! The actual business of the Legisla-- iture will certainly conclude this week, 'Splendid progress was made at the two 'sessions held yesterday, a number of 'Government bills being read a third 'time, including the Toronto General Hos-- !pital bill, the act amending the veterans' [Jand grant act, the two railway bills | (for his efforts in relation to which Hon, !'Mr, Hendric was complimented), the act gto preveat fraud in the manuftacture of ;cheese and butter, the municipal am-- iendment act aund the assessment am-- _endment act. | _ Hon. Mr. Ross _ intimated that the '"power bill," the second reading cf which was by agreement declared car-- él'icd on division, would be opposed. and a lively discussion on this measure may be expected, _ It was reported last night that this bill is to be amended in its committee stage by striking out refer-- ences to gas companies. In other words, it is not proposed that gas companies, either as to rates or in any other re-- spect, shall come under the jurisdiction of the Hydro--electric Power Commission, which will be entrusted with carrying out the provisions of the bill. 'The re-- ference to gas companies, it is said, was inserted in the measure by mistake, The commission, it is thought, will have a l1 it can do in dealing with the cheap pow-- er problem, and as there has been no agitation for or pressure upon the Govr-- ernment to take up the questions relat-- ing to the supply of gas, this point will most likely be dropped, School Text--books. Before the session closes it is ecxapect-- ed that a pronouncement will be made on the question of school text--books, The Government's Education Depart-- ment measure gives power for the ap-- pointment of commissions to deal with this or other questions relative to edr-- cation,. _ Some of the contracts of the companies now printing text--books do not expire until the fall, and it is prob-- able that Government action will not be taken until then,. _ 'There is a feeling, huweve.r, that the Government has ::1. ready in contemplation steps whereby its pronuses as an Opposition and since coming into power to secure text--books to the scholars at the lowest rates will be put into effect at the earliest possible moment, San Jose Scale. Mr. McCoig called attention ticle in The Chatham _ Plane stated that many orchards in th districts had been killed by the scale, and asked if the (Go l rend an exnort +. «._._ wWEDNESDAY, MAY Important Announcement Expected in Reference to the School Text--book Question--Morning Scessions of the . House Will be Held if Necessary to l Bring Session to a Close. A Number of Measures Passed by Legislature. MANY THIRD REAOINGS, Report That the Power Bill WiH be so Amended. No CONTROL OF CAS COMPANIES, Chatham lil--a'l-{et, which ny urcharr(_ls in the western ed if the Gor;rnment expert to report on the to an ar-- Ban Jose The usual resolutions respecting the regulation and operation of motor ve-- hicles upon highways. and relating to the transmission of electrical power to municipalities, were referred to commit-- | tee of the whole House to--day. Third Readings. The following bills were read a third time :. _ The bill and that for the appointment of a railway and mutnicipal board having _been read a third time. Hon. Mr. Hendrie 'said that a great deal would depend on the way the latter bill was construed. ;'l'lm sentlemen appointed to regulate street railway and _ municipal _ affairs would have a large responsibility cast upon them, and he trusted the Govern-- ment would get the right men to fill these very important positions. To a certain extent he had to apologize to the House for the long time he had engaged them upon this important measure. but Il:e trusted that the result would justify! im. Premier Whitney wished to say what was well known, that the House was much indebted to Mr. Hendrie for the time and consideration given to these two measures. (Applause.) Students at Hospital. On the third reading of the bill re-- specting the Toronto General Hospital Mr. Currie once more protested against the exclusion of students not attending Toronto University except under special regulations. He could see no reason why any medical student of any college should not receive instruction in the hospital under his own faculty. _ This was the practice, he said, in Edinburgh Infirmary, at McGill, and until recently in the Toronto General Hospital. matter. o Hon. Mr. Monteith said that an °ex-- pert had already reported, and that the people in Kent county were not alive to their opportunities. They had the means, but would not act. They bad the stamp-- ing out of the seale in their own hands, as in other districts. us Premier Whitney, with the consent of the leader of the Opposition, moved that on and after to--morrow the House would hold tiwo sittings a day, the Speaker taking the chair at 11 and leaving it at 2. and taking it again at 3. Me did --not know that there was any strict urgencey for the provision, but it was just as well to bave the power in case of neces-- Premier Whitney thought the printers might have the estimates ready for to-- day. Public Ownership Not Yet. Mr. Bowyer thought the Government should insort a clause in the bill respect-- ing steam. clectric and street --railways, which was refervred back to Committee of the Whole for amendment, providing for the Government to take over any railway at the expiration of its muni-- cipal franchisc. sitv. Hon. Mr. Ross clause permitting struck out. Hon. Mr. Ross had no objection. He supposed all the Government legislation was down, and that the supplementary estimates would be down that day. Premicr Whitney said the Government would not even propose to take power to do such a thing. Jt was the reverse of wise to attempt to anticipate what might arise under entirely different cir-- cumstances. There was no use trying to settle the affairs of the world in advance of time. Premier Whitney supposed he should say so too, It had been inserted at the suggestion of the Grimsby Park Com-- pany. _ -- o . f Respecting the Toronto General Hos-- pital--Mr. Hanna. To amend the act to provide for the appropriation of certain lands for the volunteers who served in South Africa and the volunteer militia who served on the frontier in 1866--Mr. Cochrane. Respecting steam. electric and street railways--Mr. Hendrie. For the appointment of a railway and municipal board--Mr. Hendrie. To amend the municipal waterworks act--Mr. Carscallen (Hamilton). To amend the manhood suffrage act-- Mr. McGarry. . was very glad that the Sunday concerts was |__ _ Hon. Mr. Hanna moved the first read-- ?ings of two Government bills. One re-- | specting the Hospital for Epileptics, a |new institution, gives the Government | the same powers in regard to the estab-- |lishment as are now exercised in respect to other asylums. {Another measure amends the act respecting asylums fos the insane by aimin® to discourage the sending of insane pépple to jails, and providing for theiry*speedy removal to asvlums. A debate occurred in committee on the bill to amend the public schools act, upon the clauses providing for a minimum salary for teachers, in which Messrs. Thompson, Hoyle. Hislop, Munro, Har-- court and Ross participated. Hon. Mr. Ross charged the Govern-- ment with keeping the effect of the bill in the dark. It was not clear whether the teachers would be benefited or not. There might be an intrease of $300, or of $100, or of a trifle, or there might be a reduction. _ The Minister of E«fucation was hardly dealing fairly with the House. If no further information could be got the Opposition would only have to let the matter go under protest. Providing for the exempti lands from taxation--Mr. g)fl Respecting the town of P« Montgomery . The municipal amendment Mr. Hanna. The bill was reported. The Assessment Act. Progress was made in cm?nittee at the evening session .with thé assessment amendment act. 1906, which was read a second time. One of the clauses of the measure makes it clear that no subordin-- ate lodge of any registered friendly so-- ciety, "or any officer thereof in respect of any business of such subordinate lodge" shall be liable to any business as-- assessment . the manufacture --of c'hve:s: Mr. Monteith. Hon. Mr. Matheson's bill confirming the agreement axtending the Provincial guarantee of one--half of the Soo loan ($1,000,000) for six months was read a third time. So also was the municipal amendment act of 19086 . There was considerable discussion on the automobile bill, which was read a second time. The measure is a com-- bination of bills introduced by Messrs. Lennox and Sutherland, and of amend-- ments and additions made while they were being discussed in the Municipal Committee. The stringent clauses of the bill, which have been fully explained, were passed without amendment of note. On the clause prohibiting the use of "a searchlight," Hon. Mr. Hanna. whose name the bill now carries, suggested that this should be made to read "swivel lights."~ Mr. Duff and others supenston lights." Mr. Duff and others suggested that the bill should fix the candle power of lights to be carried. Finally Mr. Hanna accepted the suggestion of Mr. Sutherland that it read "no motor ve-- hicle shall carry what is known to the trade as a searchlight." "I don't know." replied the Provincial Secretary, amid laughter. "We'll have to leave it to the Magistrates." The Premier moved the second reading of the act to provide for the transmission of electrical power to municipalities. Hon. Mr. Ross intimated a desire on the part of the Opposition to discuss the measure. By agreement the second read-- ing was carried on division, and the bill will be discussed in committee before the third reading is moved. "What does that mean * asked MceNaught . Mr. Craig moved that the bill to regun-- late the width of sleigh--runners be given the six months' hoist, but on the sugges-- tion of the Premier he deferred the mo-- tion until the bill comes up for the third reading to--morrow. To amend the The House adjourned at 9.30. > act to prevent exemption of wood-- --Mr. g)owne_v. of Petrolea--Mr. vent fraud in and butter-- act. Mr.