pliances which could be devised. Mr. May (Ottawa) was glad to hour that the Minister was going to consider he advisability of making a change in he regulation of the school not He. had ,had the pleasure of being a member on the Ottawa School Board for many years, and they had been particular there to maintain the school drill. and especially in having the children of the kindergar- ten on the lower flats. Mr. Preston (Brant) called attention of the Government to the loss. of life in a schoolhouse in Montreal. Assuram-e should be made doubly sure that no such disaster should occur in Ontario. There Were. four causes: the. kindergarten de- partment was on the upper floor. the stairway was faulty in construction, there was no system of fire drill, and no fire escapes. He would like to see fire drill made oompulsory in the schools of Ontario, and also all kindergarten classes on the ground floors, of school buildings. II... n- rt, =-. . . __ L, - -- r". . v. 'A, uvul ""'"""F". Hon. Dr. Pym, Minister of Emu-a- bien, said that the Government already had tht question under eonsideration. The Prémier declared that tllertl'ferdgll Was worth all the fire escapes and up- plianees which could bo devised. The return from West Middlesex Mas read by the Clerk, and Mr. Duncan Ross. the member-elect, and son of lion. Geo. w. Ross, will be introduced to the House on Tuesday by Mr. A. l MacKay and Mr. C. N. Smith. Make Fire Drill Compulsory. In the absence of Mr. Pen ston) Mr. Preston (Brant) ( following question v--"" it 1 tion to establish a two-cont passenger rate upon the Tel * Northern Ontario Railway, The Government cannot be said to have any immediate contemplation of the adoption of a two-cent rate on the Temiskuyning & Northern Ontario Rail- way. A direct question as to the Gov- ernment's intention by Mr. E. J. B. Pense was met by Hon. Dr. Rename with an evasive reply. It was a matter, the Minister said, that could oniy he an- swered by declarations of the Govern- ment from time to time. Compulsory firo drill and the plat-inf: of kindergarten children on the ground tiats of the public schools are matters which the Government has under consid- eration in view of the sorrowful disaster this week in Montreal. The question was brought upAn the Legislature yuterrlay afternoon by Mr. T.. H. Preston, mem- ber for Brant, who analyzed the causes and deducted the lessons to he learned from the fire in a Montreal school, re- sulting in the death of a number of lit- tle children. The Premier and the Min- ister of Education both expressed their conviction that tire drill in the public schools was essential to the safety of the children. The Queston of a Two-cent Per Mile Rate on the Temiskaming & North- ern Ontario Railway Met With Evas- I ive Ministerial Reply-Borrowing Powers of Councils. Member For West Middlesex Takes Seat on Tuesday. LIBERAL ME. M81R'S V:EW. utffrht,g DRILL l i. MADE COMPULSORY. I Government Considering Ques- A tion of Importance. Mr. Penne (Kim:- (Brant) asked the j-"Is it the inten- Vo-cent per mile the 'remhrktrrning l and ti, per gallon. not W, as stated by se. Hanna, on the floor of Ithe (House. . The books of the_erm from whom the varnish was purchased are' open to any yho may wish to verify the above state- ed 75e per grillon. I Now, the facts are as follows: the late Government paid 90e per gallons for the varnish said to have cost $2. A sample of this, varnish was submit. ted to the firm from whom it was put: whim-d by Mr. Taylor (of the tirm of, Taylor. Scott & ty.). T he varnish Ire" were not aware that the sample sub-i mitted was their own varnish. their! quotation, however. was Me per gallon.; Mr. Taylor then stated that the price' was too high. They again submitted a varnish reduced in price by adding ben, zine, this quality was quoted at 75p per gallon. I have the firm's authority for mak- ing the above statement also my own personal knowledge, I lyyving purchas- ed the goods in question, that the price paid by the late Government was Me per gallon, not $2, as stated by sr. Hanna on the floor of lthe Mann ed 75e, Mr. Downey introduced a bill to am. end the act respecting municipal sam- toria for eoruttruptives. This provides for the expropriation of property for the erection of such sanitoria and for joint action where two or more muni- cipalities unite to erect them. Mr. Hanna's Bad Break. Walter Scott. late manager of the. woodenware department, Central Prison. writes t----In the Hon. Mr. Hanna's de, fence of the woodenware contract at the Central Prison I find sta_tements: which are ineorrevt and require 'amend- ing. He states that varnish, was bought by the late Government at two dollars per gallon, and that the same varnish was submitted to the frm from whom it was purchased and they quot-l tion by Mr. Gamey, maid a complew. index as well as a synopsis of those clauses of the bill of particular interest to prospectors, had been prepared by the Mining Commissioner and would be included in the pamphlet form in which the bill would appear when parsed. l 1n oommittoe several clauses of Hon. Mr. Cochra,ne's bill to amend the mines act were passed. Some are intended to make the act more definite in ros- pect to the powers of the mining com- nlissioner. The provision allowing the issue, of working permits in special cases where dineovery has been disallowed was struck out as probably endangering the principle of discovery. The fee for min. ers' partnership licenses was fixed at $5 instead of $7.50. and for companies at :2? instead of $25, as in the draft; il . l l Hon. Mr. Coehrono. replying to ques- 3 tions by Mr. Lahmsse; said tho. Govern, J ment had not received any bona tide of- ',' ters for the mineral rights in the Gillies ilimits'. if offers wore récoivod it was a not the intention of the Govrrnmont to , accept the. same, nor was it the present intention of the Government to par- oc-l out the limits, and sell or lease the ctune. V Finally the Govqrnment had no intention of opening the limits to prospectors. ' ', The Mines Act. Mr. Torrauce movod the socond roa)i. ing of his bill to amend the municipal waterworks not to facilitate the election of watrrworks commissioners. The bill {was referred to the Municipal Commit- tee. Mr. Domsey moved the second, read, ing of his bill to ammd the municipal not, to vmpmwr a corporation to hor, row money fur the laying of pave- ments on deberitutes on a two-thirds vote of the Council. Tho bill was re- ferrod to the Municipal Committno. . "Of which this time is not f whirh," mmmenfed Mr, Graham, of the Opposition, amid laughter. Borrowing Powers. of Councils. Hon. Dr. Reaume replied that vthe question involved a question of policy 0: an extended nature which could only be answered hy a declaration of they Government from time to t,ime, Provide Hdr it upon all after voted sutkiidiiirl" The Mipjster: referring to a Sugars- by" "Hi? is not one of Graham, header -- qrr"e.. hut; like Government. The price given by Mt., Hanna of $2 per gallon and the price paid, viz., Me, show a diseount of 55: per cent. on his statement, Many or; his future. irthe real facts were known,, might even show a greater disoounti than that. In justice to myself. will you kindly give this letter prominent "Uhr,'...,:.-, s, your paper t their pity Otter' information re myself. will you kindly prominent publication in ins- tith iiii- life price gh:en_by Mt..