SATURDAY, MARCH f6, 1i90g C °_ ""~ _ SATURDAY, MARCH 16 fe0n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '__'Ef' "; T i-'T\ }Agm:.m'{flri,- . es an m? Un im R "A 4 L Y o .. YFhey must ma ko' ' Aaito ranmst t C -- . Areotie police, mt mpesins oo q 3 \ lodus: made du particulars _ of alll 3 uOUS ie during the previous 24 ho | ts o other business may be 3 Te a 4 conjunction with the carll)'led on in B * oi d -- '| and police shall have access to the en' mises at all times. _ In ci lex jor avey ~Resoluti j 100,000 population the authorl of over| 5 ution Carried in Provincial | th* Proposed act shsjl ';):t'hcg,l;ll?.f under| ; Legislature. zl]']e- Ol:;:::'l of Police Commisaio;::eed n' 4 r cases t x T8 annt a red on the ml:nit(!;;a?lg(l:s:ct?} $ terich { W exlrmentmicatiets eaccricireateiten ils. Gevernment Ad i * & 5.mi opts Bill. JA R M * mss gk & ;{;A AMENT REDUG TION. _ The Premier said thit, so far as ) ! 8. Government 'were concerned t1 ".u""' _z olz _i 3 :i('t"lld' Qo\lsa,tisfalctor)' and \\'(!\l.lld"{)t l:ii(l' ' ited. '"Mr. 'MeNaught was c e " Government A ¢ Tod 10¢ the "&re hechad devateh to 10 k * : e h: ¢ s gk N dopts Mr. Mc-- ':' answer to Mr. Gr!:;llgmdel'lgt?d' lmllt. aught's Bill the various amen ¥ £ 10 "fid SHhAL & o | in committee, dments would be made * Fhes: Aekre A\h'. F("rtrngon i A newmizmmes t B y & . in ringo * !.ro:ululg of his bill t:]:'n':fidthlc ons Will Amend Act R i | cipal drainage ac oc o. {410 MHAMHES ' espec age act, &a 5_ ObBlect At # ors in(Ds .P ting Pawnbrok-- 'to protect drainage ;cl;',i(.,::li Ol,)l-"."t was s in Order to Give Authorities Con-- already been carried out in the exemi trol of Thi 8i | part of the Provinc ut in the eastern a rol of This Business--Must File Re-- ; Should Hi( 'rovince, in case a question i os } est arise in future as 3 ports With Police--Mr. Harcourt | of the work. "xrll:xpl(l,';;'; t\(' l.he .k".'ulnv i Goes South. _ _ second reading and Wft'rr*'l'aa fnr Muat: f ' ""pfl: (-U""llittv(', ed to thf".\lunr. 4 t t . | For Peace of the World. f s i 4 i The Premi _ _ International arbitration and a rea-- | the Hn{,:;n?::r,, c;allocl{ the attention of s s R ~£ | j _ a resoluti rans ,-yaouable X'\d.llcllull of -- armaments -- by | the Canadian Peace (;;:(tlmc[?'le-"'n'd by « concurrent international action was the 'f('l('ty. Its sentiments So- !'ltlil[,lnll q« {iwentieth century A yas inco i mntet with the : mts, so well expressed, century _ sentiment i1 hcs: | 1e approval of the (i sshape of a 1'O~0h't' j .l th | ment as well as of the O e 70\'?1"11. 'animous an solution that met with un ;l'l,'?olgt,io" is .as follows .'320""0"' The animous approval yesterday afternoon | : "Whereas it:is expected that m the Provincial Legislature. +There-- l::toglatlonal Confterence wi'lll a"l(":emmi : solution was framed by the Canadian n(;xtlm(:.edatthrhe Hague, and -it,a i:sl :x?: --Peace and Arbitration Society. The only Im"-f't Lo d'is':e:;gfortyfil-x powers -- will "other feature of the session was the | interest instead o(t]ut(:':'ll?tn:"f'! 40 tho <adoption by the Government of Mr. Mc : 1lr§t.\ Hague conference ; $1% As 4k Abe . "}4.nug'hts bill: to amend 'the act respect: ffi"°§tlr:§ }';llftret';i it is. a great and note: : ing pawnbrokers, which has been framed . | occasion on 'w] t?]ls will_be the first w{th a view to effectively regulating the l;"f the world have llltotm'tl(hna.(d} M afions i s p C ® » » DFe r q ¢ business and safeguarding the public !l("g]i(-lotf peace of their own f.v-(-(:t 'wi}? td Mr. Rich: n amirad * | slate wit re o se e 0 ""~\h f Richard Harcourt dleaves for }"elalions; h reference to their mutual " ashlngton. and points in the south to-- | "And whereas the Briti § day, and will not again oceupy his scei ; ment and House of Coy M io , bovern-- Jup; P gat [ en s P ( Commons have tak uring the present session. | "r"; docpf interest in making 'a". ak-- ; gramme of the in o2 ' ~pro-- Some Government Bills. ;twa] and use f"lt'ti)'n:x.;rgmomy,.,.mu..\ prac 1. + s are 5 e e no 1 R Mr, Whitney introduced bills respect:© !tdz-lp of humanity ; ing the wel Ing the form and interpretation of the f"nta;:igf l'r;ffi',-t}flf' c the Legislature of statut?s, also respecting the printing | three main vnoaim;lr}:!:or's e Sn Yrads and distribution of the statutes; fe-- | conduce to the peace ;'n:lmh' ;'-'Ih Taf cupe epecting fines, penalties and forfeiture ' ".'.).fl\d' ;"i"- f § weltare of the f"'hdd respecting the consolidated revenue | ence 1{;:;'] 1?5;0\1'1;:}: i\:'}: 19e 1 otote confor: und. _ The bills are a t a taiml1) | cognized Cong a permanent and re-- cuXtAGLOL, 11 of a formal i g\ :_gn;(:l'g:::im the Nations. S , § atiAn aty of obligatory arbi Act Respecting Pawnbrokers. | 1: :;;011 for the acceptance of al'i li'hedlnl:. Mr. McNaught, i i ! i4 -- T in . s & $ .ln mO\'lng the apour'd -'\ r']al' fO]- th(. ltizfimf Of,vhls- bill respecting > pawn-- | of armaments by l;:)asonah[o T("duction fiei ers, said that there should be sut-- | tional action." nenrrent " internc« icient protection to the public and th: |-- Mr. Grah the business should be / [ in 8 'aham, the Opposition le Sible in th as far as pos-- | n seconding the motion, sai t cadn.r. e hands of honest me |real 'opinic , said that his Toronto s n. n pinions about wa F ca the business had not in all | COMSidered orthodax y Piel mt ses been conducted with due regard | venture to expr . and he would not to the law. | Pawnbrok *e82T4 _ | fond; o express them for fear of of were more independent ers :}:vt licensed [ side mg_htlls military friends on I)ml- A M in the conduct | $104€° 0f the Hous 3 e« :: 'the'l}: business than second--hand de;:l- | that _ war \vot;ll(;e. ":t- ].md been said lh:, }::)li(()'ewe"'rl'l:lqderlthe supervision of ":,n:lled until the world '"':;i fb:l,l mss f '% eir places could no |ized, and the Jinty dharts Thas . .. :Carched without a warrant, and ptri\l')i(j | organized unti'lm;ll(l] e Ot""d * ere m tfgesfi now extended to the officers by > | SM®°G b"-"eprosentati!:-a yee Plabes :. O?ebt pawnbrokers would become com-- | the coming peace oonfe:eg'-"m.nmmlt' [¥ pincg, pr all eases. -- The act, Ke'sy. PSR Connies® would be fepregentod alar I {».' ned, prmllded for a license fee of not | BVY different ideas wo 'lresmt(.d' uo at::s t.han d$i.'.<)0 and not more than $500 | ed, and perhaps th.;'. "'(::';]d l'w present-- . in addition, the pawnbroke "* | work es e able to fln aatragy s pi r must | out a solution o f give satisfactory security in the sum of 'the plan of red"('tinnf t(l)nfo problem. If < , * worked out on the basis falmamepts ' | the military powe 1:. o ['Oplllat'mni hbave to be r of Britain would ; | ' reduced. If on the basi + the merchant marine t} asis of | ' protected, the United States miftarg! | power would have to be r:;(tles dml'itarvi a few gunboats : reduced to nil: w + days gone by th'm::rfi.':;:llfiiment, y * j st. m r:ere erected to bloodshed and (:'\:rn.\e;\}::s ime was arriving when th ; the monuments he _ finest memorat would be erected to com-- ing a""d?wm:r.htfle believed in har-- | by arbitration . ween nations settled ; -- o