f mM P _____ a> ced w '::-W" eripgines l reiemy o9 e es k. . S o pomereenenenetinten arre is x .-'.' o ...'.... C c + ',s me . p ~ ' f Mfi TT J :')?' J 2 Y*' o43 MA CH. 1,'* 901 ., 3 ';;.{.. . e rtt 1 n of the city of Belleville. 8+ 4 | :Pmm Gl AL AID \ Mr. Fraser--Respecting the Canadian | |--¢s | 4 Niagara Power Company, by increasing §E & f the bonding privileges from $5,000,000 to i0 _ T0 UNIVERSITY, Sm i O * Mr. Jessop--Respecting the Hamilton. i . (Grimsby '& Beamsville Electric Railway | § & Company. : 4 Mr, Munro--To amend by--law 558 of ; 'Opposition Urges it Sheuld be ;,,, county of Oxford. 7 L i Mr. McDougal--To confirm by--law 338, 4 by Direct Vote. it..'"C. Sepa.rgte School Board of Trus-- tees; also respecting the city of Ottawa. i s Mr. Kerr--To confirm by--law 729 { township of Cornwall. | (POWERS OF GOVERNORS. '\m. NicCowan--Respecting the town-- ship of York. | wlz z_ _ _ Mr. Lennox--To incorporate the June-- 1P tion ',['ermin}al 11§ailway. the Aown of | --<--Obiecti j i t Mr. Smyth--Respectin e town o || fUbjection Raised to Their Hold+ ) |iysid ind use eginew Saw Co. ; * ! ing Private Meetin;s. Mr. Smith (Sault Ste. Marie)--An act [ 4 respecting the town of Sault Ste. Marie. | Wrrecentincus ces yor me nvintnbees Mr. Craig--Respecting the town of $ Mount Forest. | SGeneral Booth to be Received in the fH;;n. _\]lé Hendrie--Respecting the city t of Hamilton. ' Legislature During This Afternoons Mr. Bowyer--A bill to amend the | Session--The Premier to Act as Min-- lqu0r license act. _ At present only a | 4 o license holder or his employees are liable j ister of Lands, Forests aua Mines . ;,, penalty for selling liquor to min-- | Temporarily. ors, _ The amendment is designed to | cover all persons excepting parent, | imementrmmmmneatnansh guardian or physician. _ Another clause | makes it necessary for any club under | The University of Toronto and the Dominion charter desiring a license to i fuetpod.of financing the bifr_,r educatiorral "':"lt_'"'_mi'::tfifd fr(:)fm figfn 1"11{2:;221&}:018:;!;:_ | institution formed the subject of an in-- sioners. as at present. * _ teresting debate in the Legislature yes-- Mr. W. A. Preston, recently confirm-- i terday. _ The discussion arose over the ed in his seat by fthe ;?o:rt'k:tfhfippea;; o nnladnT ut iv or ur and! ; Premier's bill giving the Board of Gover-- ?:ai;':.pra?izt?tl:ég oi;troduced to the | ' mors power to borrow. «Mt. A. G. House by Premier Whitney and Dr.; | _ --MacKay voiced the opinion of the Oppo--' Smellie. After shaking hands with the _ sition that the support of the university _ Rveaker, the member _ took }I:'ls seat. Hn; _ should not be dependent upon the num-- :'.PS](; ]:{1"8 i he Mis ergusonxf'oy |___ber of rich men who may die in the Pro-- P o * l |__.vince throughout the year, but that: Kulss. Must be Observed. 3 _ the estimates should be brought down' ,.\Ir. Hoyle called attention to the. ' and passed upon just as was done in 'é':;?;{;{:"rth ';ipofit Ofotbe Standing |___the case isons, asy ,! e on Atanding Orders. Never | Milblic in (;ft P :l k '?lum.s am.l .othe.r | had there 'been a time when there were ' I : institutions. remier Whitney, | so many irregularities in the filing of in defending the Government's position, >| Petitions and private bills He recom-- said that the method was not practi-- ffiind;?luti'ha't p:rsor;; "':10 disregarded cable in the cas iversit EeCs ould be penalized. was oontrm-\vcrsethf th"_ un ('!'Sl'ty No he twenty--fourth report wasp:ntended , y to the sprit in which the to direct the attention of the lawyers, act was framed. An amendment was ; who were the principal delinquents, to | _ _nserted in the bill, the effect of which ' what was required of them in the way. 1 will be that Dr. Loudon. as a former | of sup plying evxdence. that the bills had | President of the university, will become | b'een properly advertised. Neither the a trustee of that institution. | Governmept. nor the House should grant To--day at 3.30 pm. (General Booth ':a fuspension of the ?ules to encourage will pay a visit to the Legislature and -- | * gerpe.tuatlon. of this sort of thing. l ~\\'iil be received in the House with the $H liel'mer Whitney approvgd of Mr, honors in keeping with so distinguished _ | ; CY,° 8 Temarks. Great laxity had ex-- ! a guest. The budget debate will be | ;fit;gd ons those WI.IO promoted private |. resumed this afternoon and promises to [ egislation. _ The object °f, the rule was |_be animated and interesting. _ The Op-- | tgat the greatest possible publicity |_ position has been giving evidences of I 18 O-u11: 'be given to ea.ch}}nece of private | | an effective organization and uniformity | }(igls tlo.n proposed. He hoped the | of purpose that is daily having a useful t ouse would stand behind the commit-- . effect on legislation. One of the private ee}i F bills introduced yesterday proposes a M C lh)Tr Reaume, in l'!.!ply to Mr. l large increase in the bonding privileges truntroh( orth Oxford), said that con-- | of the Canadian Niagara Power Com-- Ofm; s had been let for the construction pany. our normal schools to S. F. Whit-- l t ham of Brantford at the following fig-- The Premier to Act. 2535'"--1)9"'1'0"0" $53,800 ; Stratford, ; Hon. Mr,. Cochrane and several mem-- | 3302:050: Fiton $52,050, and North |. bers of his family leave to--day for a | fi"é £x4,200, _ The contractor, as for three months' trip to the Mediterranean :h i ngont gfo Work,. '.ha" not, without and Great Britain. _ During Mr. Coch-- ]pte conse)lJt of the Minister, assign, sub-- rane's absence Premier Whitney will be and or relet any portion of the work, acting Minister of Lands, Forests and Thnol)sucl'} consent had been given. Mines, | _ .06 fremier, answering Mr. McCoig, s | said that it was not the Government's * New Bills Introduced. I {)"te"flm} to introduce legislation where-- The foliowing new bills were introduc-- | y municipalities affected with smal}-- d : ; pox, or other contagious disease may Mr. Downey--Respecting the Canada , receive financial aid from the Province. e'rew Company. | Chan i Mr. Ferguson--To .authorize Thos. | ge Date of Elections. Johnson to practise as a veterinary sur | ,,\ MT: T. H. Preston's bill to amend geon. t}:e mumicipal act created some discus-- Mr. Hoyle--Respecting the Grimsby Fi0n as to the present unsuitability of Gas Company. the time at which municipal elections 'Mr. Aubin--To incorporate the South-- are held. ern Cobalt Railway Company. |_ _Mr. Graham believed that the date \r. Dunlop--Respecting the Pembroke around the new year was unsuitable Southern Railway Company. aniil should be ch.anged. f \r. Downey--Respecting the Title & | j,,"}' Preston said that the date could Trust Co. i ¢ C Cha:ngwed to early in December with-- Mr. Cowan--Respecting the town ot. g'if disturbing the financial year. The Foronto Junction. 111 l(f roposed that the nominations _,,.. Mr. Morrison--Respecting water rates should iwke place the last Monday in