The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 26 Mar 1907, p. 1

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_ MED. ArttiaGt2maaT.' _ . yo "l' '" " IMrMEF' " .. © .,,'. - Crt',? PT' _ Tr, y'3TVf? J. ',Trtrrrvr 1 i" V , Ir". 'T "4.1, 'tir"" I. ' _ , , l '"rl'5 'r'l'l,5rt,"'1T'i'4 . 'C. 'll?.'..?.,?,,, ""' " 'Gils i'LTiUca' "" pg, T _ ___ _ _.' " r,, rotary said tint hem M' . I r l 'd I _r, Hi"? , _.' . V , er _"ii"ireGGGili'il7i'G -i'iiiiiTi' "firiF'iiiiiitiruii ' 1904 and 1005, there were 18 - L 'h' till. I l: J, t l for the 'll'J,'f: to appoint... a ','d',t11t';! tintycitPtituttd by the License 111% . . to, act as Speaker for the day. Ttr, l of South Renfrew against the hotelkeape' . IN LEGISLATURE morrow if the Speaker should not be: 'T' of Amprior. There were sixteen fPft' 'i I resent it would be necessary for the , notions, and the f1nee, imposed were $310. 'd, ll' , l For the corres riding period of 1905-00; 7 case to again appoint a Speaker. Gttl , po . . . WM...» ' the third day. or after two days, ab. [there were seven prosecutions and six " hence of the. Speaker. the duty of the convictions, them"? amounting t'dl2r ' Words of Appreciation For Hon. House would be to elect some member . ti'or the -certat11en11?.'.5, peril-"1 of d tw l" " to act during the balance of the Ber there: y.ere three pt or"'" ions on o J. W. tit. John. lien. Re then moved seconded b H ,. [ eonvietioms, the fines imposed being te: . Mr. ray, that in the "siiiiiiiiiii.' b T on. l Mr. McNaught introduced a bin i ._, ..---_- r-.---.- hble to be present vi. [J S 332%": 3amending the act respecting inyeetmente "Sneaker for this day". . -'. e [by trustees by "11161112" this? powers _ ."tr' , oiswi- oancom- OCCASION WAS UN l QUE. Mr. Sydere having no the motion 'isom.ewut " to dep s which. of course, carried, Mr. Gra- éponies. m-.--------. i, "u -....._ V- _-w.. ham 1yie,fl.v. addressed the" House. his ' . ----- ""' - - . . " s'l'.'J,1'tf, be]?! in the nature of an up. 0918 We re creme. on behalf of the on. l' DEisE Mr. Thomas Crawford, MA'.P., ponition. foSpeaker St. John, and iii ALGDMA BAILWA 8 v' May Rule Pro Tem. hom, that his recovery would he specdv. ------r--_ . Mr. Duff then took the chair. read t a. AN BE ttr. --=.- the praycra. and the House -iGiieiii"iii lSUGGEaT BOND GUAR I to business. . l STEAD OF LAND GRANT. . . . l ._.___.__.___. Interesting Features to Monday After- Completed Legislation. l . . - . . i . . . .Deputation Waited on the Government n on Session-Mistake in Proclam- ,Th" following bills were read . t ' . o, . . lime _ R bud ; Yesterday in Respect to the Matter anon Jlcspecting Incorporation ot Pspeeting the town of Searovth--yrr. 1 --Would Extend Road to Connect Cobait--lWr. l S. Duff Elected "gm"- ti th t i With the Transcontinental Line. iesmye ll] g" I . r T Speaker for the Day. R. . lui f. (:Hunt ville & Lake of l v--.------.--------- I "it, in gas; 2mrity-ir,e.r,: A'IRh'i'RfT- I The Algoma Central Railway is asking W _ _--. '_----t. " a In htrrent. ivcr , . . - (P1y'rreipau.v---.1tr. Smyth. Ethat the (yo-veinrnent take baclc the The aesvion of the Logialaturc yesior- l /tylr.muy: tax sale, in the towmchip "and. grant T.""' Jo the road at itts In. d - tho, 2l not -srrdrrioto1l .roenntr-d l0t ,Etolucolgc, ' Eccpiion, and m lieu thereof guarantee ~3.'- , f'--" , . f t, TI ."- 1ho If P'speotitig unrs. penalties and for. :the bonds to the extent of $25,000 a .. a r ' a . . . . from. my" J {infra} hm" . ! futures. mile, for the road and extensions to con- T ." . " . . 140 ' . rf . . _ . , . . - rs? dtiinc {farm "in Ill',', t 1."/ t"! (,'.l',i,I l Bill Reaper mg UniverSity. ineat. with the Transcontinental Railway. . ~. '.I Mle. V. "le 'on- . ',., . . . - l V t"?ll1". it," :9" o to l I (l, 'i. I for. f A bill of purely formal character re. "Hie line is now built Iron) the boo to- lcm of ti""in's,'.a temporary "pef tor lfPPMINE tho linivcrsity of Toronto was guards Michipicoten Harbor, for a dis- _ the balancc ot the smsmn. On one [Introduced by the Premier. It, provides stance of about ninety miles, and is grad- previous Wyagiun tr. spoakpr had been lforihc appointment of an arbitrator or loll for almost all the rest oi the 110, I replaced during his obscure from the "i,,',),'.),",",,','.'"::.',?-, t." "PM" th." official arhi. inriles to Michipicourii. it is from there . . Th fort nate , Talon who in this case is an interested .thnt the road would be constructed to llouse :0]. tttIP (tail. 064:2"); "hon" ': party. ictrnnect with the main lint: of the C.P. ' ' tlrpums. mm" on "S c , . i T ' JI t ' . t l ttwcert Dalton and White V , o In x. a a pom Je . _ even make it apparent, that the tem i . corporate Neustadt. lltivcr, and thence continue to the [runs-- ' "MW niau-x' will be of loncow dur. l n" lrcmior asked that. the rules be li-ontincntul Raiiwav. It. would also: 'portiry' Otto l C.' g lens ended tt . . . ' i _ " - w i" ' . 3 a tim 'the rocedure i'ollowcd was '_', P o .ry'vPit the introduction of rennet-t with the proyos'err t. N. R. line 5 l a ' l l i P " if Wo t Simcoe was i " bill J.? provide for the incorporation of through that section. twenty-two i' ithat Mr. '".' b" l ' "5 k~~ f .' the l le. village of Neustadt, Grey county. 'lllllesol the road, tiorn Mirrhiieoten Hat-.3 on resolution, chosen "P9" ") ol,'. J i This bill failed to get. before the Ntand, ' lior to the famous Hclcn in ll mines. are Flay. A similar proeeeding will "if?" ' ing Orders 1'ommittoo owing to the Met also completed. '. lou'cd to-day, and Min forty-eight, l: that 'tvirlpnrv, of puhlieation of tho notice . Tho road is one of the auxiliary plans ' hours a speaker Will he sclccted tor the I hail not [won given. it had been moor. ';ot' the Clergue enteyrni.wr, m the troo. balance of tho scasnon. ll H under- ltamod that tho hill had boon advertised 2 The land grant was voted in an act) stood that the Government. have asked l it), the local tt"wsipaprat"3, and that it tho lpiissed in 1000, and consisted of 7,400! Mr. Thomas Crawford. M.P.P. tor g('h:iiriii:in had known of this tho bill acres amile. The time for fimehing thei West Toronto. to act as Speaker during l would have boon admittod. The villa c line ox0ired in Mav. 1.900, and was ex-:. - " I g p .. _ . . ' the absence of Hon. J. W.: st.. John. sihnd almost tho statutory population,' tended to May of this year. As it is? Mr. Crawford himself is ill with la gum! there. was pride-lice that Noustadt impossible that it could be completed in? .grippe and hill not be out of the house I 'rye be msnsiderwhl.r inconvenienced if that time, those interested want a fur-i for a day or two. If he should bo lib" bill were not admitted. thor extension, as well as the guarantee . prose-iii. today or tomorrow he will be (lToo Much t l . asked. . . . i. clceted and will not as Speaker until i - ofoba t . A deputation consisting of Messrs. El prnrogution. Tho acting Spcaker to g" A stscoml timp the 1'Joy".otkts) that ' .ll. Clergue, W. H. Hearst, Sault Ste. E portnd that ho had tveoived the offieial lb"; ',ill',t, h'.' suspended to iiitrndllce a [ Marie; Wilson Smith, Montreal, and,! rollirn for the hye-olvction in Carleton. I I rtspecting the town of Cobalt. By ' Colonel On'iss, New h."ork, waited on the [ announcing the olection of Mr. ll. H. isome 'ltrttlyr'i.i/e,t . explained. a Government to-day in respect to the: McFYro.x, who succeeds the late Cl. N. "£1012 f ',frili,'/,,r) 1t.1ihiee,,tt.k,',1t into matter. .1119." were accompanied by] Kidd. Hon. H. P. Graham sccurcd in- (l'l',','dtwlld, l'PUll'latt C/di,", "1'51an if" llcssrs. ya!laet, Nesbitt. K.C., C. Bu formation from tho Provincial rieeretstrT I l _ .' _ i ' f.', Ioome tttts a on m Smith, w. R. timyth, 1.CP.P., R. ii.'l . " . w tl . l ti ist atio t fho ithe. filing of plans which wore snhsc» Gamay M.P.P.. E. Dunlop M It P f,'"""'"."'-' .10 at n "Yi' .ra I l ft I ittuently includod in the proclamation in d j".' D ff V , ." . '.". "l liccnsc law in Avnrrvior. shown" a rc- '.. . . _ . an, . " , M.P.P. Consideration l connection , . . . " . vith tho in: oi poratnm of the was romued innrkalilc "wrong" m .tho numbcr ot ltrivrn. The parties interested had been p ' . l""."'"".'"."". and fitus imposed. n de. lendcavoring. in conjunction with the of- \'clopmi during; tho afternoon that tho I flee of the Provim'inl Socretai'v. to so? if pronlamanimi incorporating the Mum of i this mistake could not he rm-tilicd hr the I ohalt. look in n great amount ot ter. issuo of another proclamation. After a ritory h." 'lllft"k°-_ and tho .l'rcmicr :cortsiiderable time had elapsed it was t"Tlis to 'tt.ify .tltis h." ijto introduc- .fmind that. tliurc was very great doubt _ tion .ot a hill whitult """i. given its ftrfi) indeed whether the Provincial 'reeretary's tv4dinsz. Among the Vtiittorg to this 'ioffice could with legal effect issue an- llmisc wcrc Deputy Attorney-General , other proclamation. and in the meantinw. , Wood of Alberta and Hon. Senator P. ' through no fault of theirs. tho people of i Roy of Edmonton. i, Cobalt interested were shut out from the i . S eaker For the Dav. Standing Orders Committee. , ,4 A p . . Hon. Mr. Montoith's bill to amend the l When the members had taken their agricultural societies act was read a l mils Mr. Sydcre. (levk of the Asrsem. second time. f lily. announced that tho Speaker was _,' about; oping to illness, and a member To Extend Good Roads. of the House "Wild have to be elected On the suggestion. of Hon. Dr. Reaume, _ to so"? "ulna plat-c. . . Mr. Lennox withdrew his bill to amend The Premier, alter a eulogistic refer. the act for the improvement of highways , ('nt't' to the Speaker and an expression . by extending its provisions to towns and of regret. at his illness, said that a villages. At present only townships are similar cinrumstance had occurred only {eligible The Minister stated that the once since confederation, when Mr. T. Government had this matter under con- j Ballantyne. Speaker from 1891 to 1894, 'iteration, and the idea might be found . . , had been taken ill. Mr. Baxter was embodied in the consolidation of the . elected to acts and did so for one day, not Which was now in progress. Mr. Bdlantyne decorating and resum- p," . ' " ing his duties the next day. It would ecutions Decreased. . . _ M' l {he noes-saw. the Premier proceeded, un- n reply to Mr. Graham. the I' roTintitl 6'" l '. "

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