a Journe at 3.40. mule and a land grant as hereinafter ', e same price not greater than the1 m--------..--. loot forth of 6.000 acres per mile for oaclt iopen market price m Britain .or it")? i.mile of the said distance " 'liiited States, to he purchased in On; I This would be equivalent to $100000 1tt"i,i,eo,ei1ig,1,"i1,'/"irt /," (bani? G n i ' .. u . . . . T ,l . 'ISIO s ( , "or . ieash and a land grant of 1,e00,000 acres. iment ma nrl pa e t P: 112'"1,' hat 3Th o. _ . . y equire runnino rig C' C l l e Settlers Cause. Wu?" to. any railway app Juug, will? i, [he clause of which the company is inhich 'eilt,,ay grants the same iii: 'r. relieved. and to which the Premier rister.. Ito the G. IC. P. . the company may 1 red in his Statenient.providos that dur- i, not amalgamate with or leese or trt',er, . iug a period of ten vears from the fust I fer the railway or its franehises or make: . . " - . . ooli 0 as to rates" Le! January, .li)00, the company iiiifilI. dug :grongflents the railway ini place "u on its sa' " I o any mg o put . . _ I.,','; th (p d t lands or the land"what: or in part under the control of] ' i e .I'O'Wil a 'ac n . ' " . . . . Bc,.. I I e t thereto at, least 1 any other railway or railways Without!

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