e t o e e t o. i . Te | e y ~ . oA We y " o o wEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2%, 1907 _ . ' ¢he"serving of tax notices by mail. ' A GRITIGISM UF Hon. Mr. Matheson explained that it | was also the intention to permit the , Clerk and Treasurer to collect the tax. | T E GU N E T, Checks would require both signatures, | f adding to the protection of the public. ie mmnde e accks The motion carried. l *4 Mr. Eillber moved the rstecond reading | P . * of his bill respecting mo s of real Mr. Currie on the Dismissals Of ; estate. It pl;,ssedgits seg:fi reading, Officials and on the suggestion of the Premier ® was referred to the Legal Commit-- tee . | tmmg--amenametaameate 1 Partisan Appointments. i PREMIER ON HIS DEFENCE. In rising to ask for an order of the | House for a return of copies of all cor-- ' respondence between the Government or any member or official thereof and any | Uletis other person or persons with freference ; Accepts Responsibility For Acts to thepedismissal p:;f James Gillespie of! F Picton from the office of Sheriff of the | t Complained of, lcmlmty of Prince Edward, Mr. Currie | ! P o n ns !Said he was not satisfied with past : | explanations of the Government in re-- | sard to eertain dismissals. He charged | Bills Introduced Amending the Railway That in ~ Prince Ediward they had in ! not only dismissed the Justices of the | an(? Municipal Board Act and the | Peace, but also the Liberal constables. | i Railway Act--A Large Number of One James Cousins was a J. P. in 1894. | A & 5 s Rumors were rife concerning him, and | | _ Private Bills--Notices of Motion~-- _ ;nvestieation was held in 1894_ be-- | In the Legislature fore Mr. Fleming at Napanee. . Both | : sides were represented by counsel, and | ' ' the result was that Mr. Cousins was | | | condemned by the commission and diw-- | } R y | missed. _ One of the first Justices to' |\ _ In the Legislature yesterday afternoon j be appointed by the new Government j | Mr. Currie, the Liberal member for | was \ir. Cousins, in the face of the cir-- ! \ Prince Edward, criticized the Govern-- | cumstances re]attcd. tM}'- Curlri(t!,i criti-- | §1i% o1 s Atap i cized the appointment of a relative of | | im ut' for some vec ent .a,ppnmt.ments and ; Nlon. Dr. \B]ijlloughby Lo a --~Governtaeat i dismissals of officials, in the latter cate-- | position. f | | gory specificially referring to the case | -- Mr. Curric went extensively into the | of Mr. James (Gillespic, formerly Sheriff | motives which had fl'r'?"l'j]'l)ted the dis-- | of the county. | Premier | Whitney t | The Government with unfiimess and In-- | sponded with a defence of the Govern-- | justice. Proceeding, Mr. Currie sharp-- | ment and a@a declaration as to his own-- | ly criticized the Government for dis-- | _ Hon. Mr. Hendrie introduced 2 meas | into the case. -- The }')renli(;r'd;f;vfi?.ltj;r | ure to amend the act respecting the On-- | step from the sacred precinets of the | | tario Railway and Municipal Board. _| House and make the assertions that he | This confers on the board powers under _/ did against Sheriff Giliespie or they | certain acts now exercised only by the _| would prove the chsarges unfounded in a | Lieutenant--Governor in Council in re--e | court of law. He intimated that it! spect to specifications and plans of rail-- ' was rumored and believed by many in | ways, or where information is required Prince Edward that the Premier hadl | during the construction of the same. It ; been held up by a deputation, and then | also empowers the board to engage coun-- 'sel at any time deemed necessary. 'The | measure also clothes the board with power to inquire into and report upon the rates charged by municipalities for | service of utilities owned by them in or-- | der that they may decide whether such ! are too high or whether they are too low, and not sufficient in the latter case | | to meet the amounts required for oper--| | ntion. maintenance, indebtedness, and so | on. It further gives the board the same | powers in regard to arbitration under i the municipal act of 1903 as are now held | | by County Judges. | Another imeasure introduced by Hon.' ' Mr. Hendriec amends the railway act by » i making it apply to all railways under | lProvinciaI jurisdiction,. whether incorpor-- | ated before or after the passing of the | [ act. l | i _ Mr. Hoyle, in rising to move the see-- | j 'ond reading of his bill to amend 'the 1 mumicipal act, stated that he desired | | to prevent differences arieng between | ! municipalities and County Counc:le'; as to | | which is liable to erect bridges in dis-- | | pute. _ His bill refers the dispute for || settlement to the County Judge. The || ; bill was sent to committee, 91 | I | Abolish the Poll Tax. | | | Mr. Bowyer, in moving the second | ! reading of his bill to amend the act re-- | | specting statute labor, explained that it | | was the purpose of the measure to abol-- I ish statute labor as well as the unpopu-- ' lar poll tax. § Mr. Graham said that the (working | | out of the bill had proved farcical. | It | | was a most unpopular tax, and the bill | ' had his sympathy. The motion car-- | | vied. ! |._ Mr. Carnegie moved the second read | ing of his bill to amend the mummra] | I act in order that differences affect ngl police villages be adjusted by the County Judge. _ The motion carried. Mr. Clark (Bruce) moved the second reading of his bill to amend the assess-- j | ment act. Its purpose is to permitl