-B-lt-B-"""e-""""-"'"""-'""'""'"""'T'--"-'-" _ .479 480 THE GLOBE, TORONTO, 'SATURDAY, APRIL , 1907. Th Government/s bill respecting mmndmnnt fixo., the door season from; 6 ' . . . l d tiisherit.-., Nov. .3 to Lm. the moose and caribou sea- ' "game, fur-bearing amma s an ... win south of the main line of the C. P.l, of Ontario," introduced by Hon. Ih. fl. Nov. r, to 20. and north of that line; Resume. was the subject of discussion from OH. 21 to Nov. 20. Tho, other'; a.. " . ' " . s of Open sens-on: are as follows i--4rotmtyi, throu.hout almost the "it"? seal Cl', g phr"awsutlts, prairie fowl, partridge. wond- ; I.?'.' Legislature yesterday the C,'ll'2' t,rtrislc. Sept. 15 to Dee. 15; .qua.il. wild: l'riday 593510" BInce the House open y turkeys. him-k and grey squirrels. 5mg? Great interest has been manifested in . I t ".01": I ' :'Vakn' ""Id 'd7i'f; i"i't.ti, 1i" t J. " _ bv lo . pr: 30 ; the 9: am ot ier water ow. _ the manure. as was "may P'."""'" . Sept. 1 to Doc. 3l ; snipe, rail and plover. 3 the wide range of the discussion. It 501W 1 to Dee. 31; capercailze, Sept. i had been intended to take up Hon. Dr. 215 in Doe. 15; harec, Oct. 1 to Dec, 31. i" Pyue's bill to amend the public schools . The Shooting of Deer. i T" . . ' . "ti l act, but shortly. attend o'elock Wt I Mr. Mackay urged that the deer sea-' the mamo bill still unfinished, the llousv all" should be. as in the present act. "djtturuod until Monday afternoon Thy , JsGnvmluans l to' IG. Georgian Bay dis- discussiml and voting were on nyrpoll-ii, [riot hunters often found themselves tical lines: and on. a number of o.ecl" 1 iiw-lumnd by November 15, and had dif- sion, Labmet 1liIist.ors voted against; imulty in getting back to their homes. one another, as did altso members of the '; Mr. Hillier ex rossed the. same view. . . 1 p Opposition. '; lion. Mr. Matheson agreed with these , . . round. , news. Messrs. Mahaffy and Tudhope Butler's PP' G 't "f i favored the change to November 5 to lIona-Mr. troy 1rro1uueteh,'tn 'til' C,.',',',',!, _ '.10, and Iron. Dr. Reaume said the thr pyutrve.u0n of but u S " at???" majority of the sportsmen and others ground It 'ieyigt,',"'1hialt.te. Ni "1;: who ha'd attended the meetings of the ',yWowfy"1 the WIMP, IC aria l raga . 5 Fish and Game Committee, at which the Falls Park Commission to expropriato', ,. ' . . . I,. . bill was disnnssed. wanted the change. the burying ground named. an higtorie, The amended elauge was ado ted spot. and the highway leadirur thereto.; M. " " . q p" . . _ v, . m r. Tudhope moved an amendment to be preserved for the public. T l . _ 7 , . to the clause regarding the number of remains of Colonel Butler and a num . . - a . , . F . . deer whieh mav be shot, that in the ber ot the soldiers the sened "use" him Case of both single hunters and hunting lynx]: '11:}; days of Upper Cana a Tvert parties the number should be limited t . L to one for each man, and not two, as Game and Fish aw. l at present. This was defeated by a. The House went into committee on' vote of fifteen to eleven. Hon. Ih.'. Reaumo's bill respecting gamcii Automatic Gun Must Go. fur-bearing animals and fisheries of Orr a . . . . 3 tario. I ft the -tsect13ns Ir,',',"'??,'),),',,", the user 3 a Grah: sk d if an thin had 0 1e au oma to gun ere, was. some , he"? do'i'/yi1iy1'rd'/J,P/ to a ,gpmfd ext discussion as to whether it should go tension oi tho area held exclusively b: into effect at once or u a date. to be the Tadonae Game Club in Freeman (i,)'"');,',: there wefre .many such guns t . shi . in e possessnon 0 private arties and n"Ellie Il'li'mnier answered that, the exten. _ some in stock in the stores].) and these sion had not been granted. The mat- would be a loss. Mr. Calder moved tor would stand until the Minister ot thatlth: clause 1tct,ae,l,p,',i,'; but this Lands. Forest, and Mines returned. was as. i r. 4 (Gang 'moved that Th.- former Government had granted tho clause do not go into effect for flve the club a very large area on both years. and this was also defeated. Mr. sides or Tadenac Bay as well as the Gamay then moved that the operation "if f h 1 d it t Ofdthe clause badet'erredi for two years. . r. .'ra am uiVlPtsit0o I was no on once more 1e amen ment was beat, thel policy of tl,t.t,1,it.yi,ry'"nt to give en. (1J"t'g1tpotit,o-er-hp,,t/,i,,h,op: with the .siten grams or ex muons. remar F a ose aving true guns The Premier remarked that that was should have a, chance "to unload them," olrnut vi:ilit. moved that the prohibition be delaved one year. This. the final amendment The Open Seflsom- . to tte.elauy, was also defeated. the pm. In. immune introduced an am- . vote being mxteeen to eighteen, and the ointment to a section of the new bill clause was adonted. which gave a clear month as the ogen W--