l . ' 1.3 "li . IE,r,?rf, iii) 'iXrrytt. 20, '1 l 2...; ""T " .. a. . . " 'r-...c-sc.,v. EiliNieiigat ...- '-c-shr.r' _. 'raqter. In dense w, "Nehr" m,- i" ii lit 1907," will read mi; "new so» , J' tutu," the Ker being considered un- .~' necessary. e act aims to be tspec., IN LEGISLAT ' In one clause, for example, stress is laid on the word "treraom" which under the law shall be held to mean 'fany body, o.-------- corporate or politic, and the heirs. ex- . . ecutors, administrators or other legal Sharp Exchange on DISCUSSIOI'I 'representatives of a person to whom the . t 'context can apply according to law." of University Gran . The word "holiday" shall include sim- day. New Year's Day, Good Friday. Eas- -----------_ . ter Monday, Christmas Day. the King's I birthday. or the day fixed by proclama- BUDGET DEBATE ENDED. _ tion of the Governor-General for its cele- bration. Victoria Day. Dominion Day. -r---r----q. Labor Day. and any day appointed by proclamation of the Governor-General or . ' . the Lieutenant-Governor as a public Mr. Gurrie ' Appeal Fora Wider holiday, or for a general fast or thanks- . . ,piving. Whenever a holiday falls on Educational System Sunday the day following shall be ob. , . served. Resumes Budget Debate. More Attention Should be Paid to Com- Mr. Atkinson (North Norfolk) retrutrt- mercial and Technical Education-- ed the debate. on the budget. Taking up . . tho question of prison labor, he declared Religious Instruction In the German that prisoners should be made to work . o . . ten hours a day. but their labor should School ppositiott Members in not be allowed to ttontliet with free Legislature Make Excellent Ad- labor. Men courted short terms in prir d on because it afforded shelter and easy recess. . Work during the. winter months. They ' should be put on a prison farm and made lo work hard. The Montreal River pulp- i " . . wood contract. as made by the old Gov- A lively incident occurred during the eminent. was defended. The terms of debate on the budget in the Legislature that contract were calculated to develop yesterdav afternoon. It was precipitated Ontario, while the present. Government's by Mr. Atkinson. While expressing his £232; 1g';,,i'i/y.'i),'.r a phrn to expand the objections to the basis on which. the Touching on the matter of the Provin- funds for the university More provided, rial loan, Mr. Atkinson pointed out that the Premier interrupted to say that last tt renewal of the treasury bills should not. . . ld have been negotiated until after the close P"'""'."'" the time wine}. he ','t'dl of the, South African war. when money have gNeat prominence to " pro h . in Great Britain would have been cheap- Mr. Graham and Mr. MECKRS both or. Ho would have renewed every six rallied at once to the support of their months: for three years if n"ei"rtulr.v, in- colleaguc on the Opposition bent-lies. The gifts; ',tii1ni'i',,tC2'd.'r"vinee a. quar- latter replied that the House "f! been "" The Provincial Treasurer had said"; divided last session on the, question as TtttT' little about the Niagara Falls com- i to whether the succession duties should 'p,t'i,io,1ui'f,1"iv had been tu" bfik'v; 's, form the basis for the university grant. 1h: C,t,?/,'tdU,"ld 'lui"',',', itlioiii: :9"; ; The records of the House, as a matter or of Niagara. The conditions werei of fact, show that on May IO, 1006, the about the same to-day as they were then. 'i, House did divide on the question. Me: i Ile believed in cheap power, but if the MacKav, seconded by Mr. Auld, moved i Government could 1'if, ggt pour; a: " . " " chea l as then thou t t ey con ie on amendment that the word that m i 'i'd',',e' gay JJfd'd thgm tear away the the main resolution be omitted and the l veil. The Hamilton people had been following be substituted: "The bill be 5 toreed to increase the cost of power to not now read a third time. but, be forth- i $30 per horsepower.- indicaticilig that ate,' with recommitted to a committee ofthe.' ttel",',','.',,',,',':,','. t,'ig,rtitlty (1:31:38 'l; whole House, with instructions to amend Eomepforty 'fide or more had Niagara clause 140, first, " striking out the power beaten twice over.," Mr. Atkin- wards 'a sum equal to 50 per centum of 80.11 proceeded to charge the Government the average yearly gross Tttip? ot the 'tvii,,t,UruT,ig,rc'o1fdt,1 this" E,vv1','r,ll'2-'i, Province from succession duties' and in- railroad githout agvertisin contrarv 80"th the following: 'Sueh sums .as i to their pre-election eicpresgons. The may be appropriated by the Legislative l S "er said that he obie cte d to the Assembly on report. of the hoard, with pe th f, . d 12th U . . " the approval of the Lieutenant-Governor ":5 feign" 'd'" ma e o e tuver in Council." The amendment was lost 8 y o ron . on a vote of 12 to 61. Livel Passe est-arms- Mr. Maclday also took very strong y , . ground against the. Board of. Governors I The Premier interrupted to. say that of the university holding private meet- l last year. whey the university grant ings when dealing. With public moneys l, was being eomsidered was the time for voted for the institution. These meet- 'i, the hon. gentleman to have made his inns should be open to the press. i objections. Mr. Studholme, the Labor member,' Mr. MaeKay--The House was divided made a somewhat remarkable contribu- ', on that. question. tion to the debate. which closed at night, i The Premier replied that heretofore all the items in the main estimates be- l the Government had given both sides of tig,r, g',',',',',"),;, 1)ftu?,',Si'il',tltll"e1dr1,ti,hrt l 33.5??? in"??? 3"? T"?,,',?'",',. on yovernmeu a . . . .' - . T e we si y. e "no me contributed a thoughtful and well. l might come when the truth would have worded address on the advisability of a l to he'lmown how near the work came wider educational policy, particularly in ito being undone by members of this respect to technical and commercial 'i House. T F . educgtion, I Mr. Graham said that the position Mr. Preston (Brant) complained of the taken by the Opposition last, year was delay in bringing down the report of the l that they were opposed to having the 'investigation into the management of grants te the university ear-marked. the Institute for the Blind at Brantford. Mr. ll hitney--They are not ear-mark- The Minister of Education replied that ed. the same commissioner had conducted the. Mr. Graham replied that he had op- investigation into the .management of posed as strongly as he could the sug- the institution at Belleville, and that this , gestion that the succession duties should accounted for the delay. be mixed up in any way with the uni- The House went into committee on varsity. Mr. my; bill respecting the. form and Jr.tys Premkr--/the hon. gentleman may interpretation of the statuties. The, divide the House on the question it he measure is of a highly technical char-t wants to, but I suspect lie won't. . Ah-s "8lIlIllitti---,= I