The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 25 Jan 1907, p. 2

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n the north and east by Hudson Bay | {ansementt %" * kess 0 0 o y f s o e e e / _ and James Bay be allotted to the Pro--'|important matteT» m s' "L~ +/ is t ols .. vince of Ontario. _A decision is °x || priggn Labor Problem * * _ hp =-- 8 --" o / \pe ted . short!y. y 98 A| _ "My Ministerss hé.ve', . for. some . t«inief ts3 . |More Farm Laborers Wanted. en 1 past, been considering }'3: -3"':'3&?"" : _.*Better accommodation has been P"O'a prison labor, ':flt}:; té;:? 'u':.)into cozg vided for the increasing number-- of im-- ; | all P?ss'b'l.'ty 5 "'l.;sl- l')d'r'g l')lft is 'a sub-- mi{nnts. and my . Ministers intend to | | petition with , ."'et i::ppé'tslfice and can-- $ ma .o.a(l_flitional efforts to induce farm-- | | ject t()): 32:1:2&:; hastily. ('"S'dme facts | ;': Fand Sorm labqrers borseche Oe '\'v(;:h relation. to 'it will \ be'laid beforei s $ % + R # » I k "*.s_. * . you. ts t on A. ; Ep ',& ff. 0. Rallway Loan. | | Some Other Meagures...; . _ : °. ] | _ #*X¥ou will be-- pleased to know that the | c oms il1 be laid before yow relating Joan of three millions of dollars author-- | Bills, al ], P ".a;;] : providing for the 5 ized by the act of last session for """l 'to col.omza.tlon.,'tp sf"' 'gr'pfiiegfg'c'om'oli- { _ complétion 'of the Temiskaming & North-- 'tax'gt'mn of mmmgj pr I;;he} c;)mpa,fiies' ' etn Ontario. Railway was snccw"f""-'" dating. and . amenthmg ct creating the floated in Canada at par and without; "a;!'n?:(;flg Mun';cipi:fl -:~]3'o§iél;g the _ any expense other than that of adver-- lfi?;e:afict; the public school acts; the §* sing .. . . | act respecting the Temiskaming & Nor-- _ Revision of the Statutes. y | thern Ontario Railway; and the volun-- i "After the close of the last, session of | / teer land grant acts. t a --| the Legislature my Government, in ac-- lus. * E: eorda:cgz with precedent, appointed a A Good..Sllr.P. sreat pleasitre to in _ commission, consisting of certain mem-- "It affords me d o en S of the Pro-- _ bers of the Judiciary, the members of the | form,.you that t;h(-"ewmlf ?)f the esti-- P | Executive Council and others, for the| vince are largely in ex'cot.fis. t to meet _ consolidation of the statutes of the Pro--| . mates, and more _th""l.:" c"': o rrmthe __ vince, and subsequently a -""Pl"'"""'"t*';'." the' Provincial :expenuisure {dupmg -- f ission was. issued extending the | ; year. : F - k ;';:'rls"(:f";h';fi)mmissioners. Substantial | | . "The public a"'m""i.-w",l be "'."ti hl:- | \progress has been made by them, but| fore you for your """"d"a_'t'!on PS t%e , * g to the great volume of work and |; egarliest .mnment. "3"' the vatnnmbtes.ttmt . e care and thoroughness with which it;' | the coming year will be u]sol :wn .I'tll "e« -"', h'ng ddne the revision cannot be com-- | ' for your ;\ppl'()\-:ll at an early date. pleted earlier than next year. Certain of | The Labor Méember. 4 BR the changes. recommended will, however,| y MP.P. for Bast \be submitted to you at as early a day | | -- Mr. Allen Studholme, t * .(;;r' l es \ as possible during. the present session. ' Hamilton, thf- Tabor mttm' Ner, S-ll(. ves f * auEl terday morning that, while 'hc' was in j «A'New Judicial District. i accord with the general policy --of the "| . "Owing to the steady increase of popu-- | (Giovernment, he did not intend to. a}"}i _\| lation in northern Ontario it has become | himself with either _ of "'"'. ]P"].lt!oft' ¢ _| necessary, in the interests of the proper | parties.s= He would wait H"." OP"'t';" 8 administration of justice, to create an| in regard_to the pl".'.'(-"l.'],;'g().l NiE ® :'"l 1 additional judicial district. in which 'he was particuiarly mt'mm'm' K as a Labor man.. The speech from the | The Railway Board. throne foreshadowed some legislation on ]|_ _ "In accordance with the legislation of|-- this point. and he wanted to see what last session the Railway and Municipal | _ it proposed. ; 1 Board has been constituted. Althor h | s ening. ) -- has been in cexistence only a flf{zw' Society Sat'the Opening onths, the board has . already con-- ered and disposed of many questions oming within its jurisdiction. It has Iso proven an eflicient agency for en-- rrcing the electric railway rates specified 'dy this Legislature and for adjusting dis-- ) | putes between labor and capital in re-- ' ?i spect of street railway operation. A re-- _ _| port of the work of the board since its | E formation will be laid before you. | | | Cheap Electric Power. | PE _ "I am glad to be able to inform you _ | that, under. the provisions of the act of , _ | last session, very satisfactory progress _ | has been made in the direction of procur-- _ | ing cheap electric power for consumers. _ | Extension of the T. & N. 0. Railway. & | --"Tenders have beeen called for the ex-- | tension of the Temiskaming & Northern Ontario.Railway to a point of junction with the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, and the receipts for passenger and freight traffic show a large increase over he preceding year. [Mining Tax. i s t * .. "The great value of the mineral de-- posite in the Cobalt district is becoming more and more evident, and the future s (Is ftv;ll,_of promise both to the investor in mining properties and the people of the Province. 'The rights.of the Province in these deposits have been kept steadily ® in view by my Ministers, and accordingly «-- *;g,measure»providing for the taxation of ||rmining properties will be submitted to 'yop for--consideration. 1 think it well to ( | draw to your attention 'the fact that a tendency to: hagty and reekless invest-- & ment and speculation is abroad, and, it | is to be hoped, will be kept in check by ? the good sense of our. people. Public School Act 'Amendments. _ "The 'amendmeénts of" last session to ; the pu'!zhc;..s,c.hool act have _iven gen-- ral satisfaction. The.experience of the z' year with reference_to the work-- R of the act --has-- shown certain amend-- ; ments to 'be . désgirable ; a measure em-- body:fi them;:will; be laid before. vou.' The ducation: Department is now deal-- | q [ ing with the'"qtuestiqn of 'the price of , text--books, and.expects. during the pre-- "%." Ihke ' nt session. to make a satisfactory ar. j R

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