hithaatce 3: o c o o eomain ntcrtnctiticne se e o. O Poses of the in : oo . o _ =ra BDFIL 12 ¢ Ki money for the purp i UESDAY, MARC y ¥* + 1907. the timber, where the stitution. It would be noted that -- all | _-- > ~dlactverghs j lands, and also to the timber licensees --| such borrowing would be subject to | M ".' f THUHBE same was not sold to t 9 --__ l order in Council. -- It was _ simply | a | --UU s § f by the late Government reply was |means of borrowifig from time to time E *3 a Hon. Frank Cochrane's said : "In |with the consent of the Government. / f ; UT B + -- characteristically short. _ He said : 3 Somé $2,000,000 would 'be required, and -- reply to Nos. l_and 2,.\ yes; to No. 3, .tihis» wm;.l d 'prevent several applications Pre under consideration." 4 in future for authority to borrow . % T Taey.t~ A ient. . Mr. Graham, in rising to eriticize the t Making the Act More Lenient. . . P A d to be thor 4 i ; ffers Ton. Mt 's bill to amend the roposal, said that he wante to be thor-- _| Previncial Treasurer Says O fneg a?tlrwfsocrg:?rig back to the Com-- gughl." hne Popohe 3 w b: i ve inve tained. mine 7 louse. Some mM _ | to anything for the good of the univer-- ':{ Are Not Enterta wittee of the \:vl(:g;c nIuld" in the wording _ |sity, 'They were all agreed that the Pro-- ® OP,C('rreCt.lon'st lear up the meaning. || vincial University must be maintained. ) m sotnamcas of the tb'gasoafi; made more lenient |There was no dispute about that, but PPORT l.l-'fh a,-cegpect; to forfeiture in case an he wanted to reitera_te h'lfi. objection to | U.NIV ERSIT Y SU -- a wi who had done the required work the method adopted in giving money to . :: | ownlo.r laim had neglected to register. | {n, university. He did not think the E ooR zl2 3'?,(-'1: as it stood provided for sum-- grant should be based in mnnm-tion_ with f :. imeus as to. Big . nary forftwns io ctne refhimtion TAs . |the mones, recetsed trom my particutse 'oy ed. 1e & & , 8 & | Leaders Un.n'm? :l'\:,l(ioz:lx\]:e probably this afternoon. sion duties should ho. earmarked _ for ! Institution. The House went into Committee on university support. They were prepar-- l ; Ar P'ra'tt's bill to vest certain lands in ed to give all the money for the need f w mm e ;he. rector and churchwardeus of 'FTrin-- of which: the university could &[mw . ; ity Chl}lrch in the village of \.\'aterfor.d. cause. -- There was not snffi;'n;nt i i res ~ s of the bill were approved in lefiniteness. If money was needed for R 'Letl'l'tun Makes substan.tlal o ce b; ttl.lll'(e crl:(::?l(:r o\\'a\' without _ opposition. :nnintonnnco or buildings they should say f on Routine Work -- Bill to Amen Rills 1':sp1'('till;! "the city of Ottawa and so, and provide directly for it. "They x acTt 1 Toned Down i rent River Power Company were ought to do it just as. 1110;\' would pro-- Mines Act ,It is to 'be :li';ifil;;;.entrpated, | vide money to the Public Works Depart-- | on Some of its Harsher Features---- Mr, Smellie's bills respecting the muni-- imont. E ings. ipality of Shuniah and the incorpora-- | . i | Yesterday's Proceedings I;gi:h(t),; l;)ort Arthur passed their second Not Sell Government House R 3 | uh hea readings. ; ' Hon. Mr. .\Iath(.--'uu stated. when the j i s Mr. c'l'mtt moved the second ceading i estimates were bemg} ('01"(;:-"0(1 mi tl;ut; f + splendi 'Oo-- bi amend the toll roads expr0 j whije several offers ha« en made for | Ne Dheginlabure made -'Pl.' "d:l('l pill:) orfi;:ict));"a?z l\\'hc'n asked by the Pre-- |Government House, the sale of the pro-- 8 s g & * ' C\ + 1 » ¢ a £ | gress yesterday 3hernoon i ow Te the fi)ior to explain,Mr. Pratt said that Nor; | perty had not _Iwnn. .€ nter't'il?):'«tl. qlnl(} ' of much of the routine business of / I:folk omitted in taking over its toll was not immediately in prospect. e f f ivate _ bills ads rovi 'hat the townships |also intimated, in answer to Mr. rae | gession. A number of pri roads to proviae t F Istical art 'of '"the $ j br h committee should care for the toll roads they ex-- ham, that the HfflthN«f part ol : were safely tided 'tnoug | timates | propriated. <« The county had no mach |Temiskaming Railway Commission's " stages, and the portion of lthp estimg '1 inery for caring for these roads, and the | port would probably be brought down | 7 rmaily concurre« q medy in view. The bill | ext week. already passed was formally concurr act had a remedy in view. > Th : | nex ' in. _ 'The Provincial Treasurer denitd | was referred to the Municipal Com-- | Notice of Motion. l that the Government -- was considering mgttcc. i Mr,., Foy--An act to amend the sur-- the sale of Government House. Nvt' Act Respecting Game. | veys act. > ! eral verbal offers lmd'been luilflt'. 1?.'1 Mr. Pratt moved the second reading > had not been entertained. _ The Pre-- of his bill to amend the Antario game : + iv rowing rers r makingo > ing of deer with mier's bill to give borrowing powers | a,} by making the hunting o + F M illegal He understood that it S f Governors of the uni dogs i pai. renilg i ::rsti,:e Efi%}gctom order in Council, was was an injury to the venison, and it the o'l:ject of some discussion as to was ulxs})lorFsyxjallllkc:OI "RKo. 'no" and methods, though there was unanimity | beve:ab 't'":]"s b('.lrll ()-u;vd' Its second 1bf.€XPl'\("SSi011 that the institution must rl':)(fltllxg ut the Pill pass 9 BC be generously supported. Mr. Downey's bill to amend th:; islation Introduced. municipal act was moved for its secon Nejv fogs! t. r bills were intro-- | reading and created some discussion. Mr. The following new bills T Downey would control the putting up of duced :-- o h ssess. |Poles on the streets of a municipaiity. Mr. Downey--To amend the asses Many streets were unsightly with poles, 4 ment act. and he would have the Railway and «Mr. Graham--To amend the act res-- Municipal Board decide on what streets pect joint stock companies and water poles should be put. powers. ~ ; ; Mr. Graham admitted that in some Mr. Fraser--Respecting the plugging places the streets were literally forests of natural gas and oil wells. of poles, but the act was one of such * Mr. Graham's bill enlarges the power importance that he could not agree to of municipalities to take stock in water entering upon it at this stage of the power companies which lie some distance | session. away, but from which power may be The Premier agreed that the bill open-- us ed up a large question and should be transmitted. P a ge q # The name of Hon. Mr. Hanna was | dealt with carefully. -- The--bill was re-- added to the Public Accounts Commit-- | ferred to the Municipal Committee. + If Mr. I. B." Lucas, Mr. MceNaught moved the second / tee in the place of A 4 Pas'lt. : who as Chairman of the Private Bills r?adlmg of his bill ltp amend the muni-- n o is sily engaged. crpal act. It was his proposal that no ; Committee is busily y length of possession adverse to a muni-- ; Rrevity the Soul of Wit. A cipality shall enable any person to ob-- Mr. Smyth (Algoma) submitted the | tain title to or 'retain possession of| ; jlowin uestion :-- j any land owned lry & municipality,. f0(1) lsgitqthe intention of the Govern-- The Premier pointed out that one of ment to investigate the complaints made | the clauses of the bill conflicted with the by residents of northern Ontario that |clause of the municipal act respecting large areas of unpatented lands are held | realty. What woere civic officials for if bvgs eculators who do not reside on | they would allow for ten years uninter-- the is?nd and who in other respects have : | rupted possession of a city's Property ? | t complied with the regulations under l Mr. MceNaught withdrew clause 3, re-- | ".0-';, fl? land was sold or located? (2) lS]wctin;_r the rights of squatters, and in | ;'shli(; t]we intention of the Government | its al(lllende(;l_ form the bill received its f : + ther proper | second reading. | M oee to axaniins ana Sreport 'on. The | | . Mr. Downey's bill to amend the act ; officer to o C Pn 3 nships i respecting municipal sanitaria passed its | > ds of the Crown in all townships in P N ) I""t; :n 'Onta.rio now open for settle-- |second reading and was referrel to the nortie s + § (Municipal Committee . | * y t() p y en( or that ;t mll't't]::e,:?tex;]t';? the Hon. Mr. Foy's measure creating the | hl':'.'ee:'tftz; :tl-:irlentoi;:iottlers from locat. | new judicial district of Sudbury was put | ;,né on lands not suitable for agricultural . | through committee. (-- purposes ? (3) Is it the intention of University Borrowing Powers. the Government to introduce legislation § firming the title of bona fide set-- The Premier moved the second read-- ¢f (.;) v 'n:;hbg have already obtained . their / ing of his bill to amend the university | t:::nt_s or who are residing on their | act. _ He _ explained _ that the act | & '{' is and --Haye performed the necesary | was to give the university power in | anc itle the future, without the necessity of applica-- | j improvements thereon to entitle them o s o . P tents, to minerals, if any, on the ftion being made every session,. to bor-; _to. pa * * ,