. Railway Company--Mr. Dow----| ney. o ' To amend the act incorporating the | ;* * Western Central Railway Company--Mr. Craig. Respecting the Toronto & York Radiai Railway Company--Mr. Calder. : _ Respecting the Pembroke Southern 'Railway Company--Mr. Dunlop. An act respecting the Ont.wio & '#s-- katchewan Land Corporation, TLimited-- Mr. Lennox. ---- The act confirming the orders in Coun-- .cil relative to the Giillies limits and other mineral lands. ! _ Respecting the city of Toronto--Mr. t Crawford . \_To incorporate the Provincial Long-- | distance Telephone Company--Mr. Fer-- guson . l 'Respecting the city of St. Catharines --Mr. Jessop. | To incorporate the Port Credit. Bramp-- 'ton & Guelph Railway Company--Mr. Smith (Peel) . To incoporate the Dunnville. Welland-- port & Beamsville Electric Railway Com-- pany--Mr. Jessop . i To incorporate the Pembroke Railway !Company--Mr. McGarry. l Respecting the Kingston, Gananoque & Perth Electric Railway Company -- Mr. Lennox. j To incorporate the Rondeau, Ridge-- 'town & Wallaceburg Railway Company-- ! Mr. Bowyer. 4 _ Respecting the Superior & James Bay 'Railway Company--Mr. McNaught. To incorporate the Toronto & North-- eastern Railway Company--Mr. Lennox. Respecting the Hamilton, Caledonia & Lake Erie Railway Company--Mr. Cars-- callen (Hamilton). Respecting the St. Catharines, Pelham & Welland Electric Railway Company-- Mr. Jessop. Respecting the North Midland Rail-- way Company--Mr, Hodgins. To incorporate the Hamilton & Guelph Junction Railway Company--Mr. Downey. Respecting the Southwestern Traction Company--Mr. McGarry. Respecting the Brantford & Erie Rail-- way Company--Mr. Fisher. Respecting the Peterboro' Radial Rail-- way Company--Mr. Bradburn. To amend the act respecting station-- ary engineers--Mr. Carscallen (Hamil-- -- ton). Respecting the Ontario & Minnesota -- Power Company--Hon. Mr. Cochrane, _ To amend the public schools act -- Hon. Mr. Pyne. ; The assessment amendment act, 1908 . --Hon. Mr. Hanna. C To amend the statute law amendment : act--Hon. Mr. Foy. " To amend the act respecting Boards of Education in certain cities, towns and } villages--Mr. Macdiarmid. :