1il8lt, my: "DAY... , ARCH 28. "'r%Itr, Ti"' "t 'T I. F , h I my" , A. s" . l "rin C '?M F, IP.! A [ _ - d... -'LrrlT-C-L',-,e-, .._- , ----.' - -r , l ~' " i " fill; '." l El , l TEE w-rri"iniiiiiia1s1r' farther. 'i"aiitii7iii6ii" that omn' ll l I I l I ill! a. p, " "if" . l i if the :unpalld t,ptg",'dit,t' tret') ' _ _ 1.7:. 1*" the loan " no o e f y [ e at er T . ",-'." /' 14lllfil EXTENDED should not up..." Pl.'] . COMMITTEES noomnrmon ci'. 1 's.' i I Mr. Graham complimented Mr. Dun- " IO LEGISLATION. _ 5 l' . V lop on his grasp aof thi b',":"',.','"",',)',";,'.,'; ' ', J .' . ----------" lion. and desire to now i t e. bill ',' 1 te would have tk tendency tty incroase the Truancy het Should be Strengthened "l, advertiment Consent to Carry rates. F2156?!" sorle'ielties made much of and a Number of Other Reforms' , _ . their ro s tong npses. F - . l ' it Six Months. Hour.) Mr. Foy thought it dangerous to :retAdvocated Labor 1n Shops od _ Interiire with the contracts of the oom- ac ones. -------------. panics. ----_--. Tho bill was referred to the Legall The report; of the Legislature's trpe- MUN'C' PAL DEBENTURES. Committee. I dial committee on child labor was pre- Mr. Mohair)! moved the steeond read- ing of his bill to amend the public] genbyd to the Rouge yesterday aiternonn, -.----------". schools act.f The ylp'gi,1i:lt' for the l by Hon. Mr. Monteith, Chairman of the: . collection o arroars o so ool taxes in it, . . . F Particulars Must be Given in unorganized territory. Hon. 'lr. Pyne ( 'io,r:i,tle,4,'ir,s, It will be Jir:"d'n,t,'r't1 that N . . intimated that the Government would t? mm * was appom _ as t ty re- otice of Bitte. 1oonsidor incorporating tho amendment guli; of tb motion m respect to child l in the proposed education bill. labor brought hoiore the House. try Mr. 'Berlin to Get Its Railway. , 'I'. a. Preston (Brant). The ttont-',. The Legislature to Take a Vacation l Tho llouso wont into committee on a 'tt:t:1 i'),e',',:r.to7, (if m'."'tlngf at, . . ' bill res ioctin tho town of Borliu.which W c _ e an (more 0 ac my inspeetors,l Over Easter-Considerable Routine C',1lhl",'illCi'i' 'tli, town to take omr the' police and educational officials and mo»: Business Trangacted at Yesterday's istroot railway on payniont into court| diical practitioners was taken at some: Semi of tho arbitrators" award of $753100. Mr. 1 h Whe th rt; 1ai , on. .'lmcknor moved on amoudinont, Wlllt'll' engt . .n e repo was id on carried. that the amount to bo paid. the. table yesterday Mr. Preston briefly _-_--.------.----.- ___ ' m'cl' lw 9575.200. loss 3430.000, tho amount. l drew attention to some. astonishing facts lot tho bonds. loavinr tho umoiiiit toI , . . q . On motion of tho Proniior tho Logiw bc paid to tho oouipniiy at. prosontl brmlglib all"; during Elle Inquiry m m lature, after the trausaetion oi consul. 13:45.20". Tho ainondinont had incl. with spect t t o truancy aw: whieh seemed orablo bttaineusi. mostlv routine. nd- 1 't,'.' approval ofI the dimmpitm parties, ' fc,":,"'],': the strengltihenlng offthat law. . . _ I. .. . .._ . r. .iicm Minnie ' illlt "he can ere was an euro ment, o 397000 journod until ll 'nlm'sday. April 3. [ho l riod. 0n tho Ithird roiiding of tho hill school children in the Province b t. h short vacation will be most wolcoino to , Ptrlin will tako ,ossossion ft r. g . t u t e ' . l l t fiht sireet attendance v r3. ed l 58 I members on both silica of tho llouso. Lriiilway. ' Ot th 950' ate gt on ynd .per cent. who have found tho work in.tht conimit- :7 Bring Municipalities to Time. ed villages Il')))';",',);':",)'))';,";:'-;,!:;)) tees, to say nothing of that in tho Cham- l A motion of the l'romior's. which mot. to appoint truancy officers and makes ber, during the lost row wool" oxcop- inith instant, approval on the part of truancy returns only 76 had sent in such tionally trying. It, will also cnablo the l thi; f'lr'sti,t,l,"nr)t',"r,rt,1i' pros-tics tl'iilittho repoi'ts. allfllhif': "79;: 'Ill repoTrltis from . ,' _ . . , _ tul 0% u t o .ogiiniix'o _.' "'"tm"l.1' w rum mumeapa 1ues a . e colt- members of the l m moment to dos ote . mnendod, so that in futuro the applicn- solidated school at Guelph had an aver- some time to the otnuideratiott of "V" l tion of a municipality for ii hill giving age attendance of 90per cent. oral measuros which have been stand- ,' authority to issue dehouturec, or for tho The report, which reviews the evidence ing for that purpose. Tho dopnrtniontal l consolidation of its dobt shall. set out, at some length. makes the following m- offices at the buildinsc, will he closed ifull particulars of tho drifting deht, oorIm.tndations:---: . . __. l".""' . . . land rciiqons. it al,,o provides that, Uniform age of fourteen years for from to-night until "WNW" molmng. ovory private hill of such character shall, shops, factorios and truancy acts. Hon. Mr. Matheson. replying to Mr. 'nttcr receiving its first reading. ho ro- Consolidation of factories and shops Graham, said the supplementary osti- [ttl. to the Ontario .llailway and act. and extension of operation to laun- mates would be down next week, and Municipal Board for their report. dries and {ill other places in which work in support of the motion the Premier for wagos is done. that the proof of tho annual report " iFiiid that it was of greatest importance Provision for inspection of hotels, con- the Temiskaming & Northern Ontario (that tho danger which now axis-toil in cert halls, ete., with respect to employ- Kailway Commission had gone back to Ino mild degree a: to ill-adviaod logislir ment of child labor. the printers, and the report would be liion getting through tho House should Incrcaise of_stali' of inspectors. out shortly. 1 ho corroded. lie hood pot. he said. Munieipa,lities should be compelled to; ggivo instarwes where municipal "orpor- enforce the truancy laws or else the! Soo Loan Guarantee Extended. l ntions made debts contrary to the law. Government should take the rt'SponsibiH Hon. Mr. Matheson announced that Ile' could give. many. Therefore the ity on its own shoulders. ', the Government have consented to a. re, ltlm'ornmont had dooided to take tho No child to be Employed who does newal for six months from April 1 next l9"? .yoposed. Mr. 'lraltam,.1h.ought not possess certificate rom inspector or of the guarantee of the outstanding At' idea tt good and a prrnt'iiol. _ono. principal of school, or some other offker 81,000.000 of the "tloo loan." as it is IN] were. aware that ny"T. nytn.it'ir.HI- appointed by the. yhyl board for the popularly called. The guarantee given ';iiies, had reached their limit, 'll fhe purpose. that he IS. fourteen years of hr the former Administration on behalf way of yyymenh and were coming to age, In sound physieal condition and oi the great industries of the Lake y'm- .!.ihe Togmlatiiro fo '""".T' qattotion of wb16.to read and write. Attendance perior Corporation at the 800 was for "SW" of dolseni.urrs "'{Hmlll the oon- at night school may be substituted in 'iP.?,O00,000. On May I, 1900, the (lovcru- 2 Root of ratepayers. The plan would i some curses for attendance at day school ment, were relieved of 8l,000,000 of the l be ot great aamntrtnoe to ill? mom-i of applicant of hycral age. 'guarantee, and for the balance the Gow , lutrs of the House without faking "was" . .Legislatiy to 1n.cRt1'e. more mmplete CGiri/ii' agreed to a'ronewiil until No- the .pre.roga!i.y,os of the Ayemlol' m returns of births. m as to assist tracing rombor I. ln October, however. on tho glimmering hills 1rfuth/ beinre them. of nges._ . request of the Canadian Improvement 'Aund another flood thing to oonmioiid I No child under sixteen to be employedi Company, which has charge of the re- it. concluded lir. f-rnlmin. saniilingly.1 for more then 60 hours per week or orvanizdtion of the corporation. another , .H. will 'Itthe Railway Board smne- l eleven hours pyyy' one day, or between six0 months' extension was given. Jug"! to do. . . '; Htl Pl". and 6.30 mm. In making the announcement of the n..." number of bill, worn ciilviincoduni Children undcrlwolve years of use latest extension llllll. Mr. Mathew" ""'IT/y."/ii',r w ' H .'.. i Should be prohibited from working In said the Canadian improvement Com. tr,',', I tliajl'li:0\ii'll nidi'e' tllrznilm'i'lg no- l canning factories. Children underfoll-f pany had been ondoavoring, to make an tuattret' that his (/ii2t,',s' IP d pose i, teen should Itoi., be employed at aigh.tt arrangement by which the Government .liave not introduced in. the "a" vrRers i The season during which this communal would be relieved of the giutrontee, This. "mam", mg eeiin the sT,lliiiJ',to'",','; "l',T'i 'ct.", he made. to be from June 15 tsri owing to the state of the money market. loform 'Te g & . J _ 0 aw l 0 . 1 Instead of June 1 to Nov. l. thev had been unable to do. home the l . . .Orders m Council to be passed do extrnsiom to which all tho other inter. l . - T l 511318151118 dangerous occupations to air ested parties had agreed. i, dren, w.hich has not yet been done. Hon. Dr. Pyne introduced a hill to} at Burning of elevators aad driving of amend the Department of Education not. I delivery organs by bays under sixteen Thie is intended to put into offer-t that to be forbid en, increased grants to public and separate i, Children under eighteen not to be rural schools. l employed in,h.resreries or bottling wallet Keep Life Policies in Force. i t','ooaunder sixteen J'etbrt5 where "it!" " Mr. Dunlop moved the second reading l Attention should be given to our min- of his bill to amend the. Ontario insiir- r ing laws to see that conditions more" anco act. The act, he explained, provid- i, ing employment of child labor are on], ed that in case a premium is not paid , those that; there is necessity for. and when due, the company shall borrow that proper provision is made for-W from the cash surrender value of the:l tion. ':' policy to keep it in force. At .prtteet l A Provincial law should be paged the. law allows an extension of thirty governing street trades, such as new days in which time the premium mag be l boys, etc. Provinion should be 'ttlt,