The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 10 May 1906, p. 3

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p:'jg;y ""Yl';:a '!:vasmg their prices on Tha} eading the Opposition ?"' The HGW""" w LYS. I clopornt of oere charged | for the «le.||praised the stand taken by.. Mr. Preston -- B LSH Lm Tu BAIL M / iI th power by steam, and charg-- !| (Brant), who had not hesitated to ex-- ing all the consifmers would stand. -- Mr.: press his disagreement with some of the * o Beck vigorously defended the new meas. || views of the Opposition leader. He went A VOTE OF 3340,000 IS TO BE ure, emphasizing the Government con-- }on to say. in «iticizing the suggestion ASKED. trol of rates and the responsibilities the h' thoabill be held over, that in add % * Amumcipalities would assume, _ 'The bil} ion to fi demand from many quarters}; en e t ;'h'(- claimed, gave the municipalities a, for n'ion by the Government The Tor | Announcement Was Made by the Pre-- ch C 'ey & s C [ s & oo aie n m ie mt o ooo eerrstooall * ie --anamats. on Bare reomints He said the commission had been offered [J briDt in a bill. That paper would listen| txon With Mines by one of the companies power at $11 [to n0 explanation, no excuse, and a gen# Railway to be Aided. per horsepower, & :Lem?;n ntamed fG'l.'hW(' ,Rboss wag oneho ) has % he directors o e Globe, so that the ¢ [fi 'Impracticable Bill. Q:xd a DPr. Jekyll clamoring for a bill and alf "']';5' b:f':}: ]t::'_"'l"::ze"o;r l'::jtfl'"ég::itt' > 'COour . Mr. Hyde saying you shall not have onelf# ssion o & e KA a ~ mt oo oo io m t un ut Mooiteitr n mal membe e foem at te reeunm rmenig ie br?mght down. in thonfi hnau not been@some of the arguments of the Oppositio , OrPnIen's policy with ref o n og , 1 rst week of theff speakers. sail the Opposition IMSer andf! io railways, It had ben decided, he said, session, \\'l'_('n the earnest speech theyff the member for Monek (Mr. Harcourt.)i& 2 Cho uL EOOA per mile, for 45 miles: log 'had just listened to might have beeiff had much to say for the capitalists and @ £175.000 in all to the Bruce Mines & Algo-- hoard and they would have had an opigflittle or nothing for the manufacturers®; ma Railway, commencing thirteen miles portunity of verifying the figures ing}|and consumers of power. He declaredf{})} north of Bruce Mines. This was done to volvred . He doubted if Hamilton o@} that there _ would be no _ suchf}y enable the opening up of the ceopper mines London would avail themselves of th .thing e . Paated -- rights and . tak. j in the Bruce Mines district. A grant of 4 impracticable and unwoerkable provia $ ing people's property frmp them. 'Tf[t $5,000 a mile was to be made to the Can-- | fons 'of the bill, The places most . toiliny har: came to English bondhoiders §# #4a (.'en:ral. Raiiway Company, or any § be benefited were those 1lma.r the power :"r"anvr:thor imt~est0r: it would be compa,ny which would do the work, for a ' itself. _ No wonder then that the mem--< through their own fault and the fault of [f r2!way from Little C""mm.w 2 poing! j ber for Welland agreed with him. _ 16G} their champions in the House. He be-- thirteen milles from Sudbn'a-r&, W!?GN it a bad been stated that without interfer lieved that no expropriation of property will C'Of"neCf'f"i'h a line aiready laid, a ' ence with vested intérests the aims de would be needed, but without power to} distance of fifty--three miles. ' ' sired might be attained. The hon, gen$| expropriate the bill would be useless. | "At $5,000 per mile the latter means a 1 f 'tleman had demolished his own casg| If companies declared they would rath--| _ &rant of £705,000, . «nd . 'the . twa grants: ' s when he stated that he could obtaiw| er keep their power than sell and tralls- wouilid therefore total $340,000, . i § © terms from two of the companies which Mit it at reasonable rates. only then t'pe j The P,re'n:'er e'xplame'd that the gxant: & had offered to negotiate. He _ hoped -(40\'91'mnont. wm.x!cl do tho_a('ts amhn'w.wi- r,r comp.'etefi the Lf)'nne'ctxon of Llulle 'Cl'll't; . that the Government would go to them | °d by the bill. The Premier closed with en budbl.fx.? P Oz "ate anlely / Pol | f p C y o wes | the opinion that in twelve months from the purpose of giving the peopie of Mani-- | 9 and tell 'h""' that """.' would not att !nm\' the private corporations instead of | _ toutin Island easy means of access to thol' ' $ 'tempt to interfere with their vested in-- | being hampered would find thta their re--| _ mainland, something they had never had. ( {terests. _ W ere they to destroy in-- | ceipts wore increased. No other railway grants would be made | | 'Al E'h\']dll'&l imtia ti ve ? It would ':h" "j this session, the policy of the Govern-- | -- ; | serious thing to discourage it. The C. (Some Amendments. || ment when. in opposition, and how, being.| ' } !lv R. would never have been hlllH.' This closed the discussion, am.l the| thar they should not be made where they | | & | without «this great quality, _ He feared 'House went into Committee of the could not be justified on the ground ot.' " ithvrv was an anti--capitalistic craze in | Whole to consider the bill, | public interests, A large number of d&; itlw minds of some people. It was the ' An amendment provided that two of| serving schemes had been brought to the | d [ sacred duty of the Legislature to see the members of the commission may be| attention of the Government this year, | in |that the rights of capital _ were pre-- \ members of the Executive, and that one;) and it might be, if the development of | _ | served. i| shall be. e ig h new Ontario ;vas as startling and rapid§ j j it ' Mr: j Kay. representing a riding . as some people expected, more railways ko 'Tfemendous Ne P s E!no:.lrint::l-::tle«l) in tjhe bill, gtated that would have to be aided next year, but he p: The bill had no reason for ('-\'iSiPDC('Ef'\Ir. Snider, Chairman of the Municipal did not promise that. 'The James Bay !unless the commission -- had power to i) Power Commission, had said the cost of f'ffllwa)' h.\IaCke-nzif- & Manu's line), a * 28 ! vary the conditions of every agreement;' power from producer gas was $7.50 per YE \ '?eserfinx scheme, l_)ad asked that the entered into. There was no appeal || unit for ten hours a day. ::':::"t" of bonds given by the G""', T from the three men of this oommission.!i Mr. Pattinson said the figure named iss glldnbtl:'ovm'-fl 'J_ea:s ago for the Toronto ¥ They had tremendous power to render}| was merely the fuel factor and cost of t"n.sions hy t';\?ttN;:L b;' continued for ex-l ' y unremunerative the millions invested n ||installation, maintenance, interest and Selration howi::r hadht;l?;fi;:: Admln(;! ,fl':';. 4.the§e er?te.erprism. o & mightin-'cndcr ,";"l"p'f'datim" and aitendance had to be when in oppositlo'n, that the ;'s:"ll:lZe' T it impossible to meet the interest On ' | considered. * should not guarantee the bonds of rals : bonds. _ The majority would rule, andf} Mr. Graham asserted that power could ways, and now maintained that position 3 that two men should have this unheard |be produced anywhere by producer gas 9pp, legislation necessary for the grants, of power of rendering a remunemtivet for $12 a horsepower workmg.ten'hours the Premier added, would be introduced | :o investment unremunerative was simply | | q day. _ He intended to use it himself. in the House to--day. ' monstrous. He would have relied more#{ The references to the control of gas mommmenmmemmmmmn_ ! <f on Hon. Mr. Beck had he not appeared| |rates were climinated from the bill. A as an advocate, and set out to prove) | The bill as amended was reported, sls | that capitalists were obtaining undue l meonemvemnmonemncemmemmen profits. Dr. Butler when in Toronto' & recently with Mr. Andrew Carnegie said that the three foundations of c-i\'il-l ization were civil and individual liberty, 'rights of property, and inviolability of * , contract. He commended the Jatter [( fpoint to the Premier, and concluded by |regretting that the bill had been brought| in at such a stage of the session. § Premier Closes the Debate. Premier Whitney objected to the ]asti ,speakor having occupied so much time | 'on points irrelevant to the bill. He did | |not think his hon. friend could have read | A it. The three points he raised were that | ' there was no appeal from the commis-- ' sion, that he deprecated any attack on | | vested interests, and that the figures on I \ 'whioh the report was based were incor-- | ' rect. Every act of the commission, the | | Premier pointed out, was referred to the g ILioutenant-Governor in Council, and | that body would probably include two members of the GovernmentGone at any | rate . * Hon. Mr. Ross--Then the commission | /; will a];geal from itself to itsel{f ? * , (| The Premier retorted that the Gov. | y ~ ernment's appeal would be to that tri-- | ) bunal which gave it existence. He said | j \ that many letters and telegrams in ' praise of the Government's measure had ' been received. Moreover, one could not «wide in a street car in Toronto without | hearing one Liberal say to another in / ' . discussing the _.Onnasitinn's attitude, | & "What do these . hR "lm.e' : C

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