The Premier admitted that the Presi- dent of the university should be selected at Rs early ft date as pmsihle. The Government did not appoint the Presi- dent, he said. and they believed that do. lay would be better than unduehastv. The rumors that trouble. existed in the Department of Education the Premier denied. There was not. he declared. .1 reputable newspaper in Ontario, includ- ing The Globe, the greatest Liberal newspaper in the Dominion of Canada, that did not think the education bill was a good one. Some Light on Subsidy. bay the blame on the aets of the former Premier at tho first, session of the Pro- vincinl Conference at Ottawa. Had it not been for his ottiiude at that tim." Mr. Whitney boliered the Provincial subsidy would be ,urcatly in exec-as of the present ligurvs. The s.sstern pre" scum! 1liffieultieq, but it should be pos- sible that perimlicul applications for itr creases could be made as conditions al- tcred. The Premier dvsired to Mr. Graham had nover tm the matter of school books, work before. "During all t has been in this Home he in "1 have expl-ossrd the saw these questions in rhia ilm interrupted Mr. Graham. The Premier was tempted to retort to Mr. Gralmm's assertion that there had always been a an ' "There has al ways been a swans," he said, "but it has never been in tsash." Replying to charges against the Gov- ernment in reformer to the Provincial Conterence, tlte Premier tmdortook to Chea, School Books. "My Trieml can way he ohooses." 'But I mum you same language I did and (with a smile) heresy for ii." "Then they rejectc Mined the heretic," Whitney. The Premier.aaserted that, from the day the Government took office they had gone to great trouble and had granted considerable expenditure in order to bring proper immigrants to the Pro- vince. "It is R mutter only second to the "cation of education," he said, "whiff! in our opinion is the question of first importance." Continuing. the Pro: try hon. friend feel s state that school book, so cheaply that the p believe the difference. ring,' which was protet er Government for yea under this Adminiatmt give __school books at Replying to the assertion of Mr. Graham that there had been no mention of lgw reform in the address, the Pro- miet said: "There is a great dew] mug. gested in the speech from the throne in the way of law reform. In " your from to-dny he will find that a great deal Sllggostvd in the. speech has been brought forward and airried into " feet Premier Whitney was enthusiastically received when he rose to reply to the leader of the Opposition. Ila congratw lated himself that the leader of an Opposition had endorsed every act of the Government during the past year. He had said in oftect that the. Govern- ment had intended to do right. their motives were good, but their operation was not. Mr. " g "jot-ted the boross. l wriggle out. of i said Mr. Whitney JP" that in mud "no! book and home hiring all the yuan inc House he tt"rpr __', md the same views on n thin House before," Jraham. sired to know why never toudwd upon '-_I L A - I - express such views, l was accused of Peo'; remarked much will lia-rdly 'riehool bunk by the form. vi]! probabi'y, be Willing Ut much the d.. "Will I when I '5 .'Qppliwi F but my. Premier it any ldwe t" (no 'tttp Grrverntnent. were interested. Respecting the other items in the speech from the throw, the Premit-r thought he oould not do much better than to quote from a recent newspaper editorial, which he proceeded to do. The editorial was. of course, quite eulogiatic of the Government, ()mmrtunity would be mier went on. for a h Full Discussion Invited i The Government. he proceeded, had igiren the question of forestry a good ideal of consideration, and had indeed idone more than that, and if the Gov- .ernment neglected this important mat- lter they would have to stand the con- :'chuences of their act. As to the (gen- itral Prison system, he was surprised {to learn from his hon. friend, who jhad conducted the department, having .charge of it for three months, and for fyears had supported 'a Government who had charge of that institution, ithat the. prisoners were not treated M [human beings. He would not have ', thought that his hon. friend would be .a party to such a state of affairs. I P.1blic Ownership. I On the public ownership question it mas evident that the hon. W'rt- itleman meant that the House should inot understand what, his remarks in te- glation to that meant. The Pre- Imier likened the course of the f late Administration in this regard, and "','ii,r,iGi.i'. in connection with water- l powers, to the characteristic of the Bout- I buns who for so long ruled France, and of whom it was said that they never forgot and never learned. lie alluded at this point to the speech delivered by Hon. Geo. W. Ross. during the last session of the House. on the pom-nines- ltion, saying that that gentleman had been fed with material during his ad- dress by a Secretary of one of the pow- er companies. The conclusion had at that time been forced upon the Gov- ernment., after listening to the. then re. markable speech of the then leader oi the Opposition. that the companies had told him that he had to give some re- turn for what they had done for him. Ho (the speaker) would not, have made that statement, unless he had gool rea- son for doing so. and he was ready to discuss it at, any time. llis hon. friend. Mr. Graham, had, the Premier thought. utterly failed to appreciate and realm- what the meaning of the power legisla- E tion was to the people of Ontario. lle , seemed blind to the fact that he was; making it impossible for the people oi. Onturio to accept him as the custodian. of their interests. As to watered stock. the Premier said that he knew nothing; about stock in any companies except? what he read of them. but he-venturml- to say that the Watered stock the hon. 1 gentlemen said exnsted in the Niagara companies was not the stock in which tht late Government were interested b The Premier wondered that his hom friend had Mot mentioned the recent Provincial loan and the success which had attended its fiota,tion, a, flotation which had been made without a dollar of expenditure. except for the adver- tisement in the newspapers. It oc- curred to him (the Premier) that he might also say in connection with the loan that there was no mention of 'Pr body getting $25,000 commission. The Premier did not know that he had anything to say at this time in regard to Mr. Graham's references to the mining situation. That would pro- bably come at a later period, and he would then, he thought, be able to Show how carefully the Government had acted with reference to the con- trol of mining properties. In this con- nection he said the people of the Prov- ince had been fortunate in obtaining the services of the gentleman (Hon. Mr. Cochrane) who conducts the De- partment of Lands, Forests and Mines. In additi"on to being a. man of the highest character. that, gentleman was the equal in capacity of any man who ever set on the Treasury benches of the Legislature. - . " Praises Hon. Mr. Cochrane. Loan. Rt given. the Pre. fall discussion oi Mr. Preston (Brant) will on Thurs. day move that in the. opinion of the Home every child has a right to health and education, that child labor inter. fem with this right, and that no child under fourteen should work in a hur tory or place of employment. and that no child between'fourteen and sixteen ha permitted to work unless he or she can read anu write. Other restrictions no specified. Mr. Ferguson tGrenville) gives notice of u bill to amend the municipal act. Mr. Smith (Sault Ste. Marie) on Thursday next will inquire as to the expenditure on Central Prison con- tracts. salaries in the woodworking de- partment and cost of plant utilized by Ellen C. Taylor, and will ask if ltd: the intention of the Government to camel this contract. To direct the expenditure of any gum get apart in the estimates for nrt par. poses : The Speaker. Hon. Messrs. Whit- nay, Foy, Matheson, Iiendrie. Graham. Harcourt and Preston (Brant). Notices of Motion. To strike the standing 1tornrntitteea ordored by the House: Hon. Messrs. Fay. Matheson, Willoughby, Preston (Lanark). Mahafry. Thompsnn Wim- COP. Hoyle, Clark (Bruce). MEX," Ponso, Graham, Preston (Brant), 30".: man. Prior to the commencement of the debate the following committees were appointed. on motion of the Premier :... Select Committee to assist the Speaker in the care of the library-The Premier, Hon. Messrs. Foy, Matheson. Pyne. Hendrio. Hanna. Messrs. Lucas, Mu. Kny, Harcourt, Graham and Preston (Brant). in tho interests of labor he would sup- port. them, and also that he Would sup- port any similar measure if ndvoeatisd by the Opposition. 'iiirrNMe'tiutm6'i'isi mug triii'iiiuaiiid and he hoped that the members would take advantage of that to express their views. The Government would go on doing their best M usual, and when they failed in that respect, then they would have to face the position such failure would inevitably bring. Ho pan] a tribute to the Railway and Municipal Board and its work in the few months since. it was appointed. and. in mnem- tion, rowrtod a moment, tn (hunt. asking tho members of the "mum to try to imagine for on" moment what wiuid have been the mndiliun of affairs there if the late Govornment had not. beon defeated and had cuntimmd to ttare the nmnaumm-m of that clistript, Mr. Studholme. Labor memlter for East Hamilton, said that if the Gov- ernmnnt brought in square legislation The address was then enrried it, House adjourned to 3 o'eloek this noon. Select Committees. and the 's after-