The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 5 May 1906, p. 1

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'w, "Y MAY 5. loot, '__, '"""-' . SATURDA- , -. ., 4nd the trmirarriitiiic- . l 3233:?" 1,tghett it"!!! irtd/t, s (?MliBtlo"' ' To amendthe toll'roedc expropriatian result in! to t . ll, (ih'lilit, Igh . - i "s l tiet,uNr--Mr. Browtr) . furthe'r fetP'I'Qght. itr.the formulation otJ' i. ' _ _ . .. Reittitittirthe town of sridund--sir.l . 'l" Ion. ' -.tem- RI PETEWA l TP'dh'oré-f , l U . it a J, Dairy sattit,a.u.,Speetiod l , _ Respectalg ttdltf T' nweril Y n l Hon. Mr. Monteith's bill to amend,' , . T , y . CoPge.--l' r. g bp. .' . , the act to prevent fraud in the manu-l .3. N ------'-""""r'-'/, . . To l"(.mporatph the town of Blind; he?" of cheese and butter was". (, ' . _ 'Rivers-Mr. b'my . I por ed. __ s l Bill Introduced to Permit Grand 1tespeeti,ng; the, township of ortver---) "1M; Dargavel, who is Vice-Presidentof l l ',, . ~. hr. Smellie. l ' e Ctcsterit.Ddir 'men'. 'eb . . . -' l, n Trunk Spur Lind , To amend the Tenikaming & North-l dorsed the measrire ','2degiitft1,, ii: _ _--------- em ontaruohthilway '.hct----,)ir. Helium". , Prove the quality of the output of Cana. - - To amend the supplementary, revenue, ttt chateau. Canadians got, one and a: '7 't.i9fr---Mr. Matheson. l fl (ten 5 a. pound less than the E a? SESSION DRAWS TO CLOSE. tr, amend the act respecting the Agri-; lish pncc for their eluttxsio, as the will"? . cultural College-Nr. Monteith. ":39 regulated by the average qualiti- _---.-------- For the suppression of foul brood iiitsmpautttIio1e,s,v {good l":': Tight be it . . norm Monteith. K n er in C, at the ttverafto Many Third Readings m Leg's' a"l?J'i'd,"e",i'i the municipal light and heat rate. Tho factories J""."' thoreforo "W _ " "hour, (urn-alien (Hamilton). tually iuertlted 1tt trying to raise the " Iature Yesterday. Tohameud the Ontario election Mir", 9291'ng quality, The low prices due to .. Mr. Duff. l 30:11" (li,e,,.1ty,. were the result of want T - -r "WWW lleNrecting trustees of certain burying': 'lu',:,".'," i'l","i'lei')ae1'iritit milk by ii,; . ill grounds-Mr. Clark (Bruce). ~'(;0v,fnmpnt had i; ' .lledml . .ho Mr. Mackay's Slander and Libel B.i _ To amend tho ttet rtriipeoting ae'tions1!j,inhiirv" i"8)".th tthe}?k t21appipnt Becomes Law-Debate on the Dairy of libel and slander-Mr. Muckay. l tories cleanup. and to vizit'thc litirmc'i'; ', hispection Bill - vice-Psi/ie'" Two Withdrawals. ll for tho same purpose. . . Eastern Dairymen's Association En- . . . . . . . ll Mr. Ferguson thought the bill emin- , - Ontario District Mr. (ruig wrthdrew his bill to amend lentlv in the right direction. dorses Measure the public schools act. which. provided' Mr. McMillan believed there was onlv (Judges' Allowance. for the dental inspection of children, on' one way to remove the insanitarv cnnl thc understanding that the Minister of ditions due to throwine out the. whov ', ---r--_- _--.-------' l/i,",.";',',?",'.":, \Ivotuld arrange for the mat- I around the factories and allowing it to tcr )y regua ion. ' l rot and stagnatc about. the remisaz. iA considerable amount of routine busi- .Mr. Lennox withdrew his bill .to'; This was to installthe new Lal",.",,"), by in"... transacted in the sltort tses- 'c't2,11pth,fexf'top.S.',fioaui,r/s act. It will Q2133; Il"',',??,',",." '1ritit,1mi,',1.ditaetitte sion of the Legislature yesterday after- Farmers' Woodlots to remove. from the milk he l):l;;Sl:l:il noon sixteen bills being read tt third I' . compel him to take it away. - -. , . lv ed a Mr. Downey's bill to amend tlie'muni-l Mr. Harcourt. in the absence of Hon. time and a number of others m min cipal waterworks act was reported ; also l Mr. Ross. hoped that, the Government Stage. while two wore withdrawn. An hi, bill providing for.thc exemption of i would hold over the consideration of the amendment to the statute law amend- woodlands from tanzition. 'Wrth 1ycf,j bill rcipccting County Councils. the hill 'ill a. ~. the district Judges to the latter he said the I,T,.int1plt.of the; refpcctinc mines. the bill respecting the merit: act WI give . . © hill was advocated by Gifford Pmchot,' Education Department. the universnv itt new Ontario $500 a year 111 hen of Chief Forester of the United Statpsr act. 1900. and the bill to amend the pun- surrogate and other ices, which are to and many other authorities. l lie. schools act. until Tuesday. when there go to the Province. The amendment Premier ll hity.1s.r balked somewhat at,l would bo a full House. There might "T does not affect the Judges in the older the 1"'l""IT: which ho thought too far- _mighi; not be a division on these men- portions of Ontario. 1,Tc'tehity'.S. line was entirely. opposed to titres: and there would be very little dis- ." . . the option Elven municipalities, especial. :CUSSIOH. Railway to Petewawa. ly in a matter of assessment for reasons 5 Premier Whitney acquiesced. and :Mr..Dunlop secured the suspension ot which were olwious. but there was not yyyd the adjournment of the House at the rules no as to introduce a private 31'1"" ..t., done for " P?". 4.5.5. ' . Bill respecting the Pembroke Southern " '.\_othin;: more diwastrous, could. be Im- Mr. (arscallen. who was acting as Railway Liiiiillan.r,"it/t"iirivj; the time for named than that any municipality .'itt.teT/ilh/1'c,tt1r.oUhe, House " such introduction had ion ex ired. this J'?"","." l - on 'ay. lt mom ers Ily' isrto give the railway a chart; to build tl',','.""" the representative for Hamil. from Pembroke to Petawawa, where the n. ------- new Dominion military camp will be, a i -- -_.-- ---- distance of fourteen miles. {Premier Whitney said he had notice a week or two ago from the Grand Trunk Baiiway asking the charter to be passed. He communicated with them and asked _ that the C. P. R., whose road would be paralleled, and the two municipalities through which the line is to pass, be notified. This had been done, and ad. vertisements also inserted in the news- papers." 'Under ordinary circumstances the request would have been out ot all question, but as it was a Dominion mat, for, and the convenience of the citizen soldiery was concerned, all the troops and munitions of war having to be tran- tshipped, he had less hesitation in the matter. He had also a telegram from the solicitor of the C. P. R. stating that that company had no objection to the bill.- qu. Harcourt said there were pm- cedents for doing what it was proposed the House should do. It was appar- ent that the public. interests would be F servcd;by the preposéd railway; there. tore") there could be no objection to waive the usual procedure and allow the introduction of the bill. . _ , - ",, lion. Mr. Matheson introduced a bill to opgfirm the agreement. between th.e b Government and the Unnadian Int.' I _ provement Company for the continuation . tor six months .of the guarantee of $1.2: 000,000 of the Spo loan. ' The bill was} read a hrst and second time." l third Readings. il ,'lirly.s. following bills were read a third' , tinte,"-- I ', Respecting agricultural societies-Mr. . . Monteith. ' l '. R.etspeetinsr, horticultural tsocieties-. 5dr ." Monteit h. l P,'t,fynd,.the act for the education. -. and instruction of the deaf and dumb; _ - -.---A----

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