The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 3 May 1906, p. 2

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Mi. Harcourt said, "when "t6"iiiitrTririlii l . a, lovely ttg,i,1.t?t,",nh,T 32,1336 of him that at intervals of f1.tty years number at'fg,,e,",,"1d trusted that the uni? apart he has rendered distinguished ser- i ' tlt',tie"',,1'l1",'fi become endeared to Can- vices to the State in this most imp"? J 11"it" 'ali, lsOxford was endeared to the, t ant partiealar." Mr. Morley had said itiIi-lobhing hearts of forty millions in t of that commission that its work had Britain. It might be with Toronto m been performed with "tact, good sense the future as Matthew . Arnold in") and zeal," and Mr. Harcourt though! 'written----")-, in sentiment as "h the same words could fairly be applied flips. spreading her garments to the to the present commission. Proceed- moonlight, and whispering from iuar V"? ling, Mr. Harcourt referred to the large [ era the last euchantments of the my": endowments of a. number of the best an". who will deny that oxior.d..hs hm known universities in the United States, 'inet'fahle charm koops "or "ii""ig quit but pointed out that many of these, ac" , "m"'r ip ihe true "Emir? "in 0mg," icording to reports in the United States i to the ideal, to PT PC "'1'"; th so/n l . N "T" . t d of increased funds. (,ttl a word. wy,"h,, Lq on) I" . iiltress, wPre .P me 'from another side. ', Elle yote.liko.,to "RY," l The House went into Committee "ft lot" the University 9f 1.01.011") m t at. the Whole, and one or two clauses haw. i gard that perhaps it might be they were. l . th T siderationl } 5 looking to the State too much. and their img been Pasqed: fur er (on. C ' i 'own exertions were not. comtnorrorate, 'was admurm'd till today." "loci f 3with the good they have derived from The 1Jeyt"r.,r,01f.t, about t "ll'," YEN"! , ' iver,, it '. The oint. he dosimsr.L, Mr. May. will inquire as o n I ill" iliilHHl , pt . . h , !tiations said to have been conducted by. jto make was that the Situation ot t t: Ah Minister of Public Works coneem-' University of 'i'oronto in this respect/ iin; the interchange of sporting privi-i was not exceptional. _ ' - " n . -rr,',ir,'iii i Need of Scientific Education. , 'SEE PREMIER G PHONES:I In .I new country such as this it was -.*__.___m_.. t o.bsylutels, "tuN'ssary that we "W?" "'1'". CHAIRMAN CARSCALLEN WILL GET feet as tar as we could the scieuti.rie REPORT it-oiiipment oi the university. In saying . :this he was not forgetting the high - __ (standing and the-greatreputation.of tho Independent Telephone Co.'s Bill De- _l.'yv1u.ucity or .'l' on the 1.lte,r,,f. , layed for Government Pronounce- =side, but the importance of rsviettt,itie, , . 1 training could not fail to be appreciated . ment-Farmers Companies Want by the'" majority of those, interested in , Long-distance Connection. the progress and dvvolopment of the .' ------------ _'."""1."y. Mr. Harcourt thought, that l The Private Bills Committee began in the past the Legislature had been I "l the I) . .1 ill .A'ir 'd' . ii ' Igenerous and fair to the university. In i "It t . ". "T'.' n .veiu ay. T " I 1000 the House gave to the institution :'constitution of the Board of Control and directly $12,244; in 1901, $30000; in 'L'ouncil was the first point. Ottawahas '1003. $52,000, and in 1904 this was again eight, wards and 24 Aldermen, and Ile. increased, und last year there was a very sires to add four Uont,rollers to these. great increase. It would also he found '\1' . _ Ellis . . 7 . that own. year for the last tive years '," ayoi . is had no objection to sub- there "a; legislation attaching to the IN". the proposal for a Board of (Lon-f University of Toronto, some of it of ltrol to the people, along with one toi importance. ireducc the size of the tity council) The Commissioner's Finding. The committee decided to let these! _ . . ,"iuestions go to the people. For 1907 a; lie then took up_ P, detail several. , Board oi Control may be elected from, clauses- of the commissions .re.port. :tgi'l'e- g the Council. The city was given auth-E mg- with some and criticizing others. i ority to spend $3.000 annually in the em? The, statement that the. fruits of the :tertainmcnt of distinguished visitors.', policy of the past had been a great de. {The new Carnegie Library Board Willi cline ot public sympathy was challenged [have authority to spend not more tliani by Mr. Harcourt. . There had, he de. $10,000 a year on maintenance. The. i-lared. been no decline of 'sympathy on ibill. as amended, was reported. 1 the part ot the. people of Ontario to. l '1 he bill of the Independent Long-dis-l, wards the university. Referring to I'taiice Telephone Company came up) other sections from which inferences lagain, and Mr. Ferguson stated that the might be drawn that party interests had icompauy was willing to 'accept the pro-i played a part in connection with ap- 'posal to refer conditions of construction; pointments to the university, Mr. Hur. !to the new Railway and Municipal; court said that so far as he knew this (Board. 1lr. Lynch-Staiunton "i"! had never been the case in the past. ipeared for the. Bell Telephone (join-i . . . 1pany, and objected to the new company; No Political Trail. 1yynying 40 contracts which the Beirl . Flo-also took exception to the expres- H1 cit-phone .L'oinliany had. Pals. and paid; sum in the report as to the distribution i m \iith)\ai10lls 'ty1n,i,cipa/itiesy Dr" of power over so many agencies, with glimmer. Mimi?!" of the. Herridgeville final reference of disputes to a political _,",-',o"'perative telephone .f. ompany, Mid. Ilinistvr.. {Mesa-x, supported Ahe bill on behalf of Premier Whitney-That onlv refers to ,,".i.u.'al districts, which the Bell Company the future. . idid not attempt to serve, and which Mr. Harcourt repeated his belief that'd the operation of fa.rmers' com] the Legislature would never lot the. primes to small areas. Chairman Cars-l trail of party do damage to the uni.. ieiilleii thought they sleyld..h'nd a rem-E versity. He referred to the union of Iedy in IP.'. Dominion Parliament. As:) the Boston Polytechnique with Harvard gsistant Solicitor Kerr, Hamilton, and; and the advantage of concentration in illon. Adam their, for London, objected,' ,attaining efficiency of control. With re- ( to theisstalslitly.nent of another monoIP: gard to forestry, educational authori- oly. Tlic solution suggested by these ,ties were not, yet fully agreed how gentlemen was Government control of; best to bring about emeiency in for- t"atits ot' ownership of long-distaneelines,: estrv teaching. He quoted from re- ' l meant buying up .two systems instead? cent. correspondence of his own to show ot oni- eventually if the company was, his agreement with the commission in ,t'sretlrlished. . , 3 j the matter of student discipline. They Manager Pettit ot the Welland County, gwpre thinking along the same lines. Telephone Company, with Warden Steel, :('ertain sentences in the report pleased appeared for the purpose of securing a,' "him more than he could say. They right of independent connection with the 'inust not part with noble ideas of eul. gproposed company. Mr. Lucas supported ture and scholarly taste while deveIOp- the bill also. ' ing scientific lines of study, and they ,', Chairman Carsealiett said he would rociognized the enduring worlf the study f consult with the. Premier to see if some- of the humanities:had done m uplifting thing could be done by the Province to mankind in all chines and 3895- (' have the whole question taken up by the He wishedI 3131:9310 1:13"? J'u,htgg,tr; Federal Government. 1 . ioners a . , . . . b'11'1od'i' they had strong? recommend-j anl"it,err"egao," '1e2'eptpootmtch: iii" ed the. Governplient 2,' eiit ',"'l? maria??? Carsealksn's, suggestion of cansulting th: _ of money on " p p it b d _ Government with the assurance f I College or to 9""?'ntee hgn "llhe,,il,o/ port to the committee to-da o I,',",.': 'rlj.1-'" hasten the," ay W. _ - was agreed to. y. Mb f , 'CC_-.--------------

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